Starkiller Anatomy Explored - Is He The Most Powerful Force User In Star Wars? Can He Defeat Vader?

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foreign hello Star Wars enthusiasts and welcome back to another exciting deep dive into the Galaxy today we're setting off to study the physiological makeup of one of the most intriguing figures in the Star Wars Universe the infamous Starkiller Galen Merrick uniquely separated from the other Sith of the order Starkiller has an intriguing combination of powers and abilities fueled by his dark past we'll delve into his physical makeup to find the Mysteries underlying his remarkable Force Powers the lightsaber skills that made him an elite fighter and the psychological aspects that molded his character join us as we examine starkiller's beginnings and the unusual conditions of his apprenticeship that enabled him to take on even the most dangerous Jedi in Sith prepared to be astounded by the inner workings of this legendary figure from the Star Wars expanded universe so let's get started before we get into our explanation we do have a very small request however if you like our content please support us by subscribing to the channel it's a small click for you but for us it means a lot so thank you let's begin foreign [Music] ER popularly known as Starkiller there once lived a force-sensitive man in a galaxy shrouded in darkness as the son of Kento and Molly Merrick he grew up on The Wookie Homeworld of kashyyk but their love went against Jedi law and they went into hiding to avoid the Empire's Vengeance following the Clone Wars and Order 66. tragedy struck when Mali died and the Empire's Shadow crept over kashyyk Darth Vader the dark lord of the Sith arrived seeking Jedi to kill once and for all in a fateful duel Kendo fell to Vader's lightsaber and the Sith Lord discovered the young Galen Merrick sensing immense potential within him Vader abducted Galen erasing his past and his birth name he was schooled in the dark side of the force and became the Starkiller however Starkiller couldn't be a true Sith since the rule of two only permitted two Sith at a time with Vader's still apprenticed to Darth Sidious Galen remained hidden only known as a secret weapon bearing the call sign Starkiller as he walked the perilous Road between light and dark his fate was intertwined with the destiny of the cosmos starkiller's Force Mastery is he the most powerful force user the debate over the most powerful force user has raged on in the vast Star Wars Universe for years among the candidates fans commonly cite Galen Merrick Darth Vader's secret Apprentice a Sith renowned for his exceptional prowess in the force his powers were nothing short of astounding but because Galen first appeared in the Force Unleashed games we think it's important to note that gameplay mechanics prioritize fun over strict adherence to the story giving players access to a variety of force abilities that might or might not accurately represent starkiller's actual capabilities to add depth to starkiller's story tie in comics and novels accompanied the games these materials shed light on the events and Nuance of his journey while Starkiller undeniably possessed immense power the events in the Force Unleashed were more complex than what gameplay alone might suggest his actual power and the problems he encountered were not as simple as they look on the surface Starkiller does something really mind-boggling in one of the most famous scenes from The Force Unleashed he utilizes the force to drag an entire Star Destroyer out of its position let's break down this sequence that's inscribed in Star Wars Legend first and foremost the Star Destroyer had previously been on its way to a planet why because the space station building it had already been sabotaged so Starkiller didn't exactly play a superhero role by preventing it from crashing altogether instead he redirected its course to make sure it landed in a less destructive spot and though that still seems like a huge deal there was a catch every last bit of his strength was drained this wasn't a thing he could do whenever he wanted in short while yanking a star destroyer off of its path is incredible it was made feasible by some very unusual conditions even as a young and inexperienced child Starkiller showed some serious skills he once casually dragged Vader's lightsaber right out of his hand but beyond the surface level there's more to the tale of when he actually faced stop against Vader Darth Vader widely regarded as the most powerful force user in the galaxy is defeated by Starkiller in the very first Force Unleashed game but here's the truth behind this incident that not many know Vader actually had the upper hand initially he pushed Starkiller back wore him down and had him on the ropes it took some mind games from Starkiller to turn things around he started questioning Vader's motives and willpower which messed with Vader's head and weakened his defenses that's when Starkiller sees the advantage in the second game Vader learned his lesson and fought smarter using mind games but that plan went South when Vader accidentally pushed starkiller's buttons a little too hard sending him into a rage that gave Starkiller the upper hand so while starkiller's incredible Feats and abilities are truly remarkable it's a bit more complicated to declare him the absolute strongest force user in the Star Wars Universe his power is undoubtedly extraordinary as seen through his capacity to move a star destroyer and his confrontation with Darth Vader but although starkiller's Legacy remains impressive it's more accurate to appreciate his exceptional power rather than definitively rank him as the absolute strongest force user in the entire Star Wars saga foreign [Music] does he use in his early lightsaber training Galen Merritt began with the basics under Darth Vader's guidance their training soon escalated into intense sparring matches pushing Marek to develop his Unique Style he also sparred with training droids and always emerged Victorious showcasing his exceptional skills Merrick was a highly skilled lightsaber duelist capable of defeating training programs by mimicking legendary Duelists his style Incorporated Dune mock which used taunts and psychological tactics to distract opponents he also taught himself ceresu for defense excelling at it despite lacking formal training additionally he wielded juio niman ataru