Stay True with Dante Bowe

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and sometime I I like I go to your page and I really want to like tap and be like shut up right like because they be going I'm like y'all chill out they just love me even hate is love no for real like if you go out your way to just be like I thought that you wasn't man I'm like o you really love me so I disappointed you so bad like you really love me like you know and you just don't know how to articulated yeah [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to this episode of keep it positive sweetie I'm Christ Rene hazet and today I have with me the incomparable The Talented Don thanks for you made it I'm in your house like it's beautiful by the way thanks for having me absolutely no I've been wanting you to come on the show um there was a time I think we had asked and they were like he's not available so I was so happy when I got the email saying that you could come yeah I had to we never met in person I know yeah and I'm a fan too same I know I know what you do I know who you are like so I'm really grateful to be here thank you so much thank you well we like to start the show off with um a song or a topic and I'm going to try to sing this song it's actually one of your songs that I love it's called hide me we're just going to sing the the hook yeah hide me hide me hide me hide me under your Shadow hide me hide me hide me hide me under your wing hide me hide me hide me hide me hey yes because when we think about everything we go through sometimes we do just want to be hidden under God's wing and behind him like Lord prot do I always want to be protected I don't care what season I'm in cuz hidden doesn't always mean you're not outside or like you're not working you know what I mean hidden just means no matter where I am I'm covered like you know you see me but he really sees me like I'm covered you know I love that I love that um this is my first time meeting you in person but I remember seeing you I want to say what's the um the gospel award show here in Atlanta Stell the Stell award there was a um reception at the Thompson Hotel and you came in briefly yeah and you just had this like I don't know it was something very stoic and Regal The Way You Walk you like Gucci down I was like I who is that they're like oh that's down table I was like oh I've never seen him but I I know his voice I like that's crazy wish we would have met yeah I was out there acting a fool with Isaac yeah that's my brother a yeah I'm usually to myself you were you were very quiet and kind of Reser environments know what I me still trying to find I always felt like I didn't fit in all the way even though I have some amazing friends in that space I always feel like when it's a lot of us in one room I'm like o let me just you know find the corner or like just you know I'm not shy but I guess I'm just more observant I sensed that I did you kind of like scoping the room out and was like yeah I'm about to get out of here I was like he just disappeared but no um that was the first time I saw you and then as I got to know your music more became I became a fan the raspiness in your voice it's something about I don't know it's something anointed when somebody has a Rassy voice it just touches it's so different like as soon as you open your mouth I'm like oh Lord that was good thank you thank I wasn't always comfortable with it really no like I wanted a clean voice and and you know coming up in the industry hear people they have like the smooth you know Brian MC night and you know all the great kind of have this smooth kind of tone and then you have the few like um Kim barell or a Jasmine Sullivan and but that started coming around later as I got older you're right that's okay so R&B and gospel used to be so smooth you know Linings and stuff yeah oh my goodness I never felt 100% comfortable now I love it now it's like my superpower yeah no it is it really is it sets you apart from everyone it does so I want to know more about Dante let's go back to Childhood Dante um what was it like where you from and also how did you even get into music because I know for me my mom put me in the car at age of five for and that's how I got into it it's kind of like go you going to send you going to do something in the church yeah yeah yeah I can hear you can sing like I can hear your voice when you said that you didn't always like your voice I have a rasy voice yeah a lot of singers can tell like you can s sure I got to hear you when the camera's cut off I'm I need you I got you I got you no but um um yeah I was raised in Rockingham North Carolina so super small town um raised by both my parents and my grandparents you know ended up getting divorced my parents did but still raised by both of them and I had a pretty normal childhood the only thing that wasn't normal is like all of my cousins and aunts and uncles could sing and so we had a big family so during Christmases Thanksgiving things of that sort we would all gather around and sing and everyone was super spiritual you know I was in a spiritual home M and even my cousin that weren't save they might go outside and smoke their weed come back in be like trying to spray like it's like cuz you got your aunts and your uncles what y' been doing like the whole family had to be saved even if you wasn't saved even if you wasn't sa when you come around like you don't act like it you know what I mean and so that's kind of family I was raised in I never had an alter call moment you know I just um just was raised in the church like you said your mom put you in the choir 5 same for me I was like born in the choir you know as soon as I could be on the Children's Choir yep my mom put me in there I guess it was like another way for her to like have a little Freedom free time I had to go to choir hm and stuff uhhuh but I used to hate it but um now I love it yeah I was just raised in a pretty normal family in a small town and all those things are probably things that we all kind of absolutely yeah so you play the piano as well what age did you start playing the piano my grandmother bought me a yamama piano out grandma like one of the like you remember Radio Shack yes I do we were just talking about that like there's no radio sh anymore yeah so it was probably the biggest gift in my mind you know she bought me this you know uh Yamaha piano it was cheap but it was like the best thing she could have bought me cuz I spent so much time on it and that's when I started writing my own songs and stuff wow how old were you then maybe 10 wow M that's amazing nine 10 years old started writing my own songs I started actually like