Stop the Fitnah Save the Community | Tahir Wyatt 2018

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[Music] foreign uh the title of this conference has stopped the fitness and i'm actually i'm i'm humbled to uh to be here today there's a lot of history in this room and i know a lot of you may not recognize that history but for me to be here uh speaking in front of some of you all is humbling in reality um i was asked to speak here today because this is a segment in our community that is being criticized verbally attacked for going to certain messages or teaching in those messages or otherwise attending those messages with the claim with the claim that this particular message not this one that we're in but the message that they are going to is not a celebrity message or that the people who go to that message or the people who run that message they mix with the people of innovation they don't follow the scholars or whatever such claims and this is viewed as a fitna by some people that needs to be addressed and i think that it's important that we recognize what the word fitness means and then we look back and we say is this in reality a fitnah or not i think it may not need to be addressed but is it is it a reality a fitness fit enough from a linguistic perspective it means to be tested with something right says in the quran [Music] we will test you we will give you a fitness from both that which is that which is good and that which is evil so we shouldn't look at just the times when we're struggling or we're going through something that that is the only fitness even the good that comes the progress that may come is a fitnah will you be thankful to allah for that if you're not thankful for the good times you fail the fitness you failed that test just as those who are not patient with the difficult times have also failed that test and so if we look at what is happening today and and i apologize for the brothers that may uh have come from different places and don't deal exactly with what's happening here in the city of brotherly love that lacks a lot of that um but what would be argued by some people is that this in reality it's not really a fitna in fact though it exists in cyberspace it's not really a trial all you have to do is stop trying to be accepted by other people and once your heart is content with that relationship with the loss of hannah with tyler then the rest becomes easy it's not really a fitness in that sense so they don't accept you into their circle or they speak about you negatively does that affect your ability to earn a living does that affect your ability to worship allah to make heights to give zakat to pray no what does it affect it hurts your feelings and so they would argue for many of these people that fitness is what you are subjected to and you don't have any control over there's there's too much that that's outside of your hand that undue hardship so what our brothers and sisters in syria are dealing with that's fitness that's written for a man to have to be subject to watching his wife be raped that's fit me there's nothing you can do about it except for be killed that's fitting the a masjid splitting and you have no control over that you know because that's there's some ego problems amongst the leadership but whatever that that's fitting for regular people because they can't do anything about it for a muslim school to be closed that you had your child in and so your child knows nothing but those islamic values and those nothing but muslim companions and then that school gets closed and you have no other option but to put your child in a public school that's fitting because these are things that was somebody talking about you mallahi i mean have we gotten that sensitive and when did that happen to the point that we can't tolerate the fact that somebody says something about me or that somebody says something about the message that i go to to the point that it has affected someone that they're going to speak about me because i go to that message and all it sounds like middle school honestly so what is happening with a particular group who are using i'm going to say advanced bullying tactics um because i i inside of myself i just don't think that some of them came up with this by themselves i think that this has been a tool that's been used to split our community and we know that there are entities out there that don't want to see islam grow but these tactics that are being used it's simply a matter of embracing the fact that you're not going to be accepted by everybody and perhaps that does cause some people some inner turmoil maybe that's a fitna for some people that they won't be accepted by others that i recognize that but maybe that's not a bad figment maybe this is allah subhanahu wa ta'ala showing you where your heart is so that you will turn to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for strength and not be attached to his creation and i want you to i really want you to internalize that point this may not be a bad signal maybe this is what some people need for them to truly turn to allah and not have their hearts attached to the creation because what happens for so many of us and this is rampant now with the social media culture is that we have this inflated self-worth to the point that we take pictures of our food who cares and we we track our lives so that everybody who are you so that everybody else supposed to care about what you do and how you did it such that and this is where the fitness comes in when you're not getting as many likes as you used to get or as many views or somebody comments negatively get destroyed inside and this is a fitness and so maybe this happens so that elizabeth and he is showing you to come back to him and so because of this fitness that people have they request these type of lectures to hopefully find an answer to their problems but many times the problem is inside of you it's not going to come from someone else it requires some self-rectification the minute that you're comfortable in your own skin and the minute that you push yourself to pray in the last third of the night for all of you to fitting into fitness and fitness how many are standing up in the last third of the night and praying as our prophet [Music] [Music] to make when he would begin his night prayer oh allah the lord of judge and who is jibril it's the angel that brought the lahi revelation which brings life to the heart or mekail and the lord of micaiah who brings the rain