SteamOS 3 INSTALL on ANY PC! Best Gaming Distro??

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hello everybody this is teca in this video what we're going to be doing is setting up steam os 3 on this mini pc right here steamos 3 is the exact same operating system that is currently on the steam deck even when you boot into this the first time it gives you a tutorial as if you are on the steam deck but we're going to be using this as a gaming console that i'm going to hook up to my main tv in the living room and it's awesome because i can use an xbox 360 controller or really whatever i want with it and it will function perfectly and in most general cases this is the only thing that i'm going to need to actually navigate throughout the system install games go to the steam store and actually play those games ace magician here reached out to sponsor this video primarily to promote their cool little gaming pc here but we're going to be using it as an opportunity to turn their little gaming pc into the game console now this can be done with just about any system that can handle whatever games you want to play so roughly half of this video is going to be talking about the hardware of this thing it's pretty cool i wouldn't skip it i mean it has an actual dial right here to control how much power your cpu gets and it opens up here for easy uh upgradeability and the second half of this video is going to be basically tutorial getting everything set up and running including some additional tips and tricks that i've noticed one getting wi-fi to work on this thing uses a separate kernel and we're going to get fall guys working which is currently a windows only game that doesn't even work with normal proton and i will know at the start that this is an amd machine actually running steam os 3 doesn't require an amd machine they have recently added support for nvidia and intel but it definitely works best on amd and we're not even actually going to be doing this with an official release of steam os it hasn't been released by valve but thanks to the fact that everything's just open source it's going to be available to us through a project called holo iso which is basically arch with an installation script so that will get everything that we need to get steam os on this guy speaking of this guy let's dive into the hardware here my specific configuration here is uh 16 gigabytes of ram with a 512 gigabyte ssd and the cpu in this guy is a ryzen 5 5600u which is a pretty good little mobile cpu here when i first got the packaging it's pretty nice it's just the computer a hdmi and the 19 volt power brick on front here we're gonna have two usb 3.0 is an audio jack as well as a type c port right here and flipping it on to the back we're going to have two more usb 3s a displayport hdmi lan and our dc 19 volt power in now if you watched any of the minus form videos that i've made a key feature that i love about little computers like this is accessibility when you have to like pull off little foot things to get the screws and all that super annoying this one as you saw you just kind of pop off the side here and have full access both to your dual channel ram and you have two nbme ssd slots right here comes with one with a little heatsink but there is a spare if you want to throw two in there very nice now a part of me making sure that this wasn't a piece of crap for the sponsorship was i completely tore this thing apart to actually see more of the internal components taking it apart is pretty easy there's five screws here allows you to pop this off and then it's a little jankety you i can tell you're not supposed to do this but then you just pop out the entire board and there's some connectors and wiring hooked up one is for the actual uh switch up here on the top and there are two rgb headers which is uh real nice i'm going to talk about the rgb in a sec but it's nice it's an option to unplug those i actually went ahead and ripped off the coolers for this device just to make sure that the cpu had proper thermal paste and all that it does it's a little messy but it does now on the top here is the switch we have a couple different modes we have silent auto and performance now this is essentially doing is throttling the power that our cpu actually receives so silent is going to take us to 15 watts auto is 20 watts and performance is 25 watts with a max of 5 above that so that would be 20 25 and 30 watts and this even translates to frame rates if you go from silent to performance and you're in a game you're going to notice a substantial frame rate increase me personally it's a little gimmicky unless if you really want to be able to make this completely silent and low power for me i'm just going to have it always boosted up to performance because that's what i want now this device that does ship with windows and on linux there's absolutely no problems but on windows i did have a couple i do have to mention one is if you allow your computer to go to sleep it just completely bypasses this switcher for some reason it doesn't do that in linux but in windows you have to restart your computer otherwise this just won't work and two rgb isn't the best they do have an rgb application on their website with a couple different options but if you restart your computer it doesn't save and it always defaults to here i'll show you it's probably exactly what you'd expect it's rainbow rainbow rgb you can see if i switch it here blue is silent green is auto and red is performance just to kind of give you a little indication of what setting you're on and we can actually see this in action what i did first while on windows is i fired up cinebench to go ahead and max out the cpu and see if there's any differences between these modes in performance and switching it from silence to performance for example will instantly jump from 2.2 gigahertz to about 3.4 gigahertz but with that aside we're not screwing around with windows anyway completely wiped and i threw on the latest lts version of ubuntu as for the rgb on linux i did try to load up open rgb but it's not detecting the device itself it is fairly new so hopefully the