Start Your CNC Business: Easy Family Sign Projects That Sell! | Brett's Laser Garage

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hey what's up everybody Welcome to my new series CNC and Laser projects that sell hey what's up everybody thanks for coming back if you've been here before if you're new thanks for tuning in you're not going to want to miss this in this series I'll be taking you through a deep dive into my favorite CNC or laser projects that I've actually sold we'll be working from start to finish showing all the steps in the process from design to creation and I'm also going to link the CD3 files in the description below so you can make this project yourself either for fun or to sell if you're new to cnc's or lasers this series is going to be for you so stick around so today we're going to be making a family sign on the shapco 5 Pro these have always been a really great seller for me because they are so customizable you can choose different paint wood species quotes fonts to really make these unique and to give your customer exact what they want feel free to get started with the template file that I'm providing but also customize it so you can make it your own customization is key to selling these in my experience as always we're going to be using carbide create for our design and also to make our tool paths and in this episode we're going to be introducing a new tool path which we haven't used before the advanced vcarve so let's go ahead and load up carbide create and get designing all right so here we are in carbide crate let's go ahead and make this sign so here's our completed artwork here and if I take you to the tool path sections you can see what I did with the tool paths here and let's go ahead and simulate and here we go this is what we should be getting at the end when we're all said and done and now let me show you how I got there so let's go back to our design tab we go ahead and clear our artwork off to the side here we'll use this as a reference and like always first thing we're going to do is go to the job setup wheel here we're going to click on that we're going to put in our stock size in this case our piece is 16 in by 20 in and it is 77 in thick I measured that with digital calipers we are zering from the top our tool path is starting from the lower left side our material is softwood uh we're on our shape bco 5 Pro I have the retract height set AT3 in and we're using inches for this project always remember to start with the job setup first now for our artwork we're going to start with a rectangle and I'm just going to make this 16 in by 20 in and I'm going to go ahead and align this with our grid here and this rectangle is just going to give us a place to assign our chamfer tool path but it's also going to let us align all of our different artwork on the project okay so now let's start with the text the first text we're going to start with is the' and family here we're going to start with these two the font that I use with this is called engravers Mt so I'm going to go ahead and select that and I'm going to start with the set at 1 and 1/2 in I'm going to drag that in the general area area I'm going to create a new text box and I'm going to write in here family again at 1 and 1/2 in move that to the general area okay now we'll do the Johnson here the family name so I'm going to choose a different font for that choose a font called dandelion and I'm going to write in the name and for this one I'm just going to drag this to the general area I'm going to use the scale tool and I'm just going to drag here on the top corner just to kind of make this as big as I can I want to fill I want to fill a lot of the space here with this this is kind of the focal point in the sign that looks about right to me so one note about the fonts when you download this file if you do not have these two fonts installed on your computer it's just going to load like aial or something or some basic font so it may not look exactly like what I'm giving you but all you got to do is just download the fonts these are free fonts that I found online I just did a Google search for them and put them on my computer once they're under your computer they're going to automatically be in carbite create so just a little note on that you will also notice that my name here looks a little bit different than my example file here let me show you how I fix this so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to weld these together okay so in order to do that we're going to go ahead and highlight our text box here we're going to actually double click it bring up our text editor again and we're going to click on this button here that says convert to curve curves and what that's going to do is that's going to separate all of these vectors here now I can select all these little pieces okay so now we have all of these vectors separated I'm going to select them all I'm going to go to our booing tool I'm going to click on the weld option so the blue here or purple is showing you what's going to stay and the Orange is going to go away so I don't want that one because if I did it it's going to take away all the little spots inside the O's what I want to do is I want to select the second one where it says smart Weld and that's going to take out these little overlaps here so once I go ahead and click okay here you can see we've removed those all right so now I'm going to go ahead and highlight my text again and I'm going to group this all together so now we've got one solid piece and it matches what I did here on the right so that's a really important step that you're going to want to take whenever you're using plont that kind of overlaps like this it doesn't matter with this engravers Mt font that I used none of the vector lines overlap so now let's add the family names here we're going to add a third text box the font that I'm going to be using for this one