Steve Bannon: New Film On Huawei—“Claws of the Red Dragon”, Hong Kong Protest & US China Trade War

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Didn’t watch this yet, but to see at how things are shaping, we should talk more about an Apple threat.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Parabellum27 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Only thing worse than China is Steve Bannon.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/gkts 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

His involvement in anything concerns me.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Mal-De-Terre 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
can president trump actually order american companies out of china what is steve bannon's new film clause of the red dragon all about and why does he describe chinese telecom giant huawei as the greatest national security threat we have ever faced how does president trump differ from previous presidents both democratic and republican in his approach towards china what did previous administrations fundamentally misunderstand about china and the ruling communist regime and what is the role of wall street and western business leaders in funding and empowering the chinese communist party and how can we expect the hong kong protests to play out this is american thought leaders and i'm yanya kellik today we sit down with steve bannon former white house chief strategist to president donald trump and former executive chairman of breitbart news we discuss how in bannon's view the chinese communist elites have gained power and wealth through access to western capital and technology and used that power to stifle dissent and advance its self-serving global ambitions and we look at the threat of chinese telecom giant huawei and its ties to the people's liberation army which are spotlighted in a new film produced by bannon called claws of the red dragon steve bannon excellent to have you on american thought leaders listen thank you so much for having me steve so in september you're going to be releasing a clause of the red dragon a film that's going to expose huawei the chinese telecom giant tell me more well one of the issues about huawei you know it's it's the technological arm of the pla it's a driver in 5g and quantum computing throughout the world and whether it's western europe canada the united states or australia people particularly citizens don't really understand what's in back of huawei the deception what's been in this uh indictment uh and it's uh so the the new tang dynasty tv was making a pilot for the beginning of a series i got involved a couple of months ago and i said listen this is exactly what the canadian people and the american people need to see which is a drama not a documentary that goes in a very dramatic you know great acting great photography great music to really allow the citizen to understand what the situation is with huawei so i'm very excited this is a very powerful film it talks about the arrest of the chief financial officer is also the daughter of the founder i think it it opens up and explains in a dramatic form exactly what's going on with china's encroachment into the technology area throughout the world people will be shocked uh when they see they've already tested it with some people i've tested here in the united states in washington d.c yes i've had a couple of test screenings of the rough uh about a month ago tested with some fairly senior people in the u.s government and they were stunned by some of the revelations in the film and so that's why i told uh joe dr joe about we've really got something i think very powerful here and what i'd like to do is make a big deal about the the opening in in in canada and what i'm doing right now i'm feeling calls from all throughout the world australia uh europe uh in the united states to cut distribution deals so the entire world can see this i think they're going to be very very impressed that's incredible and dr joe wong of course the president of ntd canada our sister media i i'm going to read something that i struck me in the press release which kind of blew my mind a little bit i mean you describe huawei as the greatest national security threat we have ever faced that's america i mean bigger than nuclear war that this is this is quite the statement no because here's why the future of all technology the backbone of the future of technology is 5g it will be a dominant technology right now the path that huawei's taken as a front for the pla is to basically take over the networks and the components throughout the world if we allow this to happen even for a couple more years huawei is going to control basically the communication systems of the west and therefore would be able to control the west you know even as bad as nuclear weapons are and they're terrible even as bad as some of the opponents that we've had has been terrible that that has been fairly localized the damage that could be due this is something that could actually and it can do it in a stealth manner remember we're in 2019 and we're finally having the conversation about huawei because the cfo was arrested in canada you know within the past year up until then if you go to europe you see huawei and the billboards you see huawei and the stores has been absolutely no discussion the elites have let down the citizens of both canada the united states and western europe and now this film is the beginning of the exposure of that so you know to your point um i looked on the huawei's website and huawei claims to currently serve 3 billion people around the world yes it has almost 200 000 employees 170 countries penetration in 170 countries i had someone an old student of mine text me and say hey all our cell towers in vancouver around vancouver or huawei is that a problem um wow that it feels like it's been under the radar how did how how did this happen well one of the things you know there's an indictment out there the reason