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hey guys and welcome to my breakfast nook that's where we're sitting today right now I finally got our breakfast nook in and we I'm okay first of all I'm filming on my new vlog camera it's a Sony I don't even know it's one of those cameras it's a point-and-shoot I'm not gonna get into it but basically I'm filming with this for a reason anyway one of the reasons is to test the quality which why am i testing it on my main channel I don't know so we're working with a lot of things today a lot of differences today especially after taking a week off I'm sure you're a little thrown right now so bear with me I'm really sweaty I'm very shiny I'm normally not shiny I have dry skin but I'm very sweaty it's hot in California right now I mean I feel like this like setting I'm thinking about filming a lot of my videos here I'm leaning on a table or dining tables here we went with a breakfast nook because they're cuter and they save space especially if you're in an apartment and I don't know why more people don't use breakfast nooks and they have to have a dining table we got this one on hey needle so if you're interested you can check it out I don't know why you would care about our breakfast nook but if you want to know about it anyway we've been building it for multiple days it's taking forever it's not like I can't let me tell you okay this video is a little bit I was debating filming this video for a few reasons we'll get I'll put a time stamp when I actually start this video if you're like tired of this intro but if you care about me maybe you'll hear out my intro I don't know anyway I was debating even doing this video because I have seen so many other people do videos on this especially tumblr you know tumblr is you know it's it's a talked about topic right it's a hot topic but I had a folder on my desktop that I have had for three years I made this folder it's called disgusting I've had it on my desktop for since 2015 that's when I created it so it's been three years chillin on my computer and I never did anything with it and I looked at it the other day and I was should I call attention to this when it's three years old I think it's still relevant I know tumblr still a thing I'm gonna get into the differences between that tumblr versus this tumblr a little a little bit I thought overall we should just talk about it and it's basically romanticizing depression and basically what I'm gonna show you is a series of images that are you know quotes on top you know sad quotes making depression seem beautiful I guess do you like put it over a photo a pretty girl and it's like I don't know we'll get it to the images in a second so do bear in mind if these images are three years old from my computer from back in the day on tumblr so are they still relevant I'm not really sure but I know this stuff still exists in fact if anything I think it's projected a little bit on to Instagram so I think most of us know that Yahoo actually purchased tumblr in 2013 and the creator of tumblr has left the building and also Yahoo says that that was the worst one million dollars spent or something like that it was like the worst investment ever because they cannot find a successful way to advertise our on tumblr but in that they made a lot of changes so there are a lot of words that are not allowed to be used on the site so I don't know if that would affect these images today I haven't been on tumblr since I found these photos to be honest it just became a lot of the same things and a lot of it I just kind of grew out of and a lot of the stuff is toxic you can't deny that a lot of tumblr is a toxic place so I'm not gonna show the most graphic images that I found I don't even know why I saved them was I planning on showing them because dear God but I do want to give a trigger warning for depression self-harm and suicide for these images I know for me they're kind of triggering with the depression Estes and the suicidality of it so if that's something that you're very sensitive to please stop watching this video I was just bringing awareness to and I thought I would provide some examples of what kind of stuff is still we're possibly not still out there who knows maybe I'm irrelevant maybe this video is irrelevant because it's three years old but you know so some of the more like subtle stuff that I found [Music] there's a range I think of what these images like go from you know it's like some are really graphic self-harm images some are really disturbing suicide posts so you know it does have a range there's lighter things such as photos like this which says can't I just disappear like I was never here this one says I'm stuck between trying to live my life and trying to run from it doesn't matter if I have my eyes opened or closed I always see the same darkness emptiness has hit like a black hole sucking the life and hope out of me so these images are not they're not like straight up mental illness post we I think all have feelings kind of like this or like those dark thoughts or depression sadness we can feel that without being depressed I think that's important because it's not that it's necessarily glorifying depression but it's definitely romanticizing sadness and to me someone who is a depressed teen for instance who's very susceptible to this kind of posts of relating to these kind of posts can kind of be a negative thing and these can kind of backfire what they're attempting to do so some other ones that are very disturbing and the fact that they're edited to be artistic or beautiful there is nothing let me just say this loud enough for the people at the back there's nothing beautiful or artistic about depression self-harm or suicide there's nothing beautiful about it there's nothing romantic about it like I don't there's one thing to express your emotions in art that is one thing right and I think people are trying that with these forms of art that are being posted on tumblr but they're also doing damage in a different way as well by almost promoting it for instance I wasn't trying to kill myself but I knew that if I had gone too far I wouldn't care I was sick of saying sorry so I said goodbye it's not suicide if you're already dead inside suicidal people are just angels who want to go home this one's really bothersome to me because it very much romanticizes that this is the perfect photo to represent romanticizing depression it says she took each pill to escape what her life had become until she became numb which that could be suicide or numbing the pain by getting hyped up on drugs I don't know it's one of these kind of imagery that is very disturbing to me because of the way that that's edited it's one thing to feel this way and it's perfectly normal I'm not gonna say normal for everyone if you are feeling this way you should reach out for help or talk to someone these aren't normal feelings that you feel on a day-to-day you know without a mental illness really accompanying that I think one of the reasons why to me this seems like a toxic thing and influencing and the wrong way is because if a sad teenager who say is depressed sees all these posts about suicide and sees the posts as beautiful and artistic and it's like maybe that's what suicide is and that oh people will really miss me or maybe they won't and why wouldn't I kill myself then in that situation you know it just kind of escalates the situation and it can kind of promote it and glorify it by making it seem almost inspirational the way these posts are created and the quotes and the imagery and just even the fonts sometimes it's just like promoting it I'm not gonna show all the self-harm ones because I think that's you know a waste I mean I'm not gonna do that just