spending my leisure time with music around that time you know before it was still like I'm going outside I'm playing I'm doing the normal you whatever and that the piano kind of made me spend more time with myself and perfect my craft wow so did you take piano lessons or you taught yourself I took piano lessons I was I was trained classical wow okay that's good yeah yeah so I I didn't know at the time it would be like a career path but I did enjoy it growing up you know that's amazing so I didn't play the piano when I was young but you look behind me in that corner back there there's a little keyboard oh yeah I just brought a keyboard like two weeks ago and I'm teaching myself how to play the piano you know what you need to get you a little upright piano in here I do I feel like in the four year I feel like sexy yeah I need that be I got a little upright piano and it it's more Inspire like it'll inspire you to sit down and like play it you know I love when you do that by the way I love when you do the videos you playing and singing oh my gosh it's so good I think I might be releasing something that's like majority that oh my gosh yeah something inter that's going to be fire yes and then you when you do your shows it that's going to be crazy that will be I'm going let you hear something after please okay so exclusive I love it I love it oh man so you grew up in the church um singing came and playing the piano came around the age of 10 that's when you really fell in love with music absolutely at what point did you realize I want to do this professionally and when did that even happen I just think and I was a pretty good student you know in school I just think when I started realizing like okay um you got these jobs you know you have these like pretty much got these occupations you know as far as like when a lawyer doctor like they make this amount of and then you have like you know your blue collar and like all the stuff like went through my head and I'm having to make a career path for myself and I think I just ended up being like you know I think I want to get a record deal I remember telling my mom like yeah I just was like randomly like 16 17 I'm like I think I want to have a record deal and my mom was so supportive always you know she could have like shot that down we from a small to like you going to college you know what I'm saying period I was like I think I want to try to get a record deal before I'm an adult like wow she was like all right you know okay like how we going to do that how we going to do that from here my and they would take me to the studio really started recording demos for real like my mom is a g like she would take me to the studio and started recording demos spending our little money that we had and um I would sing in church my own music and wow as I kept doing that randomly you know I would get certain calls to come do bigger you know bigger concerts so I I I met up at um I went to this venue I didn't know Eddie James was going to be there but he was open or he was performing and I was opening up and so I started singing with him and from there after that it was like Travis Green Casey J I don't know it just God I love Travis like God just did it was random as heck like I wasn't super popular he just he just started opening doors and I think every time he gave me a platform I just gave it my all yeah you know what I mean and you never know who's watching you or who's you know out he's just wanted to give you know a young person an opportunity you know and so I was in the right places at the right time was there ever time in your Journey where you like receive nose or any type of like rejection you're like dang like I really wanted that or I know for me it was 10 years of nose man I got so many NOS even the yeses were like not complete yeses like it was like that sound like me you could come do this like Oh Come seeing bgvs and like you know whatever like you know so it yeah I went through a lot of um rejection and I felt as though it's really hard hard to just come into a industry that's so big like so Grand and you know you don't have the manager you don't have the this and the that you know what I mean it's like you don't have a record deal and stuff like that so I was doing it independently so of course people were more so giving opportunities to the ones that had the deals and the and the the connections I guess you will so I had a lot of maybe like five or six years I mean I I was homeless really yeah like I I could have been a worship pastor at this mega church and I did it for like 3 weeks M no three weeks I'm dead serious and I'm sorry I'm sorry Pastor Jay you know I love you we cool now but I had to quit we cool now I did it for like three weeks and I was just at my desk after I did all my planet center and all that stuff I would just be watching bethl videos like constantly you know what I mean just worship videos I'm like I want to like serve the local church but I want to serve it like to my fullest poten globally like you know the Nations you know and so I would just manifest that and that was the first deal I was offered was from Beth wow for real that's huge for real and I got offered a deal from every Christian Gospel label all of them wow all of them that's crazy but I was homeless man so what was that like during that time what was your mental like when you were dealing with homelessness and rection was crazy like it wasn't good I actually wrote a song about it I never put it out but it was just do you feel like it could help somebody it could yeah I don't know why maybe I'll put it on this project that I'm doing okay but it was just about how I would literally would just stare out the window I wouldn't even go outside you know what I mean there's times I didn't have money for food like Chick-fil-A like just whatever down the street and my best friend Michelle at the time who's still one of my best friends she took me you know in and I just slept on her couch and I could have gone home and a lot of people were like why don't you just go back to your mama's house I'm like because like I knew that wasn't the plan for you know so I'm like I'm going to grind like I'm going to figure it out so I slept on the couch and I would do like little gigs here in there and then you know one day my pastor was just like I'mma get you a single w a double wi trailer you can live in it and I'll just pay the rent and you and you just pay me $300 like to live because it was like half or something uhuh so I stayed in that trailer and I wrote so many song like I wrote um I wrote Tasha Cobbs and Sierra and SP me song in that double wide yeah I wrote this is a