STOP stalking your ex and how to STOP!

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alright y'all so this is a video for you you you and all the stalkers out there okay when I say this stop stalking stop it like put to stop whatever you about to do stop stalking right now came to this video Pirates are stalking them because you need help stop it no go bit just stop okay so answer me one question one question why are you stalking them why why why do do you gain anything from stalking that person cuz right now it just seems like if this was a ex-lover or somebody that was significant to you at one point the only thing you're gaining is anxiety heartbreak hatred jealousy loneliness you get it it's not a good list and it goes on and on and on and then on top of that you're labeled a stalker basically this video is for people like me stalkers I support y'all I don't support that we stop I support the fact that we need to stop stalking we need to stop do you get anything I'm waiting for you to tell me what you gain cuz honestly the only thing you're gaming is um oh yeah yeah yeah I I'm sorry I know what you gain absolutely nothing from stalking them nothing at all you're stalking them the main reasons we stalk somebody is because we want to know if that person is living a better life than us if they're doing well off with us or if they've moved on with somebody else how they're treating that person differently than what we're treating and then you're going on their page to stock their page you're going on their friend's page to stock their page so at this point not only have you stock your significant other your ex significant other you're also stalking the person that they're with their friends their family stop it and I'm telling you this from experience just stop you have to learn how to stay sane because if you keep doing this it's unhealthy it is it really isn't a healthy happy you are so wrapped up in their lives that you can't even focus on your own happiness my ex got in a relationship and he moved on with another woman now it hurt me a lot it hurt me really bad to the point where I was constantly checking both of their pages Instagram Facebook or anything that I can find to see if there was any I guess you can say source of happiness to see you know what's their life like and on social media people aren't gonna really post there their bad moments or how bad they're doing some people do but you know a lot of people don't don't post that so I was looking for some type of negative negative source or some some type of bat point in their relationship so I just kept stalking and stalking and stalking and it became something that it was almost like a obsession it was an addiction it became habitual so it was a habit for me and every morning I would check the page every evening before I went to sleep and I I just realized it was an issue to the point where whenever before prior to me looking at their page I would feel anxiety and I feel anxiety from the point where if I go on their page and I find something that I don't like I would be really sad so the first thing I will feel is anxiety prior to me going on their page now if I don't find anything on their page then I would I would feel some sort of relief I'll be happy that I didn't find anything but then at that point I realized what if I did find something which I did find something and I felt depressed I felt really sad I felt anxious and it just set me back to all these feelings that I was feeling about him about how he's moved on he's happy and I'm miserable you know and then I have to think about it I was like why are you by doing this to myself why am I making myself so sad why am I sitting here putting myself through these feelings I'm making myself feel miserable I'm thinking about all the depressing times and everything that I'm doing and here he is posted about how good his life is with his new woman why am I doing this to myself and I thought to myself what am i gaining from this the only thing that I'm gaining is a setback I am stuck in the past it's gonna be hard for me to move on I am gaining anxiety jealousy hatred I hate to say it but I am lowliness sadness all these depressing feelings I was I was gaining but it's just like I just need to cut my losses this isn't gross at all constantly stalking it's not healthy so I asked everybody what do you honestly gain from stalking or you know creeping on an ex nothing nothing at all you don't gain anything unless you're psychotic and you want to stalk them for other reasons and at that point I mean shed more power to you if that's what you're all for but you came to this video for a reason the best thing I can tell you is to learn how to discipline yourself it's all about willpower and if you keep that positive mindset then I can guarantee you that it will become easy I was stalking day to day to date so the first thing I told myself was I was talking on a dare bases multiple times a day so let me go one full day without stalking go complete it was very very hard but I did it then let me go seven days without stalking a four week did that and then I said let me go two weeks do that then afterwards my next goal was thirty days I did thirty days then I did three months now what I would do is in between the time when I met my goal I would look okay so kind of I feel like reward myself you know for my self-discipline when I did my three-month one my urges were very very strong the first I would say two weeks I wanted to just constantly look and I just had this things