Sting - Harty Show 03/1983

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you'll tip support shopping when you go back time forward to prizes I think if I hadn't won any I would I would say they were unimportant but having one for terribly important I want to be there to not hear the other two are for the I think the best single of the year and the best group performance really and you were in Australia I was in New Zealand it close sorry just a bit further off alright was it gruelling who's not really very much a mature yes it is I mean large distances first yesterday over 26 hours of the airplane pence Thea how do you how do you feel how do I feel terrible but this kind of thing makes it right and an inordinately to you I noticed to start the minute to go behind though the moment applause starts you actually I feel like singing now when you're preparing for the tour like the one you just be not what kind of professions do you make yes yourself for your body and good boys I tend to stay fit all the time regardless a row that I'm touring or not how I used to run a lot I used on about six miles a day until I found that it was giving me pains in my legs and backache sign up now I swim every day I swim for 32 minutes a day besides which is my age so when I'm 33 actives in 33 minutes and the older I get the more I swim so when you were one did yes a regime before I go on on stage I have an upside-down machine but grab a gravity issue with cooks on my boots and I hang upside down and it's also gravity pulls my spine into shape that's very good for you are you pulling my leg no pull my own leg feels fantastic the blood rushes to your head you go purple but your bones because you know you have gravity forcing you down throughout your life so to reverse that process so a good food you should try where'd you get you buy them in America but you can borrow mine if you don't hang up of course that was the typical good page now what's the trouble as they read in in usually whispering um there was a riot in in New Zealand about ten thousand kids came over the perimeter fence which was frightening why must physically danger then on you in in that room oh not much do you have Heather's to protect you did you work you've said that you think you've been over reported or it's been overblown I think you know that they're even they report that ten thousand kids misbehave themselves they don't report with fifty thousand kids had a good time behaving themselves totally hmm that's not good news no but most of our went away we see at people of your step to now use Yavin sleep later now we see people of your structure putting a lot of emphasis on the video now the video package now now is that of supreme importance in the success of a song I think increasingly so it if you can have you can now have a bad record with a good video that's a hit I my personal feelings about it are pretty negative I think in the old days on the radio you listen to a song and you could create the scenario for the song in your own mind right now it's dictated to you by the artist the song means this this is the visual interpretation and not the only one whereas before was much more creative for a listener so I would prefer to go back so they look at of the video of every breath you take and then you can talk about the actual details of you [Music] [Applause] why that why is that in black and white why yeah I've spent the year before watching videos by other groups and seeing musicians dressed in trench coats acting out every line of their songs that it seemed to him a bit silly I wanted a film that was simple and a film that showed musicians just playing entertaining in itself so rum I got some archive jazz film from the 50s of musicians just playing and showed it to the directors I said this is how we want to look in our next video you just want to play music you want to strut simply in black and white so you have you have a stair amount of artistic control yourself over so we have that total control over what what is see you don't now because we're helped consider them that by the fact the control by the fact that viewers that are an actor or some distinction as well so presumably they think that you know what you talking about I think so I mean Lee we work with the best people in the business I think that Kevin looked godly and long creme and we have a neutral respect going and a good working relationship now when everybody else is flying off to Tahiti of the group you're you actually go back to the theatre or or the toilet intuitive act is that a common well Stewart is in Tahiti Andy is in Sri Lanka and I'm in wherever this is Shoreditch short actual Houndsditch times or whatever I've today I had to work on them what's called post sinking for the film dune which is virtually redoing the soundtrack we have a picture of you know it's an anagram of nud as well there you are in do it I don't know what you're actually wearing up and you're standing behind it that's all there is it when is that to be released that's coming out right we shall see it then when you know although the lads are a wave just describe the wrong light really is on you at the end of the day isn't it and it's stated in police now what do they all think about when the light switch is on to you and you guys it I think given that the publicity this week has been pretty terrible they're pretty glad that I'm taking it they don't want I don't want to either it's great but no the good presumably they have more tension about not learn to to put up with it or cope with it you know it's not terribly wonderful to be in the newspapers every day especially when they print rubbish well that's up sometimes to select that we're done what sort of a little different please Oh pathological drug addict yeah terrible and you go to sleep in when brownies I do yeah nonsense there's mistake the rest of the program much because they have various delights to offer in front of some of which you may be able to tip top taking if you nod off to sleep how to kick you and fast you to machine upside down turn around how the burglar tr-8 stinky [Applause] oh yeah earlier today at a launch at which the guest of honor was the former Speaker of the House of Commons Lord turnip and a the devastating you concurred on that she she doesn't come a guardian an exhibition to its of the program you can't even have a look give you what I having something magical done to you while I was talking about coming off I think did you watch sure Susan that they are due home exhibition I did now you've spent some time though I was there this morning and during an interview with radio Oxford tonight our superscalar fishbowl I didn't actually see the exhibition but years ago I did a film there that's alright I disguise myself seriously to get out of building as well consequence you ever have to just to walk around the streets like there a hat knows what that you mean that's not your own no no this is this is we're surrounded a very good it sticks on priorities but do you have do you have actually problems are you annoyed when people pest you in the streets people are normally very very polite and very nicely asleep you know they say yeah nice day like it easy okay can you get the on you our target they could get it again this that's like thank you which is impossible to yeah what do you say yes I'm Richard Nixon we're actually to move on to meet a friend of stings that somebody's had a great influence on his vacuum didn't know about this is gonna config surprise to you but there's a powerful evidence on his life because just recently let me tell you we received this now these two a friends what does what do you do with or for or to him Josh taught me the Polka sir seriously for brimstone and treacle no just for danger dances and how did what do the lessons consist of how how'd you start teaching some don't bill could give you a longer answer you give them exercises and you break down a step and then you rehearse the step or every day for twist three hours a day Emily and it's a bullet I have noted mesmeric power to make anybody do what you wanted that anybody do what you want them to do well there's nothing written about him it was a wreck true drive I exercise in general with I tend to avoid you see just a sting actually goes into active attack now Charles you're breaking new ground you're coming out of your mister hey general advantage and started making a record so you're presenting this office attack to sting in the paper everything the papers not true is hamster everything we read that you've added this what do you make I haven't made it it'll be relief in about a month what is it on the floor get up on the floor and get that body moving and are you do - all right dear full out very glad yeah are you gonna make a video of it I don't know who wouldn't be crazy they wouldn't listen looks let's leave it on an optimistic note that's it for tonight my very warm thanks to sting to mr. Roston here and belly fat all my guest Charles's world I'll be back at the same time next Tuesday with Marta cane and a rather nice piece of so until then good night [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Gosh Mattew
Views: 10,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the police, sting, andy summers, stewart copeland, the police rare, sinchronicity
Id: bTf4Gc6yzEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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