Steven Pinker on Good Writing, with Ian McEwan
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Channel: iqsquared
Views: 230,154
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Intelligence Squared, Debate, great oratory, Intelligence Squared debate, speech, top debates, best debates, most interesting debates, educational debates, intelligence2, intelligencesquared, is debate, iq2, iq2 debate, iq squared, Steven Pinker, Ian McEwan, Writing, Literature, The Sense of Style, Style Guides, Oxford commas, split infinitives, language, English Language, etabedegaugnal, punctuation, grammar, reknipnevets
Id: 9GubdYZPYPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 3sec (4683 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 16 2014
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Watched the lecture. Quite good, and would recommend. FYI