Stop Wasting Your CHAIN LUBE! Know the BEST Way to Apply It!

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[Music] hey everybody Josh here with another video response to your amazing questions uh and this one actually is going to cover how and where to put the drip Lube onto the chain uh there's a ton of mixed messages out there some of that's even ours uh because we've learned over the years how to do it the right way and so what we're going to cover today is the perfect way to apply a drip chain lube according to science uh if you go all the way back to the beginning of the super secret launch uh remember Co hey everybody Josh from Sila here uh with an exciting announcement from our quarantine uh driveway and that is uh Josh's super secret chain lube now this is a product we've been working on for a that whole thing The Masks all that uh that was launched in my driveway because well we were shut down here downtown and we I took all that stuff to my house and we were bottling in the garage and just hoping that somebody would buy something and keep the business alive during Co and you did so thank you huge thanks for that but here is the launch video in my driveway and here is me so let's take a look at how to apply it to the chain so you want to apply it to a clean dry chain uh like we have here and the key is you want to apply it at the bottom of the chain on top of of the links here at the bottom on top of the links here at the bottom so we're going to open the bottle like this yeah showing you to put it at the bottom of the on the top of the bottom span of the chain right before it goes onto the chain ring now why was I doing that the honest uh the honest answer there is because that's how everyone else showed how to do it so I think Me growing up in the sport uh all the the pro mechanics I've worked with over the years pretty much everybody applies chain loop right at this same spot in the same way and uh when we really started to push on the Y of it we found that the Y was like talking to any good you know three-year-old because no one could tell me why this was the place to put it on and so you guys know me you know how my brain works that was not a good enough answer but particularly with uh the emulsified wax lubricants like super secret so you guys remember super secret according to zero friction cycling the first wax lubricant ever to fully penetrate the chain on initial application now how did that happen well we developed some really kind of cool little bit magical um emulsification technology that this is sort of an Emulsion slash suspension Ultra Ultra tiny like micro scale um Micron scale I should say particles suspended in water with tiny bit of alcohol to speed evaporation and one of the problems with a lubricant that's essentially in a water-based carrier like this is that when you apply it to the bottom span of the chain as we showed you to do um if you're using a higher-end chain that has a special coating on it it's typically going to want to run right through and you know I see this in the comments a lot on our products we get a lot of these questions through our inbox uh I've seen other you know people on YouTube trying to apply it and they say ah it just wants to run right through the chain on to the ground and of course the reason for that is high-end chains have a hydrophobic coating on them in most cases it's a hydrophobic coating that is oleophilic right so hates water loves oil so if you think about it of course a water-based uh lubricant carrier is going to want to just run right through and off of that chain if it has one of these hydrophobic Coatings really got to thinking about well should we apply it you know up here on the Chain ring or or back on the cassette and so we ran a bunch of experiments here and initially we were trying to use weight as a proxy for you know how much lubricant would be held inside the chain um and we found that a couple of the techniques could get you pretty close to there so we go to the test lab and we realize that we really can see some subtle but present variation uh in the quality of a wax drip lubricant like this depending on where you apply it much more so here than with an oil with an oilbased Lube like a synergetic because it's typically an oleophilic coating and the oil has a high viscosity it wants to stay put if it's in the chain somewhere eventually through the running of the drivetrain the articulations of the chain links are going to get that spread you know through 100% of the inside of the chain with a chain coating product like this you know and I would put up there uh you know ceramic speed uh UFO is in a similar boat the true tension tungsten you know really high quality wax Emulsion products they all need to dry and so if they aren't fully uh distributed and dispersed throughout all of the inner surfaces of the chain before they dry um you can have some some dry spots and so you really want to ensure that you are getting maximum penetration and maximum surface coating and the place that we found in our testing that was by far the best was right here uh before the chain hits the top uh Cog or the top of the cassette so what's the thought process here and I've got my little dinos scope uh Dooly microscope set up so I can show you exactly what's happening but if you look at the chain from the back when you're cross-chaining it as I am here I'm not fully cross chained I'm a a cog down but let's look at this you just as a a photo right you see the chain takes this sort of uh you know chicane this sort of s shape and if you think about what what's happening in the chain the chain on the Cog is straight to itself and the chain in the top span here is straight to itself but to make that bend the chain has to articulate laterally uh through this Bend and it's the sharpest it's going to be here because you have Flex in the derailer cage uh at this end um and then the flex here is actually helping align it with the bottom of the ring in front and so you're having the least lateral articulation up here a small amount at the here and then a slightly bigger amount as it hits the the rear Cog why that's important is that that shift uh lateral articulation in the chain acts like a little pump and it also does one other thing that if you so it's kind of almost a pump between the side plates you're opening and then closing and then opening and then closing the wedge between the side plates but more importantly the inner plates which are the actual Journal surfaces that the pin of the chain ride on they uh articulate laterally and they open up their own wedges between their inner surfaces and the pin itself and so that's really hard uh to show you know we've got here's a good CAD image of what's Happening inside the chain and here's what it theoretically looks like articulated I I have to admit I actually took a couple of chains and I tried to grind them uh so I could show this and I just I just couldn't get a good uh a good grind grind on it to to make it work I probably need a wire EDM or something but which I don't have so we're not going to do that for this video but you get the idea from this CAD model that when it articulates those surfaces which theoretically