STOP Building Wooden Raised Beds!! | How To Build The BEST Raised Bed For The Money!

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[Music] welcome back to sorry rich farm I'm Jacob and today we are gonna be making a raised bed and I think it's probably one of the best raised beds that you can make and I'll go into detail and why that is cost everything and we're gonna take you along this whole entire build but one reason why we're we're building this is for a couple reasons one y'all really asked about building a raised bed you know cuz garden season is coming and so we thought this would be a perfect time to do this video if people want to get into raised beds and another reason is my sister is getting into gardening and she contacted us and was like hey I just kind of want to do some raised beds what should we do - and I kind of told her my opinions and stuff and I told her hey I'll just build you build you I think we're building her - so these ones that we're building are actually gonna be going to my sister she's getting into garden and that's kind of one of the reasons why we're doing this and we're taking you all along because y'all wanted to know also how to build these so right now I did most of my cutting of all this romaine lee using ten and I'm just gonna cut a little bit of this tin to show you kind of how to do it if you've never done it before the way I cut tin is and this is this regular roofing tin it's just like cutting wheel it's a metal this thing is very good yes I've had four man probably almost two years now in every piece of metal I cut with it this works really well if you don't have one of these you can also turn around a saw blade backwards and you can use it that way I've seen people do that but however you cut tin so I'm gonna first get to cutting this what I like to do with these is this you're gonna be actually two feet deep bed so I just measured two feet out it and then I use this because this will make a lot faster instead of you know marking a whole new piece I just use this as a jig yes and I flush the ends up and I know this is two feet and so then I just get my wheel turn it on and then I just kind of go along it and make my line in there and then I take the piece off and then I cut it and I just keep going down and doing that this whole sheep so let me finish these cuttings and we'll come back to you [Music] [Music] all right so I got that little bit of tin cut up now the next thing we're gonna be cutting and these and guys I'll show you all this when it'll all come together whenever we start building it but these are going to be in the corner and what these are are it's also ten but it's the corner pieces I don't know exactly what they're called but if you kind of see here on our shop it's the edge pieces right here when the two pieces of ten on a corner meet they put this here and it seals it up and it looks all better too so that's what this is so our bed like I said is going to be two foot deep so these got to be two foot also and same thing I measured one out and then stick it on here and the jig and then I get the grinder and just make a little line take it off see it makes a good line like that so you don't have to use your marker and stuff so he needed to do one and trust me it's a lot faster than trying to marked out each one but we're going to be cutting these and then after that cut will go in the shop and actually start putting this stuff together all right so we got the lumber kind of laid out what its gonna look like now the amount of lumber you're going to need so these are going to be a four-foot a 12 foot bed so you're going to need 2 2 by 4 by 12 and then you can get 1 2 by 4 by 8 cut that in half and that makes your end pieces ok just how you see it right now this is a 12 foot now then you have to get the one by fours by 12 ok and you need two of those because the 1 by 4 is going to go on top is gonna give a little bit more stability and the same you're gonna need the same thing is 12 foot 12 foot and then you could get an 8 foot we've just got a 12 foot just because it was easier but that's what you need lumber wise and the reason we're going with 4 by 12 is if you go any kind of wider than 4 foot in a raised bed it's kind of hard because on one side you can reach you know - - feet-ish on this side and then if you got to come around the other side you can reach the other side you can't you know always reach all the way over it's just a lot easier when you're on the side just your arms reach one side go around if you go like five to six feet wide it's sometimes hard to get in that middle and you're just kind of wasting space and the twelfth foot it's just easy because the the board's you know they come in twelve foot and you start getting longer than that it can kind of get hard if you don't have a trailer and stuff like that and then you sometimes have to worry about you know something bowing out so twelve foot as seemed to work really good for our beds and I believe this is our third year with those beds so and they're holding up awesome so that's the lumber and that's the reason kind of for the dimensions for us I did cut these two by fours on the sides there actually I believe it was eleven seven is what I did is I cut a little bit shorter because since these 1 by fours are 12-foot I want an inch overhang on the ends and when you see this it'll make more sense it just stayed stayed till the end it'll make sense when I'm showing you this because you got to account for the thickness of the board on the ends and if I want an inch on each side that's what I had to cut so it all depends that's your preference if you want if you want it just completely flushed that's fine I just like a little bit of an overhang I think it looks a little bit better so that's kind of lonely cutting I really did and then I'm going to be cutting the 1 by fours so let me cut that and we'll start putting these together I'm just using regular screws doing some pretty driven and probably put two to three screws in each corner and such so we'll get into that and I'll show you what we're doing [Music] all right so you can see the you know pre-drilled