Steve Ballmer on Vista and MacBook Air @ MIX08

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um you know another not so softball like what's the deal with vista you know what seriously i mean seriously yeah i mean seriously you know shall i say i read a very funny blog vista the second most popular operating system in history but one one that you get no choice to getting yeah um let me see that thing you got missed on that thing uh no why would i do that see you have a choice but wouldn't you like you're one of the points wait a minute wouldn't you like to use a computer like this you can just take out of a little envelope and this is heavier than my pc [Laughter] it's true that thing is heavier than the toshiba i carry but this is more powerful than the toshiba no that thing that thing is missing half the features of the pc where's your dvd drive let me look for that [Applause] i have a bake off with my toast versus that thing backstage yeah but dvds are passe tell that to your kids on a long flight pal i can't help it if you don't i can't help it if you don't sell any movies what do you want from my life um where were we he just kind of threw me here you know i thought i was it's a two-way street i thought i was controlling this you are i'm never gonna invite you back to mix so what if somebody says you know steve you mean microsoft has lost its focus you know before was os's and then all right so you got into apps and now you have xboxes and live and phones and all this how can you possibly do all this stuff well what do you say to that person besides you know up yours i mean i'd say a couple things number one in this industry i actually think the great companies either move forward or they become less relevant i actually don't really think there's an option called do one thing do the same thing for a hundred years never broaden your footprint i mean software is this funny thing everybody here knows it never it actually never wears out you know you you have to constantly be moving forward pushing pushing pushing okay the thing we've done which a lot of companies our industry don't is i would say we've already built two different skill sets a desktop skill set and an enterprise skill set and now the question is are we going to build too new because we're trying a strong kind of consumer devices skill set and an online skill set most companies only really build one skill set even if they have multiple prod products now i told you i think apple does some pretty good work but apple's skill set is really in devices kind of consumer devices they don't do much of the rest of the stuff they're not really in the enterprise they've punted which is okay on online okay by me and but that's that's a particular perspective and you know apple might say you punted on os's but that's not they'd they'd be wrong every day statistically they'd be wrong but at the end of the day and the last time i checked there were still a lot of people a lot of governments who think we got a very high market share but anyway especially in the eu no comment [Laughter] no so at the end of the day is that actually a weakness or strength i think it's a strength we've built two different capabilities most guys only build one will we build the third and the fourth we'll see and we have to push ourselves every day because in this business again if you don't continuously improve what you're doing you do you do become less relevant and you do get guys in hawaiian church they'll teach you about anything that's not perfect and that's that's fair well you notice we skipped the vista question because of that great deflection but anyway give me the mystic question again tell us what's the status of vista what's happening i mean this has been very very popular in the consumer world i'm not saying that there aren't things that customers choose to comment on application competition no come on the number one issue we've had customers com issues on or application compatibility and driver compatibility we made a very concrete set of choices in order to enhance the security vista is a very secure system we've had very little issue of that kind it's it's the most secure client operating system out there but we did have it we did make the choice to to kind of hurt compatibility and our customers have let us know that that has been very painful a couple of things have happened a lot of the apps have now been upgraded to be compatible the drivers have been upgraded we've shipped our first service pack service pack one which allows us to factor in a lot of the quality and other suggestions that people have made and i think we'll start to see more uptake now in the business market and vista continues to sell quite strongly in the consumer market okay you know i mean i mean in your house i'm not gonna uh let's you're not a user so we won't know what you think you know honestly you want to tell me what somebody else thinks come on we'll get rid of this we'll get your real machine and then you can email me your feedback you mean one with ethernet built in yeah for example yeah what a concept huh
Channel: Christoph Dernbach
Views: 7,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Apple, Steve Ballmer, Windows Vista, MacBook Air, Guy Kawasaki
Id: N3P7WkuzzUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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