she's under a house arrest in canada today was this indictment you know they want to extradite her to the united states this indictment when you read it and here's the thing nobody in this town has read it you know i'm talking about people in power have not read it you've got to go read and we're going to put it up on the website you've got to read the indictment of huawei it starts back in 2007. i mean this has been a history of their nefarious activity for quite a while and it has never really gotten exposure really hasn't gotten any media exposure part of that is the misinformation campaign that the chinese communist party uh you know uh represents people should understand this is not about china it's not about the people of china the people of china some of the most hardworking decent people on earth they're enslaved by a radical totalitarian surveillance state of the chinese communist party and really a radical cadre inside that communist party that suppresses enslaves the chinese people huawei is a methodology a high-tech methodology to basically have domination over the world and this is what this film is the beginning of the exposure that it's going to cause a lot of controversy it's going to cause a lot of conversation that's what we want we want people to start questioning uh this so the center piece of the film this is this arrest of mung right she's the cfo the daughter of the founder right and um and this is actually in reality what caused alerted everybody to the this threat it took until 2018 basically yes so and this has been happening since 2007. what's been happening it's longer than that right the the investigation when you read the indictment the investigation in the united states started in 2007. so it's 11 years and there's they're indicted for multiple uh causes right and so when you read the indictment you sit there and go why did it take so long to do this why did the both the bush and the obama administration you know kind of looked the other way while investigators at the department of justice in other places were pursuing this and so people have to remember also and we don't really bring this up in the film because there's just too much to get done in an hour but when she was arrested in vancouver it was the same time virtually the dinner is going on in buenos aires of president xi and president trump which at that time was the most important it was around i think the g20 meeting it was the most important meeting that they had had in discussions about various topics and particularly about the trade war what i say is the economic war that the ccp has been running against the united states canada and the western democracies while that dinner's going on and they're having a very tough conversation she's arrested during that dinner do you think that's intentional here's what i think i think that it's not intentional here i believe that now what you're seeing in the united states and this is what's changed under president trump is the reason the other day says i'm the chosen one and kind of tongue-in-cheek but he went to a litany of you know bush clinton bush obama since tiananmen square okay we have looked the western elites have looked the other way on china china's behavior they've let the ccp promise and then lie okay promise and then lie promise and then lie and get their way the entire time and what trump is saying he says i didn't ask for this it'd be very easy for me to cave and to give them what they wanted just to kick the can down the road which every other administration has done but i'm not going to do that they're engaged in economic war against us they're engaged they've been lying to us they've been having cyber theft against us we're going to actually now confront this and it's not going to be totally pleasant but it has to be done and that's what he says i guess i'm the chosen one right but he's made a decision he saw today with this really throw down that president trump had he's not going to back off this what i think you've seen the sea change in the united states is that people call it the deep state i don't i think the apparatus of the national security apparatus which the justice department has won is now fully engaged in this economic war that china is running against us and i think in the normal course of business in the justice department they finally decided they're going to act upon this indictment right by the way the indictment came down from a grand jury and that's why they acted upon it and they went to canada the nicest people in the world write and convince the canadian authorities that you have to do this and you must do this for your own good this is the power of the film one of the powers of the film and i think this is the reason the filmmakers are so brave is that it shows the tension in the canadian government okay this is not an easy decision the ccp plays smash mouth right if you don't go along with what they want to do they're going to come after you and it shows in this entire that's the tension in the film is what happens to to decent honest people that see the facts and decide to stand up on the side of truth and the sight of justice and the side of really democracy what you're seeing in hong kong is kind of played out in this film of and these are just it's the common citizen when they're called to duty of what to do it's very easy to look the other way it's very easy to let this kind of stuff going because i'm just one little guy in the entire system in fact in the film you see the tension of a lot of people saying hey look you know they're creating jobs they're doing this why don't we just get along why are you guys bringing up all these problems why are you doing this and what's so powerful is these citizens whether in media companies or canadian citizens or in the canadian government that said no this has to stop and we're the ones that have to stop it and so i think it's a very powerful film and i'm very proud to be associated with it and i hope that through