to trigger people that seems like a waste of time but I will read you some of the thing the blood makes me feel a little less alone her eyes ran out of tears to shed so she forced her skin to cry instead so I'm not gonna show those because those can be very triggering and I just I don't feel like it's worth showing I think just reading it to you you get the you get the vibes let me just say that there are some imagery that goes along with those that's disturbing you know turning your pain into arts it's okay I think that's not necessarily what these people who created these things are trying to do I think posting things on the Internet or receiving that validation is a lot of what we look for I think these people can hear my neighbor walking around upstairs I mean these things are relatable enough to a sense that if they're on tumblr there's a whole community out there that does this and romanticizes depression self-harm and suicide so they know they're going to get validation in their art in their edits of what they do you know they'll take screenshots or gifts from movies or shows and overlay quotes on top of them and make them beautiful and like art artsy and I think sometimes it just goes too far I think there's a way to discuss mental illness and share your pain even through arts but I don't think tumblr is the place to do that there's a lot of impressionable people on tumblr however I did talk to a fifteen-year-old the other day she didn't know what tumblr was so maybe that's a good thing so I want to read to you some quotes that I saw online when I was reading some articles about tumblr and this romanticizing depression phenomenon this one is on Thought Catalog although I don't have the original link I can try to find it it says so when a mentally ill teenager signs into tumblr it sees a dashboard full of other mentally ill teenagers it's not a cure but a danger a culture has developed that idolizes mental illness and encourages self-harm self medication and even at times ending it all and becoming immortalized as a romantically tragic soul you can feed into the attitude that has become more and more prevalent that doing the raw tedious fun exciting and difficult work of therapy is not the answer that embracing mental illness glorifying it as a tragedy and staying insulated in a community where no one will ever tell anyone that mental is not a way to live is the answer and I think that quote is so profound and exactly what I'm trying to get across in this video it's it's cool that they have a support system in this isolated group on tumblr I don't think tumblr is the place to go for your mental illness treatment or group therapy if you need support you need to find it you could do it online but there are other resources out there and a lot of tumblr support systems are toxic I'm sorry they are you might have met your best friend on tumblr I don't need to bash the website as a whole I'm just saying I've seen a lot of pro-anorexia posts and pro self harm pro suicide encouraging suicide encouraging self harm an eating disorder behaviors and that to me is so disturbing I don't think everyone out there on tumblr has your best interest at heart and if you're a teen eight by a neighbor's so if you're a teenager who is already feeling very vulnerable you're going to listen to your peers more than adults or therapists trying to help you it's easier for other teens and other people of your age to impact your life decisions and your mental health and whether or not you should seek treatment I already did a whole video on the anti treatment group on tumblr which that was an interesting video that response is also very interesting I will link that video up here because a lot of people are anti recovery and this doesn't necessarily go hand-in-hand with that but I think they are related a lot of people do think that suicide is the only answer or that you know self-harm is the only answer and that is the cure or being online on tumblr that's the cure because you have all these support supportive people in your life and they're gonna help you through your mental illness I just I don't think that's the case I think they're not always the best people to come to for your mental illness issues here's another quote that I I don't know Artemis is trying to find these articles I'm so sorry but I'll put a picture of the quote as I'm reading it for you guys this online cultivation of beautiful sadness is easy to join anyone can take a picture turn it black and white pair it with a quote about misunderstood turmoil and automatically be gratified with compassion and pity and this readily accessible of dark poetry could easily drown out those whose suffering has reached the clinical level during the vulnerable years during which adolescents seek out self affirmation and recognition from others this new easy promise of being recognized as strong beautiful and mysterious by tumblr followers can be very tempting too often it just leads to more teenagers believing and feeling they are depressed self pitying and self harming this quote kind of takes a different angle towards the situation it's looking at it as maybe not all these people are depressed clinically or you know have a mental illness but they are promoting it because that is what gets likes that's what gets re blogs and stuff on tumblr right you get a lot of attention when you post this kind of stuff and that's very self validating and it just let me must be real it feels good to get that from other people even people you don't know so the romanticizing isn't just done by people who actually feel clinically depressed and could be diagnosed with a mental illness but also a lot of people in the general public that do not have those actual feelings of those and still participating in the creation of art in the creation of these posts to encourage those emotions I'm talking a lot about teenagers because I think they are the most susceptible although I don't know how many of them are actually on tumblr nowadays back in 2013 I think of it or 20 2015 has a little bit more prevalent that teenagers were on there I think they're kind of growing out of tumblr as tumblr I think is just dying down as a website because you know Yahoo is like regretting their purchase the owners backing out so it's like a whole thing you know the main group of people who are using tumblr are young people whether that be young teenagers older teens young 20s they're just in the younger category of people that's kind of mush feel on why I don't support these kind of images even though sometimes I'm sure there are better intentions behind them and just creating art and expressing your pain through art I get that but tumblr I think has just become this place where people go to express their mental illnesses and to support one another and it's just you I don't I don't see that working for mental illness treatment anyway let me know your thoughts on this if you feel similar or you disagree with me completely that's totally fine please leave your opinions down below and let me know what you think about by my breakfast nook said we can fill here all the time or once in a while I don't know I just did not like the backgrounds that were going on in my past videos I'm sorry I just did not anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this make sure to leave some video requests down below of what you want me to film next and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Sarah Hawkinson
Views: 191,884
Rating: 4.9140887 out of 5
Keywords: sarahhawkinson, sarah hawkinson, psychology, beauty, haul, tutorial, no, makeup, mondays, fashion
Id: m-WEcEpuW7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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