StarSector COLONY guide ! [Fast Guide]

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welcome back in this video you will learn how to create and manage your colony so you can make the passive income in the way that hmm let's say the rest of the galaxy won't burn your planet to the ground and take all your cookies but you are hiding away don't forget to watch to the end and I will show you the built orders of your colonies will be unstoppable and if you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a like it really helps a small youtuber out let's get started first things first we need to find a nice planet to colonize but what kind first thing we have to look at as hazard rating we can look at hazard rating in a way the lowest hazard rating of 75 percent are usually beautiful planets that just scream colonize me and then there are planets with 250 percent where wild fungus will eat your people for breakfast jokes aside let's look at it basically lower the hazard rating the cheaper done keep on your buildings will be and vice versa the hired hazard rating the more expensive it will get therefore I recommend for your first planet to have around 75 to 100 percent hazard rating of course you can no higher hazard rating if the other characteristics are too good to pass on next important thing is accessibility excess ability this step is important for trading your mate codes it's directly impacts the imports and the exports for your planet every 10% allows you to import / export one extra good and that is why you don't want to find your planet too far away from the Core Worlds not only will export much more because it's closer but also there will be much less pain in the ass to go back and forth to the systems and also don't worry that much you can increase accessibility by a building spaceport let's say upgrading it or using scope ones on Fleet logistic which is one of the best skills in the game next we have resources this is another thing you have to look out for mainly ores and farmland these range from poor to ultra rich for ores depending on what kind of things you get you can build farming or mining industries when you start a new colony and next you have to find your planet so yes search around or worlds some people say that you can find hospitable worlds and system with Yellow Sun and them well for me and McCoy firuze that has never been the case I find them 80% of the times in system with warning beacons also take care for the remnants in those systems besides finding right planet there are important things to look at having more hospitable planets and one system is huge for better defenses and convenience also there are things called stable locations these are white circles you will find and be able to build let's call it Raiders you have three options stability sends some range and burn speed so it would be great if your system would have all three of these locations but at least it should have one so you can build the stability relay in your systems sometimes you find a great planet with everything you want but no stable location I personally cannot handle this thing so I have downloaded commands mode and by adding these lines from reddit a stable location can be created and if you're interesting check out one of my mod videos I will leave it down in the description deviation so now the bare minimum to colonize your planet is one thousand crew members two hundred supplies and 100 heavy machinery but you have to pick a food two things make sure you have enough supplies and crew to man your ships because after the minimum requirements are used you will lose them so most of the time it happens that your ship is under crude and unable to do come back another thing you have to make sure that enough strong fleet to help your planet in the early stages usually you defend it against pirates around two carriers for mid-sized ships and if you want you can go extra distance and get one capital ship boom so you have established your colony and what can we build right now we will go through every building and at the end of the video we will talk about how and what should you build if you need to be set for your thar sector life the first building is spaceport this is the most important building you have it allows your planet to be connected to the rest of the galaxy it allows you to do the basic planet things like repairs spaceport will automatically start building itself after colonization and now it's your time to decide what you want to build okay here are the buildings you can build the first is orbital station as name implies you build an orbital station that defends your base against pirates and enemy fleet fuel production produces fuel ground defenses when the enemy fleet will breach your defenses like orbital station and your fleet it will send its military to land on your plant and here where the ground defenses will help you defend against the enemy then we have heavy industry one of the most important industries in the game because heavy industry not only make good money but also allows you to build better and stronger fleets that defend your home then we have light industry it produces basic domestic goods but if you have open port it also produces trucks we have two basic things mining and farming mining produces or it's based around the resource staff of your colony and then of course farming if you have nice farming plantations you can make good money by farming let me have your findings it's mouse or tumors allows you to sell stuff like on any other planet then here we have Petro HQ this structure allows you to create fleets that will defend your systems then we have tech mining you can do this thing on your planet if you have and it basically dicks for valuable things like course and lot of blueprints and the last thing we have a space station this basically allows you to get the basic resources like fuel and supplies from your planet one more thing in the system and some items and also produce some here you can see all the items that you are producing and also importing and that you need to have working planet if you click on any of these