which brings life to your body what is in that horn and brings life after death the resurrection all of this focusing on on your life oh allah the rub of jubilation the one who originated the heavens and the earth the one who is all knowledgeable of that which is unseen in that which is seen which has been different over regarding the truth by your permission indeed you guide when you will to the straight path so we can what i'm saying here is that rectifying your relationship with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is first and foremost the way to stop the fitna first and foremost is that you rectified that situation with the laws of counter and it is at that point that you'll be free and you'll be liberated from the chains of your own horror from the chains of your own desire to be accepted by men because that is an idol that desire to be accepted by men is an idol that lies within the heart and it has to be broken and this is tohit and i you know because many of us every three seconds somebody's looking at it keep that you know for for many of us uh the lessons of taheed stopped at not worshiping a tree not worshipping a rock not worshiping a bush and and the reality is is that as al hasan al-basri rahim said son of moon is the dinar and the dear him those gold and silver but money wealth wealth is an idol if people put the precedent if people give preference to wealth over allah and so the the point here is that the desire to be accepted by people is an item don't think that is restricted to what some may view as the external worship of other than allah somebody bowing to other than allah prostrating to other than allah making toward around a grave or something like that which still exists this still exists in that issue but we shouldn't think that is restricted today in fact said in one of the most important books written about the concept of ibada and servitude the book known as i think it's been translated three different translations into the in english and i think that the i think that it's called servitude to allah or something like that but anyway that the the assassin that the that the base of all ship the root of all ship is being attached to other than allah that is the root of the the point here being what is that when we are attached to allah when we are truly his slaves then that's when we become liberated and many of you have heard the statement of imam and it's an important statement i've mentioned it in other lectures but i think we again that these are concepts that we need to internalize before we you know move forward into looking at some of the the details uh he says with an album that from the greatest virtues of tohit that is it frees it liberates the slave meaning the person the muslim who actualizes this it liberates him from servitude and bondage to the creation what ta'ala be him and being attached to them will hopefully him in him and fearing them and hoping in them and doing things to please them and this is real honor in the pinnacle of dignity that a person is a slave of allah and even he says here and i again i just want you to be patient because i don't think that these kind of talks we can just open going straight into the top of this fit and this one said that about that one and without first laying some groundwork to what this really means in the large scope of things because it's time that we mature as a community it's time that we recognize that the little stuff that we fight about is really nothing in the grand scheme of things and what's really happening and not to forget where we are and not to forget that we constitute less than two percent of the population of this country that we live in and that our contribution to society as a whole is viewed as negligible by other than us and therefore eliminating them is not really a big deal and we need to be conscious of where we are and what's really happening to get back to ibm rahim allah says about the idols of the heart and the fact that we need to break those idols the same way that the idols of the kaaba were broken there has to be another way it's open we're going in and out it's closed we're going in and out amen either we switch over this way no no you have to switch to focus because it's uh fight he says your desires are polar opposites until he and following your desires of polar opposites because desires are an idol your desire is an idol and every person has in his heart an idol to the extent that he has desires that his desires that go against for the lies will has command allah [Music] and allah has sent his messengers to destroy the idols to break the idols and to worship him alone wales [Music] and it is not allah's intent that the idols that are just set that is that they have a form a physical form are destroyed while leaving the idols in the heart untouched so to sum that point up we need to recognize first and foremost what fitna really is and then put this in the large scale of things and then ask ourselves is this really fitness or is it that i want to be accepted and if it's the latter you got to get rid of that you have to get rid of that desire because it's an item and you have to break them in order that you be a real hawaii to worship allah subhanahu wa ta'ala worship him alone that being said our messenger has informed us that there is going to be great difference in his homeland and this is part of his part of the deal of his prophecy part of the evidence that he was a prophet sallallahu alaihi himself so we know from the hadith and who said that the messenger of the son gave them a moving speech one day and they said oh message of allah it's like this is a farewell speech so give us some advice so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam gave them some advice and from that advice was indeed those of you who live amongst me those who live from this ummah from amongst you all i need to prophesy [Music] leave them talking about the fact that there's going to be different he taught them the way to handle that differing and what we're supposed to do when we see that different and so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says he and the sunnah of the rightly guided khalifas will come after but though this may seem like it's simple like in other words it's simple and we can just say yeah we're following the sunnah and that's what's going but we find so many people that that's not really the reality of what they're doing because you can listen to lecture after lecture