Steve Bannon on how the strategy that elected Trump is going global | Four Corners

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he's been called a street fighter and the most dangerous man in American politics you argue for your freedom and they call you as nfo you argue for your country and they call you a racist I like mr. bendy he's a friend of mine he's a good man he is not a racist I can tell you that he's a good person look at who he's put in charge of his campaign Steven Bannon the head of a right-wing website called Breitbart embraces ideas on the extremist fringe of the conservative right let them call you racist let them call you son of Bob's let them call you nativist wear it as a badge of honor [Applause] yeah we should check hands again I love what we do shake hands like somebody out look is that bad Dan is that back door closed so now I'm in a reality show yeah now you know Heather way this is the well-honed well don't well this is the campaign now you know why the Clintons Byway night no I clean didn't take a seriously because you can't take it seriously yep critical midterm elections coming up how high are the stakes for Donald Trump's presidency first off I don't think their midterms I think that the you know the opposition party media the Democratic Party the entire permanent political class aligned against President Trump in the campaign and then after he took office have won one big victory and that is they're gonna get a do-over this is people to think about this is a midterm it's one of the things that we're trying to pound into conservatives heads this is a real act it's all on the table here right if they take the house if the time's up movement the resistance this is as high stakes as possible this if we lose the house the Trump presidency will grind to a halt you just use the term pound and today is actually the day that you've released the trailer for your new film now it it depicts the coming election as a violent battle why so extreme well I think if you look at what's happening in the streets with an Tifa and these neo-nazis everything that the country is really almost like the 1960s to a degree because of the two sides of what's arguing you see the country is coming apart and I think all these all these issues have to be put on the table and so it is a time you know it's a time that the country is quite divided and that's why this midterms so important there's why the 16 election is so important you have to decide it at the ballot box you say yourself that you won the 2016 election you were just talking about the the chaos in the campaign but you won that election with not a lot of money as you say and really with fear and anger do you think that you can rely on the deplorable z-- to come out again time I'm not sure sure is fear and anger as rationality I think working-class people in middle-class people in this country realize that something's you know something's wrong is that you know upon their shoulders rest the entire tax burden and upon their shoulders really rest you know this kind of liberal post-war international order the kind of globalist system that's out there right they are quite rational so now what you're going to see I think in this election is there's still a lot of anger out there and I think that this anger can be harnessed you know this anger can be harnessed to have another another another big victory for Trump the one thing different in 16 the Clinton campaigns we were joking beforehand you know we were fairly disorganized except on the ground we had a terrific ground game in addition Trump had this kind of powerful populist message which she missed she really went for identity politics they also didn't take us very seriously they saw a collection of kind of quasi amateurs we had a lot of people just kind of fill in the gaps there and they didn't take it seriously the difference in this election is that these groups are what I call fully woke they understand exactly what's going on they're looking at the right congressional district so this one's going to have to go in kind of full consciousness you're not going to sneak up on them like we did last time you mentioned the time's up movement now just for the sake of our audience that's the extension in America of the me to this is the highest the high me to is about sexual harassment times up is really about the power dynamics in society the women not put themselves on the first line and accuse Batman mr. Weinstein and brought him down by using their boys we need to do the same for true you you described it as being primal what do you mean by that I mean it is it's trying to up in 5,000 years of kind of the way civilizations been structured whether that's Hindu Islamic or to do Christian Western civilization kind of the patriarchy it's after that and I'm not arguing whether it's right or wrong what I'm saying is that this movement is much deeper than a sexual harassment this times up movement if you listen to its leaders if you listen to what its ideology is I equated kind of like the French Revolution the French Revolution was very primal and try to take go to the core of society and upended and restructure and so I have allied I don't agree with the ideology I have a lot of respect for its its latent power I've seen it here in the United States since the day that Trump has been has been elected it's been as one of the most powerful forces politically we have in the country today one of the things that's happening is that Donald Trump has lost some support particularly amongst college-educated white women yes do you think that on the back of these movements like time's up and me - do you