Staying at an off grid cabin in Scotland

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this is gonna be my home for the next four days a beautiful off-grid cabin on the banks of Loch fine in Scotland I'm also happy because I got myself an ice cream it's boiling hot today it's finally summer let's go on holiday we're going to Scotland this isn't any old cabin and I'll show you why a bit later on for the next few days I'm going to be exploring the local area hopefully meeting up with some people as well and learning a bit about this wonderful part of the world up here in Scotland a body of water is called a lock and you've got fresh water locks and you've got sea locks with salt water this lock here it's a sea lot it's salty the water here is about 3.5 percent salinity it's slightly over seasoned if you ask me but you can also tell it's a sea lock from all the seaweed and it's rather big this is actually just a very thin part of the lock here and it opens out as you get further towards the ocean it opens out and it ends up huge at the other end the cabin is just over there it's right on the banks of the water and I'm hoping I'll get the chance to do some fishing I've also got my goggles and snorkels so I might be able to go snorkeling around and see what I can find this place is quite different to anywhere that I've stayed before and although it's off-grid it is actually very luxurious on the inside we've got a wood burning stove which I don't think I'll need to use right now because it's already really warm and then behind me we've got a whole kitchen gas stove sink Kettle utensils Bridge that's a big old fridge oh that smells nice a grater oh this kitchen has everything I need to cook we've also got an outdoor area with a barbecue and a fire so we might be able to do some cooking out there not gonna lie that is a that's a good bed you might think well what makes a good bed well I'm six foot four and I like to have a bed which is long enough so that my feet don't dangle off the edge and this this is a big one perfect and then in here we've got the bathroom the shower with hot water zinc toilet you might be wondering how the water gets hot in this off-rooted cabin and how the lights but where the energy comes from and I'm actually going to be meeting up with the owner of this place a bit later on so we can learn about how this thing was made and how it all works and there's actually not just this one cabin here there's another one up there so this one is cabin number two not there's cabin number one in the evening I was invited to have some food with Charlie who is the owner of these cabins on Loch Vine he cooked up some really good food and told me a bit about the cabins so we started that sort of manufacturing process literally just before cover started so they were actually built uh down south in near London in a prefabricated format we built them the whole shell was basically constructed in a couple of days which was great and then the fit out took a bit longer because of the sort of delays that covert had but the whole unit was moved up in one piece basically so it was transported on the back of a big sort of low loader and then screened into location when we got here we wanted to use solar panels for the electricity so we've got 15 solar panels and that powers the electricity the entire year basically as well as these solar panels there's some gas tanks which fire up a boiler meaning plenty of hot water for washing up and showering foreign [Applause] today I'm going to be driving a little way around the lock to the loch fine Oyster Bar and Delhi to learn a bit about oysters I've got here the shell of the only oyster I've ever eaten I remember asking the waiter if I could keep the shell because I thought it looked quite cool and here I find myself on a lot fine apparently the best oysters in the world come out of this piece of water here so we're going to learn a bit more about the world of oysters what even are they why do people love them so much and what's it all about yeah I first spoke to Paul who runs the deli at Loch fine oysters and he showed me a selection of the fresh seafood he was selling I was looking forward to buying some dinner for tonight [Music] I was then taken into the kitchen where I was lucky enough to meet chef Jerry and I watched him as he prepared some oysters some were to be eaten raw and others had toppings that were then cooked thank you [Music] whoa thank you oysters [Music] [Applause] how do you even eat oyster it turns out that there's not really a proper way apparently some people like to gulpit down without chewing other people like to chew I didn't really know what I was going to do [Music] that's a very interesting taste how can you not like that one yeah it's really beautiful how they're served in the showers as well whoa spicy I definitely prefer cook oysters yeah I've heard if you try things multiple times they get better I love the way it makes your mouth feels afterwards it does it's like you just brush your teeth almost yeah it's it's like a mouthwash isn't it it's just some fresh such a fresh flavor yeah we've got anchovy oyster wonderful done eating the oysters I have to say I'm not as keen on the uh fresh oysters they leave a very refreshing taste in your mouth but I definitely prefer the the cooked ones those battered oysters uh I don't think I've had anything better but now we're going to a oyster Farm Richard has taken me to the oyster Farm we drove through the beautiful arkenless estate and finally arrived at a Green Building I've never been to an oyster Farm before I'm excited the oysters will come to the farm at sort of thumbnail