Step-By-Step Guide to Learning a One Foot Spin | Figure Skating

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hey it's Stace here from nexted tutorials in this lesson today I'm going to be giving you a step-by-step guide on how to do a one- foot spin so one foot spin is something that every beginner skater dreams of doing you've already learned those basic elements of marching on the ice Swizzles and pumps and now it's time to learn the one foot spin that might seem a bit scary well in today's lesson I'm here to show you that it's not as scary as you think we are going to learn five simple steps to help you get that one foot spin so what are we waiting for let's jump in and let's go all right we are ready for step number one now just to inform you that I spin counterclockwise if you spin clockwise just make sure that you reverse everything so the very first step is going to be pumps I'm going to set my left arm in front right arm slightly back and we are going to do big pumps to a tight Circle so I'm going to start out I'm going to be pumping with my right leg so we're going to go pump pump pump and hold and then just draw it up very simple so we're taking that line speed and then converting it to Circle speed let's do it one more time so I have my left arm in front right arm slightly back make sure my Palms are pressing down so we're going to go pump one pump two now hold the third one hold and then draw it up this is a very easy First Step so again we're taking that line speed and we are converting it into Circle speed on that last pump that we do I hold it I want to feel that stretch between the legs holding here and then pull pulling everything up towards my Center so before we jump into our next step I want you to click on the link below in the description for your free pdf guide on the figure skating training plan now this is just going to help you get organized on the ice because I know a lot of skaters come to the ice rink and then they don't know what to practice this is going to help you get organized and that way you are productive throughout your session so please give it a click that that way you were prepared when you go to the ice ring now we are ready for our second step in our second step we are going to be doing a twot spin so the entry stays exactly the same so let's take a look so we go left arm in front right arm slightly back I'm going to pump with my right leg so we're going to go pump one pump two pump three hold it back hold it back draw it around and in so I'm using that pump and my right arm to create that speed coming around and I want it as smooth as possible when that side comes around press around and then up and as you can see I'm not drawing my arms in completely to my body have a little bit of space that way if I want to I can increase my speed so let's take a look at it one more time left arm in front right arm slightly back we're going to go pump one pump two now hold this staying over that left bringing that right around and hold I'm using that back arm almost like you're moving through water you're not on top of the water coming around you're moving through water it makes it a bit more difficult you know if I'm on top of the water I can easily do this with my arm but if if I'm underneath the water moving through it's a bit more difficult but that's what we want to create for that spin coming around and then drawing it up and in now we are ready for the third step pulling it up to one foot so you're going to see me take that right foot draw it in and then lift it up here now when I pull this right leg up I want to make sure that my knee is in front of my body don't let it hang back here trying to spin it throws you off balance you want to be stable over your left leg so it makes it much easier when that right knee is in front of your body and it's nice and tight that way you can balance here holding so let's now add our pumps we're going to keep our entry exactly the same that way we're very consistent in what we're doing so I have my left arm in front right arm slightly back we're going to go pump one pump two now hold this hold hold hold hold hold bring that right leg in and lift it up and nice exit out it is so important also to practice your exits as you can see I did it from the very very start even if you're not amazing yet pushing back on one foot just start start somewhere even if it's a quick lift up learning how to transfer that weight from that left pushing to the right now let's go back and try this one foot spin again so we're going to go left arm in front right arm back we're going to go pump one pump two now we're creating this circle speed here bringing the right side around and then picking the knee up and exit out of the spin just remember when you pull that right leg up all all your balance should be over your left leg towards the front of the blade while spinning because we are spinning backwards you don't want to get on that heel while doing this third step now we are ready for step number four now I probably already know what you're thinking well Stace I've already done a 1ot spin well here I'm going to teach you that simple little bridge to look more like a professional so we're going to start with a back crossover we're going to step forward with that same pump and pull it up to that one foot spin so I pull my arms up I'm always looking where I'm going so I'm gonna do back crossover step forward pump around draw that right leg up and exit out do you see how we're taking that pump around and up because it's so important to reinforce that left outside edge let's look at it one more time time so back crossover here's my wind up step pump around and up into that spin and exit so now you can see how I call it a bridge between our first three steps and now this fourth step the difference is adding that back crossover so we are starting to look more like a professional now we are ready for step number five and this is going to look like a professional spin so we're going to start with the back crossover we're going to pull up here I'm going to do the back crossover here's my wind up I'm going to step forward hold that outside edge and then draw it in now this is where that outside edge and what I was talking about earlier taking that line speed and then converting it into Circle speed it's so important that when you step forward you are stepping on a beautiful left outside edge holding the edge until it three turns into that back inside Edge spin this is so important because if you don't hold that outside edge you are going to do a straight line step and then trying to create a spin and all it's going to do is create a travel down the ice yes we want to take that line speed and again I know I keep talking about this converting it into Circle speed so you want to make sure that you press that left outside edge here press it press it press it press it press it then the foot turns three turn and then you draw it up this is how you are going to get the one foot spin from that back crossover so let's take a look at it one more time we're going to pull up here's my my back crossover here's my wind up I'm going to push into my left arm this right side's going to come around three turn and then draw it in and out this completes the spin we have a beautiful crossover as the beginning our spin is the middle and our exit is the finish of the spin the end of the spin so when you're practicing it doesn't matter if you're on two feet or one foot have a beginning a middle and an end every single time you practice this one foot or twot spin so there you have it that is your one foot spin now as you could probably already tell there were little Bridges from one to two it was doing a twoot spin from 2 to three it was pulling it up to one foot from 3 to 4 it was learning a new entry and from 4 to5 it was the complete one foot spin and this process goes for any anything in figure skating from jumps have steps if you're not quite getting step three keep working on it because once you get step three it makes four easier and then it makes five easier so just remember sometimes things take time and that is okay thanks for watching nexed tutorials and looking forward to seeing you in our next lesson
Channel: Next Edge Tutorials
Views: 10,747
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Id: oT4wvPTVrTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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