Stop PINEAPPLE Damage & What’s with Pull Apart Peel?

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Oh No check this out you wait two years for a pineapple to finally grow and ripen only for a bird to come along and pick a hole in the side of it and totally ruin the fruit get a I'm mark from self-sufficient me and here in Australia we often describe an unfortunate incident like this that's getting the rough end of the pineapple if you think about it the rough or wrong end of a pineapple is kind of a prickly subject so we won't go there but we will discuss an easy and effective way to stop this kind of damage happening to your home growing pineapples and we'll also chat about this new viral trend of pulling apart a pineapple with your fingers to eat it let's get into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you know that a pineapple won't ripen once it's been picked it's true a pineapple won't ripen off the plant so if you pick it too soon and too green it will just taste awful and no amount of time sitting it on the bench will make it taste any better I'm not keen on supermarket pineapples because they tend to be a little too sour for my liking farmers picked them a tad early because the fruit is harder and transports better over long distances to reach the shop shelves a pineapple draws it's amazing taste and sweetness from the sugars in the stem of the plant during the final stages of the ripening process and that's why leaving it on the plant for as long as possible produces a better tasting fruit the best way to know if a pineapple is ripe and ready for picking is to wait until it collapses and the stem falls over and then you can harvest it the problem is birds will often test the viability of a pineapple or to see if it's ready by pecking into it other animals not so much because pineapple plants have sharp thorny leaves and getting to the fruit isn't easy but birds like Bush turkeys with their long necks are able to avoid these nasty spikes once the pineapple is picked it's pretty much buggered rough end and all so what can we do well you can simply shoot the birds I'm joking okay I'm joking the best and easiest way that I've found to protect our pineapples is through exclusion cover the pineapple plant or just the pineapple with some type of structure in this case I've used an old walk-in robe basket I think this one had my socks in it and now it's protecting the pineapple but you could use any type of mesh you could use a bit of chicken wire you could use an old hanging basket turned upside down I've done that in the past and all these things will work the same it stops the bird from being able to pick through and ruin the side of that pineapple before it's right once the pineapple is ripe harvesting is easy I like to use a machete because it looks mean on camera but it's a total overkill to be honest this will probably just fall off the plan because it's ready so let's have a crack at it and see what we've got come on you bugger oh yeah you can see just falling away perfect I'd still really firm some just a slight give I can smell it from here and here she comes away oh no how oh I'll tell you what if only you could smell this pineapple it's heavy so full of juice for such a relatively small fruit but look how vibrant it is that just smells wonderful check this out I've got to be careful either I don't cut my legs Oh No hey the perfect pineapple tell you what this is gonna taste fantastic to regrow another pineapple all I do is knock the top off it that's probably a bit too much and dig a hole in fact leaving a bit of an inch on there is probably good because that gives the plan a bit of moisture and time for it to set roots whack it in the ground like this come right back over no how do we look at it then from then on because they're so Hardy to grow especially in the subtropics or warmer climates and in about two years time you'll have yourself another pineapple growing from the top and maybe even a couple more a couple more a couple more pups and you'll be otter replant those pups just like this one as well and get several more pineapple plants and then you're growing a ton of pineapples and there you have it your very own beautiful home ground pineapple ready to eat and speaking of eating I'm not going to eat this one at the moment I'm gonna savor it and eat it later with my family but this one here we might have a crack at it because I want to talk about this new viral trend that's going around on how you can pick out or pluck out or peel or pull out pineapple to eat on investigate this further because it sounds amazing the viral videos I'm talking about have several million views in just a few days and they go along the lines of here's a pineapple I bet you never thought that you could do this you could pull a pineapple apart and eat it instead of what cutting up with a knife and D coring it and I don't know so that's the crux of it they say a pineapple is made up of thousands of little fruits so one pineapple isn't just one whole fruit it's made up of a whole heap of little fruits all jam-packed together but it just looks like one fruit and you can pull each of these segments apart because these were all made up of flowers that are fall fertilized individually to form this one big fruit itself that's the concept that's the big WOW factor thing so in theory you should be able to pull these little fruits apart on each of these scales here and that's what they've been doing amazingly pulling the pineapple apart just with their bare fingers so let's have a crack at it here's a segment here let's just try to pull this part out and see how well it works well we'll have another guy well I'm pulling the skin off it there's a fruit fly on there get off opossums can get that not working too well is it sort of I'm not feeling the the wow factor here I'm glad I used this old crappy pineapple as an experiment hmm Tess all right probably shouldn't be eating it they could be diseased but anyway at the end of the day I'm not sure why you would want to pull apart a pineapple with your bare hands like some foraging the end of all ten thousand years ago back in prehistoric times finding a pineapple in the jungle and pulling it apart with their bare fingers when we've got fantastic implements and inventions these days called sharp knives that could do a better job but hey each to their own and I guess peeling a pineapple by hand is better than sitting on one I hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure you give me a big rough end of the pineapple thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and what do you think of pulling pineapples do you think it's the best thing since sliced bread or is it just a little bit strange and weird let me know in the comments section below thanks a lot for watching bye for now pulling pineapple yeah right pull the other one look at this it's a flying pineapple really is it's flying you know what I think I'll leave this I saw that scrub turkey just run past I think I'll leave it he can eat it tonight all the possums or whoever the bats good on them
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 64,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pineapple, grow pineapples, grow pineapples at home, peel pineapple, peel, pull pineapple, self sufficient me
Id: 6vi6Qb4RDaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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