my efforts we can get distribution throughout the world and that people can start to see in one hour of a drama exactly what huawei's doing well and there are very real consequences and i'm sure this is in the film i think i saw a snippet of it in the in the trailer that you know two canadians were arrested and one canadian i believe was sentenced to death ostensibly in retaliation or to show hey if you go through with this there's going to be political consequences look if you go throughout the history of this and we'll be putting more up on the website as we get ready for distribution there's a whole history of people that have you know committed suicide people that have you know you know professors or researchers that have just decided to fall off buildings you know there's been all this just like in you know in china in the last couple of years you've had over a thousand either people disappear be put in prison commit suicide or just so happen to get depressed and fall off a 40-story building you know all these kind of random events are happening among people that are crossing the ccp in this film you see that you see that they fight back one of the ways they fight back is to go after canadian citizens canadians some some canadian citizens maybe already broke the law uh in other canadian citizens that haven't broke broken the law they kind of round them up but it's this is what and you see in this film what the young people in hong kong are fighting for the extradition bill because once you're in mainland china there's the only rules are the house rules and the house rules are controlled by the ccp there's no rule of law okay it's whatever they say goes and you see this with his canadian citizens and this is one it's one of the tensions in the film as even the members of the canadian government are saying hey look we have a lot of people over there ex-patriots that are working that are on a missionary work or are doing things for ngos they're going to be exposed and that's the way the ccp plays but you have people back in canada saying hey look you know that's essentially extortion we have to do what's right it's one of the powers of the film that you see everyday people that have to make these decisions and i think the film is a profiling courage and i think it represents the canadian people extremely well sounds sounds incredible um you know something just struck me i don't know if you want to speak to this now but you know the ccp chinese communist party it's not the government of china it's kind of this parasitic organization that sits on top of all aspects of government and society is that that's how i understand it yes a parasitic i would actually say it's a gangster organization i think it's a and that's why the only way to me that you can understand the ccp is as a parasitic or a mafia type operation these are these are criminals that don't abide by any rule of law what they've done to enslave the chinese people is outrageous what they've done uh to the uh to the uyghurs what they've done to the dalai lama the tibetan buddhists what they've done to the evangelical christians what they've done to falun gong what they've done to the underground catholic church is unacceptable it's unacceptable in modern age that people that want to fulfill their own spiritual beliefs are not just suppressed but actively gone after i think also if you look there's no rule of law so any any entrepreneur they decide the entrepreneur that they just want to take their business they take their business they want to take their assets they talk their assets listen the people in hong kong are among the most orderly and decent folks on earth if you've ever been there it's a it's a basically a a rock island with no resources that the grit determination of the chinese people coupled with english common law has created the third greatest capital market in the world these are amazing people and if you see and they're hard working and they've been historically apolitical right what hong kong's about is business okay and focus and here you see every week now millions of people in the streets very polite with the umbrellas cleaning up afterwards kids studying refusing to back down and what are they doing they're saying this extradition bill is actually their step to totally do away with the role of law and be able to come in and take me whatever they want to do and send me to mainland china to some prison that i have to be in a chinese court and this film shows you what a chinese court's like they show you how a chinese court can basically just make up the rules as the ccp wants to make it up so yes i don't consider it the ccp legitimate what i consider is a gangster organization and i think the elite member the ccp the chinese communist party is the frankenstein monster created by the elites in the west the capital provided by the elites in the west the technology that was provided by the elites in the west we could shut down huawei in 30 days if you denied huawei the component technology that they need the chairman's ceo said the other day one day before he announced the film that huawei is now in a life or death struggle with the west and that that the west could literally shut it down they're trying to make the best case that it's a fine corporate citizen we're trying to make the case that no it's not a corporate citizen it's a branch of the people's liberation army it's an intelligence branch it's got to be stopped people should watch this film and they should question everything they see in this film they should demand that we back this up and we are going to back this up on our website and as we go around the country in canada and the united states and talk about it well i imagine you'll be digging into some epic times reporting because we've detailed the evidence around the links of uh huawei and the csp extensively listen the reason the reason i want to do this interview i have said for a long time you know china has been one of my big focuses one