State and Local Officials Webinar on RealEcon: Reimagining American Economic Leadership

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FASKIANOS: I’m Irina Faskianos, vice president  for the National Program and Outreach here at CFR.  CFR is an independent and nonpartisan  membership organization, think tank,   and publisher focused on U.S. foreign policy.  CFR is also the publisher of Foreign Affairs   magazine. And, as always, CFR takes no  institutional position on matters of policy.  Through our State and Local Officials Initiative,  CFR serves as a resource on international issues   affecting the priorities and agendas of state  and local governments by providing analysis on   a wide range of policy topics. We appreciate  you all taking the time to be with us for this   very special session of this webinar series. We’re  delighted to have over 200 participants confirmed   from forty-seven U.S. states and territories. As a reminder, the webinar is on the record.   The video and transcript will be posted  on our website after the fact at  So we’re pleased to have Matthew Goodman  with us today to lead this discussion.   Matthew Goodman is a distinguished fellow  and the director of the Greenberg Center for   Geoeconomic Studies at CFR, where he recently  launched CFR’s newest initiative, RealEcon,   Reimagining American Economic Leadership. And  the purpose of this initiative—I’ll leave it to   him to tell you the reason why the Council has  mounted this initiative. Prior to joining CFR,   he served as senior vice president for economics  and the Simon chair in political economy at the   Center for Strategic and International Studies.  He’s served as director for international   economics on the National Security Council staff,  undersecretary for economic affairs at the State   Department, and as an international economist  at the U.S. Treasury Department. So, Matt,   thank you very much for being with us. Just to set the table, the format for   today’s webinar is as follows:  Matt will introduce the goals   of RealEcon, and how officials at the state  and local level can contribute to the dialogue   on American economic leadership. We’ll run a  short poll after his remarks and have a guided   discussion on the U.S. and the international  economy. So we’re very much looking forward   to hearing your views and getting your insights  in this conversation. And I’m going to now turn   it over to Matt to take it away from here. GOODMAN: Great. Well, thanks, Irina. It’s a   pleasure to be here. And welcome, everyone, to the  Council on Foreign Relations. I’m in Washington   here where we have our satellite—more than a  satellite office, I guess, our co-headquarters   down here, as well as New York. But delighted to  be with you here for this great opportunity for   me. I hope you’ll get something out of it too, but  it’s really—it’s really important to my work. So,   as Irina said, I’ve been here about six, seven  months. And I’ve been building this new project,   new initiative called RealEcon, which is short  for Reimagining American Economic Leadership. And   what we’re trying to do is to have a conversation  about America’s role in the international economy,   why and whether that matters to U.S. interests,  and to Americans. And to try to work towards   something more like a durable consensus for a  kind of American engagement that benefits us and   the rest of the world in the best possible way. As you know, just a tiny bit of background, you   know, the U.S. really created the international  economic system that emerged after World War II,   when we were the biggest kid on the block, and  we created all these institutions like the World   Bank and the IMF. We created kind of the rules  of the road. And that was good for everybody. It   was good for us—or, most people. Good for us, good  for people around the world. But something started   to change, you know, as early as the 1970s but  certainly in more recent times, that has eroded   the support for that American role as a kind of  leader and champion of this international economic   order. And so we want to understand why that  has eroded and what to do about it, and whether,   you know, this is something to be spending a  lot of policy time here in Washington trying   to fix. Which, you know, I’ll be honest, we think  it is worth it. But we want to hear from people.  So the first thing we’re doing—and we’re going to  dig into different issues of trade and investment.   We’re going to get into foreign assistance,  which has been a main tool of U.S. policy,   foreign aid. We’re going to talk about the new  topic of economic security, which is really   about how we manage risks—like the rise of China,  like climate change, and supply chain disruptions,   other risks that have emerged in the international  economy that need kind of new policy solutions.   We’re going to, in our project, dig into all  of those things. And we’ll give you a little   pop quiz about some of that stuff later  so we can get a sense of what you think.  But the first thing we’re doing in this project  really is a listening tour. And we’ve been around   now to a couple of states. We were in Florida  last month. We were in Wisconsin last week meeting   with local officials, businesspeople,  students, journalists, dairy farmers,   and ginseng farmers in northern Wisconsin—which  was fantastic. And we’re asking them about the   issues that we’re going to discuss here today, and  that are included in this pop quiz. Don’t worry,   there’s no—it’s all pass/fail, and you’ll pass.  But we are—think this is really important. And   this opportunity and meeting with all of  you in this format—I hope we can all meet   in person too—but this is a convenient way for us  to tap into your knowledge, expertise views. And,   you know, views not only as officials, but as  kind of citizens of the United States. What do   you think about things like trade, and so forth? So with that background, I’m willing—you know,   along the way here I think I can see when  you raise your hand. If I can’t, I’ll put up   a—send up a flare. But, you know, if there are any  sort of fundamental questions about the project,   I would welcome those. But what we could do here,  I think, is jump straight into the—into this quiz.   And then we’ll go through some of the answers.  So if, Emily, you’re controlling the quiz,   maybe you could put that up here. And it’s just  five questions. And I’ll give you all kind of   a minute or two to go through and answer. It’s  multiple-choice. It’s not challenging. And you can   just—your answers won’t be personalized. I mean,  we won’t know who answered what. But we’ll get   some kind of sense of the room from these results. I am not seeing the poll. I don’t know whether I’m   supposed to be or I’m in the wrong place. But,  Emily, or—oh, there it is. OK. So I think you   can control the scrolling up and down on your  screen. That is, you know, the audience in the   webinar. So please just—I’ll stop talking and just  take a minute to go through and answer these five   questions. And then we’ll talk about them. (Pause.)  