is called delight and we're going to leave it at 1 and 1/2 Ines right now there we go and this is another one of these fonts where we have some overlap in some of these letters so I'm going to go ahead and click on these again go back to our text editing box convert to Curves bleen tool smart weld verify I'm removing what I want to here and for some reason it always wants to remove this e here I think because maybe they're touching let me see if I can fix that I can just manually drag this out of the way manually move this a little bit let's see if that fixes it so back to the Boolean tool smart weld yep so now we're not going to remove that part of the E anymore just all of our little overlap this part of the te here would have created a weird carve let's see how that looks okay not bad one thing I don't like is this part of the te here so let me see what I can do about that I'm going to undo this what I'm going to do is I going to move this T over a little bit like that and I'm going to do that with the other set of T's let's see how that looks yeah much better so it just goes to show sometimes you got to play around with the individual letters in these fonts especially these kind of like really thin fonts like this I don't like to go much thinner than this cuz sometimes they could be hard to vcarve and especially to paint but sometimes you just have to manually move some of the individual pieces around just to make it fit a little bit better but I'm happy with that right now so I'm going to go ahead and group these together so let's go ahead and add our last last two boxes of text here we're going to use the same Delight text font and I'm going to write in our little saying here we may not have it all together that's going to be one I'm going to create a new box here and write but we have it all and I'll go ahead and clean up this font real quickly here all right and finally the last element of our design here these two little designs here where I got those from is from the art Library so there's a library inside car create if you go up to the top menu click on Library show Library this is going to give you a bunch of different artwork that you can use and it's simple stuff but it's useful I mean there's Stars I use the Stars a lot for Flags there's also us flags and various other flags and so there's some pretty cool stuff in here but where I found that was under flourishes I chose flourishes number six you just double click on that it's going to import it into your space here I just deleted a few of these shapes here to give me this one and I'm going to use the rotate tool to rotate at 90° and I'm going to use the scale tool to scale down command C to copy that command V to paste it I'm using a Mac contrl Z or excuse me contrl c contrl v on a PC and then I want to go ahead and flip this one going to mirror this so I'll just click on the mirror horizontal button and there we go we have all of our elements now we just need to kind of place things and line everything up so I'm going to start at the top and work my way down I'm going to single click on my first text the' I'm going to hold down shift and click on my perimeter box I'm going to go here to my alignment tool and I'm going to align this horizontally same thing with Johnson okay and family I'm going to raise this up a little bit this is all by I you know you can do anything you want however you like it so I'm just going to kind of put this where I want it vertically and now I'm going to align it horizontally that looks pretty good okay good you know and I'm not really happy with this the I want to move this down just a little bit so I'm just use my arrow keys you can go up and down slight slightly it's just kind of moving it on my grid my grid is set at quarter inch that looks good there just making sure the and family are aligned which they were I just like to double check that kind of stuff okay next with my list of names here I'm going to bring this up vertically a little bit I want this closer to family size looks good and let's align this centered we're going to click on our little quote here and we'll get we're going to click on the quote First both those two elements we're going to align both of these horizontal so those are centered now I'm going to group those together since they're centered now and I'm going to move them up a little bit it looks pretty good and align again to my box and now our little design here so I kind of eyeball these so they're horizontal with or so they're aligned with each other but let's just move them out of whack this and I'll show you how to align that it's really simple just shift click both of our Design Elements here go to our align vectors Tab and this time we're going to align vertically okay so that pops those in alignment I'm going to group those now so that doesn't get out of whack and now I can move them all as a unit I kind of want that centered with my text here so let's see what that looks like horizontally okay and then vertically okay I like the way that looks we'll group that together so now this is all one unit and we'll shift click our perimeter box and make sure we're aligned horizontally which we are and there we go it's looking pretty good we'll just take one final look at it here it's always a good idea just to kind of eyeball these again and make sure it's what you like now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to group everything together minus my perimeter box and I'm going to click my perimeter box hold down shift and we're just going to do one final alignment in horizontal and vertical directions we'll see if we're good here so yeah that didn't even move it at all we're good we're aligned top and bottom left and right I like it so now all we got to do is make the tool paths so now that we're going to make the tool paths I went ahead and ungrouped everything so that I basically just have all the text