Step by Step Configure Internet Access on Cisco ASA5505 on Cisco Packet Tracer_Full Video

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okay hi everyone in this video I would like to show you how to configure internet access on The Cisco as 5505 on The Cisco Packer okay let's go to configure together with me okay and then I'm go to thew okay to the design diagram the simple diagram uh allow the user to the internet okay okay you just have ASA and then one more S I need to the PC pc0 and pc1 okay and then I'm click the cable connect the cable from the PC to the okay and then I need one router for ISP router and the C from the C ASA to thep okay and then I need one server okay the C Cross C from router ISP to the server okay this one for the Google and then this I for Google okay I'm sign the IP on the server first okay and then this interace I'm set for the inside okay one okay and for the interface I'm set for the okay this is a simple diagram that we have to unload the user set to the internet set to the and set to the DNS okay and then um need one more PC for Connect thebo console okay from the PC2 to the Cisco ASA by console P okay this is the simple diagram in this video okay and then I'm set the title title the today how toig internet on okay this is a title for today okay and then um need the information from the ISP okay ISP information okay I okay this is a public I and get GW it's mean get okay one okay DNS okay okay this is information from thep provide to us okay and then I'm go to the step one and config step by step step one we have to the assign IP to the Cisco ASA and set inside and and IP to the uh router ISP also okay ass IP on The Cisco ASA and router I spe okay and set interace inide and outside on Cisco ASA okay this is the first step that we have to do okay and then I'm go to the PC to on this desktop and terminal okay okay this is the for C we Lo in the CIS okay before I'm configure uh and assign IP to the C ASA you have to make sure and show run you see the IP or not okay so run for modify okay then you will to see Thea IP okay in this rank so you have to remove this IP from the in land okay and then you have to remove the HP server from this this IP also okay and then I'm to the okay okay we have to remove thep server first okay address okay so run again okay so you don't see anything okay and then we go to the follow this the step step one okay step one we have to assign IP on the okay bya on the as we have uh in one for the inside two for the outside and three for the DMZ but in this video we no need include uh DMZ we have on one and two okay before you uh set the IP on the interface you have to set IP on the in land first and okay for the Cisco ASA 5 55 we have to set IP on the okay but in the the new version of the c4a you don't need to the configure or assign IP on the okay we canate on the this and IP in this the IP in okay okay for the Cisco ASA we have to the go to the land and add IP okay I only on onlya 55 okay we go to first one then this IP inside okay and then we set name if in okay 100 okay by in First Security for the inside 100 okay and in first outside Z for in the first DMZ one to the okay not for you okay security4 insant okay okay this is a security L for the inside outside and okay we go to the CIS okay then set the SEC also for the inside okay then we go back we go to this is Port one we assign port disort to the one okay okay then we go to theide 20312 Z okay and then go back we have to assign this port to the interess okay okay and then uh we assign IP and security and if on the inside outside already okay and then we go to the Cisco ISP and assign IP also case IP 20311 then okay go to this okay and then you can testing from the Google to the this IP is working or not okay the first step we already to configure okay and then we go to the step two configure thep the HP server and D server on Cisco ASA okay and this is a step two we have to do okay I'm go to the cisa okay okay I'm set the r okay okay this is the IP rank must to send to the client PC okay and then go to the PC okay the IP one the IP okay and then go to PC to andp server okay thep address okay set R okay this right okay okay and then you go to the PC Z and check the IP okay okay you can see okay this is IP that assign from the DCP server on The Cisco ASA okay go to the PC okay you can see also the HP server request sucessfully okay and then you can go to the uh the PC and testing P to the Gateway okay they get inside okay working one okay for the step two already okay we go to the step three configure config rounds on Cisco ASA and Dynam r on Cisco okay ASP we use OSF okay okay for the step three we have to configure that on Thea and Dynam on thep we use okay we go to the andig okay this is the Comm for config just and0 0 canway 2031 okay this is on the the common okay and then you can go to thep router and dyam okay to the okay it okay rou okay and then okay I'm time this network okay for the step three already to configure R and Dynam r on the ISP okay for the step four step four we have to create the object Network and okay Network and and now okay this is step four we have to do okay and then I'm click on the PC Z and go to config and create the object Network okay now I'm on the configuration okay you can Ty command object okay this is a syta for create object object Network okay and then you can set the name of the object networ for me I'm L then subnet okay we use Subnet in i r loc inside okay after you create the object Network and sub Network okay and then you can Ty and then sign okay Dynamite interface okay this is this is a command that now okay in the Cisco ASA and already for the step four okay and the step five okay we have to create create follow this network okay follow this L and network to the outs okay for a Sal I'm use the name of a Sal okay okay now I'm trying to p before I'm not yet to working we not yet to create the land to the side okay and for the PC also okay not yet to assess not yet to working okay and then I'm go to the this is name for the I'm use the name of the you can seey Ty the name example for me in to Internet it's mean inside to the internet okay this is the name of the okay permit IP okay TCP and okay hello all okay and then I'm this name easy to call okay one more okay I okay can try check the P okay not yet to because you not yet to type one command for an and call the list okay you have to use one more common list group okay and then you can pass the name of the list okay and in okay in the first I sign okay okay you get to see when um the enter this command you will to see okay okay I'm enter you way to see is in this PC working okay you see it's working this is the last command that you have to call the into outside if you not yet toall this this command line okay the user caness to the outside this command is very important you have to add in into the outside okay and then I'm go to the pce PC one okay it's working also okay and the last step I want to show you how to verify thaty working or not okay buty not you just Ty Comm so so so okay you can go to Cisco Isa and this Comm so to see icmp inside to outside from this IP okay IP this IP to the outside from the public IP okay then you can s not okay try to hit 2 so again okay this is command for when you see like this it's mean not it's working okay okay and this video is finished I hope you all of you understand about this video and don't forget follow my configuration and test Ste to lab by yourself okay follow step by step for me and you just watch my video iing you can do it like me okay thank you for watching my channel and my video hey don't forget help me to like share and subscribe myis my Landing Oris okay thank you for watching
Channel: Cisco Triangle
Views: 28,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewall 5505, 5505 firewall, cisco asa5505, cisco 5505, 5505 cisco, cisco firewall 5505, cisco 5505 firewall, cisco asa5505 firewall, cisco 5505 router, cisco router 5505, isco asa router, nat, cisco, 5505, asa, firewall, pix, computers, interface outside, object network, dns server, dhcpd, acess-list, int vlan2, int vlan1, dynamic route, interface inside, nameif, asa configure internet access, cisco packet tracer, hair pins, asa 5505
Id: 21FOgFWuw2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2016
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