Steve Prefontaine runs 3,000m American Record on 8/3/1972

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3000 meter run and it's one of the tremendous races here tonight with me Adrian Metcalf Adrian Steve Prefontaine obviously one of the big names that Europe has been waiting to see Glen Hilton also another American in this race tremendous to miler Doug Brown a man who surprised a lot of people who's Olympic Trials he's a steeplechase er going in the flat Steve Savage another steeplechase running the three thousand tonight Frank Shorter a man who's well known 5,000 10,000 of course a super marathoner Jeff Galloway from the USA rod Dixon dick quacks from New Zealand Richard Taylor from New Zealand Willie Wagner from West Germany Carlos Garcia Karl from Spain Mario Haro from Spain Francisco a receipt the name I'm sure well known to you from Italy Peter Halle from Norway Arne hoped if from Norway John riddlin from Norway Harold's from Anderson from Norway our nick foul I'm from Norway and Stanislaw Hoffman Czechoslovakia and that is a very very big field yes it's ludicrously large it's a narrow track anyway only six lanes and to put this number of people is just absurd they've got three or four Norwegians in to please the crowd but I think the crowd would be quite happy to see Prefontaine running on his own we've heard so much about this boy standing there right on the left right on the inside and he might well go into the lead he's looking for a first time the European want the same they've heard a lot about him most of it he said himself and priyad is who leads out their race he's tucked in back in sixth place it'll take a while for this field of sort themselves out it's a very large one and somebody's going to have to do it very far if they're going to get away Farhan looks like he'd jump into the lead on that yani crime studies record here two years ago I'm a graduate from Oregon and he said the national record here 750 for six a couple of years ago so he'll get a lot of chairs for the first laughs but I don't see maybe he's going to go on a preordained plan with Prefontaine he set him out he said he wanted to try and go a 405 pace once again hit they were schoolmates to the University of Oregon so perhaps that is the case well they've got to lap it around 62 seconds per lap if they're going to get near prefontaine's record which stands at 7:45 8 Kipkay knows records rather astounding 1/2 at seven thirty nine and six 10 seconds feldheim has not been running as well as he did a couple of years ago they're well on schedule with that laughs just over 60 seconds you know this is strange distant danger in the 3000 meters a lot of people wonder perhaps about this world record pace of chaos a 739 six and in terms of a two-mile run that averages out to somewhere around he may come over and do a bit of the pacing and little marriott mariano Haro there in fourth place he's a very dangerous runner and so I'm training the other day and he was just working out very loosely but he's going to be one of the danger men in the longer distance in this in akin to 10,000 he's a very dogged runner he's the Spanish record holder he's in fourth the tall figure of Franco RAC his way back in seventh place at the moment and he's going to have to make a break to stay with the field shorter right in front of him of course better than the long distances this is a real sprint for him tonight Valon equal hime getting a few cheers down the backstraight looking nice and relaxed Prefontaine right in position just where he wants to be I'm sure right in the back of our neck Farhan yeah they're still on schedule around 63 seconds it does look as if Karl Hahn is beginning to feel the pace just a little bit hasn't laid yet new wonder stay off leading as long as possible this husband is strength for in fifth place there is stanislav hoffman the check you might find himself a little bit out of his favorite class in this race I'm very excited to see Prefontaine he's been burning at the tracks in America when we see the Varens and so on in this kind of company smash the same running so wrong you sure still up in that first part of that group and way back from heard some of the American people is a Doug Brown a man who fell down actually in his 3,000 meter steeplechase got up once from about fifth position in the second position and made the US Olympic team so he's a pretty tough kid also you can see call Hondo's heads going a little bit in in saris arms he's a little bit shaky an Oregon benefit up front at the moment but I think he's going to find the pace a little bit too hard for him and I think Prefontaine pretty soon he's going to have to take it up if he wants to stay in this kind of company we find team looks nice and easy like he's capable of running a very quick ton and I'd even know he did get in 1,500 meters yesterday I think he really was concentrating more on this race tonight well he's got to start lifting the pace because they're just fractional lapsing outside the shed yo Lisa when he said his American record a pack is still pretty well together even though they're strung out there is no big separation [Applause] still car I'm leading you may well run the first four laps and then drop out hang in there the prefontaine's got a thing about moving pretty soon it's very easy if you're running behind someone to accept their pace and find it very hard to push out in front and it takes a lot of courage to do it Prefontaine looks of his liking their lane Hilton's running well within himself in third place and looking very comfortable four laps now Hilton was the fifth fastest American three-mile er he's in a 1304 he'll be back with the finish of the 3,000 meter in just a minute when you have athlete's foot you're always sneaking a scratch cause it itches it's a fungus that makes a crack in the skin