connected here you can see all of our text and our little design element here are all separated the small text here and this design element is all going to be VC carved with a 60° vbit so we'll click on vcarve use current selection go to our tool here we're going to edit select tool we're going to go to our carbide 3D library for softwood double click on that go to our V bits and I'm going to be using a number 302 60° vbit hit okay and I'm going to leave the feeds and speeds here stock from what carbide 3D recommends just as a start after we're done running our simulation and seeing what time we're looking at we'll go ahead and edit these a little bit to kind of speed up our production a little bit click okay remember for VC carving we always want to use the stock bottom as our max depth so everyone always asks me about this and I know it sounds kind of weird like the bits going to plunge all the way through the material but in reality it's not so whenever you're VC carving the V bit is going to plunge in the center between two vectors here between two lines and it's going to plunge down far enough until both sides of the bit the V portion of the bit touch the outside lines all right so if you have a wide line like here for example where my mouse click my mouse pointer is the bit's going to plunge in a little bit deeper than for example on this between these two lines here where they're a little bit skinnier it's not going to have to plunge down quite as much to be able to connect those two lines now I like to use a 60° vbit for small kind of detailed lettering like this because since the 60° V bit has more of a Sharp angle it has to plunge down a little bit further to be able to connect both sides of those lines and I'll show a graphic here that kind of explains that a little bit so just as a simple general rule remember that a 60° bit is going to have to plunge down further in order to connect two lines of a vector than a 90° V bit will so now that we have that set we're just going to name this 60° lettering and go ahead and finish that off now the new tool path that we're going to learn today is the advanced vcarve and the advanced vcarve is is slightly different than the vcarve what Advanced vcarve is going to do it's going to pocket out the wide areas of this lettering with a flat bottom end Mill it's going to do that first it's going to get it's going to clear some of that area first then the V bit's going to come around and Trace the outside lines and kind of create a chamfer almost around the outside so we'll click on advaned vcarve we're going to enable the pocket tool so I'm going to use number 1028 inch endmill for this because if I were to use anything bigger it wouldn't fit in a lot in almost any of these spaces so it wouldn't do us any good so 8 inch is going to fit into a lot of these big areas here to clear them out and I'm going to use a 90° vbit on the remaining portions so one thing you will also notice in the advanced vcarve tool path menu you're going to see that it has a start depth and a max depth as well now this will change how this engraves and that is because since we're clearing out a flat bottom pocket of this lettering the V bit is now following like the perimeter of the vectors it's not plunging down and connecting both lines of the vectors in a in the same way that a regular vcarve tool path is so we're just going to go down .1 in and I'll show you what this looks like we'll run the simulation so you can see in in the O here this is this in the O and the J here these wide areas where the E8 in bit can fit it's clearing out and creating a flat bottom see it here in the n o all these areas the 90° vbit is kind of coming around and chamfering the edges so it's a little bit different look I really like using this tool path especially when I'm painting these because it gives you a nice flat bottom for all the paint to go into and I also think it makes a really clean look so we go ahead and hide that so I'm going to edit this tool path I want to also add the and family to this tool path so I'm going to highlight them double click on the advanced carve tool path and I'm going to change my vectors to my current selection hit okay and there we go all right so we are almost done the last tool path we're going to be doing is our perimeter chamfer this is where our rectangle that we added in the beginning is going to come into play so we're highlight that rectangle click on a contour tool path use current selection we're going to edit our tool we're going to go down to softwood V bits we're going to use a 90° V bit hit okay we're going to go down .1 in our offset direction is going to be no offset we want it to run right on that line we don't need to ignore tabs in this case because we will not be using tabs this is all just going to be held down with clamps we'll go ahead and name this our chamfer tool path there we go now let's see what it looks like all right looking pretty good if I scroll down here look at the side you can see our chamfer you know the chamfer is not 100% necessary on this you can easily do this with a palm router put whatever Edge you want onto it since it's already on the CNC I kind of like to have the CNC do everything but sometimes I do get my palm router out and put a different Edge on it all right looking pretty good so again the reason I use a 60° V bit for these smaller fonts here is just because they're pretty thin and I'll zoom in here if I were to use a 90° V bit it would not engrave as deep as what I have here because of the angle of the bit it would connect the two lines of the vector earlier and shallower than the 60° V bit does so it gives me a little bit more depth a little bit more area for paint to go into with the stock tool path settings from carbide create we're looking add about a run time of about 34 minutes here but I think we can do a little bit better let's start with our 60° lettering