me listen this is a story like like 70% of Maverick City stuff wow in that trailer be Crowder Chris Tomlin like what but at the time I I didn't know them I was just writing every day yeah I have nothing else to do my goodness and I remember I would never forget I'm sitting on the on that couch in the trailer M and um it was tash's first time technically texting me and she know that she was like Dante I need a [Laughter] Bop like I need a Bop and I just had so many songs cuz like while I was in that Wilderness I was just writing a bunch of stuff so I just I didn't have to write new songs when these people were calling me you already had them God was already using you in the middle of your storm yeah for sure my goodness that is crazy that's how it works though it is real it is I tell people all the time a lot of things that I learned in the wilderness as you put it um or times I feel like dang this is really a hard time was preparing me for where I was going and once I got there I'm like oh I'm ready that's so amazing and a lot of people think that it's it's like um uh a lot of just prayer supplication and and just suffering and this and that and it's like look man while you're in a bad place don't make it worse like I think like you can stay and complain or you can stay and like you know dream and write and you know create a vision and like you know what I mean I used to make like vision boards and stuff like that while I was broke like you know what I'm you had the vision yeah it's only when you get comfortable and and just uh waddling in your sorrow instead of you know looking at the bright side like okay I can use what's in my hand like Moses you know before he you know he split the seed like God's like use what's in your hand I gave yes like you might not have yes I know you're like you feel powerless looking at this body of water but just look at what you got you know what I mean wow so I had to look at what I could you know what I had and it was writing writing songs you know before I could be this artist that I dreamt of being it was like you know start from Ground Zero just write you don't got to know the people yet I love that my um therapist always says you lack nothing and you have everything you need and a lot of times in moments where we feel like we're in despair we really have to look within because God's already given us everything we need to get where we're trying to go that's exactly what you were just saying and she always says that every time I feel anxious she says Crystal what you say I'm like I lack nothing I have everything I need but I don't feel like it right now there's moments where you don't feel like but you really do you have everything you need you do I love that I love that so you went from um singing with bethl and then you sang with other music collectives what was it like going solo because now you have Emar in the last I guess year or so you've embarked on just Dante B like this is you by yourself because what was it Michelle um no Kelly Roland said that when she's on stage without being Beyonce and Kelly it feel without Beyonce and Michelle it feels weird okay so how is there for you stepping out you're like it's me and my background dances and my vocalist yeah I mean I I would say I went solo again cuz before Maverick City the bethl deal was solo okay so I signed a solo deal and I and I did a song called joyful which was number one and I did all the award shows like got most Grammy nominated in one term she come on a solo artist talk your to you got what I'm the most Grammy gospel in gospel I'm the most Grammy nominated uh artist in one term wow historic that's amazing in the first two chart CCM and gospel simultaneously and I said it with all humility because obviously God you know is leading me but I definitely feel like after singing with a collective after singing with M I think I went and had to reimagine myself you know as an artist and um so it does feel like the first time I'm solo time for the first time yeah so when you were in that reimagining um period of your life what was that like I really was just asking myself like who are you really you know like I was trained to hide and and um give False Image not even like in a bad way like not in a bad way but you know when you are you know the face of something that's you know sacred or you know probably Disney kids have the same problem too you know problem is not everything then they go and start living their life and they're like yeah like but when you're just so positive all the time and nothing is wrong ever ever it's like they taught us that and not and not just they when I say they I mean just the church the church yeah let's talk about it and so it it it keeps you um Bound in a way so I had to ask myself you know this go around okay I'm doing another album second album and then the first one had so much success I'm like who am I like what like that's why I named it Dante B yes you know I'm like who am I what sounds do I like what things do I actually go through yeah and I was asking God just to help me articulate it you know through song and stuff like that and so I feel like a lot of people were like shocked I don't know why they were so I don't know why and I was like I love it easy music but yeah really easy music but I think it was such a new sound and and a lot of honesty on the record and talking about love and stuff like that but I just had to search within and figure out like what do I want to release to the Earth and that's what it was you know yeah yeah and it does feel like a new it does feel like a new experience like I'm a new artist yeah no cuz it's a completely different Lane um what was it like going from gospel to what they call secular M like what was that like for you cuz I know like your fans are like gospel gospel gospel like yeah and sometimes I I like I go to your page and I really want to like tap and be like shut up right like because they be going I'm like y'all chill out they just love me even hate is love no for real like if you go out your way to just be like I thought that you wasn't man I I'm like you really love me so I disappointed you so bad like you really love me like you know and you just don't know how to articulate it yeah just like I love that I love that perspective for real even like hate is love and and your views go up when they hate and they keep wanting to watch it over and over and all the stuff you know but I I love them I feel like going from gospel to R&B wasn't a hard decision to make because I've always loved R&B same I think it was one of those other things where it's like you know you have to hide that you like something and it's