Station Tour: Zarya and Zvezda

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hello I'm Sonny Williams I'm up here on the International Space Station then we're going into the Russian segment be ready you don't need a passport either [Music] it goes a lot farther back than this we'll go take a trip and say hello to the boys down there in just a minute but let's do that first actually and then we'll go down to the Soyuz at the very end this is your Guinea doing a little tour this is the FGB and what's cool about this module it is actually the very first piece of the space station that came up in 1998 the space station has been around for about now man for 12 years but it's been up in space for about 14 years and this was the very first it is like the Russians pmm it has a lot of storage as you can see [Music] Mazda scream I am Richard so here we are in the heart of the space station really this is the service mall module this is the central post in case we had any problems I know when a couple of the questions are about what type of things do you have to worry about and some of the things we have to worry about in space are fire if we had a fire if we had a depressurization like we were hit by a micrometeorite and they made a hole or if we had some type of toxic atmosphere we use ammonia for our radiator so there is a possibility that ammonia could come into the vehicle and then it would be bad for all of us if we have any of those problems we come right here which we call the central post it is the main heart of the space station it was also the first computers that came up here that ran the space station so behind this wall right here are these main computers so we gather here as a group of three or six and then figure out how we're gonna either fight the fire patch the hole or solve the the toxic spill and what's cool about this module of course it's the central post it also has great windows right down toward Earth it has controls to fly in visiting spacecraft if they need some assistance right here it has Russian computers as well as American computers to help us control anything we need to on the space station it's a cup of our crewmates back there I'll live Oleg Novitsky on the right and yuri malenchenko on the left and there is also a second bathroom here which is really cool because six of us going to one bathroom is really tough and so there's one bathroom here and one bathroom on the other side where I showed you and you can probably see on the wall behind a leg and Yuri some of the heroes of the space program Korolev Sergei Korolev who was a chief designer of putting men into space and of course on the right hand side Yuri Gagarin the first man you're going to face so this reminds us of our roots Yuriy what are you doing still deal it making coffee black coffee looks good okay spasiba we're going to check out our Soyuz real quick make sure it's ready to go all right back to the Soyuz [Music] I'm going to I'm going to stop here just for a quick second you can see on the Russian spacecraft there's also other modules that stick out down and above right here is let's see I'm trying to be oriented that's a place where we do spacewalks forever for the Russians the Russian side there's Russian spacesuits in here and also a visiting vehicle which brought fruits and vegetables and becomes a trash container when we undock upon this side is also a future place where they're going to do spacewalks from and connected to it is Kevin's a legs and you're Ginny's Soyuz spacecraft and I was go see ours whoa there's been a tear from at the probe car [Music] coming down [Music] it's a little tricky getting in here this is the docking probe right here this big thing this helps us connect to the spacecraft this probe actually sticks into this cone and that's how the spacecraft this our Soyuz becomes connected to the ISS initially that is then replaced by clamps which are around here that will allow the two spacecraft to be stuck together and then you can remove the probe in the cone [Laughter] all right so here we are in the store use this is what we call the Beto the living compartment the boy up set in Russian it also has a little bathroom it's not as good as the other bathrooms so we try not to use it too much it has drinking water in it if we need something to drink and then of course it's filled up with a lot of cargo for us for us bringing up and also bringing back down it has a second first person when it comes back to earth it serves as a garbage container during the descent will will get rid of this this area right here and everything that's in it will just burn up as it's coming into the atmosphere so that way we can get rid of a little bit of trash but the main area where we were on launch and where we're going to be on descent is down here because we're not part of the trash so we're in a safe place so we're in the descent module si [Music] it's a little small but you can get in [Music] not sure how well you could see in here go down for a second I'm going to turn it up this way just so you could see the hatch and you can see Kevin it's a little bit small but we'll come in and show you around [Music] we come in okay got to move a couple things we were just starting to get ready we're preparing a couple days ago for our ride home it's a little bit squishy but everybody asks how do you sit in the Soyuz and you sort of sit in your seat like this seat is molded to your body and so you can just sort of squish in here and be pretty relaxed everybody has a handmade seat for them and then of course there's a control panel and that's where we do most of our actions and work right here there's hand controllers which you can fly the vehicle with and there's a stick right here primarily used for communications when we're trying to talk to the ground so three of us fit in here like I said it's a little squishy but somehow it seems like we all managed to get in here and and fit pretty well and it's a pretty safe ride home you're probably wondering what's all this junk behind us well it's all of our parachute first of all and then it's all of our survival gear just in case we end up landing in some strange place on the planet and nobody's there to rescue us right away we have all sorts of survival gear with us keeping us safe in here so they've pretty much thought of everything and we'll be home on the planet within the next 12 hours pretty shocking
Channel: NASA Johnson
Views: 4,733,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASA, International Space Station, Expedition 33, Suni Williams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2012
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