Stone Sour - Bother [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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Channel: undefined
Views: 55,288,330
Rating: 4.8680592 out of 5
Keywords: Stone Sour, Bother, Corey Taylor, Jim Root, Josh Rand, Roy Mayorga, Music, Acoustic, rock, alternative rock, Stone Sour (Musical Album), Rock Music (Musical Genre), Rock And Roll (Musical Genre), hard rock, heavy rock, metal, Roadrunner Records (Record Label), roadrunner, music video, official music vid, official video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2009
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Been a while since I've seen long haired Corey Taylor.
That brings me back. Thanks.
love this song
Yeah sometimes I manage to find time in my strange dreams to listen to music. Not sure how normal or abnormal that is but I'm typically aware of the fact that I'm dreaming and most of the time choose to do what I want to do in them. Long story shortened, I woke up this morning before it could finish playing so I went back to finish it. It's just as awesome in real life as I recalled it from memory.
My all time favourite..! Fucking amazingly tight live too.. Fucking love this band.