Starship Troopers - re:View
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Views: 1,969,792
Rating: 4.8423047 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stokasa, jay bauman, rich evans, starship troopers, paul verhoeven
Id: OkEdyq3UE5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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The origin for this movie is Verhoeven had an idea where a group of teens are swept up in the excitement of Nationalism and going to war, but the twist is they're Nazis and don't realize that they're actually the bad guys. Knowing that such a movie would never be made, he shelved the idea until he found a way to make it.... set it in the future and make aliens the enemy.
7 fucking minutes before a Trek refrence
Gotta love how Jay just casually says, "I recently re-watched Showgirls."
This is my favorite Verhoeven movie. Every time I see Rico scream Medic after his squadmate's brain matter is sprayed all across the ground I laugh at the absurdity.
But on the flipside you have a lot of really intelligent ideas being brought to mind. Like there society is militaristic yet both men and women soldiers use the same showers. Great way to get tits and ass into the movie but also sort of a strange very liberal idea at contrast with alot of the other ideas in the movie.
I can understand people just not liking the movie (I love it, but I agree that Robocop did the same thing but better), but I can't believe that there are people out there, 20 years later, who have seen this this film and still don't "get" it. It is not that subtle; it is painfully, absurdly, off-the-fucking-chains not that subtle.
While most critics picked up on the more obvious Why We Fight parody even big names missed that the entire movie was satire. Roger Ebert wrote:
You would have expected Ebert of all people to recognize Starship Troopers was directly lifted from the propaganda films Hollywood cranked out following America entering WWII. The pretty "Hollywood" faces, a surprise attack launching a people into war, the call to arms to the audience at the end. It's all there.
Another element that didn't get touched on is how weirdly subversive Starship Troopers was to politics of the time. You have this totalitarian, militaristic state with this completely out-of-place progressivism in the middle of it. People today may largely miss it but it clashed hard with the '90s. You had a co-ed sports team at a time when Title IX was a regular bugaboo for the right. The military was gender integrated right down to the showers at a time when politicians were arguing women couldn't serve in combat because "females have biological problems staying in a ditch for thirty days because they get infections". You even see the sitting Sky Marshal replaced by a black woman.
god damn it i was about to finally sit down and start working and literally my fantasy redlettermedia video gets posted
Can't believe Dean Norris is only 5 years older than Casper Van Dien