I’m still here, in case anyone’s worried that  they’ve lost the connection. I’m going to give   you another thirty seconds. Not sure if I’m  allowed to answer, it just occurred to me.  (Pause.) OK. Folks think they’ve   had enough time, I hope? OK. I hope everybody was  able to see those and able to answer them. Again,   fairly straightforward questions and don’t require  a huge amount of thought, I hope. OK. With that,   maybe, Emily, if you could share the results. We  have this amazing technology to be able to show   you—and if you—if everyone watching could just not  scroll down and just focus one question at a time,   because I really would like to try to get—try  to get some feedback on each of these questions.  So what I will first do is this first question:  Which of the following captures best what most   people in your state think about international  trade? And it seems as though we have a close   tie between very good thing and somewhat good  thing. But most importantly is that a total   of 88 percent of you who at least think  it’s somewhat of a good thing. And that’s   interesting and not totally inconsistent  with the polling done by a Pew Research,   or by the Chicago Council, and other polling  outfits, that show, you know, something between   two-thirds and three-quarters of the American  people in answer to this kind of question-answer   affirmatively that it is least somewhat good. But I’d like to challenge people, if we can   do this in a sort of timely way, if anybody is  brave enough to raise their hand who voted for   the somewhat bad thing option—if someone’s willing  to raise their hand and explain to us all why they   voted that way, and why they think, you know, that  their state is not so positive. Is anybody brave   enough? And I just want to make sure that we’re  going to be able to capture this person. I don’t   so far see any hands. Could some brave person  just put up their hand using the raise-hand   button at the bottom and just even—actually,  if you could just even—somebody who’s brave,   just put that up and say hello, so I can  make sure that I can actually see the   raise-hand function, which I am still not seeing. And I just want to give another thirty seconds to   make sure it’s not just that you’re—it’s not just  a technical problem here that I’m not seeing it,   as opposed to people just being shy. Can  somebody—there we go. There are raised hands. OK,   I can’t—oh, there they are. OK, well, I see  the—I see chat. I don’t see the raised-hand   function anywhere. So could somebody from  our team, Emily or Andrew or somebody,   just call on someone and recognize them, and  then have them identify themselves, and then   go ahead and try to answer my question? OPERATOR: Sure. We have Sean Smith.  GOODMAN: OK, Sean. Go ahead and  identify yourself, if you would,   where you are and what you do. Yeah, go ahead. Q: So I was trying to help you overcome your   technical challenges. I was more  in the somewhat positive realm,   although I think it depends on which of my  constituents you’re talking about. So I’m—  GOODMAN: Where are you? Where are you? Q: Yeah, Jackson County, Missouri,   which is Kansas City, and the suburbs of that. And I will say that the biggest thing that   seems to be pointing people toward it being  less positive recently is when we seen some   of the issues with respect to our supply  chain—whether that was in pharmaceuticals   or semiconductors. We see that this overreliance  on foreign trade results in us not being totally   able to take care of ourselves, puts us at  risk for economic and security disruptions.   And I think that’s pointing people towards  the less positive feelings on foreign trade.  GOODMAN: I see. OK. And, I mean, can  you give an example of a business or   sort of type of activity that people are— Q: Yeah. So medication, right? Certain   medications that help people that have ADD right  now are in limited supply. And there’s just this   very basic understanding that that comes from  challenges that are outside of the United States,   getting these ingredients. And the idea that we  just outsource so many things that, you know,   we can’t necessarily take care of ourselves  the way we used to. People don’t like that.  GOODMAN: Got it. That’s really interesting  and helpful. And I have now discovered in   my great technological capability where—I’ve  just discovered where the hands are. So now   I—now I do see the hands. And I see that Lystra  McCoy has raised her hand. Lystra, go ahead.  Q: Yes. Hi. This is Lystra McCoy. GOODMAN: Lystra, sorry.  Q: And I am a Monroe County legislator in  Rochester, New York, Monroe County area.  So I did put somewhat a bad thing. I’m  looking at recently, the Biden and Harris   administration designated our area as a tech hub  for semiconductor and manufacturing supply chain   stability. So we’re—in the area, we look at it  as, you know, we’re keeping jobs in home, high   labor in the area. So we’re keeping jobs in home,  or in the country, and not shipping them out.   We’re also keeping money within the country by  building locally and building within the country.  GOODMAN: That’s, you think, a sort of widely held  view, or there are a lot of people, or at least   some significant portion of your— Q: There’s a significant portion.  GOODMAN: Is that based on kind of current reality  or sort of historical experience with—you know,   I know I happen to have a favorite aunt who  lives in Rochester, and I know the city has   been through some hard times historically. But  is that what kind of some of this is based on?  Q: Yes, absolutely. I would say that it’s  based on history. And then right now,   I think the labor movement is really big here, big  on American jobs, big on American manufacturing,   and keeping things—especially, you know,  we’re old rust belt in this area, looking   to revive the area and bring that technology,  bring that economy back. You know, Rochester,   known for Xerox, Bausch + Lomb, and Kodak. So  kind of to bring that essence back to the area.  GOODMAN: Interesting. Yeah. A good point.  That’s really interesting. Thank you, Lystra,   for that. And I’ll take Eric January. If you’re—go  ahead and unmute and go ahead and make your point,   if you would. Go ahead, Eric. You have to unmute,  I think. Your hand’s down, but you’re still muted.   I don’t know whether the— Q: Can you hear me now?  