Steph Learns Foundation Paper Piecing

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hi welcome to quilting with steph we're going to try things a little bit differently today in that i thought maybe you would like to watch me learn something new and probably fail quite horrendously at it but hey it's all about the process i guess new skills and all that um so today i am going to attempt uh to have a go at fpp foundation paper piecing foundation paper piecing is something i have avoided like the plague for a very long time but now the actual plague is here i figured hey let's give it a shot um i have absolutely no idea how to do this um i have looked at these things before and they have baffled the living daylights out of me um so i mean my friend is most but my friend recently mastered it and she has made some beautiful pieces so i thought hey let's do this and this morning um my issue of love patrick and quilting dropped through my door and i saw these really cool uh stars which i thought would be brilliant for a mini quill and i'm sure those who know me will know how much i love a mini quilt um so i thought i'd give them a go and then i was really upset when i saw that they were fbb but we're going to be brave we're going to do this uh so i thought i'd make this one because it doesn't look too tricky not too many pieces um so i figured we'd give this one a go this is a hair up thing there's a lot of instructions here and this is yeah this is a lot now i spoke to my friend victoria prior to starting this and she suggested that i use freezer paper for this because it makes it easier to press and you can press the fabrics onto the adhesive side i say adhesive like the shiny side um of the fabrics and that makes it easier apparently so i had some of that downstairs so i've grabbed some of that i got a pencil and i've got a ruler um and she said that i need to tray out the block which one there's two i what that looks like it got two block two you will need block two good start excellent okay we gonna trace this okay i should have used a shorter ruler this big boy's getting on my nerves it's just too long this one okay yeah cool there we go that looks like that oh there's numbers on it do i need to are those are they important uh yeah i'll write those okay what is all this why why four here why four here and then one here and then two and three and then wait no no no why one two three four five six seven what why why cut four four i love how it's got the word for and then the number four next to it just in case four two inch by five and a half inch section one from each of the light brain sections to what okay yep okay let's cut some fabric i didn't want to use my precious fabrics so i have a bunch of um kind of off cuts of stuff that i'm not as precious about let's get the cutting mat out sorry ruby um let's get this out i'm gonna use this template to um to cut with my rotary cutter because this is this is just too big and it's just getting in my way and i'll probably end up knocking it um and this was the smallest thing i had to hand so i'm gonna stand up for this because i always get so let's cut okay oh i think this might be too many layers for my rotary cutter oh no no we're good oh good to know rotary cutters cut through eight layers of fabric awesome oh god there's still so many more that we have to cut dark green dark green do i even own dark green dark green how many 16 okay i went on a rummage through my stash and i found this which was a part of the really lovely bundle um the color my the color my stash bundle that i got uh from purple stitches the lovely viv sorted out for me um so i'm gonna i'm gonna give this a go it's kind of dark green i don't know let's try 16 pieces from the background fabric cut 16 16 again 16 two and a half inch by four inch and two four inch squares background fabric so that's kind of why in the picture i don't know i don't think i have enough i don't think i have enough white fabric okay i went for a rummage again through my stash and i am all out of white um and to be honest i really don't have a lot of the volume fabric either i should really fix that um but i have these i mean one piece of this is not enough to do 16 plus four in squares um so she's going to be a little bit mismatched but hey none of us are perfect i guess so she'll be just like the rest of us 16 is okay what's next foundation paper piece each template i'm sorry what are you no foundation paper piece each template follow the instructions in steps six to ten of block one where's block one oh my gosh what wait what what oh block one six to ten foundation paper piece in each template as outlined in the following instructions yes great okay take one copy no what too many words huh what i i really i don't understand any of these no i don't understand any of these things you want me to what now place section on the unprinted side of the template with the right side of the fabric facing away from the paper what based in place by hand or a long stitch on your you have to baste this i thought we didn't i thought that was the point of oh my this is already incredibly stressful the itch the urge to go back to epp and never look at this again is strong i'm going to make a call is that yes so the right side of the path is facing upwards okay whatever what we create on that side the shiny side the blue side is going to become our top of our quilt or top of our block okay okay i'm pressing then just just so that it stinks yep no i i saw the word based and i had a moment and i was just like you want me to what now yeah no no so i have changed my stitch length because she told me to to 1.5 approximately so i have done that and now i'm going to attempt to stitch um something i'm finding really tricky is at the fact that to be honest i really need a i feel like this needs a light box i feel like this is this is one of those projects where our light box is really helpful because you kind of have to be