Steam Deck Xbox 360 Emulation Guide

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hello everyone and yes crumit is back with another tutorial for the steam deck and I'm sure you've read today's title so we will be getting straight into Xbox 360 emulation installing games patches and everything you're going to need to get your Xbox 360 games launching in game mode on your steam deck all right let's go first thing pick up your steam deck and turn it on and once you're in your steam deck we're going to go straight into power and switch to desktop cuz we got to mess with some stuff oh yes and now we're in the desktop the first thing we want to do is make sure we have inia installed exenia exinia which is the Xbox 360 Emulator now if you have UDC installed it should automatically be installed on your system uh if not and you're just installing it off the website you can do that as well if you want to go stand alone either way just make sure you get exenia again from either the website or UDC if for some reason UDC didn't install it or you uninstall it yourself just scroll down on manage emulators click Xenia and then click install as you can see I have it installed great the next thing you want to do is locate the ROMs folder for your Xbox 360 games uh so let's open up our documents here and we're going to navigate to home as you can see I have the split screen here this is just so I can easily drag and drop things from one side the to the other it's really really easy it's use the split button at the top right here I'm going to close that cuz you don't need it right now um very cool very cool anyway let's continue so you want to go to home or the first page on your SD card personally I have all my RS installed on the SSD um you're probably wondering well you have a full uh MD SD card one install one there well it's not big enough five TR isn't big enough we start PS3 and Xbox 360 games the storage fills up rather quick okay so now we're in our homepage and either way again on SSD or SD card it'll be the same if you want to go to your emulation folder then to ROMs and then from there scroll all way down to the bottom so Luckily everything sorted alphabetically and open the folder this says Xbox 360 I'm missing it there it is and now we open that folder you will all now see there's another ROMs folder yes for some reason there's ROMs ROMs ROMs so you want to go ROMs XO 360 and then ROMs again this is where you will drop your ISO files when you download the games I can't tell you where to get the games from it's I'm think I think you'll figure it out and once you download the games they'll either come in two formats ISO or xbl isos you just drop directly in the in the ROMs folder not in the emulation ROMs Xbox 360 but emulation ROMs Xbox 360 and then ROMs again otherwise you'll have problems it'll crash you won't find them cause problems so the isos go in here and the xbla files which sometimes you download Xbox 360 games they'll come as X instead of iso those go in the oh wow look an XA folder okay so we now know where all our games go and we've got some games we' on the internet oh look some games downloaded some Gams we put them in the right folders now we need to add them to Steam and get them working in gaming mode that is the difficult part but not really if you know what you're doing and I do so here's how you do it so let's get rid of this for now go back to emck and we're going to open Steam ROM manager and then we're going to click yes this will automatically close Steam and open steamr manager initially I was going to get rid of this and maximize this uh your steam R manager will look like this um but what we need to do we need to go to advance aned mode yes cuz we're going to create our own passer these are all the passes all the emulator Pathways and how the emulators work with steam it's all been automatically created for you by mu deck but for some reason the one they do for Xbox 360 it just doesn't work it's it's not it's it's crap so we're going to make our own parso it's quite simple all you got to do is press settings at the bottom and then click select theme as you can see it then gives you a couple options just click deck deck or classic gives you the same thing click deck and then you'll be met with this window looks a lot more complicated now doesn't it yes well welcome to the advanced subject right now what you want to make sure first is on the side here you'll see toggle passes just like before it's the same thing you want to scroll down and make sure your Xbox 360 Emulator is turned off or the passord that it created for Xbox 36 two here so you can see make sure they're toggled off if you don't do this when we create our own uh and this one will still still on you'll get double copies of your games in the library be literally two copies you won't be it'd be annoying get doubles or triples of everything we don't want that so make sure these are turned off next step is to create passer you see an option to create passer you can't do that unless you're in the advanced settings just why we're here so click create passer I will go through all of this but I'm not going to press save because obviously I've already created a passor and I don't want double triple copies of games sh up we're going to go through everything except the save button so just imagine me pressing the save button at the end of this uh part of the tutorial so press create passer and it'll bring up all of this on the side here it looks foreign to you and it looked very foreign to me uh right click search for preset what kind of preset do we want oh I don't know how about Xbox 360 so let's scroll down until we see Zenia Xbox 360 that's all we want and there it is there's two options here uh I use this option it works so let's do let's go for it and the only uh other thing you need to do is scroll down so you see red text it says path to ROMs it wants to know where the ROMs are well we do now don't we already we already know where they are so click browse then we're going to go back to home back to uh emulation folder just navigate to ROM's folder again