GOODMAN: There we go. Go ahead. Q: OK, great. All right. Yeah. Excuse me,   one second. All right. Yeah. So my name is Eric  January. I’m CPA and also the clerk treasurer for   the town of Merrillville, recently elected. GOODMAN: Town of?  Q: Merrillville, Indiana, the largest town— GOODMAN: Oh, Merrillville, Indiana. Got it. Great.  Q: Yes. Right. So I’ve been opposed to the type of   trade—and, first of all, when I mentioned, I’m  in steel capital, the steel capital of the world   where people benefited from the Trump tariffs on  Chinese steel. But prior to that, I’m from the   Chicagoland area, for the most part. I wrote  a book way back in 2005 basically explaining   what the first gentleman articulated, is that  when we are outsourcing the majority of our   goods because of, quote/unquote, “cheaper labor,”  what it ultimately ended up doing is creating a   level of dependency where we lose—we lose not  only the jobs that were associated with it,   but we ultimately end up losing the skills, and  we become dependent on other people to produce   things that we’re more than capable of doing.  For no other reason, because it’s cheaper.  And I just think that it creates a lot of  economic problems down the road, which manifested   during the pandemic when we couldn’t even get  our—(inaudible, technical difficulties)—because   the Chinese were deciding to keep the stuff  for themselves and we had to outsource all of   the manufacturing. The same thing with Taiwan  Semiconductor. We’re at the—at risk of going   to war over producing—China invading Taiwan,  because we really don’t want to lose Taiwan   Semiconductor. But we started the chip industry,  and we decided to outsource it to somebody else,   and we created a dependency that’s completely  unnatural. So there are a number of reasons,   but just to be dependent on anybody as an adult is  completely unnatural. It is not about the money.   That is completely unnatural. And I think that  it’s a setup for failure in the American economy.  GOODMAN: OK. That’s a—that’s a really clear  and convincing perspective. And I want to   take just one more, which I assume is going to  be also somebody who voted in that category,   Booter. And then I want to maybe invite—while I’m  waiting for Booter to unmute and make a comment,   just to say to other people who have heard those  comments who voted in the more positive category,   either very good thing or somewhat good thing,  if there’s anything you want to say in response   to any of that, feel free to jump in. Although  we’ll have other chances as we go through the   other questions. Booter, do you want to go ahead? Q: Well, actually I was just raising my hand for   your technical stuff. But I do have a point  from—that I agree with, that the gentleman   that just spoke about the outsourcing  stuff. But also, I’m in Tallahassee,   Florida. But I think down here, especially in the  agricultural business with a lot of international   trade and exports to other countries, it has been  a benefit to Florida. So it’s kind of a mixed bag,   I think, from our point of view. GOODMAN: Really good point. And, Booter,   we were in Tallahassee—I’d mentioned we were in  Florida last month. We were in Tallahassee. I’m   sorry we didn’t meet. But, yeah, we heard—we heard  some of that. Although, we also heard, you know,   tomato growers down there who felt a little  threatened by the Mexican competition when the   NAFTA agreement was renegotiated, and sort of were  concerned about that. So you hear—you hear that as   well. But you’re making a very good point. Q: It’s really a mixed bag, I think.  GOODMAN: Yeah. But you’re definitely—you hear  a lot from the agriculture sector that are   looking for—you know, for foreign  markets. The trade is important.  Anybody else want to jump in on this  question? Otherwise, we can go down. And   we’re not going to leave the topic of trade,  so you’ll have other chances to jump in. But   I just wanted—if anybody wanted to respond  to any of the points that were made there.  Oh, Eric, did you have something  else to say, or are you still—  Q: Oh, I guess I didn’t lower my hand. GOODMAN: Oh, no problem. No worries. OK. Well,   why don’t we—well, let me just say one thing.  Those are all really good points. And I think—I   guess—actually, maybe I have a question for  you, Eric, because you mentioned the point about   the steel industry valuing the Trump tariffs.  Actually, you know what? Let me—let me make this   point when we get to the second question, because  it gets right to this question. So why don’t we   look at the—scroll down, everybody, to question  number two, or answer number two. And the question   was about, you know, how people in your state  feel about tariffs imposed by the U.S. government   on imported goods. And it looks like a pretty  strong majority here feel that targeted tariffs   are justified to protect some American firms. And  it sounds like, Eric, you’re in that category. At   least that category, if not the broad¬-based  tariffs. Are others who voted that way—oh,   go ahead, Eric. Do you want to say something? Q: No, I’m undoubtedly in that category of   targeted tariffs, and maybe tariffs just in  general, because at the end of the day governments   have to result in tariffs because people are going  for the lowest priced goods because they’re out to   make some money. But that can be short sighted,  in a sense, because they understand that people   need jobs, but they’re trying to protect their  interests and thinking in the short term. In   the long term, it ends up costing the economy.  And the only solution to that, in many cases,   is to implement a tariff, so the price equals one  another. And people are just making decision about   who they want to employ, an American or a Chinese? GOODMAN: Right. That makes a lot of sense. But let   me just give you another story from our road trip.  We were in Wisconsin last week. And we went to   a canning factory for canned green beans and  other vegetables. That is—I guess it’s OK to   say—it was Del Monte, was the brand. And  they pick the beans locally and Americans   are picking them and then putting them into the  cans. But the cans are procured—there’s a factory   next door that makes the cans using steel that  is both imported and domestically sourced from   U.S. Steel and other great steel companies. And they said that when the tariffs—at   this factory, they said when the tariffs were  imposed on imported steel—not just from China,   but remember it was also Korea, and Japanese,  European steel that was also hit—that caused a   rise in the price of the steel used in those  cans, and made those cans of beans that Del   Monte produces less competitive than cans of  beans coming from China with, you know, China’s   steel over there, with beans over there, than  coming over here tariff-free and competing with   the—with the Chinese—with the Del Monte beans. And so the people in the Del Monte company were   concerned about whether they were going to be  able to support their position and job. So,   you know, there are these sort of downstream  effects are caused if you—if you put tariffs on,   you know, inputs like steel, and, you know,  I’d welcome response to you—from you, Eric,   or others who voted that, you know, tariffs are  either not a good thing or are only justified   in some cases. Is there anybody who wants  to—Tom Smith, you want to say something   about that? Please identify yourself first,  if you would. And you have to unmute here.   