in my stomach just so anxious that they're out there living a good life and I'm sitting here doing nothing and I'm just like I need to stalk like me to stalk and it was like why the [ __ ] like what is wrong with me why do I feel like I need to do this I don't need to do this I really don't I'm going on his page to make myself said think about it we're caught up on this person we're never gonna be able to get over them and our feelings are always gonna be open for them as long as we continue to stalk it will always be there how will you ever allow yourself to move on if you're constantly on this one person and sometimes you got to give yourself a prep talk when you know you're about to stalk when you know you're about to stalk X yourself this what will I gain from stalking this person and another thing that has helped me is prayer prayer has helped me a lot just asking God to remove all of this depression off this sadness all this curiosity about him in his life there's nothing wrong with checking up on an ex every once in a while but if you're constantly doing it every day multiple times a day and you're stalking the person that they're with oh that's beyond curiosity honey every once in a while it is stocking your eggs stop stalking people that are not in your life not to say that you should start people in your life but just don't stop at oh stop it I'm part of the stop stalking support group let's all just support each other stop stalking support group SSG is cheap I feel like this I used to stalk so bad and it used to worry me all day like if I didn't stay busy it would just cross my mind and I would have to watch like motivational YouTube videos or think about my future in order to get over that situation but then I also would always have this thought coming back Stockton Stockton Stockton like there's a voice inside my head and saying stop them and that's not healthy so I had to question myself and I told myself this you're stressing over stalking somebody who doesn't even want you in their life who has moved on with another woman and doesn't even care about you trying to tell me this is the last day that i'ma live I don't think I'd be worried about stalking somebody buddy came to me and told me you had 24 hours to live 24 hours to live how do you want to live the last 24 hours at that point I thought to myself I don't want to spend my last 24 hours thinking about them at all or even stalking them you can't let little stuff affect your life especially when life is so short and you have so many years to live you know this won't even matter a year from now if you got an ex out here you're trying to start on you and flex on you with his new bull [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] yo sale like life is too short for all that stunting starting and get yourself together top 3 minutes to stop stalking somebody is pretty simple stop it what it takes to stop stalking somebody to actually stop it that requires willpower and discipline if you don't have that then it's gonna be a challenge for you you can do it it's just gonna be a little bit more challenging for you to actually stop stop um the first thing is to stop stalking them try please try um if you have this constant thing where you have to try just say hey if you have to suck them every hour say hey let me try to do at least two hours that's something let me do three hours then let me go a whole day try that that is still something to be proud of reward yourself and don't reward yourself by stalking them reward yourself in some other type of way if you want to reward yourself by stalking them hey do that too another thing is to just think about other things be grateful that you're Ally be grateful that you're here and think about your future don't think about them don't think about him don't think about her think about you stop worrying about other people and what they're doing and how they're living their life without you okay third thing stay busy focus on your goals and that goes back into saying focus on you stay busy go to the gym hang out with your friends you know if you constantly stay busy it won't cross your mind and you won't think about it and that's the best thing when you stay busy you are good you have no reason to want to stock their page I mean the thought of them comes up at the thought of her and him comes up then you think to yourself let me take about something immediately because when you get them out of your mind you're good sometimes you get anxiety it's okay you're you're working on trying to make yourself better the next thing is some people like to do you know like a swear jar you can do a stock jar where every time you stock them you put a dollar in there you put two dollars in there or you can do every time you stop them you go to the gym you do squats you do push-ups you know it's all about taking care of yourself so I mean it's not all about starting on your ex trying to see if they're happy just not worrying about other people just worry about your luck on yourself and and get yourself where you're supposed to be and your life will be so much better so hopefully this helped if you guys ever want somebody to talk to just remember I'm here and guess what stop stalking support group your grout out
Channel: keepkiaweird
Views: 2,463
Rating: 4.9819818 out of 5
Keywords: stalkingyourex, stalking, stop stalking your ex, ex, heartbreak, move on from ex, stalking ex
Id: iV_w-AOivq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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