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the companies will always change what's good today may not be good tomorrow what's bad today may be good later on in the future but if you remember the principles you remember the concepts you can use this as a template for you to be able to somehow shift and pay for hey guys so i want to cater this video to people who are starting out in the stock market who are long-term investors we've talked about successful practices on what you can do so that you can pick good stock so that you can invest properly for the long term now in this video i want to talk about what are the things you must avoid if you want to be successful in the stock market especially you know if you are a long-term investor please do note that the significant difference between investors and traders that if you're a trader you want to look at the fluctuations you want to follow the trend and sometimes a lot of those picks are mainly dependent on price action momentum and volume but if you're a long-term trader it will always go back to your understanding and your knowledge about the company the more you know about the company the better it will be for you the more you know about the company the better the decisions you will make so that you are not just mainly dependent on what everyone is telling you because the name of the game when you are investing and i think this will apply not just for stocks but this will apply also for cryptocurrencies real estate and also when you start your own business is that the lesser you rely on other people's opinions the lesser you rely on what other people are telling you the better your investments will become or the better the decisions you will make also and i think the larger your conviction will be if you are investing in the stock market and you are looking at it from a business aspect always look at who the owners are always look at what their track record is always look at what have they done in the past and in an era where sales are not so good look at what have the ceo the chairman of the board or the leadership or the executives have done in seasons in their career where their businesses were not doing so well i think what's so important also know when you are studying companies is that the integrity of the people running it how they are running the show when times are good and how they're running the show when times are bad and it was very very important for me especially for last year i wanted to see who among the companies illicit companies were very very fair to their shareholders when times were bad not just fair to their shareholders but also fair to their employees as much as possible pinaglav and did nila that their employees still had a good source of income even when times were bad you want as much as possible the owners the executives the leadership to be people that with integrity you don't know what's going behind closed doors you don't know what they do during those world meetings you don't know what happens inside the company and investing in companies with people with good hearts with people with integrity in my opinion will go a very very long way number two don't invest in companies who are in sectors that are relatively slow or not doing so well or money is not flowing there or the attention is not there you always want to invest in companies where that's where money is headed that's where the future is and if you've been following the way i have been doing it i have been focusing on technology on renewable energy on artificial intelligence on financial technology because that's where i believe things are headed and the style that you can implement here is that okay that's not where we're headed already i don't want to invest there you don't want to be the person who's investing in yellow pages you don't want to be the person who's investing in fax machines and answering machines or in technology that's not there anymore if you look at what i've been saying from blockchain to fintech to social media to artificial intelligence look at the industries that those will disrupt look at the industries the matatama and because of that and that's what you stay away from look at the companies the sectors the industries that because of automation they may lose a lot of clients or they will have a harder time because of it if that sector is changing and shifting human companies that are not pivoting yuma companies that are not shifting yuma companies that are not evolving you knew also it wasn't you and i don't know if this is something that's helping you but i want to give you some principles right here because please remember this the companies will always change what's good today may not be good tomorrow what's bad today may be good later on in the future but if you remember the principles you remember the concepts you can use this as a template for you to be able to somehow shift and pay for it so i'd like to give you also an example of a company that was able also to shift and people a couple of years ago pldt was primarily focused on their legacy business call and text but if you look at what they did also they were able to shift they were able to pivot they were able to focus a lot of their attention also on broadband they were able to focus on oh no we were not able to capitalize on that a couple of years ago but because we're seeing a lot of people moving into this space everyone's using the internet we're gonna shift there we're gonna double down we're gonna put a lot of money also to build on that together so what should newbie investors not invest in companies with bad leadership companies that are not pivoting or shifting or companies that are in industries that will be disrupted or it's not where things are actually going what should you also not invest in if you are a newbie long-term investor look at who are the companies that are going head-to-head you always want to bet on the market leader you always want to bet on the one that's actually winning so of course there's a chance that maybe young company maybe that may hope but at the end of the day if the numbers are showing that the larger company is still beating the smaller one report on of the pie in their particular industry and this will apply not to banks this will apply to malls this will apply to property development companies this will apply to technology companies this will apply to fast food chains this will apply to everything under the sun and competitors don't give into it always buy into the company that's actually doing better and that being said as a newbie investor please avoid companies that