and class after class and what you'll hear is the sheikh said and the shape went on to say the shakes and the shape one on his head not allah azzawajal said his messenger was suddenly saying this is the way that these texts have been interpreted by the companions of the messenger of allah they are salah and the tabitha and those who follow them that's not what we're hearing and so there is a deficiency in truly sticking to the sunnah of the prophet isaiah in these differences in fact it could be considered to be one of the root problems of this difference is that we don't really know what evidence is and i don't again you know we don't want to go too deep into because these where we how we got to where we are today didn't happen overnight it's not going to be solved in one talk but hopefully there'll be enough you know points that you can take to ask yourself the questions that you need to ask yourself moving forward you know so if we look at many of the claims that are made those claims are not talking about against certain people masjids organizations or otherwise they're not built on solid evidence and that's because many of those who are making the claims simply either don't know or pretend not to know what constitutes evidence in this land and that is because of a lack of study of usually and again i don't want to go into a lot of a lot of detail but just so that we understand it's what they translate as source methodology it covers three broad branches and i do want you to walk away understanding this because a lot of times all we don't really understand like anybody here is there anyone here who's an engineer anybody there are different branches of math right i mean if somebody says that they are a that they studied meth well does that mean arithmetic and they stopped does it mean algebra trigonometry geometry calculus i mean where did where did you go with that study in the various branches of it right similarly if you study any any profession or any not professional leader work or any science or any subject there are branches to that subject right so unsolar field is a branch of islam that has to be studied by anybody who wants to interpret text and so it covers three main branches the first is answering the question what is evidence what is evidence like i'm going to ask you all what's evidence in islam what constitutes evidence i listen um there's a rhyme to the reason because a lot of times like i said what you hear is people say well this is the this is the son of eminence because ebony mubarak said because he man malik did because this one did that and that makes it a slant fight i don't want you to deal with the heat for right now i'm not talking about the the heat of the room i'm talking deal with the heat what's this what's evidence you've been muslim yeah go ahead okay so this brother says that evidence in islam is allah said his messenger said in the sahaba say okay anybody else yes okay so it's it's a law says his messenger says and it is the consensus of the salaf of this ummah the pious predecessor is not if anybody else anybody else want to take a stab at what the deal is yeah muslim how do you know how do you know how to practice your need okay i'm not gonna answer that question except to say that that is correct that is part of evidence the quran sunnah of the prophet and the consensus of the scholars as far as we'll call a sahaba too ladies and gentlemen like like he may have said he said that the sahaba said not the sahabi said because imam is shafiri who actually made that statement we'll call it sahaba to lisa that that knowledge is allah said his messenger said the sahaba said imam ashafi himself rahimahullah did not view any one statement of the sahabi of the any one sahabi to be evidence in islam imam ahmed mahimala took a different opinion of that but the point here is that the study of usual fit does what first and foremost like i said it covers three branches the first is defining evidence you you can't go i know many of you uh have been in a courtroom before for one reason or another no i'm not saying in a bad way maybe maybe you were supporting somebody like have you ever heard of inadmissible evidence oh now we all know everything myself okay perfect inadmissible evidence why either it was tainted was collected the wrong way something went wrong with it where it cannot be used as evidence in that court or somebody might say something strike that because it's not evidence in the first place it doesn't serve that person they think they have a thorough case i'm gonna sue you for everything you got okay let's see how that works out for you and they don't have enough evidence to prove their point evidence is important whenever you're trying to prove a point so the same thing in islam but you have to be able to identify what that evidence is otherwise you may be building your whole case on something and it's not evidence he said whiny why is he inquiry oh i saw him in a picture with so-and-so and so really i also have a picture with obama that makes me what a kafir i mean at the end of the day like really what does that even mean that that's evidence no so from an islamic standpoint we have to take a step back and say okay this study is very important what constitutes evidence is for example an anomalous reading of the quran considered to be evidence can it be used because you know there's various modes of recitation various people act some of them are what are known as shad can that be used for tafsir is a hadith that is evidence in this land what if there's nothing else what if there's no other text on that particular point should we use a hadith that is over ps or not should we use a hadith that's over the statement of a sahabi or not do we consider the anvil of islam medina their actions and their customs and their norms after the prophets of light or something do we consider that to be evidence or not man malik did but imam ahmad didn't you understand what is evidence in islam and and i'm not saying that every single one of you has to study that but what i am saying is that the people who make claims have to know that and they have to be able to present that the the second branch of busula philly is okay it's from isti family to manhattan once you have identified whatever this is how do you extract rulings from that evidence what are the broad principles that are used to extract rulings from evidence so for example somebody recognizes that the hadith of the prophet is evidence sunnah is