size and they will then uh go out on into the water to grow and that will take between two and three years depending on the the location the feeding and the weather and so on there's a lot of factors involved and then once they reach marketable size they then come back here to be graded and then decorated so decoration is the process that I'm going to show you in a minute well I've been dressing up as a ghost for Halloween in my head like that know how he's getting any oysters so in here the 1240 tanks each one will hold between 600 and a thousand dollars now they're going through a purification process here where we bring water in from lot 5 that is treated with ultraviolet light to kill a bacteria and they will stay in here for a minimum of four to two hours before their uh they're packed for going off to our customers I learned that by tapping two oysters together you can find out if you have good or bad oysters a sharp sound like two Pebbles hitting together means that you've got live oysters but a hollow sound could mean that there is a problem oh God see the difference yeah exactly that's what you're listening for these guys tune into this so they know every time the tattoo oysters I've got two devices or hang on a minute no I haven't I've got one that's not so good here Andy is a pro at this and Taps and packs a box of oysters so quickly [Music] I just went shopping got myself some salmon and scallops that was a very interesting experience learning about oysters oysters are odd but also interesting so I'm gonna pass some time today if I did some snorkeling and paddling the water looks really clear so it should be ideal for looking for fish it's always really tricky getting on this wetsuit but it'll mean I don't get cold at all now the wetsy that I just put on is really buoyant so I need something that's going to weigh me down a bit so I can actually dive so I've got these big heavy weights let's hope they don't sink me completely [Music] okay [Music] oh first dive of course I think I caught a crab and then it bit me and my fingers now bleeding sorry crap sorry that was fun [Music] oh whoa oh we've got crispy skin as well we've got a piece of smoked salmon some scallops and some greens and I covered it with some lemon juice and cheese and I got a garlic and chili mayonnaise let's taste it shall we no I don't think I did overcook that salmon that's that's ideal oh I love the Smoky flavor that's one of the best Salmons I've ever eaten it doesn't taste all fishy I mean it does taste like a fish but not bad fishing it's good fish I love scallops and then let's try my mix of greens average that's right that was wonderful mosquitoes are getting really bad it's crazy up here in Scotland it's about 10 o'clock at night and it's far from getting dark I've just seen an owl in the tree there it is wow look at that bubble now I haven't seen a bite out for ages I was just sitting down on the sofa and other corner of my eye I see this thing flying the tree it was a part out it's a wonderful place to wake up in the morning this cabin has these really large Windows which is great because even early in the morning so much light gets in here and I I don't know why but I feel like I always have more energy when there's lots of light in a place anyway today the plan is to head to the local Brewery which is just down the road and learn a little bit about the beer they make [Music] I arrived at Loch fine Brewery and the staff were kind enough to show me around there was a building filled with a load of large stainless steel containers each having a different purpose some were for mashing in which a sweet liquid is made from the grains soaking in water then comes the fermenting process where the yeast is added and left until the yeast eats the sugars and creates alcohol the beer is then conditioned before bottling and being ready to drink a lot more scientific stuff goes on but I'll save that for another video you have such a nice backdrop I went into the tap room and realized it would be rude not to grab a box and buy some beer [Music] this is real thank you have a good week well I now have enough beer to last me a year there's a red squirrel there's a square one it's red hello wow I'm so happy about seeing that squirrel I hardly ever see red squirrels I don't think there's even any in England or there might be a few but not many they're so cute blueberry mango well that's one of them whoa that did something crazy to my mouth just then that's a very interesting tasting alcoholic drink it's really sour it has a very Tangy aftertaste cheers so my plan here is to grill some vegetables and then once they've got nicely charred I'll cut them up and then mix them into pasta make a nice sauce [Music] last evening at cabin we've got a bowl of pasta local beer Scottish cheese I hope you enjoyed watching my little Scotland Adventure if you want to come and stay at one of these cabins I'll leave the link in the description of this video where you can find out more and book it up for yourself and I'll also leave links in the description to the places that I visited so you can learn more about that too thanks for watching I'll see you next time grilled pepper pasta is good the midgies are quite bad here so if you come bring some spray stuff to make them not want to bite you that's my advice they could leave it [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Just Alex
Views: 172,639
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Id: 7HJvoZ9fzi0
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Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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