Stephen King on "Lisey's Story," writing process
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Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 115,636
Rating: 4.9549294 out of 5
Keywords: CBS Sunday Morning, CBS News, news, stephen king, best selling, author, horror, suspense, 2006, novel, liseys story, apple tv, miniseries, jane pauley, early success, carrie, mother, family, box, late, father, changed life, writer, novelist, writing process
Id: LiW9IvteK10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Thank you for posting I have not seen that yet!
I love how when he mentions Tabitha his eyes always go a bit misty. We owe her an enormous debt of gratitude for her tireless support of the King these 50 years.
I thankyee sai Susanna, I forgot to tune in this morning and woulda been a man of constant sorrow had I missed IT ๐
Did they say IT was set in Bangor, or just implying that there were shots there?
Thanks for posting! I didn't get to see it when it originally aired
Filming location maybe?
Think its new to this morning.