evidence in his name and then they say that the prophet is prayed more than 11 rockeyes for the night break okay so we've identified that soon as evidence and now we have a specific piece of evidence how do we extract the ruling from that someone may come now and based on that hadith will say therefore it is haram to pray more than 11 rakats and anybody that prays more than eleven rackets for the night prayer until we or otherwise has been out pump the brakes slow down are there other hadith on the same subject because part of doing what part of extracting those rulings is that you combine between the evidences that you look at all of the evidences and then you extract bullies we'll get beyond that the third branch the third branch of usual and the last the third and last branch is everything related to the one who extracts the evidence from the rulings and that person is generally called a mufti person is generally called a mufti so everything related to the mufti and fetwa and the mustafi that is the one who asked the question and took lead that is to follow without knowing the evidence all of that comes under the subject of rasool unfortunately as a people we have not been taught that and allah wa ta'ala knows best but as the arabs say that will do shade language the one who does not have cannot give and so that could be because the people who sit in front of you do not have and so they can't give it to you and it could be because they don't want you to know that because if you know you're going to question and knowledge has been used historically and contemporary contemporary times as a tool of oppression i need to be in control of you i don't want you to i don't want you to get to my level i lose control i can't control the cylinder box anymore i don't stand out anymore so i can't get more than one wife because there's nothing that's particularly uh outstanding about me anymore motives are many but keeping people ignorant systematically is not from islam and we have to search for and seek to be uplifted through knowledge and through those people who will teach us the need of allah so that we can make intelligent decisions so that we can worship allah subhanahu which island better and so that we're able to answer those questions when we're asked by a loss of howard's island to hereafter because it's nothing you're going to say or do except that you will be asked by lungs for hell time so when it comes to the topic at hand and we talk about the fitna if you will that currently exists boycotting other muslims abandoning muslims and not mixing with certain people and backbiting them etc claiming that it is permissible then a lot of times often there really is no evidence there really is no evidence for the position that has been taken other than the sheikh said and the shake went on to say and even then a lot of times it's some general you know issue that one of the mache is dealing with and not even specific to that particular person or organization or and even if it was then just like any other issue a person who has the ability to look at evidence is going to ask the what is the and i'm not saying that they're going to you know do it in a disrespectful way but they're going to want to know what the evidence is for that statement that is being made or that position that's being taken just like you would if it was a issue related to salado as a cat or anything else so what is the evidence that has led you to to this particular conclusion and a no doubt a layman i need somebody who has studied those details understand they can accept the fatwa of a mufti without evidence they can do that but does that mean that everybody else also has to accept that that's why that everybody else if they don't accept that fetch with that they stand in front of the lost parents out as being sinful because that's what you're saying if you said you have to accept that statement that if that person does not accept that statement and they stand in front of elijah they're sinful i mean really we have to start thinking about what we're saying and not just keep repeating these slopes and so again what we have is not enough emphasis on the quran in the sunnah and this particular notion that we are you know so called because what they're going to say is no this is the manager of the seller it needs its own series it needs its own series of lectures or classes to clearly define what it means when you say that something is in fact the methodology of the sun and that's why i think that what that brother said back there was so important when he said in the itch map of the sun the consensus of the cellar because this is where many of the problems stem from that you have you know these people who will take one statement or one position that was made by a tabby or one of the early scholars of islam and then that becomes the whole minhat or the whole methodology of the sullivan that that's not correct so what we find is that they'll say that this person is a deviant that that person is a deviant and by extension anybody that associates with this one or that one is also not clear and so you can't mix with him and then if you do then you also have problems and issues those are never defined by the way he has issues [Music] but but you see how it goes to the point that anybody who disagrees with their particular opinion about somebody then that person also is not only suspect but he also becomes a demon and so what what happens is and this became a phenomenon after the death of some of the larger contemporary or the the major contemporary scholars like sheikh bin baz sheikh al-bani sheikh was they mean yeah it became a lot more prevalent but it was even becoming in the late 90s it started becoming an issue that people were using the term salivia to create their own group not as a means of interpreting text which is what we're talking about when we talk about a holistic methodology towards this lens is that we have text but like with any other text that serves as your basis for your legal system for your doctrine for your beliefs texts have to be interpreted and so interpreting them in light of the way that they were interpreted by the salaf which is a broad term that you know means the sahaba and italian and those who follow their way instead of that no we created or a separate group was created that had its own you know its own set of scholars that if if you didn't venerate them and revere them if you said that one of them could possibly make a mistake huh