Steam Yacht Cangarda tour in the California Delta

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yeah most of the other places i've seen it you can't even get close enough or far enough away from it to get a good picture right that far enough away yeah we do i'm not getting the whole thing in the screen but that's all right so so i think there's just about seven feet of water in here we draw seven feet that's cutting it fairly close isn't it get that stuff i can see a fairly good image who knows uh how it'll turn out we'll take it around the other side but uh there's uh that's radar and gps and two of the uh uh the combustion controls plus the radios and all of that sort of stuff and uh steering here and we can actually shift and run the throttle of the engine um with that rig is that being done presently yep yep there is a little misalignment in stop i've got to uh i've got to readjust it because it isn't stopping at exactly the right stop position engine doesn't seem to mind but i'm not sure how critical so you see that sideboard is original isn't it yeah in the original mirror the bulkhead behind it and oh this little filial please piece up there finial whatever you call it where the uh the thing goes through is original but most of what you see is is new including the table and chairs got an eight berth folks forward a little cabin on the port side and a head and a separate shower fridge and cheese are here and the the owner likes to cook so he's got it all set up for gourmet cooking for shipboard cooking no fiddles around anything to hold the plates on and stuff like that yeah that'll be a hard shot with that bright sunlight behind it well it looks like a good image who knows right here we have the head oh yeah you get pictures of everything oh yeah we've gotta cover all bases here yeah this is nice yeah they're new fridges and you can you can get them the doors will take any any skin any skin you want on them so that's nice yeah generators off right now i forgot so i probably shouldn't this is your cabin yeah don't take a picture of that oh i wouldn't click quickly so you run cng on this stuff yeah and the ovens are electric pretty nice that's a nice smoke i like those things i've you've been around forever in fact i used to sail on the school and they had the same brand aga but it was coal fired just a flat top with a with the between the clean the drawers apparently even that dc and ac panels are in behind there for this end of the boat fold it back up again not tricky so you got different levels you can put it yeah and it's just shock cords and there's a tube that keeps it aligned and you can get way out of line but it doesn't seem to happen all that easily uh it works good yes and then in here oh your chair is the captain's chair carpenter said you've got to have big balls to run this boat so you got to place the parking lot steam out of there whoa there you go yeah i'm always afraid if you're not used to this place especially right here that's very dangerous so the uh all of the lines for air or steam atomization used to run under the deck plates and we were having problems with uh with a lot of water getting into the air and the steam cooling off and a lot of condensation making the burner operate poorly so we moved it all up and built this and i'm in the process of of lagging it up so that it'll all be a lot neater but uh the boiler is the same configuration as the original meter like this bigger oh yeah that's another one uh same company yeah i had that label was there and then one day it was gone really yeah i had those things plated because they were horrible rusty steel so i gold-plated them and then brushed them with a light black wash and somebody and then yeah the the meter i mean the label just either popped off or somebody grabbed it popped off it'd probably be down so yeah but i haven't found it that was a while ago and i haven't found it somebody would take it yeah john york invention because we there were too many too many variables in the thing and finally it's set probably right where it was originally i mean it's all the way back and i think i actually made it to go in further than the original did so it uh i don't know exactly where it would have been originally you do have the original lever back here don't you yeah yeah let's see we've got adjustments here and we got adjustments here and the thing was banging horribly the uh the shuttle take that sock off there ted valve would just crash into the into the end of the cylinder on each each side and finally i i got to look in there we've got a lot of these electronic rebounds and what used to be the 15 pound exhaust system so it got taken out this is what this is that was a peak thing and i don't know why he did it so now all of the auxiliary exhaust goes directly to the condenser and i can pull a pretty good vacuum so my auxiliary exhaust is actually usually about five or six inches of mercury vacuum and by throttling back the exhaust on this thing i can create a small back pressure right here and the thing quiets right now it wants it up there yeah it doesn't like that vacuum do you suppose it could have been exhausting into the original 15 pound system well it it does see it exhausts right here and this has now been divided into two legs that come into the condenser from two directions the fire bilge pump and the donkey foam and the circulating pump all go in that way and then this thing goes in this way and then up here there was a back pressure regulator that that held it at 15 pounds on one side and led off to vacuum the condenser from the other side and i don't know why they took it out but it has thrown me off what are these guys here those are fin stabilizers they keep the boat those are what i call training training wheels yeah they'd stop the roll and uh in a reasonable sea they take it up completely but in a big c they don't take it out completely but they stop the pendulum effect and it's pretty quiet it's not too bad i get i'm getting a really noisy valve oil and water salt water all over the engine so that's not i don't need to run it very fast to get the cooling that i need so at lower speeds it rumbles and i i do have to take that valve apart i i never had that pump i wonder if maybe the valve spool might be loose on the valve rod well possible i need to get into it right now things if things are off um well i think it's a side shaft was uh was a hereshoff invention maybe even sooner earlier than that but it's a nice simple engine and it runs well i've got almost all the knocks out of it i've taken all of these shims out of the wrist pins and i just took these out of the uh the forward journal um and there's a couple of others that i've taken from other places because all of the babbitts were