emulation uh I could do this on recent but I want to make sure I do it as basic and as simply as possible so every single person watching the video knows exactly what they're doing where to find stuff emulation ROMs scroll way down to the bottom because again it's in alphabetical order so you know where it's going to be and Xbox 360 don't press select folder yet make sure you go into the ROMs folder inside the ROMs folder and then press select folder otherwise it you got problems won't find them you'll find some and then they don't work and yeah just just select make sure you do it like that uh now next is the executable so actually where is the emulator if when I want to open these games I need to open the emulator where is it press browse and you will find find it once again in your emulations folder either on your SSD or SD card with the same location to emulation folder tools launchers you'll see a bunch of options this where you can manually launch all your emulators from your desktop and configure them how you want so there's zinea right at the bottom just click that once and then click select file okay great now what we do next the answer is nothing cuz we're done with this bit so scroll down to the bottom joke everything's okay oh well amazing and just show you something really cool here which I didn't know was a thing if I can find it uh as you can see here M deck does actually have support for joycons switch joy-con templates uh switch Pro so if you know what you're doing you can set that stuff up it's it's it can do it um anyway what you want to do when you've done all that is just press save I'm not going to press save because then I create two copies again I've already done this so I don't want two copies and once you press save if you scroll all the way to the bottom of your passes you will see a new Microsoft Xbox 360 and just tick that and activate it uh and then you want to go to settings and we're going to change the MU deck uh steam loader thingy back to normal cuz you know it just looks nice we don't need the advanced settings anymore let's put it back to normal click m deck on the theme and there we go uh go back to passes and then just double check again your old selection of vector 360 Emulator turned off that's the ones made by emck ignore those and right at the bottom you will see a new one oh look at that make sure that is highlighted and then click add games not all my games are going to show up here because obviously I've already installed them excluded them whatever um I've actually got some extra loads of Game Boy advanced games here at the moment I need to go through those and exclude those but just to show you it does add the games oh gosh um I keep forgetting you can use left trackpad look look how easy this is woo woo forgot where I was going now um Show You Lost Planet to because it is actually installed with the Xbox 360 Emulator that is here and just to show you that it is an Xbox 360 game and it is being detected if you go filters category and then tell it to only show you Xbox 360 there it is say myio 360 games that it's showing here very very cool and then you select the ones you want to show on Steam using the exclude games option where you can press exclude you can gray them out and they won't appear in Steam we'll keep them highlighted and they will save it how you want and then just press save to steam we go we'll change the filter back here uh if it will let me no it won't let me it's going to let me it's going to let me yeah there we go right uh let's press save to steam this everything that's highlighted will now be added to steam right and uh just a side note you always want to make sure that um in case you decide you want to launch them straight from the emulator in gaming mode make sure you have the emulator itself highlighted one tip uh when you first see the emulator in steamr manager like this it'll be grayed out because steamr manager doesn't know what it is to begin with for some reason just click the fix button and it will it will be set to this initially it be blank thing it be like I don't know what that is scroll down and you'll see Zenia emulator if you click on that it will give it all amazing card art and pictures and and to look actual actually legit let press save and close um I've already done it then looks nice you can scroll through the different presets so you want it to look in Steam and then of course once again we just press save to steam and that's going to save all of that it's going to save our newly added tweaked emulator and all our games 36 games are stick steam brilliant lovely done X Out of steamr manager uh this is where you can now go into gaming mode and load of a game there's also one other very important thing you need to know in order to um improve performance with a lot of games not all gains but a good a good chunk of them now have patches which you can enable unlocking the FPS increasing from 30 to 60 fixing textures um other problems other errors problems which people have been working on Through The Years not as extensive as PS3 but still pretty good now your your next question is well how do I turn these patches on do I just go into the emulator and press turn on patch no they don't have an option like that the PS3 emulator does you lick and literally just click on the game in the emulator install the patches apply and go not really that streamlined in Xbox 360 they're a little more um basic so to enable patches and to see if your game has a patch you can enable able you need to be in desktop mode open up your file explorer navigate your Xbox 360 folder so emulation ROMs Xbox 360 and you'll see a folder patches when it automatically installs this is what it like for me anyway it should be the same for you you'll automatically get all the patches right so here they are is all the patches and again you're probably thinking wen't they just automatically applied no they are not you need to edit the text file for the patch you want reply so for instance um let's say I have the game Dead Rising 2 right uh case Zero you open up the text file for that not all