think that are you worried actually that now this time around women are going to punish Donald Trump for his behavior not punished but I'm very worried let's go back to 16 I think one of the things that shocked people is we won white women 52 48 we won high school educated white women I think 69 37 or something like that these are extraordinary numbers there's definitely been a softening my argument about this reelection that's going to take place on November 6 of the midterms is that there's not time right now okay to go out and do a lot of outreach on either policy or tone because I think a lot of this is tone a lot of these people are just see Trump as a disrupter and they just don't like the style I don't know if it's punished but one of the realities that I keep telling people is that we have to be very focused on the fact that the numbers we had in 16 among college-educated women both Republican and independent or not coming back now you've really challenged the Democrats to make this make the midterms an election about impeachment well they have so here's what I think if you look at the smart look the grassroots of the Democratic Left are doing exactly what the Tea Party movement did in 2010 and I admire the fact they have enthusiasm of what they believe I don't believe it but I believe in democracy and what they're doing is going out and getting votes they're ringing doorbells and knocking on doors I said hey they have made this a referendum on Donald Trump I'm just saying we gotta face reality and not sit there and go oh well let's just let's just have let's lose and then we can run against the house so if you lose though if it doesn't go the way you want and that referendum goes against you is that the end of your is that the no I think it's great no I think what luck the accomplishments he's made in 18 months are extraordinary the other thing you have to remember to which I say is a strategic major advantage of this by early October if it looks like it's not going to be a blue wave I believe that the left and the Democratic Party is going to turn on his establishment remember I've been at civil war with the Republican establishment for about ten years the Democrats have not had their Civil War there's been no Breitbart there's been no guys like Bannon that want to take on the establishment I believe if they do not deliver a resounding victory on November 6 and that victory is tied to teaching Donald Trump and stopping his program you're gonna see an intern essent war starting the democratic party that will take years to go through it's something that should have happened years ago it should have definitely happened when Clinton lost in 16 how could they have two billion dollars have a candidate like Clinton that entire brightest here you got Donald Trump and a collection of clowns around him and you lose they weren't held accountable because oh guess what the Russians the Russians stole it from us okay that was a cover if they lose this November the Civil War inside the Democratic Party is going to take is going to consume them for years it's going to make Donald Trump's reelection at 20/20 a foregone conclusion you're different from quite a lot of your colleagues in that respect Robert mother you're not asking for him to be sacked are you no what's the difference why not what first of mother is a combat marine I mean he's got a tremendous record in the FBI etc I was remember I was when it's a public record I was quite opposed to firing Comey and the reason is I don't think there's any collusion I think it's very imperative for Bob molar to finish an investigation but I think the reports got to be issued before the November election I think the American people gotta weigh in here I think that's just gonna do that finish that report when he sees fit and if there is evidence of crime either of obstruction of justice or a crime that effectively is collusion then impeachment is that a natural course you accept that well here's what I think is going to happen is I think Moeller is an Arthur already dealing out for four people in Australia you know what there was Cohen where there's mana for as he sees potential crimes already he's dealing those out to prosecutors to take those to trial if the American people back Trump I think the molar thing will fade away over time unless there's unless there's real evidence of specific crimes that have to go to prosecutors which presumably you you can't really know what happened you can't really know whether there was collusion in the in the inner circle of trumps campaign at times when you weren't there look I as the CEO of the campaign in 88 days when we were down I don't know 12 or 16 points that day we won we couldn't collude between the RNC and the Trump camp ground game in Pennsylvania I've said from day one there's no collusion if they think obstruction of justice comes around firing Comey or what happened on Air Force One or with Jeff Sessions then he ought to put it in a report and he ought to bring it before it here to bring before Congress and let's see how the chips fall I'm I'm a big boy I've got a lot of respect for Moeller I've also said and I was one of the guys around when Rosenstein got picked I have said from day one on this issue of crossfire hurricane across fire hurricane is the code word for the investigation that the FBI counterterrorism started about the Trump campaign started with an Australian started with an Austrian well how that Australian got into it is going to be quite interesting because there are subpoenas not from Trump there's subpoenas from Capitol Hill from from five different committees okay suggesting at all former