like I like R&B and we all really do but yeah that's for them to tell you know but speaking for me I I love R&B and I always felt good listening to it especially when it was like positive and love even the breakup songs were like can get you through Rel yeah can get you through something that's going on that's bad that maybe praising in advance can't yeah you know maybe we need to hear something need to marry J blush yeah more drama in my life she is the goto I'm not going to cry no more like you need to hear that you know what I mean so anyway I said IED to say this like I feel like it's it was an easy decision to make the hard part about it if there was any at all was me just making sure I kept it where it felt authentic yes and not like trying something or stretching it out cuz a lot of people's perception is like oh okay he's not in a Christian group anymore he must be doing this R&B thing cuz you know he can't be over here right and I can you know it really is a conscious decision to try something new and fresh and yeah get my mama something she want to listen to too you say how does your family the save family feel about it they love it they really do love it and my mom she's a R&B head like so I feel like I'm actually writing music that you know would be in her repertoire for real I love not just when she's like um you know on a Sunday experience but she wants to listen to it in the car right yeah that's so true we were um doing a what was it something Pete Pastor it was one of his series that he was doing and he would use a R&B song to introduce every sermon and he was like before y'all start judging he was like there's a difference between secular and profanity he's like CU you have music that like explicit and like super vulgar he said then you have secular music that may just be talking about love like and just happy you know what I'm saying it's Feelgood music you know and that's what you're giving us absolutely yeah so shout out PD for just clarifying that because what church you go to change Church Pastor okay yeah y'all be packed out de on it we they say it everybody we had to do a whole har Church do the do you have fans at church Dante no literally I had to do a um we had a episode where I had to actually address that because I've had people come to church just to try to get pictures with me I've had a girl literally run out the back door to my car tapping on the window please get a picture it's so invasive I'm like I'm here and that's why a lot of celebrities don't go to church because they can't praise and peace I've been reason I didn't go yeah I'm like what are you serious right now I'm like in the middle of like literally and you're tapping me on my shoulder for what I can't believe that happened yes she was there she witnessed that one that's crazy yeah no I was there the crime when yeah you were on like we were at the alter literally balling and I'm like covering her in pray we turn around in the first person like we're like she had tapped you first and then like she then when she didn't get my attention she tapped me and I was like and it was a girl that I knew I was just like that's so scary it's crazy what you doing so yeah um is people are are crazy is it better now that you addressed it oh yeah yeah cuz I said come for God I'm here to build my relationship with God to Fellowship because I don't want to forsake the assembly trying to you know I'm trying to do everything right and really grow my relationship but it's just messing up the vibe and then people want to hug you and sometimes the energy is weird you know like people want you know what I'm talking about people come to you and they're like oh and you're like this don't feel right it's like it's just too fanish it's like just be cool like I love everybody and I appreciate the support if you see me in the streets holl at me but this is the God's house let's just let's just honor that yes yeah it does it gets weird common sense just it's not it's not common it's not it's simple it is so simple yeah anyway yeah anyway though anyway um Okay so we've talked about your um grow your upbringing we've talked about your hard times did not know that you were homeless that is crazy um was there any time in your life where you felt like God like sometimes you feel like God brings you down to lift you up so that you can only look up to him what was a moment in your life where God Lally set you down where you had to look up and be like God what is happening that's a good question cuz I have a few in my life you do yeah you know I never gave that credit to God like when I ever I was brought down kind of just felt like I was doing something that just brought me down wow um and I could have avoided it some things I couldn't you know some like life happens you know losing loved ones and different things like that I don't know I just never thought about him in that in that way but I mean I've had a lot of moments where I felt super low yeah um losing my grandfather was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life like to this day you really close we were really close he my best friend and it was right right around the time I was working super hard and so is that when it always happens yeah and I wasn't home as much MH and um passed away he had Co in the very beginning or whatever like so but anyway he passed away because you know just getting older I had just a bunch of problems like and um I was on the road I was in the airport and I even like now is like crazy to me you know and I was in the airport just did the biggest concert of my career still to this day the biggest concert it was Brazil oh wow and um um I was super happy and stuff and then it was like whoa like I felt brought down for real like I'm like this is supposed to be the best time of my life you know I'm singing Worship in Brazil working on an album like I feel so good it's like oh grandfather passed away and so I threw my entire album away are you serious paid for it and everything threw it away and wrote an entirely new album that's the circles album wow like dedicated to him I just wrote oh my goodness have you ever heard the song voice of God yeah I didn't know that was I didn't know that you had dedicated that album to your grandfather Yeah like I dedicated to my grandfather so voice threw away the commercial album like threw away the commercial album in my what are their your um they were so you know what's crazy you know what like cuz I know Jen they probably see this you know what's crazy they were super super um gentle with me yeah and cared so much about you know me as a creative M that they trusted that I would you know maybe do