go back to our tool we'll edit that and we're just going to go ahead and change the plung or excuse me the feed rate to 65 saved a minute there on our Advanced tool path we're going to go ahead and edit our 8 in bit and change our feed rate to 25 and for our 90° we're going to change it to 65 still very conservative but just by doing that we're down to 26 minutes I feel comfortable with that you can always play with that one of the great things about using carbide motion is you can change the speed of your tools on the fly with the controller by up to 100% so as you're running these jobs and you're getting a feel for how the bits react and your speeds what I would always do is play with that feature on carbide motion just to kind of give me an idea about what the tools can do and what I could get away with how fast I can go and still get good cut quality with this being Pine it's a very soft wood so you can go fast but I want to make sure that these Engravings are nice and crisp because I'm going to be painting them and I don't want to do a bunch of sanding afterwards to try to clean up some of these grooves so I'm leaving it pretty conservative all right well that's it let's go ahead and save this project and get it on the CNC so we have our stock here stained nice and dry before I apply my AA mask to this I am going to hit it with a coat of just regular spray shellac and this is just going to help seal the fibers so that way when I apply the masking and then I remove it it's not going to pull up the wood fibers it's also going to help the or mask really stick well so now my slack is dry I'm just going to take a light 120 sanding block and just lightly give this a sand and I'll just wipe the dust off and now I'm going to apply Ora mask I like to use Ora mask number 83 13 it's just a masking film so all or mask does is it once you apply it over the top of the wood it's going to allow my CNC to go ahead and carve out all my letters and it'll carve out the masking area and leave the rest of the film protecting my wood piece here which I've stained because I do not want to get paint on that so let's go ahead and apply this I've just cut out a scrap piece here I know that my artwork starts at about an inch down from the top so this is really important just to get on flat I'm just going to lift up part of the adhesive backing here and just just start it like that and I'm going to lay this down I have a little squeegee here just going to start this first strip here make sure I don't have any air bubbles in and then just remove the back go slow with my squeegee there we go just kind of work from the inside out making sure we don't get any air bubbles the key to this is just the Surface Prep that I did beforehand but also just making sure there's no air bubbles in it and it's fully pressed down okay so that's good for now we're going to use our J roller on this after when we're done but we have one more small piece to put here so I'm just going to eyeball this give this a cut install this piece in the same way now it's really important you do not want to overlap this okay so there we have it so I've measured this out I believe I'm good here with my design if I'm not we'll find out I guess but uh one other reason that I apply a layer of shellac on this too not only to help this Bond but it's also to protect the stain so even if I'm off here like with some of my design here like my um my little design element here it might be off but I'm going to leave it that way let's just see what happens because the other reason I put the schlack on here is just to protect the stained area if I do get paint overspray or my aaass tears out a little bit and I get a little bleed the schlack is going to allow me to clean that paint up a little bit easier okay last step with mask is always to use a nice J roller here and really make sure this is pressed down this is a really important step this puts a lot more pressure than even the scraper that I was using does and it really helps adhere this all right looking pretty good now let's get this thing on CNC all right so as you can see behind me I have my work piece secured to my wasteboard now so it might look like a little bit of a crazy clamp setup I've got going on right now I've got both essential clamps pushing downward pressure on the piece and I also have the crushit clamps giving sideways pressure I'm doing that because not only am I going to be engraving the inside perimeter of this job but I'm also adding that chamfer where I need to engrave the outside perimeter so obviously if I left on these essential clamps pressing down then my chamfer bit would hit that so I'm going to be relying on my Essential clamps giving that sideways pressure during the tramping operation if you haven't seen my video where I show how I upgrade my wasteboard for my shapoo znc go ahead and check that out after you're done watching this video I'll leave a card for it here and the link for it down in the description you'll see that it makes it really convenient to be able to place things pretty much wherever I want on the wasteboard setup this could be kind of a challenging uh clamping operation uh with the stock setup because of the 16-in width It lines up really close to where these channels are so I'm able to get a clamp in maybe on this side a little bit but I'm not able to slide in a clamp on the T trck on this side now you could position this board um over to the left a little bit maybe split the difference and you might be able to get it to work but sometimes you have to play around with that with the stock um hybrid table not with my upgraded setup with all these threaded inserts it really gives a lot more flexibility and I've really been enjoying using this setup now I offer files for this wasteboard for free the link for that is attached to the wasteboard video and I also sell them on my Etsy shop if you're interested and