Stocked 1860 Colt Revolver

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[Applause] welcome to an epis of inrange I've got in my hands A reproduction 1860 cult percussion revolver I've also got a Target downrange at 100 yards now that's a difficult pistol shot and in theory this is capable of doing that am I capable of doing that are many people capable of doing that with just holding it one-handed as was the style of the day I don't know we're going to give that a try in a minute but many of these guns even the original 1830s Patterson were designed or some of the Pattersons were rifles and most of the Colts not the Walker but the drons 51 60 Etc you could order them or some of the generations were already precut to take a stock there's a little notch in the bottom of the grip and there's a notch here and a stock would fit onto this and it would turn it into a sort of carbine of course the origins of the stocked pistol which we see with the Luger and the c96 broom handle Mouser and the high power but that was going on all the way back to the old west now the original stocks of their day were wooden and made it kind of look like a rifle and they were quite beautiful in fact some of them were even meant to be cantens as well in an interesting process of conservation of space and weight now they're hard to get even in reproductions but I do have one of these and this is not a historic reproduction this is a modern incarnation of a stock it's a skeletal stock and it fits onto the back of the gun in 1860 and um while it is not a reproduction of a historical stock it will allow me to try to shoot this gun with a stock on it and see if I do any better with a stock and if it's even viable to hit 100 yard Target with a stocked pistol uh at all so the reproduction historically accurate stocks and this won't change the performance so this is an interesting experiment so first I got six rounds here let's see if I can even get one hit at 100 yards just without the stock I'm going to go ahead and hand hold it two-handed just because this is a hard shot as it is so give me that way low nope low left low I'm going to aim way high here right elevation good low left okay we've got the stock on here nice and tight we're reloaded with six more rounds let's see if this makes a [Applause] difference nope hey hit just under it low it's hard to not be low all right let's aim higher again one hit out of six still better than offhand let's try it one more time okay I've loaded up another six I'm going to try to aim higher this time see if we can do it left hit hello Left Right high right [Applause] yep and we fired all six well I'm getting hits with this that I'm not getting offand but it's not like a substantially change in the game I think we need one more set of six what do you think I I think one more try I'm getting a little better with it let's see if one more time makes any difference so if you like this kind of content please remember the inter range is completely crowdfunded we take no money from YouTube we're completely demonetized proactively that was my decision although YouTube probably would have done it without my help and I completely depend on you the viewer to keep inrange alive if you'd like to consider supporting inrange you can do it at inrange TV and if you can't I do understand just subscribe to the channel share with your friends okay we got six more rounds I'm going to do this as a final attempt maybe I'm getting a little better at this maybe I can get more than one hit here let's see I don't know low high oh we're getting sticky uh-oh cap Jam NOP we're just Gunk cut all right nope hit all right well yeah doesn't change the game that much that I get a few hits because of it maybe but realistically that's not a substantial amount of hits at 100 yards so uh first of all people are going to say isn't this breaking the law and it is not because this is a percussion revolver not a cartrid revolver a muzzle loader this does not violate the NFA the National Firearms Act if this was a cartridge gun it would be violating that law but since this is a muzzle loading percussion revolver it does not violate that law and it is legal to put a stock on your percussion muzzle loading revolver that said these are not very popular today and they were not very popular historically and I think we can see why the reality is these guns Just aren't for this 100 yards is quite a task and quite an ask for powder and round ball and percussion especially with the way these guns are and the sights on them are probably the biggest problem whatsoever it's a little notch in the rear sight and of course a front post or sometimes just a bead depending on which variant of Colt you have and so getting hits at that distance stocked or not is a challenging proposition certainly you can scare the guy and occasionally I got a couple hits but it's not a reliable way to get hits you're much better off carrying this as your sidearm for close range and some sort of rifle for long range and that's what everybody did the old west that was the case these things were out there very few of them exist still historically speaking on the market and that's because they didn't make that many of them because that not that many people bought them and even on the reproduction Market these are hard to find and then once you get one you come to find out while it looks cool really isn't all that hopefully you enjoyed this video and if you can't if you did please consider supporting me at inrangetv subscribe share with your friends and we'll see you next time
Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 87,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1860 colt, colt revolver, percussion revolver, NFA, stock, colt carbine, old west, blackpowder, inrange, inrangetv
Id: LDVw0Sn2G7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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