of the reasons i came into the trump campaign at breitbart for years we were talking about the the threat i'm not a rising china the threat of the chinese communist party and how it was getting more radicalized over time and how it had hegemonic designs on the world and it was really the reporting of the epic times that so impressed me i kind of forget who who who's who who are the writers of this paper because you don't really hear much about but the reporting's so amazing so one of the ways i learned about huawei was reading the epic times and of course we've done additional research but i got to tell you the epic times has led the reporting on so many different verticals in china today i think to give you a pretty good picture of the enslavement of the chinese people with this thing they call it a trade war president trump's said he's not this is an economic war that the chinese counties party has visited on the west the industrial democracies and what we have today we have a world system that's half slave and half free okay the slaves they've enslaved the workers of china okay and they have taken basically all the value away from them they give them de minimis wages no health care terrible environment environmental conditions no pensions or virtually no pensions uh and they're worked to death and and to make cheaper goods for the west at slave wages and that's what this whole battle is about the defining uh event i believe in the first half of the 21st century is the freedom of the chinese people only the chinese people can free the chinese people it can't come from the westerners it can't come from outsiders what we can do is i think what president trump's doing is put the spotlight on people like she put the spotlight on juan xishan put the spotlight on the stability force put the spotlight on what they do to the uyghurs on what they do to the uh the falun gong what they do to the underground christian church the underground catholic church the dalai lama the tibetan buddhist and all the decent kids in hong kong you see the mass ripped off them when you see the tear gas you see the beatings you see the rubber bullets you see exactly what they are this is a gangster organization that doesn't believe in any individual rights you know i want to get back to the hong kong question in a moment with you i think i think it's fascinating absolutely fascinating what you're saying um when it comes to huawei okay at this point you're saying in 30 days huawei could be you know brought to a standstill how would that look like i think basically cut them off from their component pieces remember president trump the other day last weekend he said hey i'm going to make a decision on huawei you know tonight and if i call them a national security concern we can literally shut them off for their component pieces and these guys will be essentially i think out of business in 30 to 60 days just like zte could have been president trump in the department of commerce gave him an extension for another you know for another uh 90 days because of some you know business relationships they have in the united states but i think this is going to be under under further review now huawei is very susceptible to being shut down it's the reason look this these are not my words this is this is their chairman and founder who says they're they're in a life or death struggle right now they fully realize that and one of the reasons the life of death struggle this is all now getting exposed so all the billboards and you know the 170 countries and the cell towers your friends saying hey do i have a problem that all these all the cell towers of huawei is that a problem that's all now becoming from the epic times it's now getting into the mainstream media the new york times reports it every day the wall street journal reports it every day you know you're seeing tv coverage cnn's covering it so as people ask more questions they're not comfortable with the answers so the president a number of people i've read a number of columns i read people are worried that the president one is too friendly with xi jinping and secondly they're worried that he's going to go too easy on huawei which indeed they see as a kind of existential threat to america and the world what do you think about that i'm glad we're having this interview today on friday because i think i think the friendship quote unquote with president xi and president trump probably ended today when china came back and tried to play smash mouth raised tariffs on these american goods president trump immediately went back and not just raised tariffs he did something that he alluded to his emergency powers as president he gave a warning shot to american corporations he says now is the time to come home and manufacture your goods in the united states you know i'm ordering you to to bring your manufacturing back to the united states well people think well hey we live in a free market capitalist society the president's a political thing he doesn't have the his his mandate doesn't go to ordering corporations to go where they want well he does have emergency powers there's very defined emergency powers in the act of the emergency powers act in 1972 and i think if you look at how we have gone through when i was in the administration laid out these tariffs i think the president is sending a warning shot to corporate america that the seat chinese communist party has engaged in economic warfare against the west for a number of decades president trump is the first person to stand up the first president to stand up he's not going to back off but i think he's given fair warning to the corporations this economic war which trade is a part of it is not going to end on monday morning it's going to go for ways and you've been warned you know i've been trying to tell you that this you know that it's not a stable environment over there to invest but you better start thinking about bringing your supply chain back to the west and i think today was a