are not earning please avoid companies who have been there for a very very long time their income their sales have been declining of course it's another story it's another issue if you're looking at a tech company say you value tech companies differently instead of getting a net income they're getting a net loss they're losing money what will you be billion and of course understandable in the last year but that mean companies now corona net losses which i think is understandable because we had a once in a lifetime type of pandemic that shut down not just the philippine economy but also the global economy and it's understandable that when that happened we saw a lot of companies we saw a lot of companies that hit a net loss perro the proof will be in the pudding that it was a new company though it was the fact that they're not shifting the fact that they're not dividing speaks volumes that behind this company and i've been saying this over and over and over again that in bad times good companies just get even better in bad times good companies just even shift evolve and change the status of that they even transcend because it was also beginning and i've been saying this over and over in my videos that pagmagan economy even bad companies perform well where the proof will always be my economy when times are bad good companies get better when times are bad good companies position for times of recovery so um as a newbie long-term investor at the end of the day you want to buy it when prices are low not when they're massively higher and i know also that potassium pressure everyone's excited to buy it because well i'm bad news everyone's excited everyone's optimistic about it but when you look at it into perspective that the best time to always buy when it's slow and you just need to exercise conviction you just need to exercise also patience i'll substitute this also to bitcoin by the time i'm making this video bitcoin is down but please remember this by the time it was 64 000 a couple of weeks ago to where it is right now near 32 33 000. bitcoin more than a month ago that's when we start to panic that's why it's so important to be anchored on the main reason on why you are actually investing it's so important to be awkward on why you are investing in that particular stock because it moves the lower you get it the better indifference language versus stock market is your prices for find ways for you not to rely on your emotions find ways for you to rely on a specific system that will cause you and give you the conviction to buy low that will cost you and give you the conviction that you can still hold on to it in spite of volatility and kite signal you to be able to sell then you must also be willing to hold on to it i'll say this coming from a person also who has his own share of mistakes in investing please remember this our goal is not to play a perfect game we will have our own share of mistakes when we start coming into the market we will have our own share of mistakes when we deploy capital and uh when it's your money also kait sobryan of course you always wanted to earn but the reality is no matter how much we want to earn also mistakes will be there and we just have to deal with it and live with it that investigator let's try to see where we stumbled and from that let's build our system from that let's just try to be better from that let's just try to fit what and if you're watching this and then you're still new into the markets guess what i don't know the longer you're working on your job the longer you're studying in your school the better you become and you won't become good in the stock market in just two months in just four months in two years of doing it you get better over time and of course watch these videos read books research surround yourself with the right people but don't be so hard on yourself if you are not getting the results quickly don't be so hard on yourself if there will be losing trades don't be so hard on yourself also if that you're not getting the results that you want because at the end of the day you just have to do you and as long as you're investing based on implement and if you're investing based on strategy if you're investing based on okay hong kong why should you panic that's what i'm saying i want you guys to win mistakes [Music] and the reason why i keep making videos like this is that i want you guys to do better and i know you guys will do better and i know you guys will win i know that there will be a generation of filipinos that 10 20 30 years from now your lives will be massively better not because you're watching my channel but because you made a conscious decision to prioritize building assets but not just building assets you made the conscious decision that you want to take control of your own finances and the best way to do it is by investing and i'll still say this over and over and over and over i may love cryptocurrencies now but i really believe that the stock market is still one of the greatest ways if it's done properly and studied right to build wealth over the long term so i hope you guys got a lot from this and i hope not too long this month for the long term mistakes if you're new to this my name is marvin girmo i'm a stock market trader and investor and if you want more videos like this check it out below we have a lot here in youtube check out our playlist and like share subscribe and smash the bell so you get updated every time i come up with new content about investing if you want to join our online course if you want to join our live event if you want to grab a copy of my book or if you want to invest in the forex market the crypto market and the stock market check it out in the description below and i hope that this is something that added tremendous value to you and this is marvin germain i hope this video helps you trade well trade strong trade smart see you all again soon guys and god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Marvin Germo
Views: 8,341
Rating: 4.9644971 out of 5
Keywords: STOCK MARKET MISTAKES TO AVOID, stock market mistakes, why people lose money in stocks, losing money in the stock market, stock market basics, stock market 101, philippine stock exchange, philippine stocks, how to make money in the stock market, stock trading for filipinos, stock investing for beginners, stock investing strategies, stock investing for dummies, marvin germo, stock smarts, stock investing made easy, stock trading in 2021, trading for filipinos, stock investing
Id: MiR8tebf77k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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