Stop Doing This With Your Arms (and Walk Properly)

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do you know what to do with your arms when you walk do you feel like your arms and your hands are just out of sync with the rest of your body in this video we're going to talk about arm swing while walking so you can walk properly no matter where you are so if you're ready let's get ready to think right move right and feel right I was in Osaka Japan recently walking around and seeing the sights one morning I was walking behind a guy who was walking like this did that look weird to you good it should his arms and hands were completely out of sync with his steps in normal relaxed walking gait your elbows don't really need to do that much instead you should have a slight Bend in your elbows and your arms should swing notice that there isn't a huge change of arm or elbow position It's a Small Change of a few degrees forward and back this is of course not the same as what your arms do when you are sprinting when sprinting you will see a lot more arm swing and a lot more elbow Bend but in walking and even jogging your arms don't really need to move that much if you see your arms moving a lot you may have picked up this habit at an age when you weren't really conscious of what you were doing or you may have injured your lower body or have had a bad case of atrophy induced immobility if your legs are a bit weak and dysfunctional you may be using your arms to create more forward momentum it's not a bad strategy if you've twisted your ankle in the desert and you have to get to water but if you want less shoulder neck back hip and knee pain just stop it seriously stop it here's how set up your phone or a fancy pants camera to film yourself while walking if you see your elbows bending a lot or you see one or both of your r's swinging more than a few degrees take a breath and remember our Mantra around here ATM always think muscles muscles move bones and if your bones are moving in ways you don't intend or desire you have to address the organs of movement your muscles so now let's do something to try to help you reprogram your gate don't set up the camera for the this next part mentally tell yourself no arm swing at all then try walking with zero arm swing and zero arm movement this might feel stiff awkward and unnatural but if you notice yourself twisting and trying to throw a shoulder or a hip forward it's important to pay attention to if you notice this happening you know that the arm stuff is coming from dysfunction that you should start trying to suss out now allow your elbows to bend slightly don't let the upper arms move while you walk this will also feel stiff awkward and a little unnatural again if you notice yourself starting to twist and turn note it so you can suss it out later now for the next part loosen up your neck loosen up your shoulders allow your upper arms to swing freely for a few degrees don't put in extra effort to swing some extra amount that you think is necessary just allow it to happen in a relaxed way and you'll notice that your arm on the right swings a little forward as you take a step forward with the left leg and vice versa it should be contralateral swing and just a small amount now now this might still feel awkward because you aren't used to it and that's okay remember we aren't trying to use extra effort in your walk your walk should be relaxed and Easy by going through this set of drills we're trying to get you to stop using any unnecessary unconscious effort in your walking we just want to be able to relax let the arms gently swing in a normal Rhythm that's synced up to your legs this is perfection through subtraction I want to say thanks to the following people for their generous donations with the thanks button on YouTube Nader and Anna both gave 50 with the thanks button on YouTube you guys rock thank you so much for your support if you want to support this channel to please use the thanks button or the join button on YouTube or find me on patreon or PayPal with the links you'll find in the description box thank you so much for your support it helps me make videos that help you now let's get back to it somewhere along the line you made a conscious or unconscious decision to use a lot more arm swinging than necessary and this process will help you remove all that extra effort now that you understand what you're trying to do you can go ahead and film yourself and check out the difference between what you were doing before and what you're doing now again if you notice that you're twisting and Swinging or limping you want to suss that out so that doesn't keep driving you into some weird compensatory arm swinging pattern I've got a video that will help you understand how to break things down to fix a limp I will link to it in the description box I'm also curious to hear how this whole thing feels for you what did you notice when you went through the drills in this video are your arms swinging symmetrically are you doing some funky stuff with your elbows drop me a comment down below walking should feel smooth and easy and if it doesn't check out the other links I'll put in the description box to help you walk better and if you're looking for a program to help you rebuild your body at home head to DIY to find a program that will work for you for video to help you with your walk check these out here to support this channel become a patreon patron or use the Donate Link in the description box or use the join and thanks buttons on YouTube I really really appreciate it like share and subscribe with the Bell notification on and as always remember pain sucks life shouldn't foreign [Music]
Channel: Upright Health
Views: 24,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to walk properly, how to walk propperly, how to walk properly for men, how to walk properly for women, how to walk properly with good posture, how to walk properly barefoot, how to walk properly with knee pain, how to walk propperly for men, how to walk propperly for girls, how to walk properly iwth good posture, what do i do with my arms, arm swing, should my arms swing, upright health, arm swing walking
Id: -ihIei24BMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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