Statistically Finding The Greatest Rocket League Player EVER.

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is almost there it just has hit the floor by the panda puts it the long way and it's almost there just it keeps it alive terle there who is the greatest of all time it's a question that's been asked across every medium of competition basketball soccer tennis even chess no sport is immune to the question not even Esports not even rocket League I've always wondered who the goat of the RLC CS was but no matter where I looked I could never quite get a definitive answer with all the differing opinions Regional biases and the fast evolving competitive scene it would be difficult for anyone new to Rocket League to choose a goat but when I saw someone else's video it inspired me a basketball YouTuber by the name of Jimmy highroller had made a video in the past about finding the 75 greatest NBA players of all time using purely numbers and statistics and that got me thinking could I do the same thing but with rocket League over the past month I've been collecting data and crunching numbers in an effort to find the greatest rlcs player in history using just numbers and today I'm going to tell you who it [Music] is first things first we need to narrow down the player base to a workable number so I went through a few subreddits scann a few discords and checked out a few tier lists from some of the more trusted sources in the community and I got an initial list of 56 players it's not the largest list and I know that a few people are missing but for the purposes of this video it's good enough next I had to find a way to actually quantify someone's greatness so I established five defining categories of greatness based on a general Community consensus of what an rlcs player needs to be truly great and note my terminology there rlcs not just rocket League although there were and still are a lot of very significant non rlcs tournaments such as dream hack and Gamers 8 there are also quite a few events that have a much weaker player base and those kinds of events would inflate the metrics of many players so I just decided to completely ignore them and focus purely on the rocket League Championship Series the first major category that I established is longevity in a game where falling just a little bit behind could mean an early retirement the players who can stick around the longest will leave as some of the greatest the second category is team dominance competitive rocket League rarely ever deviates from a team format no player achieves success alone and the greatest players are the ones whose teams win the most the third category is individual Excellence not every great player has the privilege of playing with other greats and not every player on a great team contributes as much as they should this category is meant to give credit to the players who are the Lynch pin of their team's SU success the fourth category is pure mechanical skill this along with the fifth category is admittedly very subjective the community at large puts a huge emphasis on a player's mechanics and for good reason although mechanics alone does not equate to a player's effect on team success it is still incredibly important the fifth category is impact a player may be good but if nobody remembers them then how can they be great whether it be through a singular moment an unforgettable season or their effect on the competitive meta the players with the biggest impact will always be held in higher regard with these five major categories established I still needed a way to standardize them and so I came up with a system each category will have a group of accredited statistics and the players will be ranked from best to worst in each of them then they will be put into percentiles based on the formula currently on screen and those percentiles will be multiplied by some arbitrary constant and then added to their category scores after that we weigh the category scores and then add them up to get a player's final greatness score and the person with the highest greatness score is statistically the greatest player in rlcs history after finding a relatively credible rlcs database I made a general list of everything that could fit under any one of those previously mentioned categories again not the best list imaginable I could couldn't find any sites that had a reliable counter for Series wins so I had to leave that out but other than that I think I did a pretty good job I'd also like to take some time to mention five players who just barely missed the cut and by that I mean I was buried in homework and needed to lessen my workload those five players are a lot Farah CJ CJ Itachi and Raaz B amazing players in their own right but I just didn't quite have enough time to get them on the list and then ra Bull's case I just completely forgot about him I know that you're already getting tired of hearing me talk but there are a few more things that I have to mention every single bit of data collected here was manually collected so if I typed in a number wrong then it'll mess up the final scores and that's going to be completely on me also every bit of data on here is only up until the end of the second Open qualifier of the Fall 2024 split so needless to say it's pretty outdated but I still think it's at least a little bit better than watching teates and Johnny Boy argue for what feels like the length of the Triassic period and last thing I swear if you're enjoying the video so far then make sure to leave a like this is very different from my usual stuff so leaving a like is the best way to tell me that you enjoyed it also comment down below who you think is the go right now and you can check back later to see if you right with all that out of the way let's get to the fun [Music] part the first thing that I measured is a player's career length which is a measurement of days between the start of their first rlcs tournament and the end of their last and to nobody's surprise Garrett G is clearly on top with the career Length of 2,858 days but what are Rizzo and turbo doing up there aren't they retired guess but actually no the first flaw of my system presents itself as Rizzo and turbo have their percentiles in the statistic boosted due to their stint with alphac cap as the team turbos cheeks because of this technically they have two of the three longest careers in rlcs history with appearances