as if they were messengers of allah and so that existed and i once i want you to listen to what sheikh means but we know died 18 years ago but he still addressed the reality of of this that some people were using celavia to form their own history to form their own party so let us listen michelle [Music] all right so it's it's about to get tricky this is about to get tricky here okay here we go so shake me on him oh love to allah was asked and just bear with me it's three minutes long uh okay they say you have to be smarter than your technology all right so shaking they made our hemologic he was asked we would like to know what celavia as a methodology entails is it okay to ascribe to it should we rebuke those who do not ascribe to it or those who do not call themselves salafi or something similar to them understand the question okay so the question is saying what is it okay to call yourself celebrity what is celibia what is this as a methodology he says and then he went on to say right right so he says that salafia is following the methodology of the prophet himself and his sahaba because they are the ones who salah they are the ones who preceded us right because select means to proceed so they are the ones who preceded us and came before us therefore following them following them in their way is salafiyah [Music] taking salafia as a specific methodology whereby a person uses it to distinguish himself or to distinguish his group and then declares anyone any other muslim with whom he differs as being a deviant even though that person may have the truth with him and thus he trusts he he treats salafia as a history methodology is what he says as a partisan methodology in hisby that word his is the same just think democrats and republicans right you have parties and they don't get along simply because they're democrats and republicans shut the government down so that people get mad with the republicans we shut the government down so people get mad at it just because they they're in this party they're going to stand together right so he says and they treat salafia as a hisby methodology then this without a doubt is contrary to salafia [Music] i need another course okay together an agreement and harmony based on the book of allah and the sunnah of his messenger sallallahu alaihi wasabi [Music] they did not declare those who differed with them based on tat wheel that is interpretation though that may be a faulty interpretation they did not consider this person to be a debate now how does that look and i really think that we need to understand that because there are other people that the minute that you differ with them they consider you to be a deviant [Music] he says except for the issues because they viewed that the one who differs with them in afrida and they viewed this person to be astray now the shea is actually going to clarify that even further as he as he goes on we got two minutes left [Music] like fifth and they were a lot more lenient regarding things he then said however some who follow salafia in our time that is they claim that they are celebrities in our time and this is what they mean in the late 90s saying this he says they declare anyone who disagrees with them to be a deviant even though the truth might be with him some of them have taken salafia as a history methodology like the methodology of other groups that have described themselves to islam and this is blamework it's and he says it should be said to them look at the men of the salaf look at their tolerance when it comes to issues and which people different with them though those issues may be issues of hd hack and when they and when the scholars use that term issues of http that they're talking about are those issues which there is not a definitive evidence pointing to one direction or another and so when there's no definitive evidence like if there's it's not there's no if there is an ayah or there's a hadith of the prophet but there are other hadith which may be interpreted differently then that can be considered to be an area of ishiha and so they didn't consider each other to be deviant because of that because of them now to pause for a second what is a lot of this fitness about what is it what is it about it's about so-and-so oh he shares a platform with this person you hear this turned out uh he he mixes with these type of people as if these particular issues are not issues of isthiak as if there's the the definitive evidence that says that you can't go to that machine and call those people to the sunnah you can't teach the sunnah in that masjid because their imam you know for example may be a person of bid out which is another issue that requires a lot of questions before we get there that the point is that these are not clear cut and dry when it relates to specifics and so sheikh they mean is saying that we need to really look back we really look at what the manhattan of the seller was as it relates to their tolerance especially in issues that there was valid uh isht had [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] husband foreign [Music] foreign even different in some major issues and some of those issues were even theological issues did the prophets allah see his lord that is an islamic male hajj or not what is it that is weighed on your piano is it the scrolls is it the person himself is it uh is it his deeds that are weight right these are issues that are theological they are after the but they different now they did not differ in their approach and that's something that's important to understand that menage was not different what they deemed to be evidence was not different but the interpretation of some of that evidence they did different he said that they differed in may in a lot of issues whether it was related to marriage inheritance laws and so forth okay he says and despite this they did not declare one another to be deviant they didn't declare each other to be deviant because of that he says so salafia if you're talking about you're referring to a specific history with distinguishing features and they declare others who disagree with them to be deviant that they have nothing at all to do with salafi this is what he said it's not my words he then says salafia is following the celebi methodology with regards to alpeda and speech and actions and in heart and harmony and the mutual love and compassion that they share for one another as our messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam said the example of the