starting my journey to getting a service dog: Research & Applications

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so i'm actually in the process of looking into starting to applying for service dogs for my pots so that's an update that is new [Music] hey everyone so i made the announcement in my most recent video that i am starting the process for getting a service dog for my pots so this video is kind of the start of my documentation process of documenting this journey because of course i'm going to bring you all along with me on this journey of me getting a service dog not only to raise awareness for the service talk community but to also bring you all along with me so that you can see the process and what what it's like and um yeah so i'm very excited to be starting this process i know it's a long one and i know it's an expensive one but i'm very excited because i'm ready to start this new step in my life and i really think that getting a service dog could be very beneficial for me my mental health my physical health i only think it could help me and having a dog that could sense my heart rate and when i get tachycardic which means my heart rate gets fast a cardiac alert service would be able to recognize that and let me know so that i can prevent the episodes from happening which means i would prevent the seizures that i've been having from happening so it would increase my quality of life overall so much so um i've done so much research and i've found a good four five that i am going to be doing at least the initial application for because i want to get out there and i want to get my name out there but yeah so i'm just filling out some of the initial like requests for application um forums right now so that is kind of what i'm doing and i'm also filling out an application too so that's what i'm doing so exciting oh my goodness [Music] do [Music] so a little update i finished filling out three like initial applications slash like the forum that you fill out to like request the formal application so i filled out three of those today and i filled out the one paper application but i still have to like get a photo of myself i have to i asked i called and asked someone for my letter of recommendation and she said yes so she's working on that so that is in the works i found a thumb drive because i have to get a little video of like my house and my animals and introduce me and my family and yeah so we did a lot today so i filled out a lot i did a lot of typing and i filled out a lot of those but i still have some essays i have to write like service dog essays for this one application so i'm probably going to work on that tomorrow but because i did a lot of writing today for school so um but yeah that is just the update so my friend nick helped me put together my gofundme so that is officially live and i'm so excited to start the fundraising process because getting service dog is very expensive and the minimum payment for a lot of them is at least like five thousand dollars so i have to do fundraising for it because i just cannot afford that yes the gofundme is live if you can donate anything or share it or at least like get the word out about it i would it would mean the world to me and i would so so greatly appreciate it so i just got my letter of recommendation today so i just printed that out and thank you so much to ms julie for doing that for me it means the world and tomorrow i actually have a phone call with an agency in california so it's like a 20 minute like initial like interview kind of uh where we just talk about things and i ask questions they constantly get dogged in so they typically don't really have a wait list which is nice so i don't know if any process goes well tomorrow i've got my christmas pajamas on to celebrate december 1st yes baby my peanut this is the book that i'm reading for my class right now that i have to finish i write an entire book report about in three days so that's what i'm working on right now i have a phone call with the service dog agency at seven so that will be in like an hour so i'm super excited about that all right everyone it is 6 59 so i should be getting the phone call any minute because my appointment is at seven and i have their website pulled up and the questions i have over here um ready to go so uh i'm ready for this consultation they're calling hello hi this is me from donkey dude the doctorate facility yes hi i was expecting a call hi i'm just calling because i got your ingredients some questions about our service dog program yes i am interested in it and i have a few questions i'd love to ask you so i will give you like a general overview then feel free to come in with any other questions so basically the way that our program works is we match you with a dog based off of needs personality and lifestyle okay so we review our applicants and review the dogs that we have to see which one would be the best fit for each person and once that's determined the dog goes into training for about 10 to 12 months so from start to finish it's roughly about a year okay and when the dog is ready to graduate that's when we actually work with you in person so we demonstrate everything the dog has learned for you but most importantly we make sure the dog is listening to you and that you guys are successful service top team so we're giving you all the tools you need just to make sure this is going to be successful so that's about seven five to seven day process okay and then as far as costs it really depends on exactly what we're training for all of the service training starts at 15 000 and they can go up depending on the exact cost so if you listed a few different things here so like for a better estimate typically a psychiatric service dog is anywhere between like 18 to 19 000 if we're doing any kind of seizure any kind of seizure response like more closer to the 25 000 range gotcha and the breeds that we work with are labs golden noodles so even though we do pick the dog we definitely take into consideration like what really you prefer all right everyone well that was it for this video i really hope that you enjoyed it thank you so much for watching and i'm so excited to be starting the journey to getting a service dog and i'm so excited to be bringing you all along with me there are already new and exciting things happening with related to this that i'm not going to share in this video because you're going to have to wait until my next one in this series to find out what is happening if you follow me on social media you already know what happened but um i will be keeping you all up to date but that is it for this video thank you so much for watching i really hope that you enjoyed it don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you liked it comment below any video requests don't forget to subscribe and subscribe to join the family that is it for this video and i love you so much i'll see you in my next one bye you
Channel: Lindsay Murray
Views: 1,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: service dog, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, starting my journey to getting a service dog, starting the journey to getting a service dog, service dog application, pots, pots syndrome, starting my service dog journey, lindsay, murray, pots service dog, vlog, filling out service dog applications
Id: 09tClR1FzTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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