Still not—there we go. Q: Can you hear me now?  GOODMAN: Yeah. Q: OK. Tom Smith, mayor pro tem, Weddington,   North Carolina, which is a—basically,  a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina.  So we were in the area that was the textile hub  of the U.S., which was decimated. And things have   transitioned. But I look at—and I’ll say this,  I’m a retired banker. And I’ve financed a lot of   companies domestically and internationally. And  when we first started the international part,   I thought this was pretty good. We’d get cheap  things for the consumers. And unfortunately,   you know, the business gravitated heavily  to China. And once we let them in the WTO,   everything that—I think the wheels  just came off of the fairness factor   of competition. It is so difficult to compete  with people who do not have the same values.  And back in the textile industry, there was a  time they were importing finished apparel into   our country lower than the world market price for  the cotton. So how can anybody compete against   trade tactics like that? So—and that goes on with  the steel industry. They’re heavily subsidized.   You know, Nucor Steel is headquartered in  Charlotte. And I know the CFO real well. And   they’re—and they’re the lowest-cost producer in  the world, if you take away tariffs—not tariffs,   but subsidies. And subsidies are the issues they  have to compete against. Not production. The cost   of a facility, the machinery and equipment, is  a huge part of it. The cost of capital is the   same around the world. Labor is an insignificant  part of the whole component of making the steel.  It is regulations and subsidies that are the main  factors against them. And I’ll just say this,   the U.S. did a great job of exporting what were  deemed to be polluting companies to Asia. That’s   what we effectively did, because they didn’t have  the same environmental rules as we do. We cleaned   up our water and air to a huge degree at the  expense of them. And that’s where we are. But the   price was hollowing out our manufacturing base. So  I think it is just terribly difficult to work with   a country like China, where their idea of the  rules and the rest of the world’s is something   else. Europe is going through that heavily right  now with China. We have a lot of German businesses   in our town—not—in our area. And, you know, what  goes on with China affects them. And they’re   having tremendous issues with competition and— GOODMAN: Especially now,   from electric vehicles and— Q: Oh, everything. Everything. And—  GOODMAN: No, that’s a really good—sorry. Go ahead. Q: Yeah. But, I mean, I look at the point that   they do not play—I mean, the worst thing, in  my mind, the Western world ever did was allow   China in the WTO. This decimated manufacturing  jobs in the U.S. and Europe, and took—and took   away the ability to work with the Caribbean and  Central American countries for labor, to employ   them by doing, you know, the labor-intensive work  of, let’s say, a textile industry or your car. It   just took it away. You know, everything—you know,  it was all taken away and gravitated to one place.   So I financed a lot of Chinese businesses  over the years as they imported in here,   their import operations. And basically regret  every minute of it now. But they’re very good—very   good businessmen. But when it comes to equity and  fairness in trade, that’s not in their vocabulary.  GOODMAN: Right. So I really appreciate those  comments, Tom. And I—when I—as I—as I—let me   say a couple things in response to that. But let  me—let me invite others who want to jump in on   this question about tariffs if they want to raise  their hand and contribute, you’re very welcome.  All good points. And, you know, in theory, the WTO  system that we created had rules about things like   subsidies, right? And that you can’t subsidize,  you know, to create these unfair advantages. And   if you do, you can be subject to penalties,  you know, the other country can retaliate,   and so forth. That was, I think, constructed  at a time before China was really such a big   part of the WTO. It wasn’t even in the  WTO when those rules were created. And I   think it envisaged a different kind of scale of  subsidization. You know, it was more targeted,   specific subsidies. And China, you know, was over  time seen to be massively subsidizing a lot of   their production. And that—the WTO, at least a lot  of people would argue, is not fit for purpose to   try to constrain those subsidies. They’re just  too massive and too widespread. So that is a   big part of the debate now about trade policy. On the other hand, it raises the point that the   purpose, at least in theory, of trade policy is to  try to not just open markets in both directions,   but also to try to establish those kinds  of rules, that then subject countries to,   you know, penalties if they don’t, including your  environmental point. You know, raising standards   there and having penalties of countries don’t  live up to those. That’s the theory. Whether it’s   actually been done or implementable is another  question. But that’s—but if we—if we don’t try to   do trade policy rules, then, you know, you could  argue that that’s going to create even more of   these problems. I think that’s that would be the  argument on that. But your points are very well   taken, and very well-articulated. Thank you, Tom. Did Gail want to jump in here? Go ahead,   Gail. You need to unmute there. Q: All right. Can you hear me now?  GOODMAN: Yeah. Q: Yes. Thank you.   My name is Gail Patterson-Gladney, I’m a  Van Buren County commissioner in Michigan.  And I represent a lot of farmers, blueberry  farmers. And I don’t know if that will be   classified under what you’re discussing  now, but because lot of the farmers are   undercut in their prices by Canada and Mexico,  they are struggling. And I don’t know if it’s   because they don’t have enough tariffs  on those crops coming into the country,   but I didn’t know if you could clarify that. GOODMAN: That’s really interesting. And I   don’t know the blueberry business. But  I—but I understand from, you know, again,   having just been in Wisconsin, where there’s  a lot of dairy and other—actually ginseng   too—where there’s competition with Canada, in  particular, that you hear things like what you   just said about blueberries. And that  is, you know, a part of the story here,   that there’s competition from especially these  neighboring countries, but also, you know,   China and other places, that can make it harder  for, you know, American producers to compete.  