foreign minister Alexander down who is at this you know the center of the information about the emails that came from Russia which became the FBI investigation are you saying that he did something wrong I am saying what I want to see is I want to see those subpoenas executed I want to see the information at the end of the day the intelligence apparatus works like the post office and what I mean by that there's a chain of command and there's an approval for everything that went on we cycle back fighting every day I am just people called the deep state it is not the deep state this is in your face okay and and this crossfire hurricane goes to the beating heart of this kind of what I call the nullification project a president Trump it is outrageous trying to shut him down so yeah they were trying to shut him down even before he got into office that's the key thing this crossfire hurricane with the Australians the British all started in the summer of 2016 people just have to keep this line the the only problem with this is it's so interesting that we could spend our whole time talking about it so let's put it aside for come we'll come back to it I'm kind of into it too right I just want to tease out a little bit of the relationship with Donald Trump now you've already mentioned that you said that the sacking of James Comey was a terrible mistake the worst mistake in modern political history is a new one I think I got what you were getting out there I think I got it you went on to say that Don jr. was treasonous and unpatriotic for attending the Trump Tower me I did correct that this is my question your philosophy is never apologised never back down never explain what is it about your relationship with the Trump's that made you break your it's not because I thought in that regard it's the professionals I was really taught it was man afford how can you make a distinction between poor man afford it was Don Jr who answered in a breathless breathlessly enthusiastic way that he wanted to set up the meeting when he heard the information were coming from but dodging injured or her family they're not in that regard but they but part of the cat I know but they were essentially they were volunteers okay I mean this is part of the family they're well-intentioned and they're very smart but these are volunteers Paul Manafort is a professional yeah but back back to the relationship with Trump because what happened at that time is you know exactly how volatile Donald Trump is you know him well enough he turned on you and that's what he does he attacks people very personally when he gets angry from an Irish family I got two brothers it's Jill this this goes off my back like quarters it does it does it mean it's for show is it real or is it for show is that anger real or is it show I think he's look he's he's he's like me he runs a little hot sometimes right with with the president trumpet like he's one of the best guys I've ever met he did not need to run for this office and the jury and what drives people crazy when I say in this town he said and this is among Republicans when I say he's a historic figure he's a store president he's a transformational president and you see it every day drives him nuts yeah okay so you gotta separate the signal from the noise all the tweets and the attacks or the noise the signal is what he stands for and what he does every day so I can look I come from an Irish Catholic family that around the table I've gotten a hundred times worse than what we we accept that the President of the United States is different to what you get around the ban and family dinner table this is not a Catholic family tearing each other president the reason he's president listen we have gone into it what I call the McLuhan desk Age of politics in the future you're not gonna see I think leaders in this country and particularly people running for president that will become president that actually work on City Council go to the state legislature running Congress I think we're in a media age that's what I've said when they asked me about the times of movement in 2020 candidates I said I think Oprah Winfrey's the number one potential and I think people like the rock or Mark Cuban are our people our oven Yeti I think these people have real opportunities and people this town roll their eyes yeah just like when I used to say hey Donald Trump is going to be the guest when the Republican nomination people left it does sound sometimes like it's someone who's not fully in control of their emotions is that really what you want inside inside the White House okay let's talk about that for a second everybody said in the campaign this guy and one of the things we talked about giving people permission of open about commander-in-chief there has never been somebody that's been less trigger-happy and more prudent about decisions it took us seven or eight months to make the Afghanistan decision okay it's taken it took us so many months even to come up with the Korea situation and to get engaged in the negotiation of their Donald Trump is very prudent about how it goes about things you got to separate the signal from the noise the Twitter account the Twitter feed yeah the Twitter feed in some of the comments and I've taken as bad as yeah I just tell people hey you just got it that that comes with the territory there's never a moment when you look at it and think that it's denigrating the office I think the office has changed over time right it just has is this the way that the founders ran it in in in in in the 1760s although politics then was just as brutal if we had a better understanding of history we understand that's what I kept telling