it will create a menu you can see the entire market where you can buy it where is it in high price demand so we have stability this basically is like hitpoints of your planet if it's high you can you get strong feeds everything's ok but if you get attacked and people radio and destroy your stuff the stability will go long and if this happens you have option to stabilize if it stays low for too long the planet will basically die then we have excess power of the fleet's power of the ground defences you can see how big our planet is and here usually we have pirate activity or anything else we should actually take care of it and here we have attributes of this planet you can abandon spawn but you can only abandon planet the size 4 or lower then we have grow incentives this usually at the start you have always on full the more cash you will give them and the faster will the population on your planet grow be careful it drains the money quite fast of course the credits you make or lose per month you and your husband if you click here as for resources here you woke up your shop and as we called if you build a station you will see your basics needs and what you built oh and one more thing the free port it's a great way to make extra money but be careful at start don't use it your planet can buy illegal goods this is the thing that the other factions don't like and will attack you for it administrators govern your colony and based on their skills as bonuses first only you will get you will be the administrator at the start you can control only two planets and if you go above this limit you will get stabilization penalties don't worry you can increase the number of planets by leveling up test skill next option is to get officers you can find them in bars around other colonies or in crash derelict ships and the last one and the best choice are the course specifically the Alpha course they will make your planets industrial powerhouses you can also put them in separate industries to get various bonuses for example HQ will give you orbital station will get level 20 AI that will make it absolute monster spaceport more accessibility and the other things will get increased production and decreased costs but run it sounds too good what's the catch well the people especially the hegemony won't like you that much I will send inspections and do you want to stop them and that will soon escalate in all out it has that big war and the best thing is if you want to try to remove them a kind of dough entire galaxy you have cookies in your base and the galaxy wants those cookies we have pirates these will appear from the very moment you start your first colony after you build your defenses just a bit that will stop being any threat to you but sometimes they can be annoying with their pirate activity so you have to find their base and destroy it expeditions after : which is a certain industrial point or you do something to piss a refraction of light using course they were starting expeditions to disrupt your prosperity this will range on the size and you have two options to fight them or pay them it will cost you 100,000 cash to avert expeditions but be careful this doubles every time you choose this option inspections oh our favourite hegemony yes oh yeah it's about your alpha core usage they don't like it and they will check on you you have to as always two options you pay them or you fight them don't let them inspect and lastly ludecke bath sells ludic baths hates progress and technology and everything fun after certain prosperity point you will start getting them they work very similarly like pirate activity you will find their base and destroy it and now the tips to be unstoppable it is all about how you build your planets I personally wait for one more thing to a colonize my first planet and it is the pristine nano for and the whole reason is that you put this thing on your heavy industries and that will increase the ship quality that means that you can configure your fleets and won't have to focus on the quality you won't have too much and you can spend more points increasing your fleet size and officers discuss even better when your planet is bigger because the bigger your planet will gets the stronger your free to will get all right guys let's get to the Opie part I have been using it since the start I could to new it and that is why I urge you to follow this reddit guide in this guide you have exact steps which you take to create your unstoppable Kony and especially if you take notice and don't go about the seven point limit not only you won't get low tech back cells but in my experience expedition don't come nearly at all and then it will be up to you when you go up after seven point threshold and make everything go against you and one small tip for you don't optimize your fun away choose your limit how strong your planet you want to be and go over that limit so you perience the game how it's meant to be you can find pirate and Nordic path paces by asking in part of your colony the blueprints all of you build that specific stuff in the menu heavy industry increases the amount you can make in a month so in my experience focusing on capital ships as your petrol in fleets is more effective alright guys if you enjoyed don't forget to subscribe for more calm like this and if you're still curious you can check for example this video or maybe something more fun like this hope you enjoyed and see you next time bye bye guys
Channel: Uran92
Views: 33,951
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Keywords: starsector, starsector colony guide, starsector colony management, starsector colonization, starsector colony, star sector, starsector guide, starsector starting guide, starsector beginners guide, Uran92, starsector how to start a colony, starsector full colony guide, starsector tutorial, starsector gameplay, starsector colonization guide, starsector uran92, starsector tips, colony guide starsector, starsector colony tutorial, StarSector COLONY guide ! [Fast Guide]
Id: vI2PY1bsGcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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