able to see through multiple layers of fabric and paper look it's a there's a hole there's a little line with teeny little stitches and it's stitched this side and the moment of truth if i peel it back oh oh my god it worked i'm gonna press it now i'm using the light from the sewing machine to help me see through the layers and like line this up properly don't you you don't need to get involved um no iron's talking back um yeah maybe i should go get my light box look look at this it's such a straight clean point the lines look so good i mean if the whole thing ends up looking like this sharp then hey i might just be converted okay we're on pat five and six now so if he's fine it's getting like the light thing and needing to be able to see through is getting frustrating if i'm honest with you i am going to trim this paper down out um a little bit because the bulk of the paper is also getting annoying okay get out here we don't need you okay i'm not gonna lie that actually looks pretty good i mean it doesn't fully look like it yet because i'm assuming i have to trim it into this kind of kite uh like flag shape at the end but those lines are really good fpp you might have actually converted me okay look i did it all the pieces are in the actual right places it's not the the shape yet but um they're where they should be guys this this is not bad however um i have just realized that this is one piece out of eight does this like crushing weight from that realization um and i don't know do i do i cut this shape now or do i leave this like this and what what do what trim away excess fabric and paper by cutting along the outside dashed line i did not draw on the outer dash line oh um so with the next one outer dash line is is a must um maybe i can measure it and i mean it's got to be half an inch yeah we'll go we'll go half an inch this one no quarter of an inch quarter of an inch not half an inch jeez quarter of an inch it's got to be quarter of an inch yeah the idea of cutting through paper as well as fabric with my fabric scissors gave me uh like a real uncomfortable like a reaction no no we don't do that um so i found a pair of scissors that i was that were sharp but i was less worried about um in terms of blunting that's not okay fpp that's that's a bad mark in my book um we don't cut fabric we don't cut paper with our fabric scissors um but yeah that's that's pretty good that's pretty good i think um so seven more times then i guess seven more times okay so fresh off the high of completing the first one with relatively few issues um i got cocky and you know what they say pride cometh before a fall and full we have uh because i have so stupid i have stitched this on completely wrong um so i my first piece yeah press that on cool no problem lined my next piece up and have lined it up completely wrong and now it folds back fully over the first piece so um stitch unpicker is i have just gotten part way through the fourth piece and realized that i don't have enough fabric pieces and i don't know how i did that but i think i'm going to blame it on my discalculia and the the yeah i think the dyscalculia messed the numbers up in my head so um more fabric cutting you are quickly becoming the hero of this piece oh trusty fiskar rotary cutter i should really use you more often it's nine o'clock now started at like two o'clock and i am now halfway halfway there and i'm so actually really pleased with this look at this they line up and all sorts and there was a few kind of um we had a little bit of an unpicking incident we had a bobbin run out incident um but all in all really pleased with this so far i just realized that there are some marks on my fabric so it's not going to be perfect but you know who is perfection we don't know her okay even if we have to step to midnight i'm getting this done tonight so let's go so it's now like quarter past 10 and i have finally finished the second part so i have two parts now and i'm now gonna try and put them together and hope that they match up and that they yeah if this just doesn't work i'm gonna cry yeah okay the moment of truth please let this work it's real bulky in the middle here oh oh i think oh i think that worked oh i mean we're a little bit not matched up like here and here okay we're not i mean we're not quite like super duper uber perfect but no one is i did it the whole block it actually worked look check it out i mean there's some parts that aren't like completely 100 lined up but if you look at it from here it's kind of okay i actually managed to do i finished an fpp piece you know i got cocky along the way and messed up a few times and some of it felt like i was trying to read it in elvish but actually it wasn't that bad after all so the papers are out my hand really hurts now there's really really teeny little pieces stuck in the in the things i'm gonna get some tweezers later because it's like 11 o'clock but here we are thank you for joining me on this learning splash agitation adventure i guess um i am super proud of myself um this is something that i have been avoiding for a very long time because it just seemed really hard but i know now that actually this is something that i can do and i think i might just have a go at some other pieces so thank you thanks love patchwork and quilting i guess for uh posting pretty patterns that actually made me want to shake my fear and crack on and do it um but yeah not bad huh and now we sleep if you like our content please don't forget to subscribe to the channel like the videos feel free to comment and let us know any tips and tricks that you know for fpp that might help me in the future and hopefully we'll see you all again soon
Channel: Steph Walker
Views: 113
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: FPP, Foundation Paper Piecing, Quilting, machine quilting, FPP for beginners
Id: YNjPyQ7eths
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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