compatibility for this will come soon now before i try to put steam os on this thing i loaded up the games in ubuntu just to make sure that they will play split gate at 1440p with high settings saw frame rate sitting between 70 and 80 in performance mode and when i did drop it down to silent mode there was a loss of about 20 frames per second so it's kind of like this switch is like a artificial fps boost but now that we know the ranges it's going to be kind of cool to see if a gaming specific distribution arch as well will uh make this perform a little bit better so now for the steam os installation the first thing you'll want to do is go over to the holo iso github page and there you can see a lot of different information including what is actually working some of the known issues which revolves around the video in intel gpus various prerequisites and some screenshots if you want to kind of see what you're getting yourself into if we head over to releases we'll be able to download the iso so just click on that scroll down just a little bit and then you are going to see the actual download link here and then what you're going to want to do is get a usb just like this this one's a 64 gig but i think you only need a 4 gig to get this to work flash your iso to this device if you're in linux you just go ahead and use a gnome disks set it as a restore and you're good to go if you're on windows you can use something like etcher or rufus and you should have no problems at all all right so we are now in our usb and this is the very first option you're gonna get before it boots into the system we have the steam os installer and then this higher compatibility option regardless of your system it's probably a better idea to go with this one just because it has much better wi-fi support i know with my system in particular this option doesn't support my wi-fi card so just a better bet to go with this one right here this is actually the hollow iso image versus the neptune kernel right here so let's go into here and then it's going to go ahead and boot us in and what this is going to do is actually boot us into a live desktop environment and this does differ from previous versions of holo iso because before it was all cli based which in my opinion was more intuitive and a little bit better but this is what it is so here we are with the live environment booting up and first things first what we're going to do is go down and see if we can connect to some wi-fi here you can see a lot of options are not no longer available to me i'm kind of happy it did that because this is a good demonstration of one of the issues it has for me see it going i figured out a good way to fix this is to enable airplane mode disable airplane mode and then i'm going to go connect and then type this in and connect and up here we have some options we have the true option install steam os return to gaming mode and keyboard stuff we want to ignore everything for now except for install steam os here i'm going to zoom in a bit so you all can see it better make it a little bigger so here this is your installation type you have bare bones or deck experience we're going to want to go with the full deck experience hit okay and now this is going to be the device that we're installing it on for me i know it's my only nvme drive on there and if you're unsure up here you can get some more specific information on the drive i'm going to go okay and let's erase the entire thing and then from there it's going to give us a rundown of what it's going to do as far as partitions so we're going to go yes proceed anyway i'm going to go y because this does have a steamos currently installed but i'm reinstalling it so let's go yes to continue and here we go now there's maybe another point when you run it into issues sometimes the repositories aren't the best so if it you have download errors just retry again in a little bit so from here this might take a bit so we're just gonna patiently wait until it's about done you may see a bunch of warnings and errors and all that it's okay it's all just part of the process and from here we're going to go with our hostname so for this i'm just going to call it steamos and then we want a password for our root user make sure that that is a strong complicated and secure so let's go okay and then re-input that password so okay and now we're gonna do our username for our main user okay and then again give that user its own password so let's go okay type it in again and okay so now it's going to go ahead and retrieve and install some of these packages here now setting up the locales installing all the packages it needs to make a full functioning steam os system and then after about five minutes or so you are going to get this choose your gpu type this like i said is an amd system you will definitely have the better experience on an amd system but if you have a different gpu you can try one of these but your experience and your overall satisfaction may differ extremely so let's go ahead and go amd and here we go it's finally actually installing all these packages and then when the installation finished it's going to look just like this so let's hit any key to exit at this point there shouldn't really be much you need to do let's just go ahead and go down here and restart our system so let's hit restart and when the actual grub menu comes up there is going to be a different selection that we make i just unplugged the usb and now that it's booting up here steemos is the default but if we go under advanced this is what i want these this is all of our other options like i said earlier neptune is the steam os kernel and holo iso is the latest i believe it's 5.18 kernel at least as of recording this video me i already know that my wi-fi is not going to work on the linux-neptune you could go ahead and boot in try it see if everything works for you if it does fantastic but me i'm going to go with this one right here just to save myself a little bit of time in the near future and here we are we've landed in the near future this is steam os so at this point i'm actually going to be using an xbox 360 controller so i'm