seminal day i think president trump transcended his presidency today and really became the leader uh that he was destined to be it's fascinating because i was uh speaking with a general robert spaulding a little while ago on american thought leaders and he created this scenario describe the scenario what it would look like if the u.s disengaged from the chinese economy he felt it's something that has to happen what are your thoughts yes in fact that's the one i was trying to remember that's the one i just saw the other day i know spauld general spaulding worked with me in the white house he's a specialist we brought in he's one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the world not just on china because there's military out of shade there but also in 5g it was his 5g plan that was leaked to the press right this falling going back to the defense department eventually retiring and coming out and working in the private sector he is someone it was a brilliant interview he and i and i recommend everybody watch it because his level of depth of knowledge is is is is pretty astounding listen one of the problems with the issues we face is that we have many remember people always talked about thucydides trap that we in the west were the declining power and china was the the rising power that's a lie that's the same lie that graham adelson and henry kissinger ran this whole deal back in the early 1970s about the soviet union they had that when i was taking correspondence going on a naval officer taking courses at the naval war college the first thing you had to learn about is the the peloponnesian war sparta in athens because you had to learn about this whole concept you know the facilities propellant is where we had this concept of the rising power of the declining power and how the declining power had if they played it smart they could avoid a massive war but they had you convinced that the soviet union was the rising power and we were declining power it turned out it was the exact opposite ronald reagan came into office and he had a new set of analysis done and they realized that the economy they had the math wrong the economy in the soviet union was only half as big as they thought they had a basically a 50 miss and that led to his war plan to destroy the soviet union basically with economic warfare president trump being a businessman didn't believe all the happy talk he's heard from america's elites and the world elites about the rising power of china china is a paper tiger the ccp economy is built on a house of sand we know that's highly over leveraged okay it's like a failed leverage buyout and president trump knows that the people in the treasury department know that the people in the capital markets what's happened is the west continues to give them access to capital and access to technology either through forced technology transfers we basically just acquiesce or allow them to steal it uh and in some cases just have them buy it outright right for the surveillance state state which is unacceptable uh but no but president trump is is now standing up to that president trump is saying no we know we're engaged in economic war and we're going to win this you know just bear with me we're going to you know he's the stabilizing force but he's put she on notice that he's not prepared to back down you know you just reminded me you said at one point uh several months ago that wall street acts as the investment relations arm of the ccp i believe that was the quote um can you explain that and actually how has that changed over in the last four months i think well they've been put on notice remember in in in in corporations that go public that need access to capital markets they have two things they have an ir department that explains what they're trying to do and they have a lobbyist and here's the analogy i make wall street is the investor relations department for the chinese communist party because they're the ones that raise capital for form the corporations are the lobbyists remember when lee huh in the height of the trade negotiations a couple of months ago when lee hook came to the united states his first day before he goes to the white house of the treasury department negotiators see the president his first two days are spent on capitol hill we're on capitol hill right now he's over there in the calls of congress meeting all these free traders who are well-intentioned and have this kind of soft gauzy notion that they read in adam smith about about free trade not understanding that you have a gangster organization that runs a totalitarian mercantile estate okay so there lee who goes there and he's the cheerleader for globalization he's a cheerleader for for you know for free trade and they're all saying lee who's the greatest then the next stop he goes and has lunch with like the hundred biggest corporations in china because they're the lobbyists and he essentially says hey fellas we got a problem and the problem or fellas you have a problem and the problem is you have a guy in the white house that actually looks like he means what he says and that's a problem for you guys and you've got to solve it wall street's the cheerleader and corporate america has been the lobbyist and it's the working men and women in the middle class in this country have paid the price remember over the last 20 years we've de-industrialized the united states and we shipped those manufacturing jobs to china we shipped the manufacturing jobs to china they sent in the opioids and the fentanyl to to to go into the manufacturing old manufacturing areas in ohio and pennsylvania and michigan where that depression and angst right and fear because the manufacturing jobs have left and people are left with no futures and so what did they do in that anxiety they turn to they turn to fentanyl to turn to opioids this this is a this is a not just a crisis it's a tragedy of the united states donald trump the central reason he's president of the united states is this he