and it's hard to get it use MP 27 it has a fungicide to kill the fungus and then help keep it from coming back SP 27 feels real nice on your feet and one that it finally stops it's a real pleasure when sculling was a popular sport to watch Pabst Blue Ribbon was already America's great beer it still is today for Pabst is the beer that has always made America's times even better Blue Ribbon has the flavor our country likes good old time flavor only papst Hazzard Pabst Blue Ribbon beer setting the pace since 1844 is the very first of the great Milwaukee Brewers Prefontaine qual Hans calling him through and Prefontaine he's starting to take it up he gets a pat on the back from arnoquon come on hon drops out and now Prefontaine a little shake of the arms and away goes on his bid to break this record looking way loose he's got five or six yards on Len Hilton Mariano Harrow in third place and Hoffman a Czechoslovakian for dick cracks of New Zealand in fifth and the arrest of the Americans tailing back in this field as their champion and record holder goes down the backstraight looking very strong America first and second and Haro Spain leading a chase on Prefontaine they're coming up to the end of five laps they're just about on schedule for that American record the time remember seven 45.8 Hilton still looming behind prefontaine's - the Americans are one - right now Harold Spain in the third position about what 212 yards back right now Frank Shorter hanging onto a fifth-place position yes I'm a feeling Prefontaine may have left it a little bit too late he hung in behind bar high for slightly too long I'm thinking maybe like the place drop a little bit too much and he's going to have to throw in some laps around 60 inches shorter trying to move up in the outside there there's Prefontaine all by himself at this point about 15 yards ahead of Hilton and the thing I admire about Prefontaine is that he says he's going to do something and he has the courage to do it is like David Bedford he's like Ron Clark he's like all the great leaders in middle distance running who commit themselves and then they live up to it and the hardest thing in the world is to say you're going to do something and then go out and prove it in front of as near twenty five thousand cheering and shouting fans but very critical friends too if you don't come back with the goods that leaders increased quite a bit now he's got some 25 30 yards over Hilton and the rest of the field here Prefontaine really living up to that expectation just over 500 meters to go he's a little bit outside schedule is going to have to throw in a very fast last lap he's going to break this American record you can see though the way he's cut away from the rest of this field he's going to be coming up to the ball now and he's dead thirty yards on the rest of the field and start racing Fontaine is really lifting now he's opened it up even more this is what he wanted to do this is what he didn't do last night in the 1500 all by himself running the kind of race that he wanted to run he's chasing hard he's got 220 yards to go just completing seven laps and have to go before in a 60 second so his net on schedule for time to be at 7:45 the crowded cherry because the Norwegian is leading the chase in second place then open sporanox to Prefontaine coming down all the way and looking for this american record at 7:45 Prefontaine kicking anybody's going to be very very close to it that quacks New Zealand get started Norwegian fourth huffman of Czechoslovakia fifth but no doubt about the winner magnificent run he's done it again and he's given dual warning to all those men like Bedford he's going to meet in Munich but he's going to be very hard to be [Music] mr. Prefontaine is winning time a new American record 744 and two-tenths second place len hilton running a very good time 748 flat in third position dick quack of New Zealand 749 six and in fourth in the Norwegian record 750 and 6/10 all these men of course bettering the stadium record well pray first of all just great congratulations or so many things we can talk about how do you feel first I feel very good brace the ball Europeans loved you you see that they're gonna love you all through Europe secondly congratulations on your new American record new stadium record now let's talk about you and Arne qual hi you wanted to help him last night he was gonna help you tonight right that's very true Arne and I are pretty good friends we've we went to go to the same school or we did he graduated now and he was injured all last fall and couldn't train and so he started in May training for the Olympics and he's just now starting to come around and he hasn't qualified for the Norwegian team yet and so we got together and I decide where we decided that we'd like to see we'd like to see each other over Munich and so he asked me if I'd help him in the 1500 and I asked him if he'd help me in the 3000 and it kind of worked out very nice it sure did Steve now did you stay right with your plan here this evening well more or less I could have been a little more relaxed in the middle part of the race but I think I felt the race from last night that my 1500 meters last night I felt very tired in the middle but I came back strong in the end again and that's what makes me feel very good because I was strong in the at the end I wasn't fast but I was strong over the last two and a half laps look very nice and loose - really I'm not even tired now that's great ok well going to Munich and greater things Steve Prefontaine good going it's thank you very much
Channel: Pre Lives
Views: 45,088
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Keywords: running, runner, olympics, steveprefontaine, prefontaine
Id: mg5IlJdfXRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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