a better thing you know like maybe it's going to be better you know in the beginning yeah it was like all this money dang it's crazy you know like thr away an entire album new artist like got the budget that everybody else got know what are we doing D and so I I you know what's crazy this is how I did it too I went to the studio recorded it all myself with my producer Leo yeah and then I turned it into the label I didn't tell them that I was throwing it away until I was finished with the second one wow were you already with true was this the same label that you I was with I was with uh Beth of Music time okay and so I I yeah turn it in and that's the one that made history at the Grammys wow and I felt like it was because of my grandfa your grand yes oh I really did feel like it I didn't do the commercial thing I did something that I really wanted to do ah yeah that's and that's what normally hits hom that people connect too for real but I felt like yeah yeah like the cuss word yeah yeah yeah you don't curse it all down to I do curse okay yeah I say bad words like what I curse but like you see that video you know what's crazy is like like I I tell all my friends look I curse when it's necessary sometimes when it's not but mostly when it's like necessary I'm like I don't know how else to say this but yes and then I say it oh my I can feel somebody energy on the other side of screen like same one no I'm not giving yall no clip no right don't do that but I do yeah the same I was just telling do you curse yeah and I was just telling N I said I'm trying to stop cursing what's your favorite customer that you see a video like I curse a little really what's your favorite curse for yeah I do yeah I Cur a little she's proud right yes iur but no yeah like I it was a moment in my life where I was a sailor cuz in the end industry everybody's cursing you know I worked in costumes behind behind the scenes before I was in front of the camera and it's such a high intensity job and everything is so fast-paced and it's everything is what the peep why the peep is this not ready what are we doing what the beep are you doing like everything is that it's like endearing it's not like people don't take it personal it's like oh yeah I'm on I got it they you get so used to hearing that you start picking it up which is why it's important to watch like the environment that you're in because you soak a lot of that up or just to have some type of garden where you're like I'm not going to pick that up so I'm working on it I don't think it's a anyway and I'm being real like someone on my team who I really love like he he's the head dog like that's my boy uhhuh I can say his name Dr Phil That's my boy when we're being passionate about the next moves like we could be talking about God like it's like we super passionate we're like man like what like we're going to kill this like go hard like no devil the hell like it's like super passionate and it's not even negative but it's like that's probably the most like that yeah I'll probably cut a lot when I'm in those moments right y when I'm super happy and passionate hanging around my friends and stuff yeah same yeah I was just um telling them I did a live with one of my friends and I kept saying um broke [ __ ] oh yeah and I was like cuz I was so take broke and she was like you didn't collaborate I said yeah I ain't going to collaborate on that I said that wasn't on brand delete that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah delet but when you're around your friends you get comfortable that's the other thing The Branding like the reason why I don't it's not I'm never I'm the most one of the most honest gospel artists ever yeah even over your favorite I mean even over the top they know who they are like my boys top yeah but like they're like even like iconic like you know what I mean like I'm one of the most honest um gospel singers to ever exist for so far MH but like I would I would normally I would say the N word but the thing is it ain't about like it being bad or good it's just not my brand all the time you know what I mean so like I'm be doing a bunch of stuff so it's not just all going to be you know exactly so you have careful so I'm just you know making sure that when I'm you know older that I like everything I put out exactly so you not looking back and little clips of you CU they will click something so quick and narrow down like d see I going to keep replaying that over and over and over H but yeah I'm working on it Lord is he's doing a work in me like I met Anna winto right oh my God I want be saying the n word around an winter like absolutely not she look at you crazy like she might not she be with Rihanna and all them she probably all the time but y'all don't want to hear from me no when I saw you I was like he is with the in a winter that was incredible you're like into fashion too let's talk cuz that's something else we have in common I was costume designer for years I styled Tyler Perry um and I love fashion and I love how you have been so expressed I feel like fashion is way to express ourselves I think so and I feel like I love how you freely express yourself through fashion what got you into that and when I saw you cuz I just started following in the last year or so I was happy when you followed me really a I was yes I was happy when you follow like friends okay I just loved your music but then I saw you were in the fashion too and I was like yo I was like that's so dope when did you start going to Fashion weeks and like you connect with all these designers I take I took a break this year I'll probably go later in the year but okay um I was always into fashion my dad was super stylish like he would wear you know he would put the creases in his jeans oh yeah he put his Tims on his T-shirt was always white like super frh my dad was the freshest dude like ever like skin was glistening like you know what I mean gangster but he was just always fly you know what I mean had his chain on whatever his jewelry and it really took he really took pride in how he looked and my mom was the same way she like the female version of that you know she had a Mary J BL boo my mom used to really dress so I was just raised around it yeah and then in even when I started you know going to church my grandmother you know being a a missionary in the church God in Christ you know church God in Christ you know she had her hats listen I was Co for a little while it's like we dressed up like all the time every Sunday we dressed up like they would put us in soup and stuff as we 3 years old literally so I was always into fashion I think when I started making bigger checks I