games are going to be in here but if you're lucky you can come with this in the patches uh folder and you'll find a patch for your game so you double click on the text folder for the game you want to enable patches for and you'll see a bunch of writing like this oh my God what was all this right uh but if you read it you'll see for instance it says unlock FPS FPS is unlocked but maxed out at 120 so this will allow you to increase the FPS up to 120 and right here it says false all you have to do to enable the patches is again open the text file inside the patch folder for the game you the game you want and again there'll be multiple different versions of the game but again it will it will tell you which one this is case Zero specific version of the game so you know which one um and you put the text F all you have to do is literally replace the word false well my keyboard's not enabled cuz I disabled steam but imagine I'm doing it actually you know what I'll just let's let's reenable steam now uh and just and so I can again just show you exactly how to do it we don't want anybody doing it incorrectly we want to have 100% uh workability um yeah steam's open now so we just go back to our text file we've open our text file for the game that we have you see it says false in each of these patches see enable developer settings you can enable this patch to skip the intro logos if that's what you want to do um but let's say you want to unlock the FPS most of the time who doesn't want to unlock the FPS right you got you're at 30 this will boost it to 60 and if this I haven't tried this game on here yet but if this works if this game works I should be you can boost it to 90 with the steam deck I can't confirm that yet cuz I don't actually have the game myself all you have to do to enable the patch is delete false and type true that's it that's all you do I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to I've just pasted some um text in from a previous tutorial video or um that was from uh can't remember what it's from now do a PS3 emulation so let me just get rid of that cut that out again all all you want to do is after the equals just have the word true and then just press enter I press the wrong button there there we go yeah just like that so Bas just change false to true and then you want to save the file right you and that's it it's applied then you open the game in gaming mode or desktop mode it will be applied it will work that patch will be applied and that's how you apply patches so again you want to apply patches if you're lucky it'll be in the patch folder and you'll be able to open what you want change false or true again here's Tony H Project 8 oh wow have we got any patches yes we do we can change the original resolution it's 1040 by 5840 this patch will enable it to be TW uh 1280 x 720 which is basically the resolution of the steam deck isn't that awesome so it looks like there's only one patch here if I'm not mistaken no there's some more down here okay okay these will just allow you to change the resolution either set it to 960 but you want to do 720 but like anything else no just just that and this gives you access to the debug menu so there's loads of patch of different games so now we've gone through how to install the emulator properly how to install your games how to add it to steam and how to apply patches all right now you're probably thinking well come on come on fire up a game go show show me it works I'm not going to do all this and it's it's going to be crap I'm I no no you're not I I will show you so all you want to do now you want to exit M deck and whatever else we don't need any of this and go over to Game Mode and we'll let it do that for a second so yes again not a streamline as the PS3 emulator or the PS2 emulator or other emulators you can't just select apply patch you actually have to edit a text file but now you know how to do that I didn't know how to do that a couple weeks ago and I I think it's only right that I pass on this knowledge so that you too can play Burnout Revenge in 60 FPS okay now we're back in our game mode and you got two options you can either launch the games directly from Steam as you can see they've been added here for me what I wanted to do is launch from emulation station because every time I tried it would just say error error error error even from here they wouldn't work nothing would work but now it does you say error command something no nothing on the internet would help me um but this very simple fix now allows it we go straight into xbo 360 here as you can see here's our games and emulation station and we little Burnout Revenge to show you this works it's going to the path we just set cuz the only pass that's been enabled is the Xbox 360 that we just created here it comes look at that's instant instant baby instant let's have some nice sound here here we go this is one of the games I can guarantee will work because as you can see it's working perfectly for me right now for an entire console generation yeah baby and we can just even turn this on as you can see getting a smooth 60 FPS I mean I'm really happy about that I'm not going to lie it just it just loads up immediately and it's an Xbox game so it it knows all these controls immediately have to remap anything it it's just ready to go load up your file World Tour get into some racing boom boom boom boom boom look how quick that is look how quick this is this wasn't working at all before and then you press continue continue go go go and now we're gaming oh yes it's Xbox 360 F all right well you get the I just crashed you get the idea right so now we're going to now we're going to close the game and we're going to back out into our game mode because we're done enjoy your Xbox 360 games on your steam deck guys thanks for watching the tutorial and I'm sir crumpit and I will see you next time isn't that right by have a beautiful day
Channel: Ragnar Crumpets
Views: 2,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: utVjwTZQ6YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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