going to go and select english specific standard time and here is wi-fi if i wouldn't have switched the option in the grub menu this just would have said connecting or no networks or whatever so i'm going to select my network and let's go ahead and input our password and i just checked made sure it's right so let's go ahead and connect to that and the connection was successful beautiful so let's go ahead and continue and now it's going to go ahead and finish the installation process you can see down there at the little menu it automatically detected the fact that this is in fact an xbox controller so it's going to go ahead and shut down and reboot real quick now again when this comes up i'm going to boot into the hollow iso version and i'm going to make it so it automatically does that for me in grub customizer in just a moment all right so here we are in the sign in so i'm going to go ahead and uh just type this in i'm just going to use the keyboard for this make my life a little easier type in our password and then we're going to go ahead and sign in and now let's go ahead type in our little code here that we got from steam go down to sign in and then there we go welcome to the steam deck and it's pretty cool but it's using the actual steam os image for the steam deck so if i press any button it's going to continue kind of give me a little tutorial of what's going on the buttons aren't in the right places obviously this is not a steam deck but we could kind of go through and see some of the stuffs it gives us i can pretend and wish that i actually had a steam deck through this process and then continue on now what we need to do is a couple things i am going to be getting fall guys to work so stay tuned for that that's going to be an extra little uh tip and trick throughout this process actually we could go ahead and begin the installation process here you can see there's no steam deck compatibility but i'm going to go ahead and install it anyway now what we need to do is two things real quick i'm going to hit the main button in the middle the xbox button and under power go ahead and select that and we are going to switch to the desktop and then it's going to boot us into this environment very similar to what we saw before and what i want to do is go ahead and grab a couple things from the discover software center so from here i'm going to search first thing is going to be grub because i don't want to have to have a keyboard and mouse plugged in every time and try to switch the grub settings around so let's go ahead and install the grub customizer and then in addition to that what we're going to want to do is look up proton and right here proton up qt we're going to install the flat pack of this and what this is going to do is give us newer and very specific versions of proton that will help us get things like fall guys up and running so while it does that i'm just going to minimize the window here i'm going to go down to start and open up our grub customizer now if the neptune option works perfectly fine for you you're probably not going to need to do this but depending on your hardware this may be helpful so here steamos linux neptune this is the default that's not what i want what i'm actually going to do is select this right here and then i'm going to move it up the list all the way to the top i'm going to put this one away so i don't accidentally select it and now this is going to be the default if i go under general settings here we have some more options we can completely disable the menu altogether we can change the time i'm going to keep all this for now but i'm going to change the time down to three seconds so i'm not sitting there staring at it actually let's go two seconds and then over here under appearance settings we have some more options not very important but for now i'm going to go ahead and hit save and there we go it updated the configuration so now we're going to go ahead and check up on our proton up it is done so to get fall guys working which is probably my biggest priority is uh to get a certain version of this so we want to open up this application here and we are going to install this for steam one thing you're going to want to do real quick beforehand is right click down here exit steam and that will completely shut down that application and now what we're going to do is add a version so under there's a version option here i found the best success with this 5 dash or sorry 7-15 version for fall guys i did try the latest version which is up here somewhere but it didn't work so what i'm gonna do here is click on install and it will take just a minute to download depending on your internet speed and then when it's done it's just going to pop in right here we could go ahead and close this out and let's go ahead and return to gaming mode this is going to relaunch steam and get us into the actual environment that i hopefully intend on staying in so i got the xbox controller in hand now let's go over here it's still downloading and one thing to note here is if we go into settings some games might look a little blurry depending on the display that you're running this on and that is because the steam deck i believe is 1280 by 800 or pretty close to 720p we go over to properties and under general we have default for the resolution you could change this to what you want obviously based this depending on your actual hardware for me 1080p on this monitor is probably going to be perfect it's actually a 1440p display but again the hardware is good for gaming but not good for super high resolution gaming so i'm going to back on out of there and then go back and one of the main things i notice this on most is split gate split gate renders pretty good but some of the like characters and all that are blurry if you do keep it on default so that is something you're going to want to bump up to 720p eldon ring i had mixed experiences this game runs awesome but now let's just go ahead and wait for this fall guys to work but one other thing while this downloads we might as well jump into here go into settings go down to properties under compatibility we're going to check