Stellar Blade Review - Changing Modern Gaming Standards In A Stellar Way.

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voice how's it going everyone welcome back to the channel it's your boy King CF and I apologize I truly truly apologize for being gone for so long but I was in the middle of a move as you can see I'm in a brand new space I got my Dragon Ball figures behind me because that's like the most important part but this is my office um I'm definitely going to be changing it up a lot you're going to see changes episode most likely and if you guys have any suggestions leave it in the comment section below I'd love to make the place more appealing for your eyes you know just as much as you like to see me I want you to be able to see my background and enjoy it so definitely leave any suggestions below I would love to hear what you guys think and also I really appreciate all the conversations and all the interactions in my last video for rebirth uh you know that's my highest rated video and I just want to thank everybody who participated and uh who subscribed you know I I really appreciate all that so thank you so much and we got a lot more content coming out especially now that I'm in my own space um it's going to be great and with that being said if you haven't consider subscribing to the channel we got a lot more content coming um you know leave a like leave a comment whatever you guys want to do or just come watch me with your own enjoyment doesn't matter to me just appreciate you guys being here and we have another game review um this time we're going to be reviewing Stellar blade this game I had just beaten it the other day took me a lot longer than I thought it would just because I've been you know so busy with the move but I'm am pleasantly surprised with this game and I'm really excited to talk to you guys about it I know the review came a little late but better late than ever right so let's get into it so Stellar blade is the uh newest PlayStation exclusive um you know it's from a brand new studi uh shift up Korean Studio you know I think the Korean Studios have been killing it with this and lies a PE over the the last couple years laip was definitely one of my favorite games in 2023 it was in my top 10 and you know this game is no different different Studio but kind of similar style following the souls formula but also adding some sakuro with the deflection being a really big major part of the game play but yeah I mean I was pleasantly surprised with this game I was actually excited when it was first announced back in 2020 when they were uh unveiling the PlayStation 5 for the first time Time game definitely took my attention when it was under the name project Eve and you know I've followed it closely as much as possible cu the game did go silent for a couple years but here we are in 2024 and yeah this game was actually better than I thought it definitely exceeded my expectations and almost everything so yeah I think the the weight was definitely worth it but let's get into the pros and the cons of this game okay so before we get into the pros and cons I just want to say this because this game has just been surrounded with so much controversy and so much [ __ ] and I'm going to say this wholeheartedly with all due respect for the people that are mad that this game Stars an attractive woman that has tits and ass I'm just going to say this shut the [ __ ] up just shut the [ __ ] up it's a video game um people don't bad ey when we have ripped guys in Final Fantasy so why is because there's a woman now people need to make a big stink I just think the controversy for this game is in a way ruining the actual game because what we have here is an actual good product but it's just not talked about as much as the controversy of the main character and you know if a main fake character is ruining your day-to-day life because they're attractive then maybe you need to go get a new hobby or maybe you need to seek help because the issues that people are having with this game is just so so ridiculous that the only thing I can say is just shut the [ __ ] up so I'm going to leave it there but yeah you you guys know how I feel um I don't think there's a problem having attracted people in video games movies Etc any forms of media that's just how it is um if you're losing sleep over it then freaking call help cuz you need it obviously so now that that's done all right Stellar blade uh Stellar blade is a uh action RPG game very similar to your Souls light games uh but also has a love child with Bayonetta sakiro and I think what we got is a really unique product that is familiar but also does some things different has some exploration as well but we're going to get all into that in the game play uh for now I want to focus on the story which unfortunately I do think is the weakest aspect of this game I definitely think the story was very mediocre um the characters were mediocre I did like Eve but I do think her performance was very wooden I don't think that's the actress's fault because she does have a great voice but I just think that you know they're trying to play into the whole Humanity thing and what makes someone human a little too much to the point where Eve sometimes comes across as very wooden um she does have some good moments to you know Express her feelings and you know to express the good acting from the actual voice actor but I just think overall the characters and the interactions that were in this game were very very mid and I just think the plot although starts off very slow it does pick up in the last 5 hours which I do think is the best part of the game but for the most part like during side quests um even during some of the main cutscenes I was not paying attention and even s during the side quest I was just mashing the x button trying to get through the dialogue just because I didn't care you you know and it sucks because lately I've been playing such you know story driven games like rebirth or persona3 reload and you know