and I actually put three screws in each side pre-drill them cuz you don't want your wood to split on you that's a pain when that happens and I'm using I think these are three inch screws yeah using three inch screws on this particular on the corners and another thing I didn't mention is this is untreated lumber okay you don't want to use treated lumber from what I've read it everything it makes sense you know the chemicals in the wood it'll leach into the soil and it's not going to be good you don't probably you don't want to put stain on it either because the same thing chemicals I know in ours we did and I didn't know that at the time that was a mistake I made cuz I didn't know so I know that now and from here on out I don't do that anymore but one thing you can do because I know untreated lumber it can rot a lot quicker and it is organic you can do this if you get raw linseed oil not boiled not polymerized but raw raw linseed oil just cut your wood with it it is organic I've looked it up and there's no toxic no you know toxics or chemicals or anything like that with raw linseed oil it does take a long time for it to dry it takes like three or four days but if you're for any project you want to do trees wood but you don't want it to you know rot out after you know a few years raw linseed oil is really good to use if you don't have treated lumber you can kind of treat it yourself all right so we got the two by fours all connected now we're gonna go on the top piece this is kind of somewhat of a cosmetic thing but it makes it look nice and it does help you'll see when we start putting the tin on so what we're going to do here is just get the 1 by 4 by 12 and stick it right on top and what I did is go on the inside I did about an inch Oh about 1/4 1/4 on the inside and then the outside it's about an inch and about a 1/4 and that's that kind of overhang I'm talking about just makes you kind of look a little bit better I think so but if you don't and you just want to make everything you know completely flushed that's up to you so what we're going to do is screw all this down we're going to do the other side and then when I do the other side I'm gonna have to cut in between the middles here because I gotta figure out what the length is from here and then I'll put the other board in here so it'll all look the same all the way around and I have this little top piece and as always we're going to just do a little pre-drill I just don't like cracking wood that it's very frustrating for me so we're just going to do a little pre-drill and then we'll start putting some screws in and these screws that I'm using these ones are just 2 and 1/2 inch [Music] all right so as everyone knows I'm not perfect and nobody is so I just want to kind of show you a little bit of a mistake that I didn't count for when I was doing this whenever I was talking about the inch like kind of having your inch and 1/4 overhang well this piece right here has to have you know the same overhang on the inside right and so when doing that because you're going to be putting the tin under here we're going to be doing that in a second when you see here it's not really flushed on this side there's you know that little piece coming off so it's not a big deal I'll screw this down and then I'll just kind of cut this little piece off and it'll be flushed but I just kind of want to let you all know that that I kind of you know made a little bit of mistakes I didn't want y'all to make that also just remember you're an awesome decent overhang on the inside because your tin is going to go underneath here and it's going to be like kind of like a track underneath it so we got all pretty much the woodwork done the screws we did about 10 to 12 inches apart there's not science to it I just like to put a decent amount of screws in there just because you know you may be stepping on it you know sitting on it and you know you just you want as much in there as possible to hold that board in place alright so where you're gonna now flip this upside down and we're gonna start putting the tin on now guys I just want to say I'm not a carpenter by any means I don't have any background in necessarily building the only thing I know is just from watching other people watching my grandpa my dad so if you see something that's you know completely messed up I'm not perfect and I don't claim to be a carpenter even on YouTube so I just do what I know how to do and I work with what I got so don't beat me up too much if you see something wrong or you know I cut something wrong but we're gonna get this flipped over and we are really close from being done this is a pretty easy project if you kind of know what you're doing so we are now putting the tin on and what you're going to need is just get some well I'm using this regular roofing screws just because they're easier you're going into metal and going into wood that's what these are meant for and you can use yeah I want to be perfect I got some old kind of rustic ones that I found on the ground I'm gonna use those I don't have a lot of them but you know do what you got so what you're going to do is these corner pieces I told you about before like again they're 2 foot long and what we're going to be doing right now sticking them in the corner and as you told I told you with the track this is why you want some some you know depths on the inside because this is where the 10 and everything's gonna go and you're just going to flush that up in the corners like that and then you're just going to drill it in [Applause] all right so now we're going to be putting up the sides now these are the end pieces and what it's going to kind of look like is this and then you're gonna we're gonna be strumming it in now if if y'all are you know you got free ten or it's like different color ten and you know everyone wants their garden to look you know cosmetically pleasing to the eye and everything so if you got like say two different colors pick a color you want so like this right here is going to be the main color it's gonna be white with this kind of you know smoke gray now over on the other end it's straight-up blue you know you can