from shet Koff JFS dvo and poetically the entirety of the muffin men next to one another we have our top 10 the next stat is rlcs game winning percentage as you can see from the top 10 list the players who have the highest win percentages are usually players from formerly emerging regions mainly Mina Ras and killer the two players who have never been on separate teams share the highest overall win percentage at 72.9 3% the overall win percentage is heavily influenced by which region the player is in that's why I also made separate statistics for regional win percentage and land win percentage and in Regional win percentage the results are almost exactly the same however moving to land win percentage we get to see why so many people have Zen as their goat he is far in front with a win percentage of over 72% in second we have Lino who had the benefit of only playing in one rlcs Lan and having a 70% win rate during that competition when looking at the next stat total games one you might think it's kind of irrelevant because of the career length stat but I disagree a long career of losses is a lot less notable than a moderate length career of dominant wins but alas Garrett G comes out on top Here Again by a Marin of almost 50 games over second place kop next up is the number of land events attended which you would expect to go to gett G2 but it's actually jnps with 12 Lan appearances beating out Garrett G's 11 no other player on this list has made it to double digigit Lan appearances then we have Lan appearances by percentage which shows how many events throughout a player's career that that player has made it is here again that we are reminded of how amazing Zen spring split was making every single L event throughout his entire career as for L events one I mean do we even need to show this one Turbo's first kop is second and unless any of the players sitting at two can win another that's how it's staying next up is goals per game and here the dominance of mina continues with killers in first Amad in second and trk in third they sweep the podium Killers is the only player on this list to average more than one goal per game throughout their entire career now these next two stats won't be counted towards any category total but I think it's kind of important to see who average the most assists and saves per game raas leads and assists per game being the only player above 0.8 with Killers trk Yan and exotic rounding off the top five on the other end it's fairy Peak who leads and saves with monkey Moon rosin scrub killer and first killer in the top five moving right along we have the total of goals assists and saves per game which I have dubbed the core stat totals for CST we haven't really seen too much of monkey moon but here he absolutely outclasses almost everyone else with the only players to hold a candle to him being first killer and surprisingly joria Now we move on to the more subjective stats starting with mechanical advancement and meta definement this slot is for a player who pushed the boundaries of what was possible in professional play say what you want about this pick but I'm giving the top slot to squishy and second place to cooker next we take a look at clutch factor a player's ability to perform under stress consistently personally I don't think anyone here is definitively the most clutch so the top 10 is completely unordered all of these players have had their big moments and all of them deserve to be up here moving on to probably one of the most controversial items on this list pure skill how excellent a player is mechanically in comparison into their competition honestly I couldn't not give it to Zen the things that we've seen him do during games are insane and giving this slot to anyone else seems like a disservice a bit of a weird inclusion here but despite rocket League being a team game the most definitive method of comparing two players' skills is in a 1V one match there's a lot of incredible ones players in the rlcs right now but in my opinion the greatest ones player of all time isn't even a player right now fairy Peak has the most infinitive claim to be the greatest 1V one player of all time with scrub killer usually being placed right next to him and finally we take a look at a player's most memorable moment now this could be anything from a tournament run to an incredible game or in most cases a single play and at the top of this list I mean really do I even need to say anything Justin shot is the single greatest moment in rlcs history and it has a claim to be one of the best moments in any esport ever Squishy's ceiling shot is in second and and Yan's hat trick in game seven against moist lands in third okay that was a lot of numbers but we're finally done with all of them and I don't know about you but I think I'm about ready to see who came out on top before we get into the results I'd like to give a huge thank you to my roommate Shawn a few days into this endeavor he saw me hunched over my desk furiously punching numbers into his 6-year-old ti84 Plus on low battery and instead of just leaving me to it he offered to write some code for me to use it wasn't anything special or groundbreaking it was mainly just plugging in numbers but it was enough to more than double my speed without his help this video would have never happened so again thanks bro now let's see what the results are at the start of making this video I had my own personal top 30 list so when we see a player pop up you'll all get to see how far off I was in their placement so let's take a look at the Players who weren't in the top 30 okay even though this list is supposed to be statistically correct there's a lot of problems mainly that violent Panda and dvo aren't even in the top 30 for a lot of the players who missed the top 30 you can kind of see why Rizzo could never get it done torment had a subpar early career and at least to me extra never really stood out as a player on that BDS roster but violent Panda and dvo are basic ically consensus top 20 players in rlcs history and to see them out of the top 30 it's just doesn't feel right but with that aside let's move on to places 30 to 21 at 30th we have joras followed by Kyo shet Chicago joyo khed Seiko Ahmad Daniel and Ras even though there's a few things that seem kind of strange like having Daniel placed over Ahmad and caled if someone said this was their actual 21st to 30th greatest rlcs