Statics: Lesson 48 - Trusses, Method of Joints

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JEFF HANSON: This video is proudly sponsored by McGraw Hill's AccessEngineering. You ever find yourself struggling, class, and you need just a little bit more help-- you need to see worked-out solutions, you need to see video solutions-- in classes such as statics, solids, thermodynamics, material science? Then AccessEngineering may be for you. So go check out AccessEngineering, link in the description below, and get the help that you need today. Now, on with the video. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, gang. Welcome back. We're talking today about trusses. We're talking about the method of joints, probably one of my most very popular videos on all of YouTube here. And I'm going to show you how to solve truss problems using the method of joints. So we have a little simple truss here. And it says, find the force in each member of the truss and state whether that force is in tension or in compression. So this is the first time that we're going to be asking you, is the member in tension or compression? Remember, a truss is made completely of two force members. And two force members either exist in tension or compression. So step one, we need to identify what are those members. So how many members are in that truss? What do you think? Here's what I think. There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This is not one member down here. Every member terminates at every joint. Let's just write them all down. So we got we got member AB. We got member BC. We got member AD. And then we got BD and, finally, CD. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-- good. So that's what we're looking for. So how do we find out what's going on? So what we're talking about now are internal forces. These-- this 8 and this 5-- are external forces. And those guys are causing some force. If I cut that member in half-- whoop-- and I looked inside of it, there is some forces inside of there that's generated by these guys. And that's what we're finding. That's what AB is is the force that's inside of member AB. And I'm going to show you how we get it. It's quite easy, using the method of joints. Let's write a recipe, OK? So number one, step one-- find global equilibrium. And that's just a fancy way to say, find the reactions at the supports. So step one, I'm going to look at this thing and say, OK, what's going on? I've got a pin connection at A. So at A, I'm going to have two forces, one like this and like this. So an Ay and an A x. And let's see. A x, which way does it go? Well, the 5 goes that way. So the x better go that way. Ay, which way does it go? Now, remember, if you don't understand which way it goes, it's OK to guess. I don't know. I'm going to guess that it goes down. I might be wrong. But when I solve for Ay, if I get a negative, hey, I was backwards. And then over here, at C, there's a Cy. So I've got a first step, step one. I've got to find A x, Ay, and Cy. And we do that by looking at-- you guessed it-- the moment at A. So sum of the moments at point A, this being positive, equals 0. What do I have? I put my finger at A. I've got 5 that rotates me clockwise. So that guy's negative, so minus 5 times how far away? 4. And then I got 8-- oh, he also rotates me negative, minus 8-- times how far away? 3. And then I got Cy, which rotates me-- oh, that's counterclockwise, that's positive-- so plus Cy times how far away? 4. So let's see what we get here. We got 20 plus 24 equals 4 Cy. So what is that, 44? So 44 divided by 4 equals Cy, which equals 11. So Cy is 11 kilonewtons going up. What's the total downward force on the system? 8. So what does Ay have to do? It does have to go down, doesn't it? And as a matter of fact, it has to go down, Ay. And then here it is. I'm going to write it down. Here's what I was doing in my head. I was doing the sum of the force in the y in my head, which is 11 positive-- going uphill-- and then minus 8 and then minus Ay. So move the Ay to the other side. Ay is equal to 3 kilonewtons. And of course, the sum of the forces in the x tells me that A x has got to be equal to 5, right? So this guy, 5 kilonewtons, this guy 3 kilonewtons, and this guy-- I'm doing him in red-- 11 kilonewtons. We have completed step one. We found global equilibrium. We're good to go. So step two-- step two. Select a joint. We're going to pick a joint to start working on. However, there's a special note here. Do not pick a joint with more than two unknowns. Why two unknowns? Because we're going to analyze a particle. These are little chapter 3 problems. Remember the chapter 3 problems. So let's say we start off at joint A. The next step is step three-- three-- draw FBD of the joint. And then, I guess, step four is solve-- whoops. And then, if there's a step five, it would be repeat. So let's start at joint A. If I start at joint A, if I take my free-body diagram cookie cutter and I select joint A, I'm only going to cut through two members that I don't know. That's only two unknowns. So joint A would look like this. There he is. It's got something like this, something like that, one like this, and one like that. This guy is 5 kilonewtons. This guy, going downhill, 3 kilonewtons. Now, this guy up here is member AD. And this guy over here is member AB. Well, this one's pretty easy, isn't it? Because for that joint to be in equilibrium-- he's not moving, so the sum of the forces has to be 0-- then the up stuff has to equal the down stuff, the left stuff has to equal the right stuff. So if that guy is going that way, this one has to go this way. And if that guy's going down, then this one has to go up. And this is pretty easy. It tells me that AB has to also be equal to 5 kilonewtons, and AD has to be 3 kilonewtons. So right away, I know something. I know AB is 5 kilonewtons. And I know that AD is 3 kilonewtons. Now, here's the one thing that's different in this chapter. You have to tell me, is this member AD, is that member, and member AB, are they in tension or compression? So let's talk about that for a second. If you are the member and I come up and I squeeze-- [GRUNTS]---- and you're in compression, what are you going to do to me? [GRUNTS] I'm going to push back on you, right? This is a free-body diagram of a joint. So a compression member always pushes on the joint. A tension member, he's being stretched. And so he's going to pull on the joints. So is this force pulling on the joint or pushing on it? It's pulling. So forces going away from a joint are always tension. Away-- always