probably see it right there now that doesn't really matter because my sister where it's gonna be placed you're not even gonna see that spot okay so I'm strategically placing these white pieces where when she walks out her back door she will see this that's all she's gonna see is these colors she'll never see the blue just because where we're gonna position them so just think about that whenever you're doing it where you're going to put them position them and put the colors where they're really not going to be seen just by you know passerby Zoar just yourself out your window so that's just something to think about you know everyone wants their garden to look you know pretty in aspect all right so whenever you're putting these in get your first one in when it comes over here it's going to be kind of floppy around so put your foot up and you kind of want to push it up and kind of pull it back this way see that's pretty good right here and you're going to put a screw in every rivet right here and then you just keep going down the same thing so see how this is push up kind of pull it back just a little bit and then it's going to stiffen up real nice so just we're going to get that done and then we'll bring you back with a finish product but stay tuned to the very end when we're done with this I really want you to see why we think these are the best raised beds or this type of kind of design in aspect not maybe this particular one but using this type of ten I think you will be amazed on the stuff that we kind of found out and things like that so please stay to the end and we'll just run through just the cost and everything and I think you're going to be really surprised on this [Music] all right y'all we're done with the garden bed this is the final product I think it came out really nice and so like I was saying before the thing I like about this it is it's like rot resistant like this 10 will last I mean almost forever in aspect 4050 years I mean it's part of the last you know my lifetime there's not a whole lot of repair and the thing that we are looking at is we have these beds we have the wood beds and why I'm gonna kind of try to steer away from wood beds is because guys when I priced this out if you bought all this brand new the Tim we had was refurbished so that was kind of free but to buy this bed brand-new with white tin it's about 140 bucks with the lumber the 10 probably some screws and stuff that's mean it's not like cheap but if you're thinking well I'm just gonna go buy some two by twelves and you know scrum together and be done it's gonna be I'm not kidding you in almost the same price at least for us in our area here in Oklahoma it I think for to build this exact thing a two by twelves it would have costed I think like a hundred and thirty some odd dollars I mean it may be a $10 difference but the thing you're getting with this bed is there's no there's no repeat of maybe fixing it three years later because the other beds and they're untreated wood they'll last maybe four or five years just kind of depends I know each climb and everything's different but with this spend the money if you're gonna buy this stuff and you're gonna make this and you're thinking about beds raised beds I would highly suggest going with it with this type of bed because it's you build it once and it's pretty much done maybe you know so many years later you may have to replace this top board but if you put that raw linseed oil like I said it's non-toxic it'll last a lot longer I think it's just the best bang for your buck it can be a lot cheaper if you just go one foot instead of two foot but the other reason we want two foot is because of this reason right here when the plants grow up you're going to be picking them you know tomato plants Oh get up you know a couple feet I'm gonna be picking them just literally like I'm standing I'm not bending down hurting my back you know anybody that's kind of you know not elderly but older and they don't want to you know bend over all the time you have this two foot bed it brings it up more and if you're gonna be you can come over here and look it's just a nice seat you wanna come in and sit in your garden and look around it's just a seat this is normal sitting so I really like this two foot bed just because of the comfort and you know this could be like a forever bed you know we could have this until our old age for the price you just can't beat it you you really can't if you're on a budget I know buying all this stuff is kind of a little bit expensive but don't just go out and buy would you spend the money get this and you'll never necessarily have to mess with it again other than you just feeling more dirt in it but guys this is why I think it's probably one of the best raised beds that you can probably use we've been using ours for three years now and we really like it but I hope you all thought this video was informational I'll hit that like button and you've got any questions put them down in the comments please subscribe to our Channel it really helps us out and just hit that Bell for notifications so you can see these new videos coming out as soon as they do because this could really help you in probably a month or so when you start to actually start planting in your beds if you're one to two fill beds we show some other videos on how to fill beds on the cheap and it's just a pretty cool bed y'all we just really appreciate you watching the video and you just take care and God bless [Music]
Channel: Sawyer Ridge Farm
Views: 456,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawyer ridge farm, homesteading, farming, farm life, homestead life, how to homestead, how to farm, rabbits, chickens, goats, garden, meat goats, kiko goats, meat rabbits, raised bed garden, how to garden, DIY, raising pigs, pigs, meat chickens, farm to table, The Crockers, Keeping It Dutch, Arms Family Homestead, Wild Wonderful Offgrid, Wranglerstar, Justin Rhodes, Living Traditions Homestead, Good Simple Living, Off Grid, Life Uncontained, The Best Raised Bed
Id: 0zTqkiLBAEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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