President Roh about Andrew Jackson of how the how the East Coast establishment John Quincy Adams that crowd stole the election from him so as a populist and so we've had bear we've had bare-knuckle history before I think president Trust has got a different style and I think people are getting accustomed to this style but you're just gonna have to accept it this is the whole thing about Republican women independent women when I kept telling people to keep telling people the style is the style and the tone is the tone if they don't like it well I'm not so sure about that I'm not so sure about that I think that I think that you have to expand out that kind of working-class base today right that that will vote for Trump in middle class I think people are understanding I've got an economy growing at 4% I've got historic lows and black and Hispanic unemployment people are seeing the benefits of this economic nationalism and you're going to have to some people love his style and some people are turned off by but if you look at the results one of the reasons I started this group and say hey there's a much deeper narrative fear of what this guy's accomplishing and that and that affects you and that's all about economic nationalism and you have to see that agenda that you you you know teamed up with him is still going the economy is clearly in good shape but that economy was already improving under Obama the trajectory of our jobs growth for Hispanic relax was already happening on a farm okay it's continuing this is the mainstream media's kool-aid President Obama the growth on President Obama's one point nine percent it was a crisis yeah in 2008 we're coming the tenth year anniversary we have a complete implosion of the world's capital markets okay brought on by the elites President Obama comes in and he's the most progressive president we've had in the history of the country they would he would admit that he was proud of that the permanent poco class in the elites in this country literally just created money we have a fancy term called quantitative easing they just create liquidity so if you're an asset holder of real estate or stocks or intellectual property you've had the greatest 10-year run in history if you're a working person who's present Obama's supposed to be worried about you you've paid the bills you've been stiffed you haven't had a raise average family in this country can't put together four hundred dollars of cash if you take away the equity in your house average person in this country I think it's got $10,000 in the bank for retirement and that's why the Republican establishment hates us because what we've done with President Trump is turned this more into a Workers Party so he's fundamentally that's what these trade deals are so important now and who is he getting the most grief from the Republican establishment in wall street what he's doing these trade deals are much deeper than just tariffs and trade this is about bringing jobs back in high value-added jobs that bring Worth and dignity to workers and they can actually have one income that maybe I'll support a family it's interesting when you talk about the global financial crisis as we call it you do sound in fact during the campaign you sounded a lot more like Bernie Sanders we share a lot one of the things I do all the time in this house is have meetings with Bernie's people I think there's 25% of the Bernie movement that can be taken over to the Trump movement so you say we're going to replace a Republican suburban women who are maybe turned off by some of this stuff there's a larger worker base of black and Hispanic working-class and some of Bernie's people that are economic Nashes and they see the benefits so right now a trade war has begun and we've just realized you're wrong you're wrong there's just dead wrong why that because the trade war has not just begun this is not a trade war and Australia ceases Australia is at the front lines of this we're in an economic war with China okay not a trade war China's been economic war with the West and they are they are eight not authoritarian there are a totalitarian mercantilist system they always talk about this international rules based order the Chinese don't play by any rules they don't have any internal rules it's a completely totalitarian regime not the Chinese people the regime okay what Donald Trump has said he's the first president because the elites in our country just like the elites in Australia said the rise of China is inexorable it's the second law of thermodynamics we can't continue to allow China to rape our country and that's what they're doing it's the greatest theft in the history of the world I have to say we've developed a great relationship with China other than the fact that they've been killing us on trade for the last long period of time killing us absolutely killing the United States on trade do you know what Trump said I don't think so Trump has been arguing this for thirty and forty years what Donald Trump has done is taking the United States government said hey we're just not going to be a punching bag anymore and that's what I keep saying Australia is the Canadian area in the mineshaft Australia can show you when good and decent people kind of play by the rules and the next thing they look around and and money of the economic resource and economic assets of a country are owned by another country and also you start seeing influence operations on their politicians Donald Trump is to say what the first thing where I do is we're going to take on trade and a scale that's never been done before how far do you think Donald Trump is prepared to go with 500 billion