said we have to return america to her former greatness we have to make america great again and the way we're going to do that we're going to confront the chinese communist party about wall street has shipped those jobs over there and i am going to bring him back and today you saw in this confrontation is exactly what it is this is the fulfillment of his basic campaign promise he told the little guy you haven't you know not in the room not in the deal you have not been in the room for 25 or 30 years you're now in the room and i'm your voice and that has been the sea change and that's what she and one she's sean they don't know how to handle this you know people you know the party of davos always say how sophisticated they are how nuanced they are how smart they are trump's you know this barbarian if you look at the way they've handled the trade relationships with trump if you look at the way they've handled hong kong this is not a subtle group they they have people that have to kind of react to their aggression and if they don't act and stand up trump being one and honk the kids in the street in hong kong being the other they don't know how to do it all of a sudden they panic and you see in these herky jerky moves that's why i think you're seeing now a confrontation with a totalitarian dictatorship that does not know how to handle the freedom and free men and women in the west whether that's in canada or whether it's on the streets of hong kong and that's where they're going to collapse you know so ordering these companies to come back how does that work i mean this is i'm trying to imagine i think first it's jaw-boning first off he does have this power in the emergency act i don't know if you remember the the the epi the scene in lincoln the fabulous movie by steven spielberg where lincoln's hearing about the 14th amendment and all this trading he's doing to try to free the slaves with a statutory change not just to win the civil war but the statute to change it in our constitution that it's abandoned forever as he said it'll live forever we'll never have to go back and debate this again and he's just getting guys that want to trade post offices and finally he's had enough of it he bangs on the table and stands up and says i'm the president united states endowed with almost unlimited power right and everybody shuts up and the next thing you know you've got the 14th amendment the way the founders and the framers structured the constitution the president has checks and balances as he should in normal times in crisis times or emergency times the president has you know has tremendous power tremendous executive power to act for the good of the nation and people said over this last week oh president trump is crazy that'll be the 25th amendment he's tweeting out all this crazy stuff what that's you see the signal and the noise that's the noise the signal is one of stability and saying hey i'm a rock right every administration every president of both political parties this doesn't mean democrat or republican have folded when it came into the spotlight with the chinese they fold it and let the chinese do what they want to do and that's why we're in this situation and that's why donald trump is taking that mantle and he's not about to back down i think you're seeing now his greatness i think you're seeing his rise to greatness as a president so why have all these past presidents folded as you describe well it's very simple it's the same pressures on president trump it's it's the ir department and the lobbyists would they fold it because wall street in the corporations they always fold for the same reason they fold because the corporate interests come to them said oh we can't do it think about trump's trade negotiations the biggest grief he's gotten is from the republican party these guys say oh we're all for free trade for free trade he's sitting there going hey i'm for free trade too that's not what we have right now we have a totalitarian mercantilist system that we've allowed to kind of metastasize that's from against the reason every administrator is folded is because of money and power and you've seen you've seen and it's not that people were bad people they folded because they were always told here's the lie they were told and what the elites in this country believed if you see from the time we brought the chinese in to the world trade organization and gave most favorite nation status that as china became materialistically wealthier as they started to develop a middle class they would become more a free market in a democracy with rule of law and they would become more open in in a a real citizen of the world right and we've seen the exact opposite in the last 20 years the ccp has become more radical they become more dangerous they become more corrupt they become more gangster-like and why is that because they have a totalitarian system they run for their own 12 or 15 families that essentially skims the money off the top and then tries some money launder it into the west and to buy real estate in new york city or the city of london you go to belgravia you go to the west end of london it's a lot of that is chinese money chinese money not from the chinese people not from the hard-working old hundred names that breaks his back every day in a factory for a buck a day that's from the elites in the chinese communist party that have skimmed the money off the top of the slave labor of china money laundered it through banks and investment banks and bought real estate and hard assets in the west this is a people know what's going on this is what this is what's such a this is why the elites have no moral authority let's go back in time to the third week of january of 2017. there are two speeches that take place that week on wednesday you have you have president xi goes to davos in front of davos man right the all the top consultants and law firms accounting firms banks investment banks hedge funds the elite of the elite in this you know this elite