And, you know, I—again, I don’t know about the  blueberry case, and what kinds of tariffs we   might impose, or do impose, or might impose  on those, and how they’re treated under the   U.S.-Canada-Mexico Free Trade Agreement. But  the—you know, the—you know, it’s very—just like   any other product that we put tariffs on, that can  help provide some protection to or level that sort   of competitive playing field. On the other hand,  you know, as I was mentioning, in the steel can   case with Del Monte, you know, it probably ends  up raising prices for consumers and for folks,   as it were, downstream of that—of that production.  So that’s the—that’s the sort of trade-off here,   if we were to use tariffs, you know, on a product  like blueberries. But interesting point. Thank   you. I didn’t—maybe need to get up to Michigan and  see the blueberry business up there at some point.  Q: Yes. OK. Thank you. GOODMAN: That’s very helpful. Thank you, Gail.  Q: You’re welcome. GOODMAN: I mean,   unless there are other points on that, and I’d  welcome other points on trade, we’ll probably   have a chance to circle back on that. But I do  want to get through the other questions, and then   we can have a period at the end there, of just  sort of open comments that anybody wants to make.  But, so number three, if we could scroll down  to that. We asked you about foreign aid. And the   question is, does—you know, do folks in your state  think that foreign aid is mostly good for the U.S.   or mostly harms the U.S.? And it seems like—unless  there were just two people who answered and it was   a tie—there seem to be sort of split views here.  And I wondered if anybody wanted to take that on.   I see Lynette has got her hand up. I don’t know  whether it’s this question or the previous one.   Either one is fine. Go ahead. Lanette. Q: It’s this one, Can you hear me?  GOODMAN: OK. Yes, ma’am. Go ahead. Q: It’s this one. And let me preface   it by saying that my citizens  here—I’m from Pine Bluff,   Arkansas. I’m a city council member  here. And I do know that—let me   preface it by saying that there are a lot of— GOODMAN: Oops, we lost you there. At least I   can’t hear Lanette anymore. FASKIANOS: I think Lanette,   you muted herself. There you go. GOODMAN: There you go. OK, go ahead.  Q: Am I there? OK. GOODMAN: Yes, you’re back. Good.  Q: Can you hear me? GOODMAN: I can hear you and   see your wonderful Zoom picture too, so. Q: OK. I am the city council member   here in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. And let me preface it by saying   that the citizens here, there are some citizens  here who really do think that the United States   need to help more of our Americans before we  start giving aid overseas. But overall here,   we do believe in aid, foreign aid, because a lot  of our citizens here are veterans, and educators,   and farmers. And so we do believe in foreign aid,  because we do believe that it promotes stability,   you know, in regards to addressing poverty and  inequality. And that can help us not have a lot   of terrorism come our way. You know, it kind  of lightens the threat of terrorism. But also   economic interest, just being able to foster that  economic growth where Americans, we can have our   goods also have opportunities to grow into other  markets outside the United States. You know, that   win-win situation. And then just with the United  States being the humanitarian country that we are,   you know, being able to help those that are  in need gives us a great reputation globally.  And then, in regards to—and I’m trying to go quick  because I know everybody else got to speak too,   but there’s a lot that I want to say on that.  But also, it could build alliances with other   nations and countries when we give foreign aid  to others. And so just and then—and having that   foreign—helping with the foreign aid, and having  that camaraderie and that relationship with   other countries can also help us nationwide  attack a problem that all of us are having,   in reference to climate changes, and  pandemics, and food insecurities,   and anything else that we might be facing that’s  not just localized to America, but to everybody   globally. So that’s just what I wanted to say. GOODMAN: OK. So, Lanette, I think that the current   administrator—that is, the head of the U.S. Agency  for International Development, which is our, you   know, government agency that provides bilateral  foreign aid, she could not have given a better   speech than the one you just gave—about the case  for foreign aid, the combination of stability,   sort of prosperity, and economic benefit, the  humanitarian cause, the diplomatic benefits. I   think you’ve perfectly summarized the case for.  And you preface it by—you know, by saying that,   obviously, people want—you know, want— Q: More aid here.  GOODMAN: Well, they want money  to be spent at home, too.  Q: Mmm hmm. GOODMAN: So I think that’s understandable.   You know, we don’t spend that much on foreign aid.  It’s, you know, 1 percent of the national budget.   So it’s not nearly as big as people think it is. Q: It isn’t.  GOODMAN: Right? But it is—but it is a legitimate  issue for people to be—to be looking at and   questioning. But I think you’ve made a lot of  great points there. And that would be exactly what   somebody would say about, you know, everything  from the Marshall Plan after World War II, when   we made that sort of bet that if we reinvested  in rebuilding Europe and Japan they would become   strong allies, they’d become strong markets,  economically they’d be more stable, and so   forth. Right up to things like—I often talk about  the PEPFAR initiative, the President’s Emergency   Plan for AIDS Relief, which President George W.  Bush launched twenty years ago in sub-Saharan   Africa. And, you know, for a cost of only a few  billion, I think, over that twenty years—which,   you know, in the scheme of things is not a huge  amount of money—we’ve saved something like 25   million lives and created huge, great goodwill  in Africa. So, you know, it is a strong thing.  On the other hand, it’s American taxpayer  money. And, you know, people are right to   question whether this is the best use of that  money. So you hear that as well. And I suspect   that some of the people who said it harms the  U.S.—does anybody else want to jump in on this,   especially to make that point about why  it’s not a great investment for the U.S.?   