you don't feel like making them I've made my wasteboard slats and the ones that I sell on Etsy out of 1 in MDF so it gives me a little extra surfacing capability another thing that I'm going to note is whenever you buy pine or even if you glue up a panel it's almost almost almost never completely flat unless you're going through the whole Milling process with a joiner planer even after you do that and you glue it up it still has a tendency to cup or bow sometimes especially with a 16in by 20in panel or a larger panel it just happens it's kind of the nature of the beast but one thing that I found you can do is use the clamps to your advantage in order to help flatten these pieces you'll see on this piece it had quite a substantial cup maybe about um a good 16th almost an eighth of an inch in the center where it was low and the ends were high now I oriented the board this way I wanted that cup in that direction rather than the opposite having the ends being low and the top being high because I can use these clamps to my advantage and apply pressure to them evenly in order to help flatten out this panel now it's not flattening it permanently although if I leave it on the CNC for long enough sometimes it will citize and kind of flatten it s out a little bit but what it's doing is it's at least getting it as flat as I can for the VC carving operation VC carving is very finicky when it comes to flatness of your panel if you have high or low spots in your panel when you're trying to vcarve you can get some funky results so I made a little sample board that I'll show up here that kind of illustrates this having your zero set either high or low or having higher low spots in your board will affect your VC carving but I found finding the the flattest material that you can and then using this clamping trick to get the board as flat as you can and to zero your workpiece accurately really helps with VC carving sometimes another tip is you might have to zero two or three times on the same project in order to get it to cut to the right depth what I mean is sometimes if you have a low spot or a high spot in your board and you know it's there and you know where your text is going to be lining up I might break the text up into different G-Code into different sections zero first and then run one group of text then I may rezero at a spot where it's lower or higher and then run that block of text and then maybe even a third time or so I don't do that too often because the method that I'm showing you now with the clamps really does work good so hopefully that makes sense you'll see how it all works out here once we get to carving and if you have any questions about that make sure you leave a comment down below now one thing I should note I did not show this during my carbide create explanation but I have disabled my last tool path which is the chamfer tool path and initially I'm only going to be running the vcarve and the advanced vcarve tool paths what that's going to let me do is it's going to give me a chance to run all my vcars and then stop the machine take off my Essential clamps which are holding downward pressure so that way I only have the crusher clamps which we applying sideways pressure and then I can reload the file with only the the chamfer tool path enabled and just run that real quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] separately all right so I just want to bringing in here and close to take a look at this so you can see after the first pass of the 60° V bit it's looking pretty good you know the aura mask inevitably tears out a little bit no matter what I've found with v bits anyway with quarter inch end mills or other end mills it works pretty good but the um v- bits will tear it out a little bit it could be cleaned up see like that part right like that part right there if you just kind of rub your fingers on it it'll it'll clean it up a little bit you got to be careful because you don't want to rub it too hard where you lose some of like the little dots and the E and the A's and uh the O there's some little there's some small pieces in there but just a little rub will take most of that off and again this is another reason why I like to do the shellac before I put the AA mask on because when I go to paint this if I get a little bleed all I got to do is wipe it off with a wet [Music] claw [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here is the finished sign let's get it cleaned up all right so the carve is done now we just got a little bit of cleanup work to do so the best way I found to take care of the cleanup work is just a little nylon bristle brush like this but we're just going to take this and we're going to kind of brush the inside of the letters just to get some of that sawdust out of there just to make sure we've carved all the way let's go take care of that so as you can see I'm just going up and down side to side throughout all these letters I'm just kind of getting all that AA mask off there that's kind of that fuzzy Ora mask and also just making sure that the inside of my letters are nice and clean and as as you can see that makes a really big difference this engraving came out nice and clean let's get it painted up all right we're back on the assembly table going to go ahead and hit our edges with a little bit of stain okay now after this dries we're going to hit the whole entire thing with another layer of shellac even inside the letters here and again that's just going to seal the wood fibers it's going to help our paint adhere better inside here and get better coverage and it's also again going to give us another layer of protection for these areas where we didn't put the AA mask so that way when we go to paint these areas the paint will just wipe off like nothing all right so the shellac is dry enough now where we can start painting and what I like to do is just use a little paint I like to just put it right