tension. That's not a free-body diagram-- it looks like, oh, the member's getting squeezed-- no, wait. That is not a free-body diagram of a member. That's a free-body diagram of the joint. The member's in tension, and he's pulling on the joint. So I'm going to put this. I'm going to put a T there and a T there. And that's all you have to do in this chapter is identify is it in tension or in compression? Is it a T or a C? That's it. OK, now we've done joint A. So what should we do? Let's look at joint B over here. Now, there is one thing that we're going to have to do real quick. And we kind of need this angle right here. Oh, that's easy, isn't it? That's a 3-4-5 triangle. So that means that this angle right here is 36.87 degrees. Where did you get that? Well, you can use tangent if you want. But it's so common in statics that I just remember it. So here is joint B. I'm going to draw joint B over here now. And joint B, what does joint B look like? Well, here's what he looks like. He has a force there, a force there, a force there that's 8 kilonewtons. And then it's got this one right here. Do we know any of the directions? Let's just label these. This is AB, and this is BC. And this one up here is BD-- BD. Look at AB. You know what? There's AB up there. So on this one, AB was pulling. So what's he going to be doing to this joint over here? Now, if you said going that way, that's not right. Because if one end is going that way and the other end is going that way, what's the beam doing? It's moving, right? If one end goes that way, the other side has to go that way. It's a two-force member. So the two ends act in opposite directions. So if the guy is pulling on the joint over here, he's pulling on the joint over there. So this goes like this-- wah, wah. And we know how big AB is. It's 5 kilonewtons. We know this angle right here-- 36.87. Is that right? No. No, that angle is not 36.87. Wrong. I should have done that after all, isn't it? It's 53.13. That one up there is 36.87. Woo, I'm glad you all told me about that. I almost messed that up. 53.13 degrees-- that's better. So BD and BC, do I know which way they go? Well, I got something to the left. I got something going down. If I got something going down, then BD has to go up, doesn't it? Since BC doesn't have an upward component, this one has to go up just to have equilibrium-- downwards, upwards. OK, now that guy's going to the left. That guy's going to the left. So BC has to go to the right. A lot of tension members in this truss, aren't there? We haven't had a compression member yet. So let's see if we can solve this truss. So this guy has two components. And you can use that angle if you want to. Or you could do this. This side's 3. That side's 4. It's a 3-4-5 triangle. So the x side, this guy right here, would be 3/5 of BD. And this guy over here would be 4/5 of BD. And if you want to use the angle, that's fine. If you put that in your calculator and you do the cosine of 53.13, guess what you get? 0.6, which is the same as 3/5. That's a little shortcut trick that we've learned. So here we go. We have two equations we can write-- the sum of the forces in the x and the sum of the forces in the y. That's all we can write. So here we go. In the x, what do we have? We have BC minus 5 and then minus 3/5 BD. And then in the y, what do we have in the y direction? We have, going uphill, 4/5 BD. And then in the negative, we got negative 8. So we move the 8 to the other side. And we get-- what do we get? We get 8 divided by 0.8, which is 10. So BD equals 10. And that's one of the things that we need. And then we can substitute that back in right there. 0.6 times 10 is 6. So negative 5 minus 6 is minus 11. Move that to the other side. So BC equals 11 kilonewtons. And which way do we draw them? They're going away from the joint. So BC is in tension. BD is in tension. So BC is 11 kilonewtons. What did we say? Tension. And then BD is 10 kilonewtons tension. OK, we got one more to go. Let's make us some space, and we'll do CD. We'll put him right here, the old hand eraser trick. All right, here we go. We can do joint C. Let's just do joint C right there. So joint C. Always, when you're working these problems on your test, label what you're doing, so if somebody's grading it, it's very easy to tell exactly what you were doing there. And there's Cy, isn't he? He's 11 kilonewtons. So if that one goes up-- this is CD up here-- then this one has to go down, doesn't it? It has to. And then this one-- that one goes to the right, so this one has to go to the left. And we knew that. It goes away from the joint because he went away from the joint on the other side. So this is BC. He was away from the joint. He was going this way over here, so he's going this way over there, right? It has to be. And then one thing we need more is this angle-- whoop-- right there, which is 4 this way and 4 that. It's 45 degrees, isn't it? So from all of this-- this guy has two components, one there, one there-- I need that component, which is the sum of the forces in the y equals 0 equals-- what do I have-- 11 going uphill. And then what do I, going downhill? CD minus CD times the sine of 45. And so move the 11 to the other side. Let's see. 11 divided by 0.707, which is the sine of 45-- 15.56. So CD equals 15.56 kilonewtons. And CD, is he going away from the joint or to the joint? He's going to the joint. So that means that's the only compression member in the whole thing-- 15.56 kilonewtons compression. That's all there is to it, gang. You just start at one joint, and you just start working your way around the truss. This is not the fastest method in the world. It's not fast at all. And what we found at A, we carried to B. What we found at B, we carried to C. So if you mess something up along the way, you just carry your error, and it just gets worse and worse and worse. So there's a lot of places to get messed up. But what did we do here? Right here, when we started off and we did global equilibrium right there, that's a chapter 5 problem. Well, sum of the forces of x, sum of the forces of y-- this thing right here is a little old chapter 3 problem. This up here, a little old chapter 3 problem. The one that I erased, a chapter 3 problem. So we had to do, for one chapter 6 problem, we had to do a chapter 5 problem and three chapter 3 problems. So there you go. That is the method of joints. I hope this helps. Thanks.
Channel: Jeff Hanson
Views: 409,671
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Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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