essentially new and uh i really gotta break in a little bit and that's in addition to all of the shims that dennis and i went down and took out yeah in the upper end that is well i think these those are these yeah yeah well pete put a bunch of shims in it originally because he thought things might be too tight as i recall yeah well five thousandths in there and seven thousands in the others um seems to be okay nothing is moving and nothing's overheating if i ever have to take one out here i think you made this this shin this washer under this bolt here because this uh i don't know what you call it this bearing yeah but that where the volcano is cracked oh so this this is supporting that so i really can't do much no unless you should file a file or maybe you should face that washer off and make some shims that can be taken out yeah that's a good idea really what ought to be done is is to get a new casting made for that cap and right start all over yeah to be really ship shape stitch it together um what are you doing for oiling the thrust bearing uh so far it's by hand but i've got a i've got a choice here i just found this one for 25 bucks in the flea market [Music] but the pins the needle valves are uh seized the little part that goes up in the spring in there yeah i can't get them to to clear they've been soaking in wd-40 for a couple of weeks and i can't get them to go so the alternative if i can't do that i do have a manzel you know you do have one yes i do i when we were talking about it before i looked through all my junk and i took one apart or took two apart and made one out of two and i think it's a seven lead good lord yeah we only need six i know we could very easily you know shunt one of the uh yeah leads um i also have this could have a lot bunch more risers out of it as a pair and they fit they're made for the trusted bearing okay but we didn't put them in and we haven't put this one either because we still don't know where to hang the damn thing uh it'll probably end up under the ladder whatever it is if it's a mandela or if it's a drip oiler we'll have to make a bracket here and then run the pipes back in here [Music] now and into here so there's no clearance right unless we build a box over it but then the box has to go all the way like three inches after the line yeah i probably should put the lubricator remotely at any rate and just uh some little elbows down there and yeah tubing but it's not it's not bad um i've been uh oiling it at longer and longer intervals to see how long it takes before it begins to warm up and so far even an hour without a squirt of oil it hasn't it hasn't started so it's pretty even four of them are for a head and two are first turn and they actually most of them are double faced so they uh i'm not sure whether that was because you could use one horseshoe for both directions or you could take it out and turn it around if it if it wears either way um but there's there's a lot of a lot of surface there and it's new babbitt and seems to work and i just realized i never took the wicks out and there's no oil in there it's all in the bilges oh dear oh by the way i found you some genuine curled horse hair oh yeah yep i got a bunch of it i had forgotten about it i don't know probably 20 minutes 25 minutes to warm it and once i've once i can't see through the engine because of the drains making so much steam that uh nothing is going back to water then i know that it's ready to go but then i have to shut them down because i can't even see the crank turning to fill this hole in probably don't well i shouldn't say but i don't imagine back there you get very many of those no i've been working on a brunovault i go as engineer on an old boat that has a two-cylinder it's an interesting place they've got uh this sort of ring lagoon inside and then a levee inside of that and this whole great big campground with all sorts of buildings and an old lighthouse you can just see the cupola on the lighthouse there not high enough oh yeah yeah that came off from some shoal somewhere the whole place is serviced by water yep no roof no road to it you run a i'm not sure where the landing is so was it difficult to find your way over here no we talked to somebody at the marina and looked at a map and it looked like the only way to get over here was to go over to highway five and then off this eight mile road and down the levee and you couldn't really tell by looking at any of the maps whether it was going to work or not or where we were going to end up even right but we were successful there's uh four cabins down here and two heads it's cooler down here oh yes it's nice down here is there any ac on board yeah yep we're uh probably going to change it out a lot because most of the motors are single phase and and depending what's going on we get way out of balance generator so they're probably going to change everything out to three phase nice detailing up here on the overhead i don't know why the water pump just came on [Music] i'm so afraid to use water i mean i can make 50 gallons an hour watch the heads or anything you have a little cabin here and we have another little cabin so these are guest cabins i assume yep yeah that after cabin that's my head okay which is ensuite the forward cabin as well the tub mm-hmm and yes got to show the little nice little cute tub there this is the master bedroom or this is the owner's cabin i'm glad to see he makes his bed as well as i do they got a weak board here or something oh yeah there's uh there's misalignment in the uh there's a weak yeah it's not lined up there's a there's a deck beam right here um we make potable water from from sea water and then we take the potable water and run it through a different system to make boiling water oh i think they're here i think they're here where'd how long are they serving lunch do you know uh it's it's going well let's see you better you better hustle though okay all right you'll be able to get something oh this is all this shirt stuff
Channel: Steam Nut Wesley Harcourt
Views: 36,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steam, steamboat, boat, launch, engine, compound, triple, expansion, boiler, gopro, win, fail, epic, tahoe, titanic, locomotive, usa, ship, train, lake, fire, forest, steel, casting, brass, steampunk, punk, criscraft, stephens, wooden, wood, bronze, ar15, rifle, emerald, bay, fallen, leaf, crab, fishing, viral, hacker, garwood, gar, stanley, white, doble, locomobile, Qìchuán, 汽船, 蒸気船, Jōki-sen, کشتی بخار, ספינת קיטור, ਸ੍ਟੀਮਬੋਟ, Sṭīmabōṭa, buque, vapor, vapour, bateau, vapeur, höyrylaiva, regatta, dampbåt, пароход, parokhod, dampf, dampfboot, dampfschiff, sail
Id: Hf7QUf7zkZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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