was wanting to I did this the first year which was a mistake but you know nonetheless I did it I wanted to really start um having more influence in fashion so I was just buying a bunch of [ __ ] I mean stuff that's one of those times that's right right right but I was just buying a bunch of stuff and I'm just like all right all right nah like you know what I mean I just signed this deal I don't know if I'm even going to pop you know and so I started really making connections in the fashion industry and I won't go into detail about how I did it but like I was more so just on Instagram and I would hire stylist instead of like going to buy a bunch of stuff I would hire in the pool and the more I would pull you know the designers would notice me and and different things like that and then I signed my new deal and my manager is a fashioned girl like you know I mean first of all she is so fly she's so fabulous right oh my goodness and so we she got me I oh my God it's just crazy first meeting we ever had like uh we was sitting eating and I never go eat with people like after I do a gig really like that so I was like eating with her and her husband and she was like yeah I'm want to Fashion Week I'm like yeah like I've been into this fashion thing for like two years whatever and she's like oh yeah yeah like I'm doing a bunch of vog stuff like she's like I'm vog 100 I was I'm like what the heck mhm and so as she became a part of my team obviously I've started you know doing more with Vogue who I love my stylist is the men's editor Vogue wow Michael shout out to Michael shout out Michael that's amazing so I work with him and um and this guy named Charles Rose and they do all of my styling and you know got to meet Val Valentino and yes all kinds of stuff I've done you know what I mean but I love that it's only been you know 3 four years and so I'm looking forward to the future do you feel like you would have your own line at some point n you know you not like let's see it you're like I'm cool I would do collab you know I want to be so oh yeah well I want to have you know a lot of influence period but I do want to be so um respected in fashion to where I could do a collab with Louis Vuitton do a collab specifically I'm sorry doce actually I want to do a collab with do gabana cuz they always look out for me they gave me my first Customs really get my custom suits and stuff like that and so I'm really close to to doce and I I really that's probably a like a 5year goal of mine to kind of amazing work with doce for real doce by I love that we going to speak that even just something small like I don't know I have to be I think I have to grow my influence more though you know what I'm saying you'll do it and don't think that cuz sometimes you look at certain people if they believe in you that's true yeah and you got they like let's do it I thought the same thing when I went to the Grammys I'm like okay I'm the first like when we ask them to do it I'm like they not going to do this like I would be the first gospel artist to wear a custom doj suit like literally would be the first go artist and I'm like they're not going to do this and they they answered back and did it wow like they took it serious that I was nominated and not just like oh you don't have pop song of the year or R&B song of the year you know how it is yeah I do and so I feel like they respected me that's amazing I know that felt good too it felt so good cuz sometimes you feel overlooked when you do you know and I know I'm doing Army now but I still feel like I'm a part of the community of gospel and and sometimes you do feel overlooked when you're in that genre by the world when your music is really people take from from what we do yeah and create that you know what I mean when you look at Kanye and chance rapper and W and for real like the choirs and Stu like it's just yeah yeah they do take that's real in a good way take like it's ins they ins they're inspired yeah mhm I feel like when we in that environments we're not always respected like that you know I feel it I feel like as an actor I feel the same way yeah you know um as a black actor trying to make my way and find my way there are a lot of times I feel overlooked um there's roles that I've auditioned for and felt like I killed that I know I got that and they like oh we decided we're going to go in a different direction or oh we're actually not going to do that role anymore it's all it's it feels like it's always something yeah and I had to remind myself God had you exactly where you're supposed to be and look at you you're you're doing amazing don't get too far ahead of yourself because there's so many times where I get um I've been guilty of wanting the accolades and the recognition of other people that I forget I've already got it from the one who I need it from period period you know what I'm saying so I had to stop doing that because there's times where especially during the war season you be looking like how how they that's a stressful season oh my God if you're not like oh I could be so vulnerable right now you're on the sofa like this Grammy season was so hard for me really like I went through a mou depression and I didn't even know I I was like oh my God I need healing in this area like I didn't even know yeah cuz I had you know since I've been in the industry I've been nominated for one you know and so it's my first year and I was just watching my friends go and like just Thrive and I'm so happy for them and it was more than it was I wanted more than it was Envy it wasn't it was I want to be there with them like you know what I mean like I don't mind you being there but like I want to be there too but me being at home sitting on this bed is like crazy to me right now watching all this stuff yeah and um my friends are so great they like bro you need a break bro yeah you've been dominating they like had the most simple answers they like like it's fine they're like it's going to be your season and it's not going to be your season you know what I mean you go through those those challenges and I it's important that we really do what you said like look to the one that actually does care and P attention all the time and actually you know gave you the gift of itself and I feel like sometimes it's a smack in the face when we're like ah you're not doing this and you're not doing that or I don't got the award and he just complaining to God about everything you know and I feel like I need to that I'm going take that note like just look at the one who who was always you know there you know instead always instead of the people that all right paying attention hello yeah they will soon