believers in their mutual love mercy and sympathy for one another is like that of a body when any limb aches when any part of the body aches the rest of the body reacts with sleeplessness and fever if you have a toothache that's right there this little part of your body that's right there and that aches you can't go to sleep you your whole body gets a fever this is the example of the believers when part of them are facing difficulty this is the reaction of the rest of the believers and so we see here that ended what he said with a hadith from the sunnah of the prophet because when we differ we need to go back to the sunnah of our messenger but we need to adhere to it and so i am going to read as we conclude just so that we can look at how the muslims are supposed to be behaving with one another because somewhere we lost the plot somewhere down the line somewhere we started frowning at other muslims when we see them because i don't know what he's on i don't know where he's on so i'm not i'm not gonna i'm not gonna smile at him yet maybe i don't give him slams because i saw him giving cilan to somebody who i don't give silence to i'm going to put pressure on this brother to divorce his wife for his wife to divorce him because she's celebrating he's not she shouldn't be in the house with him no this stuff is real and i you know i don't i don't like to mention specifics but i think this time because some people think this stuff is exaggerated people think this is an exaggeration it was a situation that was it was going around social media about a brother whose wife would not sleep in the same room with him because he wouldn't declare a specific person to be a mutant now mind you these are laymen these are not people who studied islam they went overseas and no for two years for two years she would not sleep with him some of his children would not give him snacks why because he wouldn't declare a certain person to be an innovator now mind you declaring somebody to be an innovator you need to be qualified for that there's a certain system of qualification before you just do that so i remember when it was circulating in social media and i was like that sounds like a stretch to me so brother reached out to me and he said we need some of the scholars to deal with this because i know who the person is and i and this brother that reached out to me he's a student of knowledge he graduated from the college of hadith in medina and i know him very well and i was like you sure you know the person directly i was like you weren't forwarding me something and he said no i know the person directed i said subhanallah so i called up danny i i'll just put it like this i called up some of them they said no that's not even real they said it's not real they said that's something that was made up by so-and-so and jordan so that his followers could shine a bad light on some of the scholars here in saudi arabia okay i'll take it whatever you say i'm backing off of that issue because i just didn't want to get involved anymore told the brother listen i called some of the meshed this is what they said i'm not that's as much as i can do i believe you there's nothing else we can do so one day it was a friday and i was walking to the prophet's message and i get a phone call 11 o'clock in the morning says you remember that situation about a year ago where the woman wouldn't stay in the same room with a husband for a year so yeah he said their daughter paid for them to make omar so that they could sit with some of the people of knowledge and rectify the situation for two years now they're here in medina can't you do any the brother wasn't a medina anymore he graduated he was gone says there anything you can do for them anything you can do and at that point i was like and allah they're actually here so there's no way you can say it's not real anymore right so i called up one of the machines and i said listen i have a very important situation he was one of the ones i called from before and so i couldn't tell him what it was about because he would be like nah it's not real so i said um listen i have a very very important situation it is as close to life and death as i can think of when in the scheme of things i really need to see i said okay can i come back after after jim i said no come come by at the hospital so we can have more time so okay i'm doing that didn't tell him anybody was coming with came with the brother and his wife and their daughter and we sat with the sheikh for two hours and the sheikh couldn't believe it when he first heard it he did not believe that it was where i had another brother that was translated from the english to the arabic just so it wouldn't all be on me that wasn't some story that i made up and the woman was there admitting to the fact that for two years she would not sleep with her husband and this brother was patient for two years for his kids all because he wouldn't declare somebody to be an innovator you see what now that's fit that's real fit and so subhanallah again you know the the shane did a very nice uh talk about that particular topic a lot of it was private the part that was not private we recorded the part that was not private the shane gave his permission to record it uh so that it could serve as a proof later on down the line that night the next night so the his advice to them was to start a new page get their own hotel room and to make things right the next day the brother called and he said he said some words that that that stayed with until today he said it was he said when we left when we left that day it was like a magic spell had been lifted like somebody was affected by magic and the spell was lifted and all i could think of was the statement of the prophet indeed from speech is magic she was mesmerized by somebody's speech to the point that it became like a spell and then she believed that her husband was a deviant because he wouldn't declare somebody else to be an innovator [Music] i don't know how he got to that topic i had no intention of talking about that but the issue the issue is the importance of how we deal with other muslims how we deal with other muslims because all of these things that we're talking about yet still talking about a muslim at the end of the day that you're supposed to be dealing so we're going to look at some of the hadith of the prophet all of you know the statement of allah if what the believers are but brothers our messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam said as