dollars at stake all the way you know the losers if this trade war continues and if you don't want to call it a trade war that's up to you but the rest of the world is calling it a trade war and can I say something the globalist in the globalist media propaganda machines or calling a trade war okay it's been economic war first off who loses their job by the way recessions come and go okay recession is coming yes the continuity of work which is New York I think workers I think workers understand and particularly people that back Donald Trump that what he's trying to do is bring manufacturing jobs back to United States and trying to reset this economy to the economy that we've had since the American system came up in the 19th century they understand there could be some speed bumps on this and that's what leadership is about I mean Donald Trump's actually gone to the some of the states he won and say hey on the agriculture side it could be some heads remember China thinks of the United States and Australia in the same way they think were tributary States okay we are essentially Jamestown to their Great Britain we sent very few finished manufacturing goods and no high value-added manufacturing goods right we essentially sent natural resources agricultural products you know copper and tin was extracted from the earth and all trial Trump is saying is that that's not the natural law of physics that was human action human agency that did that Wall Street and in our country with the guys that shipped those jobs over there and what Donald Trump's saying is have a vibrant robust economy you have to make things you have to make high value-added thing and you'll prepare to go through a recession in order to achieve that is that I think the country is prepared to do what the country has to do I'm not trying to dismiss recessions certainly don't want it but recession is a part of the business cycle we've had it we've had recessions come and go for the last I'm actually shocked to hear you say that because what we know happens in recessions is that particularly older members of the workforce looser jobs that they never get back again that for someone who's for the working man for the for the for the public since I would love to have a system I would love to have a system in capitalism that didn't have business cycles so far we have no divine providence and we are now in a in a ten year recovery right now part of this because we infused the system with trains of dollars of capital and lifted up the elites the working guys haven't gotten that benefit president Trump's economic policies nobody's talking about a recession in fact today the economists came out and they don't see any recession on the horizon given his monetary but the dollars the strongest has ever been our versus our government of the Bank of England said that the current the current trade policy's that the United States has in play and if they if they continue in this way you could be looking at taking 1% of global growth two and a half percent off US growth okay two percent off u.s. growth is now a u.s. growth is projected at five percent three percent you're prepared for that I think I think what economic Nashes are what President Trump is prepared for is that in the reordering of the global supply chain and that's what you're seeing put tariffs aside for a second look what's really happening what you're having is a reordering of the global supply chain away from just solely of China being the manufacturer of the high value and your manufacturer of everything President Trump who everybody dismissed as a rube his everybody dismisses a guy on Twitter that's so crude okay he's actually taking the long view okay the Chinese look at this in hundreds of years and we in the judeo-christian west of which Australia happens be at the tip of the spear in the Pacific have to start thinking in in generational cycles what you should view I think China as a large extent particularly of what they're doing in South Asia what they're doing in sub-saharan Africa their equivalent of the East India Company yeah what they're trying to do is predatorial when I say yes I'm not agreeing I'm noting that I know predatory predatory lending what it tries to do is go to smaller countries or weaker countries lend them money to they know they can't pay back what rally why wouldn't Australia whose economy has benefited so much from its proximity to and deals with China why wouldn't Australia seek to take advantage of what's going to become available through Belton Road they will do it if it meets our standards like the United States we want a relationship but really we'll have a great relationship no but we want it on terms that we have our sovereignty and that people in our country like people in Australia make their decisions now look I'm a hawk I'm a hawk on China I'm a hawk on China because eventually I believe that this regime is not confronted if this regime is not confronted bad things are going to happen and I think they have to be confronted now I think they absolutely have to be confronted now I think Turnbull has been way too much of an appeaser and I think that's not going to turn out well but I here's the good news right now you have a much more vibrant debate in Australia and this was I say your canary in the mine shaft you have a much more robust debate in Australia than we're having here the United States in the United States we're just starting that and that's what I keep pointing to Australia I say look these guys played by the rules look where the situation they are today and may the people who are comfortable with that are not comfortable today and here's the beauty