do you feel like a part is because you're like basically starting all over whole yeah it's you got to work your way up in this new level now it's fair it hurts but it's fair you know what I mean it hurts but it's fair yeah he's like it hurts but it's fair well I would like to know and I'm sure the audience would like to know what is next for you um I think I I'm trying to think of what I can tell right I know that's like people ask me so what can you tell us about season seven what I can say without getting in trouble yeah I mean new music obviously I can't I'm not g to be inconito about that new music I'm can I say this I'm Gonna Be Acting I'm I can say that come on I'm Gonna Be Acting yes um and I'm excited about that that's awesome and uh yeah just doing U my one-off tours so just lot lot of music and touring love but the acting as well acting okay I love that and all the time that you you're working you're touring you're working on new music taking acting classes I guess now are you like doing studying and doing scene study and trying to figure out I need to do more yes I did it for a little while but I need to actually do it cuz it just came to me you know like I got like this is the second like offer you know one was for B t plus and then there's another one like I can't talk about but it was like just random so I'm like maybe God wants me to like really see what it's about so I'm going to start I need to ask you what I should do yeah let's talk yeah we can talk I'll fine for sure yeah I would love to help you yeah for real yeah no that's for sure so how are you bouncing on CU it seem like you got a lot going on is it tough bounce for me I get a lot of anxiety when I have a lot going on really feel overwhelmed sometimes even this month I was like I need I don't have an assistant right now I was like I need an assistant like if nothing for just March I've got a live show coming at the end I'm putting a lot on my plate with that CU you know as creatives we think you doing a live show for my podcast yeah uhuh yeah on March 30th yeah yeah so like even that I wanted to be big and I'm like I want to do this and this and this and this and this and nor has to pull him back down she's like Hey Hey Hey cuz that's crazy we think like this is a like I think like Beyonce like I'm like I want the LED screen I want the lights moving I want the floating like everything sure and um that and then sometimes we put too we put more on ourselves than we have to absolutely so I'm balancing that right now do you have any issues with that I'm so good really at delegating is delegating I don't do nothing I don't want to do okay I want it done but I don't want to do it what we got to do we got to pay I mean I'm my team probably would laugh at this something but I have a great assistant the thing is when you don't have one it's the I've went through that you know I mean but it's hard to find one too that's that's and stuff like that around you all the time yeah right but I found one of my childhood friends random the best assist I've ever had really and so I just I'm like I call for anything anything you know what I mean and so I I I I like delegating and I feel like that's helped me keep the peace where there used to be chaos cuz it was It was kind of chaotic but it's been great I love that it's okay I'm going to take that delegation delegate I'm going to cuz Ty used always tell me that when I was designing all his shows and I was still have to travel with him I'm like T this is a lot and he was like build your team and delegate why are you trying to do everything I'm like you're right cuz I was thinking that was part of my job to do everything like it's my department I have to do this he's like no yeah hire somebody to do it it's like I always know what's going on but I definitely um I have no issue like de can you you know what I mean my my manager can you like do this you know and the things that I can do I carry my way I'm not lazy you know I'm not saying be lazy I definitely do what I can do but the things that kind of take up just time that I don't have yeah yeah that's usually when I delegate yeah I got to work on that it's so funny we have a saying but women are like that though women are naturally y'all just want to do it like we do and then you a black woman right right you want to get it done period so you're going to like you know I mean you busy yeah you're busy very busy yes yes I see [Music] that all right guys so we are going to get into my favorite part of the show which is positive outcomes and Dante this is where our listeners write in and we give them advice okay so we're gonna see what Natalia has to say okay hi Crystal my name is Natalya and I want to thank you both for being the light that you are you've impacted my life so much in such a short time and I'm really grateful for the way you encourage people to build a relationship with God it has helped me so much I'm an 18-year-old girl juggling my relationship with Christ My Flesh and the pressure to be the best version of myself I'm really struggling with the pressure of everyone's expectations of what I would become I graduated high school right after I turned 16 years old and everybody was expecting me to become a lawyer because it was what I had said I wanted to do since I could remember being asked the question I'm now starting to feel like it's not what I want to do but again the pressure and the expectation come into play I know I have to live for myself and not everybody else but it's easier said than done when I don't know if I'm going to be making the right decision to change my path I've always been known to be a great student and everybody expected me to be successful in the courtroom part of me still wants to be successful but the other part of me is scared of the possibility that I will fail do you have any advice for young adults trying to find their way while being faithful to God oh well natala thank you so much for writing in um I would say we all I know when I was young I wanted to be a nurse a doctor I probably wanted to be a lawyer and I wanted to be an Entertainer I end up being what I wanted to do but it took me down different paths to get to this point so I would say never um let other people's expectations of you or what you may have said in a different season of your life um hold you to one thing if you have passions for something else explore that and see what you really want to do um and never be afraid to fail some of my greatest lessons have come from failure um I'm sure you can um test into that as well I just feel like whatever it is that you want to do focus on God I was just talking about um