If not, we can skip on. I know we’re—time is  ticking here. So why don’t we go through the   next two, and then we’ll—and then we’ll come  back and give you a few minutes at the end to   intervene on anything you want to talk about. So, number four: Would you support or oppose   the government’s further restricting investment  with China? So it looks like a pretty significant   majority support that, at least somewhat, if  not strongly. For, like, almost 90 percent. So   does anybody want to comment on that, either—I  was like to take the minority who didn’t make   that point. Like, why would you oppose further  restricting investment with China? Does anybody   want to who—voted that way, that 13 percent, want  to raise their hand and explain why they don’t   think restricting investment with China is a good  thing, or further restricting it? Or on the other   side is fine too. Welcome any additional hands.  I don’t see any hands yet. There we go. Michael,   go ahead. You need to unmute. There we go. Go  ahead, Michael. Still can’t hear you. You look   like you’re unmuted, but—OK. I’ll tell you what,  Michael—are you there? OK. I’m not hearing you. Is   anybody else hearing Michael? I think maybe— OPERATOR: I think we’re having problems   hearing Michael. But, Michael, I  encourage you to use the written   Q&A as well if your microphone is not working. GOODMAN: OK. OK. And I—if anybody else wants to   comment on this question about further restricting  investment with China? Anybody have any thoughts?   Michael, you want to try again? Still not coming  through. Anybody else want to jump in on that? OK,   Eric. Oh, you got to unmute there. OK. Q: Can you hear me?  GOODMAN: Yes, go ahead. Q: Sorry. Just in terms of   investing in China, it’s already been proven that  they’re using the investment to gain intellectual   knowledge that they didn’t have before. And I’m  all for businesses and countries being able to   support themselves, but it shouldn’t be at the  detriment of our intellectual property. And so   restricting foreign investment in China, it  can make some sense. But at the same time   it can also do us some harm with the relationship  that we have with China as a trading partner. But   the trading has been completely in favor of China. And on that basis, I would probably agree that   we should restrict the transfer of intellectual  property to China. But at this point, so much of   our intellectual property has already been stolen,  I don’t know that we could ever recover from it,   because they dominate the solar industry,  and so many other different industries,   and they’re determined to dominate the  electric industry as well by flooding our   country with so many cheap goods with intellectual  property that they may have gained unlawfully,   that I just don’t know that we can recover from  it. And just in terms of that. So restricting it,   yes, I think we should restrict it. GOODMAN: OK. So that’s investment to   China. And there is both a concern, you know, here  in Washington about investment going in for that   reason, intellectual property also, because of the  point about concentrating our risks, or, you know,   our dependencies. I think you made this point  earlier about dependencies in China. And so trying   to get countries—companies to pull out. Of course,  companies have their own reasons why they’re   pulling out of China, because it’s not growing as  fast, because it’s a difficult market to be in,   in addition to U.S. government policy measures  that may be incentivizing that move out of China.  And then there’s also a new set of guidelines  on outbound sort of financial investment,   like Tom who’s a finance guy would probably know  about this. That there’s an effort to restrict   financial investment into certain technologies  in China, like, you know, advanced AI-related and   other high-tech production in China. So there’s  a lot of conversation about investment that   direction. There’s also investment this direction.  And the question about whether there—we ought to   be restricting Chinese investment into the United  States from China. And I don’t know if anybody has   a view on that. I see Alderman Lanette has got her  hand up again. Do you want to offer any thoughts   on this topic, Lanette? Go ahead. Q: OK. Can you hear me?  GOODMAN: Yes, ma’am. Q: And, again, I agree with the gentleman   that just spoke about the intellectual property.  We have to protect it. You know, so limiting   Chinese investments can definitely help us in that  regard. And then also just thinking about national   security on the whole. When it comes to Chinese  investments and stuff. We already have seen issues   as far as technology and espionage and things like  that. So we want to definitely have some kind of   control, and some kind of mechanism in place to  guarantee—we can’t always 100 percent guarantee   national security. But we should come doggone  close to it. So we want to be careful of   what we do in regards to—in regards to that. So I just wanted to tap in on the gentleman’s   question. I definitely agree with him. And  then, just being able to level the playing   field. I mean, the Chinese, like we know they  have different values and different kinds of   thoughts sometimes when it comes to trade and  business and things like that that we do. So   just being able to level the playing field and  stuff. So I think the restrictions definitely   need to be in place. I think that we got to be  careful when we’re dealing with Chinese—well,   anybody, really, outside of the United States.  But we definitely know that they are—they can   be a potential threat if we don’t be careful. GOODMAN: Great. Well said. OK, great, great   points, all of those. Again, thanks, Lanette. And let me take John Kurtz and then Stephanie   Agee. And then we’ll come back to you, Tom, again.  But I wanted to get new voices in here. So, John,   go ahead and unmute yourself, and  then feel free to make your point.  Q: Hi, this is John Kurtz from Buchanan  County, Iowa. I’m a county supervisor.  We’re very heavily in the agricultural  industry, but we’re also adjacent to two John   Deere factories here. And Chinese investment  is a frightening thing in our farm economy.   They’re buying up land. It’s not just Iowa, it’s  South Dakota. There’s a lot of areas that are   being invested by China. They’ve also taken over  one of the biggest pork producers in the United   States, Smithfield Foods. And I’m afraid that  if we let China have too much power over there,   if we were to get into an armed conflict with  them, they could shut us down. And we would   really stifle our production at factories and  everything else with all the product that is   being imported to support those factories. GOODMAN: Right. Good. And that national   security point is a particularly important  one, and one that obviously gets a lot of   conversation here in Washington these days. Q: Well, remember what happened during   COVID when the ports were all backed up and we  couldn’t get any product in the United States.   