Starsector 0.95 Nexerelin #7 - Sleeping on the Job

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hi there and welcome back to our star sector pirate campaign at the end of the last episode we returned to galatia academy and picked up a couple of tasks from alvis the first of which was to transport a vip to asharu in the corvus star system which is where we're going now of course our cargo holds are currently empty and i wouldn't be opposed to taking on a trade fleet or two to make this trip even more worthwhile unfortunately the first one that we saw seems to been helped along by hyperspace storm but it looks like we still have plenty of options here hmm like a kid in a candy store i think i'll take the one in the back it's a tad bit bigger and has a few ships that i might want to pick up given our current fleet composition i don't see anything here to be worried about and i think we'll just send in everyone well maybe not the wayfarer i kind of forgot we even still had him and we've got a few more ships to play with than we did before so let's see how we want to do this i think i'll give each of the larger ships a monitor and actually i think i just want the other hammerhead to be free-roaming and do we want the strike on someone yeah let's give them to the falcon and then the omen can just follow me as usual all right that looks good um again i don't think this fight is big enough for the capture points to matter so let's just hold the middle now it may not be very pirate-like for me to say this but i don't know how many more of these fights we'll actually need to take i feel like we're approaching a point where most of the new ships that we're going to be getting are either going to be larger so capital or cruiser size or really high-tech and advanced and if we actually wanted to spend the time to earn enough money through looting or rating to actually restore all of them we could be stuck in this grind for years and years and that's not something i want to do or subject you guys to so i think from here on out i'll be much more selective about the trade fleets we decide to intercept if we see a particularly juicy target so a large trade fleet full of heavy armaments we might take a crack at it but otherwise we'll just let them go and focus on the specific objectives we have going on alright so we found the bulk of their fleet but i'm not seeing everything here i imagine a couple of the smaller ships have been sent off to capture some of these points so let's send a few of our own smaller ships to scout them out this griffin is really trying to keep us at long range and his flags are covered so we can have to find an opening somewhere else this enforcer is separated a bit so let's see if we can get some damage in while he's still vulnerable and it doesn't look like anything is moving into sporting sorry buddy i guess they weren't your friends after all oh and i hope you don't mind if we use your corpses cover you don't mind right i mean they never liked you so you might as well help me kill them or maybe i was wrong this other enforcer is extremely upset hey where are you going i need you as cover all right fine let's not overextend all right i think it's time to get the rest of the fleet involved everyone get on this enforcer and we should get into the mix ourselves as it looks like our other ham head is getting a little overzealous and the eagle is a little bit out of position at the moment so let's see if we can pressure this griffin nice so a caveat to what i would normally say it's okay to use your friends as cover as long as they're not liable to explode alright let's have everyone clean up whatever is left one of the suggestions that i've received recently is that i should simply fly the conquest and that's a pretty good idea but the simple fact for the matter is i'm terrible with it it's a really awkward ship to fly since it relies on being broadside with the enemy and my brain sort of shuts down whenever i try to do it myself i've seen others piloted brilliantly but it's not for me and it's pretty entertaining to watch the ai try to tokyo drift or battleship into the middle of a firefight so i'll just stick with their hammerhead for now if we manage to pick up this eagle though i might transition into that once we have some better equipment all right anything left looks like a couple of smaller ships here and there my other reason for not really wanting to fly the conquest is really related to my playstyle i always strive to be really mobile and even the conquest is just too slow to be able to accomplish the things that i usually try to do i mean don't get me wrong capital ships are great for laying down a lot of fire but i've always been a fan of finding and exploiting weaknesses as they appear and that's kind of hard to do when you're the biggest and slowest thing on the field so if you were hoping to see me in a paragon or an onslaught you may need to curb your enthusiasm there are a few specific scenarios in which i might decide to pilot one of the big boys but i anticipate i'll be spending the bulk of this playthrough flying a cruiser of some kind all right well i don't think that strike is ever going to catch the hound and the monitor is dead so let's get out of here so overall a pretty easy fight as expected once again i think the atlas should suffice for all of our looting needs so i'll just hand out a few of our faster ships here and as usual if you're not a fan of colorful explosions or fun there'll be a time stamp for you to skip this fight i noticed in the comments several of you expressed interest in the cataclysm role-playing series that i started some time ago unfortunately as i mentioned before i really think that that ship has sailed while i do still play cataclysm on occasion and still very much enjoy the game the scope of what i was trying to accomplish really necessitates a degree of dedication that i simply can't muster anymore however i'd be happy to summarize the basic premise of the story though this does rely on some of the lore elements of the setting if that's something you're already familiar with i hope you'll excuse this long-winded build-up so cataclysm is set in a not too distant future in which escalating tensions between the united states and china has prompted some american scientists to start experimenting with dimensional portals and their research leads them to find a substance that has fantastic mutagenic properties unbeknownst to them this substance is actually part of a