Stop Working Longer Hours. Do This Instead.

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it's fair to say that for the average person you could spend the next seven days working non-stop and still not get everything done so what's the solution it's not working harder or doing more in less time most people's answer to the problem of having too much to do is to work harder and faster or just spend more time at work but being more efficient is not the game Cher the answer is being more effective being efficient is being able to write 100 emails in an hour but being effective is realizing that you only needed to write 15 emails I was in a workshop once and I posed a question to some senior managers I asked if you could only spend 2 hours a day at work what would you do every single one of them said they would coach their people and spend time on strategy well later in the same Workshop I asked them what isn't getting the attention it needs every single one of them said I don't spend enough time coaching my people or working on strategy being effective is about knowing the things that really make a difference to your outcomes whether that's at work in your relationships or your personal goals and prioritizing those things the first step in optimizing your day is answering the question what makes you most valuable and then being relentless about doing those things daily [Music]
Channel: Performance Lab
Views: 19
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uze9R0xD0t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 23sec (83 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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