when you go to these games that have a really really wellth thought out story and then you go into Cellar blade it's a little jarring but I do enjoy that it's a much shorter game because I was getting a little burnt out I'm not going to lie but yeah I think uh if you're going into this game hoping that you're going to get some epic Space Opera post-apocalyptic you know like cool story you're not going to find it here um it's not terrible I don't think the story is absolutely terrible but you're not getting anything special here and I think that the story is going to be the most forgettable part of this game they do open the doors for sequels but hey maybe we'll get a better story in the sequel that will actually uh flush out the world and the characters a lot more but we'll see but you know uh I think the main drawing factor of this game is definitely the game play and this is is where this game just absolutely shines the gaml in this game is phenomenal and it's kind of weird so we had a demo that came out that gave us the first portion of the first level as well as the intro uh definitely showcased the combat and the the capabilities of what your character can do which I think was really good it gave people a good feel of the game and I think that's what really did help the game you know gain a lot more momentum prior to release well that and the the assets let's say but I think that the game play at first when you play it the deflecting seems a little odd it seems like there's a little of a time delay but it's also very generous the dodging seems like it's a little iffy like you're you're dodging but then like the invisibility frames aren't there and getting a perfect Dodge is a little difficult but as you play the game as you start to learn the fluidity of the combat it just clicks and once this game clicks is some of the most fun combat that you'll have in a while I mean I was addicted the encounters just you know deflecting getting the finishing blows or doing like hardcore hits on bosses I really did like that gameplay Loop especially in the open-ended uh levels because later on the game there are going to be some open-ended levels that have multiple paths and side quests and a bunch of things and just you know seeing the enemies in the open and fighting them was was really enjoyable I think it was a pretty good enjoyable exploration ation world where you can get into some natural combat encounters and yeah this combat just once you start getting the abilities and you start you know filling out your skill tree there are some stupid ones like making dodging easier making deflecting easier things that I think your character should just had right from the start but I digress it does help the game and once you get other abilities like being able to use your beta skills which are your special abilities and then later your burst skills and then your your Taki abilities all of that just gives you so much versatility in what you can do with in combat and it makes the game just very very fun just because it's not stale at that point you do have different methods deal with different enemies and some enemies are weak to some attacks and you know I just think that the combat as you play it just gets extremely extremely well um good I didn't find it getting repetitive even when I was at the last boss I think that the combat held my attention for the Third 36 hours it took me to beat this game and yeah I mean it's definitely easier than dark souls or your Elden ring or your bloodborne or even sakiro it's definitely much easier but I think it strikes a good difficulty uh for newcomers and if you're trying to get into this genre of game it's a great entry point not only for the accessibility and the generosity and some of the deflecting and dodging but also just the exploration it gives you that light exploration in the game which I think is a great great aspect of it and the boss fights the boss fights are really really something especially later on in the game so at the beginning you're just fighting some souped up enemies that do become regular enemies later on but as the game goes on you get into some really really cool encounters with some bosses uh the humanoid enemies definitely have the best boss fights just because you feel like you're on equal levels with them uh there's a couple of boss fights that kick the [ __ ] out of me I'm not going to lie especially near the end and when I go back to the end the the last like four or 5 hours of this game literally is a Boss Rush it's just like boss boss boss walking a little bit boss boss boss then the end you know and it's a really really cool section because that's when your character is almost maxed out and that's when you're really engaging in the combat and doing all these things and have mastered the those perfect Dodges and how to counter it Master when to use your beta and your bur skills and and when to deflect and how to read enemy patterns and that's when the game was at strongest and the good part about that is that you there is a new game plus mode and that skill that you learn from that last five hours bringing it into hard mode on a new game plus it made the game more fun in my opinion um I just think that the boss fights in this game definitely knocked it out of the park and I hope that they can only go up from here because the blueprints there for some epic boss fights especially at the killing blow scenes when there's like a a qte and you have to do some some cool [ __ ] always really fun and enjoyable to watch but yeah the these boss fights I'm really hoping that if we do get a sequel they take it up a notch because what they have here solid first try and you know on top of that we're going to be doing some lay platforming again I think this is one of the weaker parts of the game just because Eve feels very floaty when she jumps but also very stiff but then when you land there's like this like little slide animation that she does which sometimes can kind of knock you off back