swiss ski resort right they're all there and he comes and gives a speech on globalization and the financial times and the economies on the cover and and he's davos man he he talks about globalization he says we're the future you know we we're running this project and it's making money for everybody and everybody he is lauded he's given a conquering hero's welcome two days later donald trump gives the what's called the american carnage speech but what that speech did is very systematically go through what we call the westphalian system and say hey the basic unit of freedom and governance is the nation-state in citizens that can hold politicians accountable within that nation state within those three days you had the juxtaposition of the globalization project as seen by the ccp and cheered on by davos and you had the westphalian system of the nation state where here is what the tragedy in the crime is remember all those guys in in davos those men and women they all deal in one thing information right in the movement of symbols right whether that's in in investment banking or in marketing accounting law etc they're the smartest from the best schools in the world they know everything throughout the world that's why they're there that's why they're the smartest guys in the room the party of davis knows everything right that's why they're davos man they know about the dalai lama and the tibetan buddhists they know about the uyghurs they know about falun gong they know about the underground christian church and catholic church they know about the life harvest or or you know the organ harvesting they know all of it and they don't care when they see she they see a hero why it means more money it means higher stock prices it means lower slave labor right they are they have no moral authority they have totally bought into a system that's completely corrupt and they know all about it and they're prepared to look the other way and mock a donald trump and say oh he's the barbarian he's the wild man he's the disrupter to the system when they are the ones that have gone on the blood and the guilt is on their hands everybody that lodged she everybody's dying why she sean they're going to be hold accountable by history for what went on in this time and place what went on in china and what they knew about and look the other way so you're you're kind of suggesting there's going to be a reckoning there's a reckoning and there's a reckoning happening now as people that's one of the things about this huawei movie as common citizens start to learn more they know something hasn't been quite right as they start to get more information as things like the epic times continuous report and and is indefatigable and won't be turned off and continues to report the truth as other mainstream medias now everybody's covering china it's the big story right right two years ago when donald trump took office it wasn't the big story this was donald trump's action that made the big story as we peel away layer by layer layer by layer you see more and more look what's happening in hong kong 12 weeks ago nobody covered it this weekend it was it was the big story on drudge right now everybody's focused on hong kong everybody's now focused on these kids say hey look we're the best educated kids in the world we're the nerds they're always doing our homework we're not going to school we may have an actual strike in on the secondary schools and the colleges people are paying attention and what they see every day is what davos has known for a long time that the chinese communist party is a gangster organization it's enslaved the chinese people it's brutalized people that look to have spiritual fulfillment it's not acceptable in the modern world the elites the modern world have looked the other way and cashed out as working-class people throughout the world said hey we've had a belly full of this and we're going to put it into it and that's what donald trump's fighting for you know speaking of hong kong based on everything you just said it doesn't look good for the people of hong kong or what do you think i think the people of hong kong you know people always trash the millennials as they're you know they're lazy they're unfocused they want everything handed to them i say hey look at the millennials in hong kong those young men and women are exactly what the patriots of 1776 were in the united states they have the grit they have the determination they have the emphatic ability they are not going to back down they've been tear gassed they've been beaten they've had rubber bullets shot at them and time and time again they show up i think they're heroes of the modern world i think they deserve to be nominated for and win the nobel prize for peace because they have shown what free men and women will do to stand up against a totalitarian dictatorship and they are a lesson not just for this age but for all ages and that's why i think it's so remarkable what's going on we are seeing history made in real time and what's going on in hong kong every day is making history and yes the ccp eventually i think is going to say hey we've had enough of this right this is like tiananmen we've done it long enough but you're not going to go back to work you're not going to play by our rules we're the chinese communist party and we can break you and we will break you and i have said the moment they force the chinese communist party to do that the moment they force them for another tiananmen that's the beginning of the end of the chinese communist party the chinese communist party i don't think can sustain in the modern world another tiananmen why because they will no longer have the perception of a moral effect i think i think the world i think they start to get sharp in the world in technology i think they should get strong from the world of capital markets and most importantly i think even with the firewall the contagion of freedom will start to spread in china and i think people will realize if they're