force to use a specific one and right there proton or ge proton 715 is the one that we're going to want that's the one we just downloaded in that a proton up application and now we wait all right now it's the moment of truth let's go ahead and play this see it's running the install script for our easy anti-cheat and then it's going to do our vulcan shaders let's hit okay and there it is the uh the forbidden epic games overlay there we go all right let's agree to everything jump on in here make sure everything actually works all right let's go okay oh no okay so that one doesn't seem to be working anymore that's one of the cons with uh doing it this way after a quick little hunt on the reddit we may have found the issue let's go ahead and exit out of here or found the solution to the issue power let's switch back to our desktop so once again we're going to head over here and we're going to get a different version of a proton through proton up and here we are so again let's close out steam completely so exit steam and it is reported that if we go to version using 721 after installing it with 715 is working for somebody so we just go install and wait for that to download and there we go let's close this out and boot back into gaming mode and hopefully this person on reddit was right so let's go settings properties go to compatibility and switch this to 7-21 now play all right uh should i do this should i do this i'm gonna do it i'm gonna hit install and then install hopefully that's what we needed to do to initialize our anti-cheat run time let's start now i do have a feeling this might work so let's go into our quick settings here you for the xbox controller do that by hitting the uh xbox button in a and what we're going to want to do from here is under performance let's uh let's bump up this uh overlay here so you see one it just gives us the frames if we bump it up a little more it gives us some more some more all the way up to a individual core by core basis now i'm going to leave that on like that for now i'm not actually going to play with it like that but that will do and we are in so that did work shout out to you reddit person you are awesome okay it looks like we're hovering about 40 frames per second on this machine at least thus far on uh 1080p i haven't changed the settings yet but i'm assuming they're all at medium or high and here we go looks like we're sticking right around the 30 frame per second range which is very playable i could uh bump it down a little bit if i wanted some to pull some more frames out of this here let's go this angle oh nope let's go options where are we at where are we at so looks like we're on all medium now just for giggles to see if we can get squeeze any better performance out of this thing let's go uh 13 68 save that real quick did get a little more pixelated but let's jump in and see if that looks any uh better for some frame rates all right here we go looks like at the moment it's hovering around 50. so just that made a huge performance difference for me 30 is still completely fine but i mean i ain't complaining about no 50 either especially with this i can't even really see too much of a quality drop a little bit as noticeable but not much i really don't understand people who can't make it past these first little uh challenges here oh ah there we go just does not make sense to me oh oh see that see that look at that beautiful so with that working let's go ahead and see our performance in split gate which is a natively working game we don't need to mess with proton or anything like that all right now we got our split gate installation up so let's go ahead and launch the game real fast and i did kind of just speed run the tutorial here so let's go ahead and jump on in all right and while this loads i'm going to show you the current settings right now everything is set full quality max epic settings so let's see what we got going on here all right so we are in it's looking like on epic settings i'm not in any major action here couple good dips but we're hovering around 40 frames per second so let's see if it keeps up here so yeah it's definitely a playable but it's a little choppy at max settings on this device so i'm probably going to lower it just a little bit here after i kill the guy shot oh he kills me okay so it's averaging about 40 to 50 on high settings so let's go ahead and bump down the quality of some of this stuff to all medium and again i will note that this is on 1080p so that looks good all medium let's apply those settings and go back oh yeah there we go now we're up in the 60s much better it still looks absolutely beautiful oh my no when i died the frame rates go up to like the 80s so that's good i get to see my body flopping around and full quality oh come on come on no oh my he had nine out of a hundred now real quick while we're in here it's hovering around 50 frames per second and i'm going to go ahead switch this to silent mode so we can see that frame drop to about 30. not too significant but a noticeable drop is still very playable on medium settings 1080p with the silent mode enabled which will limit the cpu performance thus decreasing the fans and whatnot oh no oh god okay let's get out of here so i hope you enjoyed this video you definitely now can get a really pleasant gaming experience on the tv with a remote thanks to steam os they've done some magnificent work and i really can't wait for my name to be called to get a freaking steam deck but this will definitely do for now this right here the amr5 mini gaming pc by ace magician there'll be a link down below if you're interested in purchasing it thanks to them for sponsoring this video and giving me some pretty cool hardware to go ahead and test this out on this device will be going in the living room as a new steam machine with all that i do hope you have an absolutely beautiful day and good bye
Channel: TechHut
Views: 340,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, linux tutorial, desktop enviorment, steamos, steam deck
Id: IPg5f9xEjVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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