Starting a Newsletter? How to Add an Email Sign Up form To Your Carrd Landing Page with Revue

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yeah everybody this is ian from mindful marketplace and uh in the in this video i'm going to first try out the cough and then i'm going to show you how to create a uh a email sign up form on a card a landing page this is for something like a book launch or a course that you may be selling and you want to actually give away let's say a free chapter or a free module or something like that card is exceedingly affordable it's really super duper simple to modify and it's just an ideal platform for doing all sorts of cool and creative things especially uh for those of us who are makers or marketers authors uh and entrepreneurs that you know really want to use email uh marketing as part of our um you know platform right but one of the challenges is you know uh like what email marketing platform do you choose you can use a ton of different email marketing platforms with card i'm going to show you exactly where that's set up i prefer review review is a curated content email marketing platform it was just purchased by twitter uh in the beginning of february end of january 2021 i've been using review for a bunch of years they are phenomenal really pretty uh it's an aesthetically appealing uh platform it makes curating content again as this thing from creating content uh curating content really super easy elegant and quite expeditious so i'm going to show you really quickly where you're going to do that you're just going to click on the form in this case within your card landing page you'll see it brings up this you know side trigger drawer whatever you call this where you're actually going to assign a service to this form in this case it has via review only because i've already done this once just to make sure it worked you know for this demo and you can see you can choose from mailchimp convertkit mail or lite get response email octopus etc etc etc review is probably the least well known of these but it is free to start actually twitter just bought these guys as well so there's lots of cool stuff coming and i really highly recommend you check them out all right so all you're going to do is paste in your api key i'm going to show you where to get that in a second but i've already copied that and then i'm going to just hit done and it will be ready now the other thing you can do here it's really that simple on completion you can display a message or you can redirect to a url let's in my case i'm going to redirect to our partners [Applause] dot mindful site but you could very simply instead of doing that just display a message that said thanks you know welcome to the community whatever it is that you want to say i'm going to hit done here so the api is pasted i'm going to hit save there right i'm going to publish this to a card url now you can publish this to your own domain you can do really anything you want in this case it's just a card url that i'm just testing for these video tutorials and now we're going to view site and when i hit free get a free sample it's going to redirect me to which i just inputted a moment ago all right and now you're seeing the redirect which is our partners page and it's really that simple now all you're going to do on the review side is grab your api kit key excuse me this is what i just copied a moment ago or that's why i just pasted a moment ago and i copied that a little bit earlier uh you know five minutes ago before i recorded this video just to do a quick test because i've done enough of these videos where things i that are supposed to work don't and then either have to like you know kind of modify on the fly or re-record and it's now one o'clock in the morning as you can see on uh the 15th of february and i just ain't got the time to rerecord all right so you want to get this in the integrations in the account settings part of your back end and you just scroll to the bottom where it says api key and you copy this one of the problems that i've had in the past where something this doesn't work is there's a little period at the end i believe here my eyes are fairly bad at this point of my life and in at this point of the day or morning i guess you could say right so i often copy that period like a dumb dumb and i paste that in to the you know the card um form area and that just stuff up and it doesn't work and you know it's a pain in the ass so don't copy the period if you want it to work all right and there you have it really that simple it's really quite easy and you know you don't need any coding and you know review like i said is not only awesome uh it is free to sign up and i don't i think since twitter actually purchased them i don't even think there's a fee i could be wrong uh on the tiers i'm not sure uh but lots of really exciting things are coming uh you know by dint of twitter's purchase of review that are going to make many of the premium features uh available on the free or the very low cost tier plans all right i mean even if it wasn't free i think we were paying five dollars a month for review so it's really really super inexpensive and i really highly recommend it all right and it works great with card okie doke thank you so much for watching and i hope as always this has been helpful if you have any questions send me an email hi thanks
Channel: A Tiny Revolution
Views: 532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing tips, amazon marketing tips, tips for writers, author marketing tips
Id: nGUIQ-uNn8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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