And that could very easily happen again. GOODMAN: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s another   problem in the world, another disruptive  factor right here around Washington. Here   we have this terrible thing with the bridge  in Baltimore that’s having a visible effect   here on supplies of a lot of things. So good  points. Thank you, John. Appreciate that.  Stephanie, do you want to jump in here? Q: Yes. Hi. Can you   hear me? GOODMAN: Hi.  Q: Great. Matt, good to see you. Stephanie Agree  from the state of Virginia, vice president for—  GOODMAN: I remember you. How are you? Q: Doing great. Doing great. Thank you   so much for—to you and CFR for organizing  this session. I really appreciate it.  So as my title would suggest, I’m focused  on international trade. I’m here for it. I   absolutely understand many of the—the impacts that  it has had negatively in parts of the country,   but I don’t want to ignore the tremendous  positive impact it’s had on our country as well,   and the world for that matter. Which is also  important. Impacting the world and having   positive impacts for the world is important. And  I think that’s been noted in several different   comments here, where people have talked about the  importance of U.S. aid and how it’s important for   us to have these positive impacts so that we  have less unrest in other parts of the world,   that the U.S. then has to end up responding to. But specifically, back to the comments about   restrictions on China investment.  I answered this—I said, you know,   somewhat oppose them. And the way that I was  thinking about it was more about restrictions   by the United States on companies’ ability to  invest in or trade with China. So I probably—I   might have answered it slightly differently  than others. But I think my point here is   my reservations about the government, the U.S.  government, limiting the private sector’s ability   to make investments and to make decisions. Also  noting that there are lots of rules around the   exports of products and services that have any  impact on national security. The U.S. government   is doing a very good job, I feel, at that,  and being very protective of those things.  So I just want to note that those restrictions  are in place. They certainly impact a lot of my   Virginia companies that are trying to export  their products, not necessarily to China but   to other parts of the world. So if we—if we—if  we paint it with a broad brush and say that,   you know, limitations on the private sector’s  ability to make government—to make their own   decisions about where they—who they do business  with and how they do business, that’s really   where my—kind of where my opposition lies. GOODMAN: Right. Got it. Those are really good   points, Stephanie. And, you know, traditionally in  the investment policy world there’s been a concept   of the negative list approach, which means  things that you feel for national security   reasons or other reasons you don’t want,  you know, foreign investment into your   country. And that’s a legitimate issue for every  country. That you put them on a negative list,   and you say: You cannot do these things. But  if it isn’t on that list, then it—you know,   it’s open and it’s possible to do investment  and have the benefits of that cross-border flow,   and the private sector dynamic that you discussed.  That’s been the traditional approach to investment   policy. We tried to get China to move to that  approach too, by the way, a more negative list   approach. But these days, there’s more talk about  broader sets of restrictions and arguments in   favor of a new approach here. But there is a cost. By the way, I didn’t say at the beginning, we have   a—sort of a branded platform as part of RealEcon  called Trade-Offs. And we’re writing essays. And   we might also do debates or other things over time  to talk about the trade-offs. Any one of these   policies that we’ve been talking about, there’s  some good things, some bad things. So it’s, like,   there’s no—very few things in life, probably, but  also in this area of international economics, are   absolute. It’s sort of there’s some positive, some  negative. And either choice might be legitimate,   but there’s usually a cost of some kind.  And so the question is, you have to decide   which—you know, how much cost are you willing to  pay for some other benefit? You know, that’s part   of—it is intrinsic to—it's really at the heart  of a lot of the stuff we’re looking at here. So   stay tuned for more trade-offs conversations. OK, Tom, you’ve been patient. And then I’m   going to just give you—if you can be as concise  as you can. And then I’d want to just get to this   last question, then give anybody any further  chances to jump in on any of this. Go ahead,   Tom. You’ll need to unmute there. There you go. Q: There it went. It finally went. I was clicking   on it several times and it finally took. On the foreign aid issue, I am for targeted   foreign aid. I believe most people here  are. You do have to screen it carefully   to make sure you are getting value for what  you’re doing and it’s not just indiscriminate,   giving the taxpayers’ money away to—because  people are very sensitive to that. Like,   there’s a lot of places with needs. And a lot  of it’s because of upheavals or refugee status,   or whatever in the world that we really need  to help them. I was just reading the Financial   Times today about the Solomon Islands just  electing a prime minister who is pro-China   friendly. And the U.S. evidently over the  past number of years has not been, let’s say,   trying to give them the warm and fuzzy. And  the Chinese have made great inroads there.  And so that’s—you know, you have to pay attention  to that and that take your eye off the ball. But,   again, when it comes to trade, my real beef is  with China. And it’s because its authoritarian   regime, all the businesses, basically, are—even  the private business, technically, have to kowtow   to whatever the regime says. And once the current  leader came in place a number of years ago, they   took a real hard tack in a different direction  from where they’d been going for twenty-odd years.   