are line contact uh those open up and become Point contact and then they close and then they actually articulate in the other direction opening up uh that line contact to be a point on the other side and so you do get this little sort of wedge pumping action and I I brought the dinos scope out here cuz really wanted to show you all kind of what that that looks like in in real time and so I'm going take my super secret uh which we've pre- shaken remember all these uh emulsification or emulsified suspended uh wax based lubricants they need to be shaken really well so okay and what I'm going to do here so I'm going to go ahead and start recording my screen and so I've got my dinos scope on this is a little section of uh Shan 12-speed duras XTR chain and it has been completely stripped and is clean and dry and so you'll see what it looks like here you can see here's me kind of touching it and you can see the wedges that I'm talking about see as I articulated this wedge opens and then if you articulate it the other way the wedge opens what you can't see here are those inner journals opening like this but you can imagine the the exact same effect is happening inside the chain under that roller but to show you how powerful this is what I'm going to do I'm going to scoot this chain kind of out of the way open my lubricant here and I'm going to put a drop of the lube onto the paper and so you see my little drop of lube here um is sitting you can see it's got you know good service tension against this Post-It note that I'm using and it's it's stood up nice and Tall I'm going to put the chain right on top of it and then show you how the pump works will actually pull the lubricant up into the chain is pretty cool so let's check this out so there's my lube I'm going to set it right on top and you can see it starting to capillary into the bottom of the chain and look how it capillar around and now watch what happens as I pump look at that it's actually pumping from the bottom up into the top of the chain and so what we're doing here when we're we're placing it on right before it articulates laterally and what what you'll see is if the chain is completely uh clean and dry and it's got one of these hydrophobic Coatings it's going to run want to run straight through and the pumping action is going to open these wedges for it to to get in and then the Cog is actually going to help hold it on the bottom side for a second or two um so that it doesn't drip through and that actually is going to really work in our favor that once you've gone through a time or two there's actually a thin coating on the Cog um of the cassette here and it's going to actually help distribute it through the rest of the chain but it's really in the moment it's just keeping it from dripping through onto the garage floor um that pumping action is going to Pump It Up in and then look we're articulating uh rotationally around the pin here we're articulating again here rotationally here here and here for coming off so you're using the pump to Wick the lubricant into the chain and then you're articulating it around the PIN to help distribute that more evenly through the chain and that is why when we use this method of applying here right before it goes on um we see that we can typically get one to 2/10 of a gram uh more lubricant into the chain and that doesn't sound like a whole lot when you think there's you know somewhere on the order of typically 5 G um of lubricant is all that's necessary for the entire chain uh if it's lubricated purely on the inside so you know five grams we're improving that by call it 1 to 2/10 that's not bad but we are really improving that distribution uh within the chain and we're improving that distribution of the higher volume of liquid uh you know you think if you're applying it here some is running through you're getting minor articulations up there and then by the time you're really getting the max maximum pumping action back here um anything that could have been lost or come off it it's probably come off and so chances are you might be getting that little bit of pumping articulating action but now you're doing it on a lesser volume of lubricant that's inside the chain and so that is why we say right here is the place proven by science to be the best to lubricate your chain now I'm sure you're at home wondering well what if I use synergetic or another oil-based chain lube is it the the same and the answer is 100% yes uh you know these all have viscosities higher than water some like are you know syy uh a good bit higher than water and they eventually will work themselves around but this really is just the most efficient fastest way to do it and I think you'll find in your own uh you know applying of lubricants on your your personal drivetrain you actually use less doing it this way you know because none of it is dripping through and off onto the ground so anything that would have dripped through gets held onto that cassette Cog and then redistributed uh to other links or other parts of the chain and it really will give you a good indication of you know you basically do one drop per link all the way around and when you're done you're done I'll give you my last secret here for uh using this or any technique with the SOA super secret uh or any uh Emulsion type chain coating that dries is if you want the absolute quietest possible ride what you do is do all of your lubricating up here in this spot and then quickly run it through the entire cassette all the way bottom to top and that will give you just a very thin uh you almost can't even see it coating of the wax lubricant on the cogs and man does that make the whole system super super quiet uh but it does it without adding any additional lubricant to the system you're really just Distributing what was on the one Cog across the others and so it'll keep you from having any know excess buildup or any excess Lube uh like you might get if you were to say just put a ton of this stuff on to try to you know make it even quieter than it normally would be uh but it just that'll give you I would say in my experience really 100 kilometers of absolutely just Prine silence uh as you're riding so there you go apply it here uh run it through let it dry uh 8 to 24 hours is ideal for hours Ceramics spe really almost any of them uh yeah and enjoy if what questions you have uh let me know drop them in below please like subscribe share us with your friends uh that really helps it really helps thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: SILCA Velo
Views: 94,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cycling, silca, josh poertner, chain lubrication, drip wax, Super Secret Chain Coating Drip Lube, fietsry, Cyclisme, veloderoute, wielersport, pagbibisikleta, rennrad, fahrrad, Ciclismo, サイクリング, 사이클링, sykling, kolarstwo, cyklistický, cykling, велоспорт, how to, chain lube, bike maintenance, bike tech, wet lube, bike chain, cycling technique, wet lube bike chain, science, innovation, silca wax, drip wax lube, bike repair, chain waxing, bicycle chain, e bike, road cycling, gravel bikes
Id: Vot15ro-fcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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