players of all time it wouldn't be too farfetched now moving on to the top 20 we have oh okay that's just wrong turbo Pulsa the only player to have won four L event is placed as number 20 all time for context I have him at number two how how did this happened well I'll tell you how looking at Turbo's career he never really stood out mechanically so his main strengths should be in his longevity dominance and impact and based on the scores he ended up with that's mostly true but his dominance stat seems a lot lower than I thought it would be so why isn't it as high as we'd expect well it's because of the way in which I structured the dominance category this category was supposed to be for team dominance but I included a lot of individual stats in the dominance score I don't know why I did this but I did in hindsight I also weighed L win percentage too heavily and L winds too lightly so simply put turbo this low because I'm stupid and to be totally honest this probably messed up the placement of a few other people too mainly violent Panda so rest assured when I do this again before worlds this will be one of the things I plan on fixing anyways we have turbo at 20th with trk rise Kenobi apparently Jack Yan JPS gimmick Alpha 54 and Garrett G making up the rest of the spots before the top 10 I'd say out of all of these gimmick and appj should be a little lower and Garett G and turbo should be in the top 10 but other than that this seems like a respectable 2211 for someone to have moving on we have scrub killer at 10 cooker at 9 fairy Peak at 8 squishy at seven and first killer at six FK is is most definitely the odd man out here and if I could call all the shots I'd probably have him swapped with Garett G in regards to everything else I'd say the placements fit very well each of these players has pushed the game forward in their own ways and each of them is one of the all-time greats in their own right now we move on to our top five and in fifth place we have the third member of the legendary dignitas Squad K now Justin still on the goal line bounces back out oh k no oh the definition of a well-rounded player he wasn't really excellent in any one of the major categories aside from longevity but he was on the upper end of all of them an absolutely incredible player and on my list he's sitting comfortably in the top spot sitting just above him at number four we have vitality's Prodigy Zen right way here's up high takes it up Zen across oh call him Mr physics he B reality to his well one of the most individually skilled and mechanical players that the game has ever seen not even a full year into playing he's already won two land events the only thing that he's lacking is the experience another year or two of high placements and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone had him at the top spot moving on to our number three we have the spearhead of the most feared team since the co era monkey Moon they would consider that as big of a winner scoring off the oh my [Music] goodness monkey a player whose reign of dominance from 20120 to 2022 is second only to that legendary dignitas roster regardless of who was around him and who was against him he forced everyone to play his game and coincidentally he is the only player whose placement on this list matches my own next up our silver medalist the commander of the blue wall vatia and here it is again back into the hands of baa these guys every kick got their way V again with an incredible skill set an oppressive play style and an absolutely Relentless winning mentality he has more than earned his spot on this list in a similar case to Zen it might just be a matter of time time until he's widely considered as the greatest player of all time but who is the greatest of all time I mean we've already gone through a lot of the players who most people say is the goat we've mentioned kop Zen was fourth and Monkeyman was third squishy was seventh Garrett wasn't even top 10 and turbo was all the way down at 20th so who are we missing wait a second this game play looks awfully familiar it is almost just has to hit the floor V Panda puts it the long way and it's almost there Justin keeps it alive terle there bounces still around justtin is there for the shot just this is rocket League expected his team to be there but he bails him out anyways a solo car doing oh my goodness what are you m and Beast both in the same spot who he got last he's got two play look for a one of the longest careers ever the best player in the world at his Peak the first true mechanical Prodigy and the proud scorer of the most iconic shot in rlcs history although his teams weren't always as good as they should have been internationally and although he didn't win as many land events as his competitors he is still more than deserving of this number one [Applause] spot and here's our list statistically the top 30 greatest rlcs players of all time with the as RIS that I completely forgot about Raz B and didn't have time for Itachi although I strongly disagree with some of the placements I think the players in here are pretty acceptable like I said before violent Panda and dvo should definitely be on here and I'd probably take out joria and CH at 45 but aside from that it's a decent group of players to call your top 30 and with that we've reached the end this journey had a lot of unexpected twists and turns there were a lot of people that I thought would be much higher and a few people that I thought should be a little bit lower and for all I know this could be totally wrong because of how subjective some of these categories were but when all said and done I'm happy with this I think what I learned here is that these kinds of conversations need to be subjective if everything were written in stone then there would be nothing to talk about I'm glad that we have these kinds of debates and although these conversations might not be particularly important they's still a lot of fun it's another opportunity to enjoy ourselves to talk to other people who share our passion to hear something that we haven't heard before to deepen our connection with other human beings all around the world using a game that all of us love also kop is the goat and if you disagree then you can suck my [Music] dick [Music]
Channel: CRUMP
Views: 34,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tIJs0MeF6Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.