something that our Pastor said on Sunday a lot of times we're like running after progression but we're not seeking the presence of God so I would tell you while you're running after trying to figure out is what you want to do to get ahead also just sit still sometimes and really talk to God and say hey God what is it that you have for me and I feel like you'll have have some clarity in that yeah I mean what I was going to say is pray yeah you know I used to get so mad when my manager would just tell just pray just pray cuz I'm like you're not giving me advice right I need another and and she's like no for real like if you pray about it like SE God's answers then you'll probably come to some conclusions here and there you know what I mean so I would tell you to just just pray and um believe it when you pray and and and wait for your answers and I wouldn't move in any direction just because someone is asking me to or pressuring me to usually those are the wrong decisions in my book I feel like every time I've gone with my heart and and my gut and um actually worked hard at it you know I had good outcomes so I think God will give you you know what to do but just stay focused on him and work hard not all the voices they don't know they don't know they really don't when you get rid of all the voices in your head and just get centered that's when you figure it out that's so true thank you that was good Dante oh okay that was good I tried just [Laughter] [Music] pray so the next thing we're going to do is what I'm going through and what I'm growing through and I'll go first just so you can kind of see how we do it but um this particular season of my life I am still going through I just talked about this I'm going through a season where I am trying to make sure that my walk is in line with my career you know cuz sometimes I would tell people the character I play I wonder if God like judges me for that like if he's like frowning on me for the character I'm playing versus who I am in real life and um should I play certain characters or should I you I'm like I'm just portraying that this is something that really happens and I'm a creative and I'm I want to be free in my art but um at the same time struggling and trying to find that balance of what it is God really wants me to do in my career and in my life so they both line so I'm strling I feel like acting though is like I mean weren't some like there's some Christians that were crackheads before that became Christians there's some Christians that were prostitutes before M there's some Christians that were evil or promiscuous or whatever people would consider bad like there's a list of that stuff yeah and so I think telling those stories are kind of important and I think a lot of times it does make people feel uncomfortable but it's like that stuff be in your family and it be around you and it's like I feel like as an actor it's important to to Really um be bold in telling stories we're St hard you it is hard anyway it's not like a song I can choose whether to be promiscuous like I think it's different God but yeah it's like I'm writing about is it important you know but like I think when you're like like on screen and really giving us you know bring us something that's horrible to light you know what I mean I don't know I feel like that could be a help to some people anyway what about you um what am I going through right and growing through going through right you can be the same thing like if there's something that you're going through right now um I'm going through I would say um insecurity as far as like my career is concerned I'm just sometimes I'm just really insecure and um just thinking like okay when does it stop when does what stop the career oh or will it ever oh my goodness I deal with the same thing I'm like okay are people still interested are they not you know I go back and forth lately with that and I used to not be so insecure about it but it's because I'm doing new things and trying new things um so what I'm what I'm growing through would probably be that you know I'm growing through insecurities and really trusting that God has me in the right place at the right time and as long as I'm faithful to him and I'm treating everybody right I just trust that you know when whenever it ends I'll be all right you know what I'm saying at least you know what I'm saying so or if it ever ends you know yeah I love that I love that cuz I definitely struggle with the same thing it's hard it's hard as a Creator cuz life is in God's hands you know I'm saying ultimately but there are so many people that you know I'm saying you're like life Le Hood depends on if they like you or not or being likable is such a stressful thing sometimes cuz is it's just like I'm not that person at the party like I don't care usually but it's like you have to care if people like you and and you know I anyway yeah now I'm just chat chatting no you're good so to close out we um fill in the blank keep it blank sweetie and for this episode I am going to say I got one for you keep it true sweetie and that is omage to your label I like that I like that I like that do I have to give one yes I would [Music] say I feel like this Pock I would say keep it real I love it yeah I like it real keep it real yeah I love it it it has been real thank you so much Dante absolutely I appreciate it I hope you guys enjoyed this episode thank you so much for tuning to keep it positive sweetie if you want to write into our open listening letter write into keep it posit sweetie and that's sweetie with an iie you can follow me on Instagram at love Crystal Renee that's luuv Crystal Renee and on all platforms Dante tell people where they can find you Dante everywhere d a n t b o w Dante all of my social media handles yeah yes and check out his music oh yeah all the albums check out everything on all platforms he's everywhere y'all YouTube and all the other platform Apple Spotify Amazon everything find them check them out thank you guys so much in the meantime in between time you know what to do keep it postive sweeties bye [Music] Jesus thank you so much for a new day um a new day to say thank you and uh just Express gratitude for all that we're able to do thank you for allowing us to come together and create content that will inspire hopefully um change someone's life in general and God I ask you a breathe on it um put it on the ears that need to hear it in Jesus name amen amen amen [Music]
Channel: Crystal Renee Hayslett
Views: 23,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SBGKtuJj1Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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