of it it doesn't really deal with political ideology you have many progressives down there saying hey we're quite upset about this so I think it's gonna it's gonna play it very interestingly and I think are strays at the tip of the spear of this you spent some time over the last months in different places in the world trying to link up right wing movements let's look at how Australia looks through Steve bannon's eyes do you have any interest or connections with Australian politicians first off we got our hands full here because of this populist nationalist revolt clearly this November we've got another massive election that's going to really determine the future and direction of the Trump administration in this movement I have announced that the movements going to be a global operation helping being connective tissue for ideas communication polling analytics I think I think I absolutely see Australia is going to be a hotbed of populism just knowing the cussedness and grit of the Australian people remember one things about populism it's about getting decision-making away from a set of kind of global elites the Goldman Sachs's of the world the party at Davos and get it back to working-class people meeting of economists and world leaders held a very swanky ski town just so everyone's clear about your your labels you're used to them we're not now let's just talk about that economic nationalism you say that there's potential for that to take root in Australia how do you stop economic nationalism morphing into something that is essentially racist I don't think economic nationalist has anything to do with race in fact what I keep saying it here it doesn't matter remember it doesn't matter if you're about your religion it doesn't matter your ethnicity your color it doesn't matter your agenda agender it doesn't matter your sexual preference all of that's totally irrelevant you say that I've watched lots of interviews and I've watched people ask you or accuse you in various ways of being a racist and there's no evidence that that that's what you are but do you understand what that group of people that particularly disenfranchised white workers in how that turns into races the way to see this another thing the white works in this country are not racist do we have an element like trying to March her the other day and how many guy showed up six what my point is that did such an infant test I come for the American South okay it's such an infinitesimal small percentage of people and they're only made important because the the left media gives them a microphone but the other day we had thousands of police officers and hundreds of media and what six guys showed up 20 guys showed up there was nothing it's not true what day was not a joke [Music] well what happened a year ago and I've said this from day one the Neo Confederates the neo-nazis the KKK have no place in American society we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred bigotry and violence on many sides [Applause] you know what an unambiguous declaration against people wielding swastikas sounds like and that's not what we heard President Trump has been adamant about that he has condemned the neo-nazis condemn the KKK he is them that can the neo Confederates it's your hearing what you mainstream me here's what they want to hear they're never gonna let Trump off the hook on this there's just not going to do it they're going to continue to pound that but I gotta tell you as long as you don't take responsibility the two things the mainstream media have done number one they've given a bunch of marginal dangerous people a platform but you know how to harness their anger too don't you you've worked out a way to try and separate yourself and your views from them but at the same time their comments filled the Breitbart website that anger is about economic reason of elites that took care of themselves and basically screwed over the American worker in the American middle class that the anger comes because people are rational they look out there and they say hey it's my pension fund in my insurance company my insurance policy that's the underpinnings holds that into racism when it happens because you can race you can beat this dog all day what you have seen is people with racist views cleave to your economic nationalist movement but it doesn't cleave this is my point it's such a de minimis what the media always says and you always go back to the same thing aren't you worried about about this zero zero zero zero point one percent that when we put the cameras on them say oh yeah we support that versus the basics of the argument here's the argument the Republican Party is being turned into a Workers Party the workers in this country are finally standing up from themselves this movements not going to stop and it doesn't matter how many liberal journalists come in here and say oh this is a bunch of fascists there's a bunch of Nazis this is a bunch of racist and this is why you've lost so much credibility this is why the mainstream media in this country has lost so much credibility a good crowd you're completely arguing the point over and over again that's why I said in France let them call you racist let's see let's see who's up leave us let them call you son of oaks please enough let them call you nativist less evil is a primitive Easter wear it as a badge of honor Bhati to command badge donor when they can't beat you on the facts what they're always gonna go back and do is the same parlor trick they've always had and that parlor tricks very simple they're gonna call you racist and I said that accusation where that accusation as a badge of pride because the