balance uh I definitely also found that the depth perception of when you're doing jumps was a little rough sometimes especially when you're you're trying to land on more narrow platforms um definitely something that can get you can get used to I did feel that near the end of the game I was doing jumps and doing platforming very very simple and was able to be creative of when to do dashes and double jumps and stuff to clear gaps that you otherwise couldn't but I definitely think this is something that they can improve in the next game because I do think that the platforming was a good idea it does break up some of the combat encounters and the exploration just you know cleanses that pallet but it can definitely be improved on and I think that uh shiftup does know that it was one of the weaker aspects and I'm just hoping that they put more resources into that in the future sequels and yo one of my favorite things in this game is costume collecting so I actually do not usually give a [ __ ] about collecting new costumes but with this game they found they made it really fun I mean finding that little tiny red box and opening it and not seeing the costume right away you have to go to a camp you have to craft the costume and then you can see it is a really really cool gameplay Loop that builds anticipation for like yo what did I get what costume is this and I know what y'all are thinking like the costumes I know like I know you guys picked certain costumes and did that ladder animation like don't lie to my face I know you did but that's not why I'm talking about I just think it was really cool collect uh collectible in the game and you know I think they I think shift up said they're going to be releasing future ones for free which is always nice no microtransactions with costumes love to see it the Dead art up nowadays but tripped up they're doing it thank you um I know some of y'all were complaining that there was like censorship on some of the costumes I mean who cares like sure we were misled uh that the game wouldn't be censored but it is what it is it's not a big deal like guys like we're we're here to play a game like chill out and I just know that if this game comes to PC y'all are going to go wild with the mods I don't even know if I want to see it For Better or For Worse but what we have here is a great package great gamep play mid story um but what my favorite thing is that this is a brand new IP and nowadays the gaming industry the movie industry all of it is so stuck doing sequels or remakes we don't get new things in anymore new risky projects and although this game isn't risky because they are following a pretty safe template that's trending right now people do love the souls combat but it's a brand new IP they tried something new and it's good to see that it's doing well they haven't released sales as of the recording of this video but this game is very popular and I think that it's going to sell pretty well especially over the long run um and I think that we should get sequels because there's just so much that they can do and so much that they keys at the end of this game that they would be foolish to not do a sequel and have more costumes have more characters have more weapons like there's so much you can do with this IP and I just hope that shift up takes the position that they're in because they're in a really good position and they capitalize on it and give the gamers something that's great but also push their name out there so they can become a more renowned uh developer so I think that they're in a perfect position for a brand new IP especially for a studio that this is their first AAA game they usually only did mobile games so I think that they're in a great position and I'm excited to see what else they do but that's going to do it guys I mean overall this game is great uh definitely one of my favorite games of the year uh as of now I could for sure seeing see it making in the the top five top six of my top games this year I mean we don't really have much but so far this game is definitely on that list and I'm going to remember it one of those games that you know I'm going to replay I don't really replay a lot of games um but the new game plus you get new abilities in New Game Plus like you get upgraded versions of your moves you get the Raven outfit which is probably the sickest outfit in the game and we got a great product here so hopefully they'll do some DLC I hope they do but yeah so far highly highly recommend this game if you have a PlayStation of course it's a no-brainer if it comes to PC definitely recommend it coming into PC and I definitely recommend that if it does you can pick it up as well that's going to do it here guys thank you so much for your patience thank thank you so much for waiting for this video I know it took so long again I was moving um I'm excited for to change this office space I'm excited to get some more content out for all y'all and uh you know hit that like hit that comment hit that subscribe button let me know if you tried seller blade did you like it did you hate it are you pissed about the whole censorship thing are you drooling over the costumes already let me know in the comments below I'm excited to see what y'all think about this and the next game we're going to be doing I'll give you guys a spoiler we're going to be doing hell Play 2 cuz I heard it sucks and I can't only do good games I also have to do games that suck I haven't tried it yet but let's let let's do it guys let's do it so until then I will catch y'all in the next video um I'm hoping to get a video out pretty shortly especially because this game is apparently like 5 hours so hopefully I'll be out soon but thank you again I catch youall in the next video peace out
Channel: Kingkafff
Views: 172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellar blade, Ps5, Gameplay, Eve, ps5 exclusive, souls-like
Id: 5XtRBn_aklk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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