You know, they’ve gone back to really centralizing  everything and to trying to be extremely   outwardly aggressive. And it is unfortunate. GOODMAN: Yeah. Yeah, no, under this president—  Q: And the initial intent of going—working with  China was to improve them and improve the world   and make them a better place and more agreeable  and/or a country that could easily assimilate   into the world, if you know what I’m saying. And  it’s having a total turn. And it’s become very,   very authoritarian. And when you combine  authoritarianism with the power they had developed   under the more liberal policies, and convert that  one way, it is very dangerous for the world and   extremely impossible to compete with. And given  they’ve turned so authoritarian—I mean, they’re   a virtual police state over there. And nothing  gets done unless the government wants it done.  And this may sound hard and crass, but they have  almost become what I would call the new Nazi,   Germany, when it comes to a business model. And  they’re a police state. And it’s very difficult   to deal with something like that. And feeding  that monster isn’t going to help us. It’ll never,   never help us. So it sounds hard, but I look  at it. It’s a police state. Government control.   And they wield a lot of power. But people still  say, I can make money—free enterprise. I can make   money off of trading with them. So to me, it’s  a dangerous game. It’s a dangerous game we’re   in right now. And I wish the leadership would  change and become more moderate, obviously, but—  GOODMAN: Yeah. I think no question under Xi  Jinping, the current president who took over   in 2012-2013, there has been that shift, as you  mentioned, very sharply. And it’s very problematic   for us and, I think, actually for them too. I  think long term it’s not good for them. And but,   yeah, there was, you know, twenty years ago a  sort of different leadership that had, I think,   a different approach to reform. And that I think  was genuine. I think they were trying to move in a   different direction. But that’s the China we’re  dealing with today. So those are good points.  Let me—let me just ask—I see that—I see that  we’ve got a comment in the—in the chat from Greg.   I don’t know if you want to make that point to  the group by raising your hand or just speaking.   That’d be great. And meanwhile—OK, you got your  hand up. Go ahead, Greg. If you can introduce   yourself. You’ll need to unmute there. Yeah.  Can’t hear you yet, Greg. But if you could try   to unmute one more time. And then if not, I can  read your question, and your point quickly here.   OK. Don’t think we’re getting you here. So yeah. No, the point you’re making is about electric   vehicles. And China’s advancing and making  actually, frankly, quite good electric vehicles   now. Whatever you think of how they got the  technology or whatever, the reality is they   are producing electric cars that are pretty  good and are cheaper than Teslas and things.   And I drove one of these in Europe last summer  when we just happened to rent a car and it was   one of these BYD Chinese cars. And it’s not bad,  actually. So and it helps address climate change,   as you make in your point, but it also—because  they’re making these things with huge subsidies   and undercutting producers here and in Europe  and so forth, it’s creating a backlash and a   concern about whether we’re going to be able to  produce these things ourselves, or sustain it.  So let me just quickly for—great point.  And just before, John, you get on there,   just thirty seconds. Does anybody have anything  to say about the climate change point? I guess,   in a way, Greg was just getting to that by talking  about electric vehicles. Anybody want to say—is   that the point you wanted to address, John, or  was it something else? John Kurtz. Go ahead.  Q: Yes. I wanted to comment on the climate change  issue. No matter what we do in the United States,   until India and China do something  it—we’ve already made huge strides   in the United States. And right now, in  Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, we’re   being pressured put in this CO2 sequestration  plan to capture CO2 from our ethanol plants.   And it’s crazy. I mean, CO2 is what fuels plants  to live. And here, we’re making this big push to   capture all the CO2. What’s that going to do to  our farming economy? Trees, everything—we all   learned it in school. That’s the only way they  survive, they produce oxygen from CO2. And our   farm community is very, very concerned about it. GOODMAN: Good. And that is a strong argument on   the side of, you know, of concern about some  of these efforts to address climate change.   On the other hand, you know, there’s an argument  that’s pretty powerful that this is a—you know,   becoming a planetary problem that is going  to cause all kinds of other, you know,   disruptions to our economic capabilities. And  certainly, the Biden administration feels pretty   strongly about that, and has invested $370 billion  or something through the Inflation Reduction   Act in climate and clean energy solutions. And some of that’s providing economic benefit in   your states, I can imagine. I wish I could explore  this really important topic more thoroughly,   but we’re already past time and there’s a hard  rule at CFR not to go over time, which I apologize   for having done. Let me just thank everybody for  great comments and input. Not enough time. It’d   be great to do this again. And I hope to do it  in person. Certainly, if you come to Washington   please swing by CFR. We’d love to hear more,  have more conversation with you. In the meantime,   thanks a lot, everybody. And back to you, Irina. FASKIANOS: Thank you so much, Matt. Really   appreciate you doing this, and to all of you  for your comments. We will send out a link to   the webinar recording and transcript, along with  contact information for Matt if you want to follow   up with him, and if you want to invite him to your  state for—to show him what’s happening in your   communities. I’m just offering you up there, Matt. And to learn more about CFR’s RealEcon Initiative,   you should go to,  which we put in the chat window and we will   also include in our follow-up note to all of you.  And, as always, we encourage you to go to, and  for the latest developments and analysis on   international trends and how they are affecting  the United States. Of course, please do share   your thoughts for speakers and topics for future  webinars. You can email   Again, thank you for all that you do in your  communities. And we look forward to continuing   the dialogue. Enjoy the rest of your day. END
Channel: Council on Foreign Relations
Views: 350
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Keywords: council on foreign relations, cfr, foreign policy, think tank, international relations, economics, realecon, american, leadership, international economy
Id: yaWgaKXYJH4
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Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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