massive almost lovecraftian entity that goes by many names but is most commonly referred to in the game as the blob while the scientists are conducting their research the blob slowly infiltrates into our world eventually finding its way into the water supply and infecting the entire ecosystem and the consequence of this infection is that when killed living creatures will reanimate as zombies as you can imagine this doesn't go too well for us and as if that wasn't bad enough in the mystical chaos a number of other lesser trans-dimensional entities decide to jump in as well and that's pretty much where the game starts when you start a new game you have the option of selecting the sort of scenario you want your character to be in when this all goes down and for the role playing series i wanted the main character to be a test subject basically while the scientists were still experimenting on the blob they needed test subjects to try their newly created mutagens on but when the end of the world happened the scientists all evacuated and the test objects were left behind trapped in a lab with no way out the game calls this the lab challenge start this is my favorite starting scenario and the one that i play most often and i wanted to frame my meta knowledge about the best ways to escape the land through a scientist nonplayer character who leaves behind videos with information about how best to deal with certain dangers as well as the location of key items needed to escape the lab after getting out the main character unites with a number of other survivors and learns about a fleet of military and civilian ships located offshore and run by a group of people who much like the hegemony and star sector are trying to exert their influence over what's left of civilization ultimately the fleet captains make the rather drastic decision to wipe out the entire continent but the main character learns about these plans and decides to preempt it by finding a missile silo and launching an icbm that destroys the fleet and the story ends with the spires left on land heading into an uncertain future and welcome back to everyone who designed to skip the fight feel free to take off your earmuffs and sunglasses now the bright lights and loud noises have gone and it looks like we'll be able to salvage the eagle after all that's a nice find and i think we'll leave it at that so just the eagle this time wow look at all those domestic goods someone suddenly has a shortage of coffee makers alright onward to corvus we still have a vip to deliver i wonder if he enjoyed the fireworks well in any case i hope he likes cd bars and shady people because we gotta make a stopping garnier first maybe you'll pick up a nice souvenir like a laser pistol or herpes you know it makes me wonder sometimes when we're dark side at a pirate base do we always go in solo and try to maintain a low profile or do we always walk around with a huge party and be ready for a fight at any moment thinking about it a little bit i don't think i'd even go dark side a place like garnier talking in a place like that with a capital ship that's going to put a target on your back it's just too risky all right so i've started the process of outfitting this eagle and we're in the very familiar situation of not having everything we need to do everything we wanted to do so for now it'll just have graviton beams in the medium energy slots a mishmash of medium ballistic weapons in the front and point of heads lasers in the back and we'll round that out with our usual array of hull mods with any points we have left over going into enough vents to counter weapon flux and then capacitors that last battle also got our first officer enough experience to get all the way up to level five so we're going to give him range specialization reliable engineering gunnery implants and i think shield modulation so a few skills to complement his already very long capital ship range and something for his defense we'll also make range specialization elite for him so he has a better chance of hitting targets at maximum range while we're here i might as well build in this falcon's other hull mod i know i mentioned previously that i was looking to start conserving story points but well i've changed my mind i have no intentions of discarding this thing in the near term and having the extra ordinance points to throw around will definitely improve its longevity and finally i actually remembered that we still have this wayfarer in our fleet unfortunately i don't think it's doing that much for us anymore so i think it's time that we sent it off to a long and fruitful retirement as a pizza delivery shuttle and now we can finally get that vip to asharu hope you had fun buddy oh and don't worry about the rash that's normal half the crew has something like that we'll get you something to put on it so we've attracted the attention of a couple of patrols here but as i mentioned before we're gonna try and avoid fights from here on out unless they're gonna net us a lot of money or have the potential to give us a ship that we want all right how you find folks doing what do you mean what happened to him he had that when he came on board i'm sure of it my medics are very thorough you know what i bet it's that provost beard she lets those kids run wild you should send her a strongly worded email or something you know what i heard that one time she even led a student well while we were talking our way out of that mess some rather interesting political developments occurred so one thing that can happen with the next ireland mod is that two major factions will actually form an alliance with each other in our case that happened to be between the hegemony and tritakion corporation which is odd but who am i to question their love besides we have another mission to do elvis wants us to recover a probe for him and this one's actually going to take us outside the core world so i've fully stocked up on supplies fuel and crew and i also got some volatiles in case we need to use that neutrino detector skill i also think we're going to make a pit stop over at thule as that's the last pirate base in the cool worlds heading in that direction so that's where we're heading now we're on route i might as well answer a question or two so that guy asked on the previous video how i come up with names for ships and i do have a sort of naming convention that i normally stick to so frigates are normally named after small mundane animals like mouse or grasshopper while