Steven Yeun Connected With His Own Family Over Minari | W Magazine

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my karaoke song oh it's embarrassing or maybe liberating uh is uh my karaoke song is oh town all or nothing but it's just so singable i think i'm too moody for a boy band um in my real life i don't think i could handle the stress of a life like that that sounds stressful it looks stressful how does it start uh i know that thing's been on your mind a distant look is in your eyes thought with time you'd realize it's over over that's it i'm done the movie that we're here to talk about today uh is called minari i'll also pronounce it in my korean way which is binary just to have both i do know about minari um we eat it growing up meenati comes in the pockets of immigrants dies in the first year thrives in the second uh purifies the water purifies the soil there's just something very beautiful about that analogy and the metaphor of just um starting anew starting from the ashes of of anything just it's all burning down sometimes but you got to start again and build it brand new oh the chickens this story is about my wife's family essentially my korean wife grew up in arkansas and my wife's father and mother first made their money chicken sexy and so they know how to do it they were like really good at it i got some tips and pointers um but i think the difficulty was like you know they're such cute chicks and you want to like be gentle with them but then also for this film it's the kind of the reality of what jacob says in the beginning is like these these male chicks have no purpose and so like to kind of go to that mentality while i was trying to be light with them was an interesting tense experience sundance was deep it was it was eerie it was everything that i ended up feeling this year all kind of like bundled into one experience that i couldn't fully decipher at the time we connected we put something out there it reached people we got to connect with our parents about this film kobe bryant passed away on the day of our premiere there was just a lot of a lot of things happening at the same time and and then there was that looming like inkling fear of what this virus was nobody was really like paying much attention to it but like you could hear like uh some people being like this one might not might not be very good we had actually all gone home and i also find that so right like that's so like appropriate that we celebrated isolated um but it was still it was still really magical i think about to say did you develop powers i i think the powers that i held that i've gained over quarantine might be um now i i can hold two truths together at the same time a little bit better um it's it's it comes and goes but sometimes i can do it i didn't work i just jumped into family and um maybe that's the real power that i gained i learned how to how to submit to my family um and be there but quarantine was i didn't pick up many hobbies i just learned how to like be tired all the time
Channel: W Magazine
Views: 35,672
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Keywords: w magazine, wmag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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