on the AA mask there and I'm using just a little metallic um acrylic paint for these little details here and going to show you how good this works I already did this side over here but now I'm going to do this side so I'm just going to use my little brush here and I'm going to get it into my joint here and I'm trying to be careful but I mean if it gets on the actual wood itself it's okay at this point because this acrylic paint is going to wipe right up since I've applied shellac to the piece already okay so now I'm just going to take a little wet cloth here kind of get it flat and I'm just going to rub straight across I'm not trying to rub it out of the Grove I'm just removing it from the surface so there you go now I wouldn't recommend doing this over the entire piece it's can be a little slow if you're doing the whole thing but if you mess up in little spots like this or if um sometimes the little small little Parts in the E's or the A's sometimes that little piece of Ora mask falls out like it did right here so when I go ahead and paint this section here the have the A and have I'm just going to take my cloth and kind of dab that little dot of the a so that way the white paint gets off of it and it'll look nice all right so let's finish this up I'm probably going to do two coats on each one of these because this gold paint is not showing up that great but it's more of an accent anyway I didn't want it to stand out too much so I'll let that dry and I'll come back and do another coat and then the rest of this is all going to be white I also found that initially it's helpful to do like kind of a dabbing technique with the brush and that really gets the paint down into the groove and then you come back and just do a clean swipe over the top sometimes this takes two coats but I'm going to try to get away with one coat in this situation and this is the area where I have that a where the dot came off of it a little bit I'm just going to take my cloth and hit that just like that and even if you get a little bit of bleeding on here because sometimes the or mass peels off like I got a little spot here that's peeling back that's okay when we take it all off since we have schack on this I'm going to be able to hit it with a little bit of sandpaper just with the grain like a 220 and that'll clean that right off without getting down to the stain and removing any of the stain and now that we have everything covered I'm just going to go back with a little bit of extra paint not a lot and I'm just going to kind of try to remove any brush marks I don't want to see a bunch of brush marks and I also don't want to see a bunch of gooped in paint so some places where I went a little heavy I want to kind of get that paint out of there spread it around I'm not trying to fill these Engravings with paint I'm just trying to cover them with paint sometimes in these small 60° areas it could be easy to kind of fill the area with paint if you do that the paint when it dries it'll kind of shrink up and leave little holes and looks kind of ugly so I want to try to avoid that as much as possible it'll help save me some touch-up when this thing's dry okay I've let this dry for about 20 minutes or so and the good thing about this acrylic plaint is that it does dry very fast so I'm going to start peeling off some of this masking so a little tedious with the weeding tool but it pays off because this came out just excellent all right the sign is coming along it is almost done the lettering is dry and everything is looking great no bleeding I like it the next thing we got to do is just take a little bit of 220 sandpaper on a sanding block hit the entire sign just to help even things out then we're going to take our little wood branding Medallion here that we're going to put I put these on all of our products just to get our name out there they look really nice make these on our laser and then we're just going to put a small little Sawtooth hanger presson Sawtooth hanger on the back I buy these in bulk they work really nice easy to install and of course the last step is one more coat of schack over the entire front and back and that's just going to level everything out give it a nice finish it's going to be looking [Music] great so what do you think I really like this beginner project because how customizable it is there's so many different options that you can do just with this simple sign again this does not have to be limited to a family sign like it did here this could be a sign for anything you can make signs for weddings baby showers kids rooms businesses you name it the possibilities are endless and using these principles you'll be able to make any sign that you want so many possibilities and if you're not interested in selling these that's cool I've given away a lot of these as gifts and everybody really likes them well that's going to do it for this episode remember if you have any questions make sure you leave them in the comments below if you like the video make sure you give it a thumbs up cuz that really helps out the channel and also make sure you're subscribed so that you don't miss out on anything that's it for today I'll catch you on the next [Music] [Music] one
Channel: Brett's Laser Garage - Lasers, CNCs, and More!
Views: 4,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Start Your CNC Business, Easy Family Sign Projects That Sell, Brett's Laser Garage, CNC, Business, How To Make CNC Signs, CNC Projects For Beginners, DIY Family Sign Ideas, Starting A CNC Business, Easy CNC Crafts, CNC Sign Making Tutorial, Profitable CNC Projects, Home CNC Setup Tips, Beginner CNC Guide, Family Signs DIY, CNC Woodworking For Beginners, CNC Home Projects, Making Money With CNC, CNC Tips For Starters, Custom Family Signs CNC, Sell Your CNC Crafts, BLg&x%
Id: k9OvCvEs14U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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