accusation cannot be they can't debate you on the facts and they'll never to bait you on the facts very clear about that so what you're talking about is is what people said in response to what you said at the lepen rally in lille which is - if they call you erase it racist wear it as a badge of pride so you make a speech you're standing there in a party look at the predicate look at the predicate in that speech yes I said I said I said when they can't beat you on the facts because what Donald Trump has done has the lowest unemployment and history of african-americans our country the lowest unemployment of Hispanics and our country we now have wages rising on 17 years for the Hispanics 1770 by the way I think the other day it actually went to the to the lowest ever but we'll double check them sure in fact check me later and I said when they can't beat on the facts what they're going to do is go back to the old trick of xenophobe nativist racists where that accusation is a badge of right because then in the argument you know you've got them you understand perfectly well the history of that party that is steeped in virulent anti-semitism so when you say to go support that is the connotation oh look at that look how that party's evolved over time - I look well ok they've cut looking at they've cut loose in fact the fathers cut him loose look and look in the evolution and look at that audience that's her by the way they left behind they were they were started and they had certain taints of anti-semitism and they left that very strong okay but then let's be clear let's call a spade a spade today when people went to the polls in France and particularly I think she split the youth vote she got a third and McCrone got a third when people went to the to the polls in France and young people under 35 went to the polls they were not voting for anti-semitism okay they're not even close and for you guys to keep harking back to that shows you you're afraid of dealing with what they are trying to deal with there this is about economic nationalism this is about populism it but but to smear them all the time with racism I think it's a great disservice to run a Chanel should be beaten issue argued and either win or beaten on the facts as they think exact I think it's a it's not a smear it's a question about how the party has evolved and what it stands for and what its history means to the party now obviously these are the choices that you make that cause people to ask questions to understand where it is I'm proud of those choices I'm proud of the I'm proudest of any look what happened in Italy what happened in Italy at oten that's why I said in the world stage today the two most important places politically look is Australia because the situation with China and on your reset in in Italy and Italy you had you had a partir and that was a left-wing party in the right-wing party one was a populist and one was nationalist who knows if it's going to be successful I think it is but it's gonna be messy like democracy is messy so this was preceded by your involvement in in brexit with you Kip and Nigel Farage we've got our country back [Applause] the Sun has risen on an independent United Kingdom the EU is failing the EU is dying I hope we've knocked the first brick out of the wall I hope this is the first step towards a Europe of sovereign nation-states you've described brexit and Trump as an inflection point what does that mean well I think I said first off the interest rate could be linked and and what link some people didn't I think put together that that's what we started covering and sending up an operation in England many years ago because we saw really it was China I think what you saw is the deindustrialization of Western Europe in the deindustrialization of the United States and you could see what drove bricks at what surprised all the pundits the geniuses what is the Labour vote it was the Midlands labour vote that voted for brexit you know Boris Johnson and those guys kind of ran they were the official leave a party and they ran that hey Brussels has too much control they control our courts a very intellectual argument I agree with but it wasn't the emotional argument of the immigration argument that Nigel fried what Nigel fried said hey because the immigration policies we have job your job is going to be replace by lower cost labor that can come into the country and we've exported all the high value-added manufacturing jobs out of here it's kind of the same argument one that's a different in degree but not in kind of the argument we made several months later in the United States and one on that I think it's a winning argument that's what you're seeing in Europe right now and I think you have any chance of bringing those right wing movements in Europe together I think I think what we'll do is be a connective tissue right there we're not trying to actually knit them together in one massive movement but this revolution is global it's coming to Australia so it's I will be in Australia sometime this fall after our November elections see you then thank you very much you're good I've got 15 obviously we'll take that up in the fall you're fantastic that was great [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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Keywords: USA, Steve Bannon, Breitbart, populism, China, Four Corners, revolution, donald trump, Australia, conservatives, US politics, steve bannon abc, steve bannon strategy, donald trump election, china influence, populist revolution, america
Id: q8BGvG3pPfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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