destroyers are named after larger animals like crocodile or rhino for cruisers i typically use the names of mythological creatures like valkyrie or dragon and capital ships get longer more unique names like herald of fire or daughter of the stars and i'll sometimes make exceptions for ships that are particularly powerful or rare for their size and also for flagships so for example the brawler that i was flying before is called mantcore if you ever starve for ideas i would suggest looking up a list of mythological or legendary creatures on wikipedia you've got literally thousands of years worth of native creature names to choose from so i'm sure you'll find something that suits your fancy alright i think we're pretty much set i've picked up some extra supplies and maxed out our fuel the place we're heading is not too far from the core worlds but it pays to be safe and it'll give us some flexibility if we decide to take a detour and maybe do some exploring on the way another thing i noticed from the comments is that more than one of you drew comparisons between me and a guy named pete complete i had actually not heard of him before so i decided to check out a few of the videos from his real world series and i must say that he and i do sound somewhat alike though i am still flattered by the comparison as he's clearly been doing this quite a bit longer than i have so thank you for bringing his channel to my attention speaking of room world that's actually one of my favorite games that's not to suggest that i intend to start a room world series anytime soon one video series seems to be enough to keep me occupied at the moment but it is a game that i enjoy playing casually along with cataclysm which i mentioned previously and in the past few months i've also spent quite a bit of time with mountain blade 2 bannerlord as well as battle brothers which is a fantastic little turn-based tactics game and definitely one that i recommend if you enjoy suffering so it's right up your alley if you enjoy something like darkest dungeon what about you guys what's something that you played recently besides star sector are there any little known gems that you'd like to share with the world or are you in a strictly monogamous relationship with star sector right now because that would be completely understandable too either way let me know in the comments below i'd love to hear about your experiences right so we've arrived at the system where that probe is supposed to be located unfortunately it doesn't appear as if alvis has given us any more specific hints about where it might be so i suppose any point of entry is as good as another right now okay so the system is pretty big and our active sensor burst doesn't seem to have picked up anything let's put that neutrino detector skill onto our skill bar and see if it picks anything up so the way the skill works is that a glowing ring will appear around your fleet and any objects within the system will create a bump at this ring proportional to its size but most importantly for us artificial objects like fleets and probes will produce a periodic pulse in their bump which is supposed to help distinguish them from things like stars and planets unfortunately i'm not really seeing anything like that at the moment and there's a lot of planets in the system which is sort of muddying the signal let's start heading in the general direction of the center of the system maybe we'll get a better picture from there so i'm seeing a bit of a pulse from the southeast it's kind of hard to tell if it's just natural fluctuations in the signal or an actual ping at the moment but it's all we have to go by so we might as well check it out and i might periodically turn off the neutrino detector while we're in transit it's continuously depleting our volatiles anytime it's on and we do have a rather limited supply of the stuff also check out our notifications in the bottom left it looks like the field repair skill removed faulty power grid from our conquest which is fantastic oh that's an unexpected discovery well i guess we might as well take a look right so it's just one guardian battleship with a level eight ai core that doesn't seem too bad since it's just one enemy and it's not particularly fast i think we can take a hammer and anvil approach here basically we'll have one ship probably me go in and try to absorb as much damage as possible while the rest of the fleet closes in from the rear and we'll start with our usual strategy of having the smaller ships form up on the larger ones and we'll set the engage order on this thing just in case dealing with the game's anti can sometimes be a futile endeavor but you never know sometimes it's just having a particularly good day and actually decides to take construction okay so i'm not really sure yet which part we're gonna play let's close around the back and see which way it decides to turn yeah looks like we're gonna beat the anvil today let's hope the rest of the fleet can do some damage while they're in a good position okay so now it seems to have lost interest in us maybe we'll get to play the hammer after all we'll still want to be a little bit careful though as this thing does have a millionaire cannon pointing backwards all right well i hate to get in the way about conquest here but i do want to cut across so we can stay behind it and now we just park ourselves here and try to keep its engines offline hey monitor when i told you to tank this is not what i meant all right not too bad overall and we got a squall missile launcher that could make a nice addition to the conquest right so that's taken care of but i don't think that's where the sense of ping was coming from let's check the map real quick yeah there's still something further down ah there we go that wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be considering the size of this system we could easily been here a month and still not found this thing and all done so now we have some options we'll eventually want to find our way back to glacier academy to complete the mission but we still have plenty of supplies and fuel so we could spend some time exploring as well let's save our decision for next time until then thank you so much for watching and i'll see you out there in the sector [Music] bye
Channel: blazeroth
Views: 4,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, gameplay, starsector, nexerelin, pirate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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