STOP BUYING The WRONG Pliers! Useful FEATURE Your Missing

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what's up everybody my name is vince welcome to the channel and in today's video we're going over three of my favorite flyer offerings some of them have features that you are unaware of here's the big question is the extra money worth it are the features necessary you're most likely buying the wrong pliers [Music] we have three well-turned pliers here these have been my daily drivers for a while they're at three separate price points i could almost remember when i bought these and when i bought these here's the reality of the whole thing my channel locks i don't necessarily know when i've bought these because i bought so many pairs of channel locks over the years these are literally the industry standard and they're also our neighbor we're in the philadelphia metropolitan region channel lock is actually in central pa these are made in america there have been a lot of instances where i would spend the extra money because these did in fact cost more money there's not much to say about them they're dependable they're useful you can turn gas pipe you can turn water line you can turn bolts you could disassemble you can assemble i guess that goes for all of these pliers but not all of them are created equally let's talk about this next pair of pliers voice grips years ago i had an emergency service call i needed a pair of slip group pliers and quite frankly i had another set of these it was an eight and a ten it was a two pack i needed the extra leverage so i decided that i was going to buy these 12 inch pliers in lieu of buying another pair of channel locks these actually cost me and would cost you around 20 right now if you're standing at the big blue box store these are solid pliers really really dig them and finally what we have here may be a little deceiving to some of you these are in fact nipex cobras or canipix cobras i remember buying these as well as well i got them on special at a sears store they were going out of business these are made in germany these are identical to canipix cobra pliers now if you wanted to buy these new you could do that as well at the big blue box store you're going to be paying 30 for these in case i failed to mention earlier the good old made in the usa channel locks are right around 17 or 18 at the time of this video which is is kind of odd if you think about it generally made in the usa would be more expensive channel locks offering here of slip slip joint or slip group pliers they invented the game frank patrick invented these in 1933 and everyone else that has offered them literally used his design in some capacity now putting bias aside does that mean that they're still the best let's put these pliers to use doing a pretty basic task that you'll be doing if you're purchasing these pliers assembling and disassembling pipe here we're going to be able to apply plenty of torque to our pipe fitting either assembling and disassembling it's going to give us a good look into what all three of these pliers are capable of we have three quarter inch black steel pipe the cobras then the canipix cobras are a little bit of a disadvantage because although this is the most expensive pair of pliers it's the shortest at 10 inches where the other two pairs of pliers are 12 inches the other feature of these slip group pliers is that instead of them just releasing if you lift them high enough we have a little push pin here that locks them into place they're easily adjustable to get us into the correct size we're able to really push down and loosen that pipe you can see we're able to push down on that plier even with our hand open a lot of times when you're trying to grasp onto a pair of pliers and hold those jaws shut your hand will fatigue or it could fatigue with the the canipix were able to apply a tremendous amount of torque these are really nice but you are paying a 30 premium let's move on to our voice grip set these are 12 inch and because of that additional length you're able to apply more torque with these they're very similar to the canipix in the fact that you're able to push down this button to adjust them quickly vice grips are not the inventors of slip roof style pliers the funny part is though that vice grip name that locking style plier was actually invented prior to channel lock inventing slip group pliers these are the original style of locking pliers invented by vice grip these are not vice grip that same locking plier technology are built into these these c-clamp style locking pliers we use these for steel stud framing vice grip original on them we have the irwin name on the other side as well these are the second most expensive pair here cheaper than the canipix but more expensive than the channel locks you can see we can get in here we have nice sharp we have nice sharp teeth to grab onto to our pipe fitting and because of that extra length they definitely loosen that fitting a lot easier if we swing back around you can see mean we're able to once again apply a tremendous amount of torque with our hand even open if we put this pair of pliers here i feel like you could stand on this like i need another pair like if if we had two pairs i could i could probably stand on this look at that lock in you see that that's all my weight on them pliers that's pretty that's pretty crazy here look i'm gonna put my head on my hand on mikey jay's head wow okay finally we have the inventor of slip group pliers and at this point the least expensive which for me makes them unbelievably useful and worthy of investing in a whole bunch of these are 12 inches in length they're definitely going to have a lot of leverage what is different and nice about the channel lock though is that there is no push button so we just rotate our handle up push them down push them up we can adjust our pliers out and we're able to apply look at that tremendous tremendous amount of torque i literally just tightened down this fitting with the erwins and was tugging and pushing on it crazy now if we come around to the other side we tighten down our fitting we're going to get that tremendous amount of torque and we want to push and we're going to push down and tighten that tighten that down we have to keep our hand wrapped around the wrench this does not have that one that one-handed feature built into it and that missing feature that one handed feature on the channel locks is a compromise that you are making and the reason you're probably buying the wrong slip group fires i could press down on those cobras if you're asking me my favorite pair of pliers i think because of the made in the usa loyalty i'd probably say channel lock but because of the feature set and the additional one-handed feature of these irwins and their price point of only a couple dollars more than the channel lock i'd most likely go vice grip let us know down in the comment section below would you spend the extra money for the canipix made in germany would you go with the voice grip or is the red white and blue the only true brand for you i will let you know that channel lock does make a version of these pliers the only problem is they're not readily available in the big box blue store you'd have to order them online presently so if you're standing there wondering in store yeah go voice grip if you're able to order online and wait a little time go channel lock video's over but i know you want more so this is how you're going to get it first thing you need to do is pretend you're this guy and you're here at the birthplace of freedom now ring that bell like it's 1776 and let all notifications throw what you're not subscribed yet smash this button here after that watch this video here here and maybe over here see you later you
Channel: VCG Construction
Views: 161,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5cYROrCaC40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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