prepared to do that there they're going to come and do it here and i think the people in china are going to stand up the only people that can free the chinese people are the chinese people and i think the chinese people are going to come to a situation where they said we've had enough of this we've had enough of a 100 000 people or 50 000 people you know ruling a country of 1.4 billion and stealing all our money stealing all our wealth taking it for themselves making us live in a totalitarian surveillance state a police state and in some cases concentration camps you know to have live organ harvesting to be able to suppress the great religions of the world of people that just want to practice their faith and practice their religions i think people in mainland china are going to look to hong kong as an example and say no we're prepared to do what they do i think if the chinese communist party thinks that they can get away with another tiananmen in the modern world i think they're going to come in for a big shock you know it just strikes me as you say this it's almost like if we believe your scenario that the hong kong protesters almost can't lose because they either win it for themselves or they win it for everyone right listen it's easy to say theoretically when we're sitting in washington dc if you're in the streets and getting beaten and getting tear gassed and having your head broken open or the young girl that had her had her eye put out with a rubber bullet you know if it continues on there'll be a lot more of that because i don't think the chinese country's party will back off their brutality so i think it is a win for the ages and i think it'll be a win for china i think the freedom of china starts in hong kong i think it's going to spread from there that's why i think these kids i say they're exactly like the patriots in 1776. if you're and that's why i tell every show i go on i said if you're an adult at home and you've kind of given up on kids or you've given up on the modern age and you you say gosh i wish i was back during the revolution i really really been motivated because i was seeing all these great patriots you can see that today cut the tv on go on youtube and have your kids watch what these kids in hong kong are doing see how they're staying up for freedom of religion freedom of assembly freedom of speech they're free market capitalists many of them are christians uh it's it's uh it is to me it's it's it's uh it's very motivating to see young people that are not prepared to back down in the face of totalitarian brutality steve these are very very powerful words from you let's finish up with a little bit about the back back to the film i noticed there's a journalist that's that's the central character in the film and she's basically was a real person right based upon her basically based upon a real person so you know the reason we have a lot of this uh this footage is because of these journalists in hong kong you know basically doing doing things that are well let's say potentially very threatening to them similarly this journalist is also in this sort of situation yes absolutely you see it's uh ordinary people put into extraordinary circumstances that rise above it and show us what the the great attributes of human nature are this is a this is a film this film is a profiling courage but it comes in a very tense situation where people are making moral trade-offs all the time that's the power of the film you see the unrelenting power of the chinese communist party in its technology armed huawei that will stop at nothing to achieve its goals and achieve its ends and what you have is the basic common citizens of canada that just one day wake up and this woman's been arrested and that starts the movie and you see what happens in the courts you see what happens in the jail you see what happens canadians in china you see the tensions in the in the in the government of canada right which is ordinary people who are government bureaucrats or diplomats you see that tension and you see all the pressure people come under when it's so easy what the world has done what the party of david has done is looked the other way it's so easy just to look the other way let me make my money and let me have my lifestyle the central part with this young woman who's a journalist and her fiance is the fact that life is good for them they now have they're starting to have you know they come from very humble roots and they now have the nice apartment and the nice lifestyle and everything like that and it could potentially be jeopardized the tension in the film is it could be jeopardized by her relentless pursuit of the truth and the audience is left to sit there and say this the pursuit of truth and pursuit of your higher moral self comes at a great cost it's just like in hong kong there is a huge cost they are paying they're being jailed they're being beaten they're being said your careers are ruined your careers are finished this is a high cost in modern society and yet they refuse to back down and i think in the movie the power of it based upon a true story as you see these citizens that will not back down they will rise up to their higher highest self steve bannon such a pleasure to have you on american thought leaders thank you so much love the show glad to be on you
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Views: 474,023
Rating: 4.804348 out of 5
Keywords: steve bannon, hong kong protest, hong kong, huawei, us china trade war, meng wanzhou, trade war, trump china, American Thought Leaders, hong kong violence, Epoch Times, the epoch times, Jan Jekielek, china, china us, trump, china economy, capital markets, xi jinping, davos, chinese communist party, claws of the red dragon, us china, hong kong news, donald trump, chinese economy, china hong kong, hong kong protests, religious freedom, us economy, hk protest
Id: uCrpSK5r9HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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