it comes and this was going on with that this is one of the last speeches that the prophet didn't selected was saddam gate i'm not stopping saying i'm not stopping we can delay that therefore that's what you came [Music] what's supposed to happen go back to his sunnah stick to the sunnah of the prophets of the lord he was telling the son of the righteous the prophets allah saying here that your blood that is your lives and your wealth and your honor are sacred to one another your honor our sacred to one another light the sanctity of this place that we are in on this day and this month and this ten what what what is more holy than mecca what is morse yeah the month of it's a sacred monk on that day the prophet saws said that is the sanctity that is the sacredness of your your blood and your wealth and your honor you can't just defame another muslim and think it's okay it's not okay it's not okay the rule is no defaming a muslim backbiting a muslim is when there's a necessity that's an exception to the rule it's not the rule we talk we are taught the opposite you just talk about everybody until you know what he's on would that even mean anyway sahih muslim the authority of abu hurayrah by the allah the enemy he said that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says [Music] he does not wrong him or oppress him he does not forsake him what does that mean you don't forsake him does that mean not to forsake a muslim huh [Music] and he does not belittle another muslim you don't look down on other muslims that's arrogance it's arrogance that's equality that a believer should never have you have more knowledge than you look down you have more wealth you have status you have no a muslim this is where it stems from and he pointed to his chest three times it is enough to be considered evil that a muslim belittles his blood his wealth in his eye like i'm not stopping i'm not stopped i'm not just letting you know we're going to just stick with calling on some lights and lighting we're selling for the next few minutes the prophet sallam said you just heard this mentioned by me that the example of the believers in their mutual love and compassion and sympathy for one another is like that of the bible bukhari and muslim have also narrated of the authority of that the prophet you should know that the that the believer to another believer is like a building one part supports the others and there's some direction the prophet saw he went like this with his fingers to show you this is the way that the believers are our messenger muslim the authority of abu bakr all the allah if the prophet salallahu [Music] until you have mutual love for one another until you have mutual love for the rest of the believers should i not point you to something that if you do it you will love one another spread the salams amongst each other how do we get to a point where we believe that the rule is you don't give salams until you know when he's on where did that come from because it clearly is not coming from the messengers of the lord it was and that's not to negate the fact that yes the prophet is in his companion has boycotted three of the campaigns that happened that didn't happen because of the fact that they stayed behind in the battle of taboo that that happened and that sets precedence for the muslims as a whole to abandon some of the muslims when there is a an expected benefit that was similar to the situation that the prophet saw in his companions went but again that's not the rule you see because what happens is we have broad speech from the prophet saws those are the rules and then we have incidents that happen to show us how to behave in certain situations those become the [Music] dua that you make for your brother when he's not around is answered how many of us make do i have our brothers really or is it that do you you know and this is for everybody to just kind of take a step back do you make as much do i for your brothers as you speak about them as you backbite them it's not a difficult question what do you do more back bite other muslims or make dua for [Music] there is an angel that angel that has been appointed to him says and me he says and me and for you is something similar but you may you have that which is like party and muslim narrate on the authority of ibn uma all the allah and who that the prophet saw whoever is in serving the needs of his brother that elizabeth will serve his needs muslim and of some of the difficulty that he's dealing with allah will relieve one of his difficulties allah will conceal his faults on yom kiyama on the day of resurrection i mean i can keep going on home because i because there's a this is the sunnah of our prophet ideas this is how we are supposed to be dealing with each other as muslims but instead we've taken the exceptions to the rules and we made them the rules and then the rules get thrown out the window and so [Music] to uh to wrap it up to wrap it up it's getting late and and murphy still has it has a tall alum style uh in spite of this clear evidence in spite of that you know people are ready to boycott at the drop of a dime warn against or revive their brothers in this land for the most feeble of claims and i'm just going to deal with one of them because it's the one that uh you know every every other you know every year or so they come up with a new slogan and so the slogan for this year is he mixes with the people of vida he shared well that was from before he shares a platform with the sufis and the tech theories and the and so this is the type of this is the new way that you know they found to to you know warn against people if you will and i just want to show how this is is thrown out there without real thought and so when someone says just just follow follow the pattern real quick and then we'll wrap it up yourself it won't take long give me that but someone says that this person you can't take from him you shouldn't go to that master why because he misses with the people of vidal it's like we have a lot of you need to unpack that statement unpack that it's like he mixes with the people of veda who declared those people that he's mixing with to be people of bidad you your friend your who was it exactly that declared that particular person that particular group to be from islam and is that person who made that ruling qualified to make the ruling even if it is your shaykh what did he base his ruling on is it something you came and stacked to death and said so and so says a b c and d and the sheikh made a ruling based off of what you said or does in fact actually have his own way of knowing does the shake speak english for example you heard what the person said no see because these things are important to understand how did that ruling get made and if it was made by you so and so are you qualified to make that ruling and whatever it is do you have for that ruling is the evidence sufficient to make the claim as we talked about or is it inadmissible are there other qualified people who agree with that or and do in fact people disagree you understand all of that needs to be really understood before we just say so-and-so mixes with the people of vida that's just that one point that you've declared that person to be from the people uh the next question what is meant by mixing here what exactly do you mean by that they right you saw him at a wedding together somebody snapped a photo and they put it up he said ah see i knew it i know what he mixes with the people of vida or was it a seminar that they attended together and they spoke at different times or an academic institution that employs them both for example or a masjid that employs them both or a school for example that employs the vote or if that's the case that yeshe works at an institution where he believes that other people that work at that institution i look at that and he still works there he still gets his brain and butter from there and that's okay but if somebody here does it then it's not okay daddy what what standard are we using what standard are we using to declare that that is mixing and that is not missing you might be a chaplain at a at a prison and so you you muslim chaplain have to provide space for the worshipers of satan so that they can worship satan you got to provide that space as a chaplain but yeah you can go out you criticize other people for mixing with alabama what what standard are we using in okay next what evidence do you have and we talked about evidence for a while what evidence can you produce that once we say okay in reality this person is mixing whatever that means and that that person is in fact from ahmedabad what evidence do you have to support your claim that it is impermissible for him under the circumstances to mix with allah under those circumstances because again these are not you know cookie cutter you don't have cookie cutter answers or responses for this stuff same thing goes for sharing the platform and that that terminology that's used does that mean that you were happy to be on the same flyer with somebody or that you spoke at a place and then the person after you after came after you spoke a week later and they happen to put you on a website together something like that now you know they consider this to be sharing a platform so many times these questions are not considered not to mention answer they're not even considered and if they were considered they wouldn't in general have answers to them and so you have these empty slogans that go around and people bite on it because they get scared they bite on it because they're scared why because there's a deficiency in tolhee honestly because they want to be accepted by men and that is an idol again that has to be broken we look back and we have to recognize and this is in conclusion michelle that these issues that we're talking about are bigger than the people who are dealing with them and that's just the reality they're bigger than me and there are issues that go back to what this deen revolves around it is the rule of the sharia as a sid he says in his maximums of islam his messenger they do not command us to do anything except that it's its benefit is either pure or it is overwhelmingly beneficial and that they don't prohibit anything except that it's detriment is either pure or over where that thing is overwhelmingly detrimental and to put it in the form of poetry as acidity [Music] what definitely and pushing away detriments and to know that and this is why and this is why the reason why i put this up to know that a person has to have and it's about a specific situation to be able to say for example somebody might come up and say is it permissible for me to put my child in public school you can't answer that question without knowing more about that person what public schools are you talking about what city are we talking about there's some public schools in some cities where 60 of the children are muslim and the only other option is to homeschooling that's not an option for them but how do you know that you know that because you know the situation of the person who's asking you the question and so when we start talking about what is beneficial and what is detrimental it requires both knowledge of islam and knowledge of hallelujah the condition of the one was asking you that question and so the dynamics of that message that somebody is claiming is from or sharing a platform with somebody who they claim is the dynamics of that whole situation need to be known before we give a specific ruling about its permissibility or impermissibility or is it advisable or not advisable and this is why the the issue again is bigger than this this said and the shape went on to say i hope that what has been presented is clear i tried to take my time with it so that it would be clear and if you walk away with nothing but the beginning of what we discussed which is the importance of rectifying our relationship with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in eradicating fitna and the importance of adhering to the sunnah of our messenger salallahu in his teachings and that's sufficient inshallah and that's sufficient for us the italian to take the next step as a community and to mature as a community and get beyond a lot of this childish behavior that we're faced with and stuff you
Channel: Wyatt's Wisdom
Views: 20,339
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Keywords: islam, Allah, Quran, Muhammad, Ramadan, tahir wyatt, shaykh, qari, ustadh, mufti menk, omar suleiman, nouman ali khan, fatih seferagic, madinah, makkah, haram, halal, iftar, vlog, live, hd, debate, exposed, refuted, dawah, ali, nasheed, tawhid, sunnah, sudais, tarawih, salafi, mawlid, sufi, Prayer, icna, Cair, Mend, Msa, Mas, Bible, tutorial, emotional, hijab, fashion, refutation, publications, fitnah
Id: dwNT6AF5Vew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 3sec (5043 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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