and Sith Sheen using Swift attacks to overpower foes quickly while Merrick had knowledge of all seven lightsaber forms he didn't Master them individually instead he forged his own highly aggressive and unpredictable style his intense Focus allowed him to persevere and battles but it sometimes left him vulnerable to surprise attacks from unexpected directions it was Merrick's unorthodox approach that made him a formidable and dangerous opponent in lightsaber combat foreign ER is unique in how he holds his lightsaber and he's the second Apprentice of Anakin Skywalker after Ahsoka Tano to hold his lightsaber differently this distinctive grip not only adds personality to his fighting style but is also actually a part of a specific lightsaber combat style Starkiller practiced a style called form five which is all about being defensive and waiting for the right moment to strike form 5 has a few different branches and Starkiller followed the Xi'an discipline now in Xi'an you don't necessarily have to hold the lightsaber in that reverse grip like Starkiller did it's more about fighting multiple enemies and being really good at deflecting Blaster shots the thing with the reverse grip where the lightsaber is held behind the back is that it's used for those big sweeping attacks but some Jedi might argue that it's not the most defensive move because it leaves you with your front kind of exposed so while it does look incredible it might not align perfectly with the defensive goals of the Xi'an Style and form five thank you is he the only one stronger than Darth Vader Galen Merrick is one of a kind in the Star Wars Universe mostly because he's one of the only Jedi that can compete with the deadly Darth Vader Merrick came dangerously close to killing the Sith Lord because of his intimate Mastery of Vader's battle skills gained during his intense training sessions some claim that Merrick's success was mostly due to Vader's aging and disorganized mind they claimed Starkiller wouldn't have a chance against Anakin Skywalker in his prime but here's the deal Starkiller was like a young powerful bull compared to Vader brimming with raw power and ferocity Starkiller didn't defeat Vader in a fair duel in the Force Unleashed he basically buried him under a pile of rubble and damaged his armor he also didn't try to deliver the final blow many believe that if he had Vader would have found a way to turn things around or mess with his brain although wounded and bloody Vader would certainly have fought back with all his might it's also important to know here that because they aim to make the players feel like Heroes the Force Unleashed games focus on high strung action they are set on a bigger scale and are way more extravagant than the films so there are quite a few differences to Star Wars actual reality this is one of the major challenges of making herocentric games in such a vast and well-established Universe where some things are unlikely and others are downright impossible in the novel Starkiller had to be pretty clever to get the upper hand on Vader he baited him into letting his guard down then went for a blast on his exposed and damaged chest panel despite the damage Vader still came out on top in their duel what really set Vader apart and made him better than Starkiller and also more dangerous were his weaknesses he had to adjust to his renewed existence as a cyborg devised new strategies mix and switch lightsaber forms and depend on his intelligence rather than brute strength Darth Vader was also known for never giving up perhaps his most defining trait had he been able to truly unlock his vast Jedi or Sith potential Anakin Skywalker would have been Invincible coping with life's challenges had required him to adapt his complexity and adaptability are what make him so interesting and also so dangerous yeah his Starkiller a Sith or a Jedi in both the Force Unleashed games there are two different endings based on the choices Starkiller makes one path leads him to follow the Jedi and in this ending he eventually becomes one with the force the other path takes him down the dark side but it raises some interesting questions but then the very existence of Vader becomes redundant as starkiller's actions in the sit version alter the course of events in the original trilogy and subsequent movies and these alterations are pretty huge the kind that could completely change the trajectory of the Star Wars Universe despite all his training in the ways of the dark side many see Starkiller more as an assassin than a true Sith Apprentice as a result some say he doesn't clearly fall into either Jedi or Sith camps furthermore these games are no longer officially included in the Star Wars Canon therefore everything is up for contention but hey it's nice to fantasize about and investigate these possible circumstances in a galaxy far far away [Music] thank you does he have any cybernetic enhancements on his body unfortunately starkillers can't meet Darth Vader's cybernetic enhancements but he does have some really cool clothes after Galen Merrick's demise Darth Vader takes his body to kamino there within the cloning facility of Tamira City Vader aimed to create a stronger and more obedient version of his Fallen Apprentice however this cloning process had some issues the Clones retained Merrick's memories and emotions and they were haunted by visions of his life which often drove them to Madness despite numerous failed attempts Vader finally produced a seemingly stable clone known as subject 1138 unfortunately this clone 2 began experiencing these haunting Visions fearing the same fate as his predecessors he escaped from kamino this clone who adamantly refused to be called by Merrick's real name adopted the code name Starkiller he became increasingly unsure about his Origins as he traveled the Galaxy even after defeating Vader in a bloody struggle Starkiller was refused if he was a clone or not he felt that it didn't matter because he was no longer under Vader's influence but Vader ominously declared that he would always have influence over Starkiller unbeknownst to the newly cloned Starkiller Darth Vader had actually perfected the cloning process which became evident with the progress of his latest clone like his predecessors this new clone also grappled with the implanted memories and emotions of the original Starkiller especially his feelings for Juno Eclipse early on he was perplexed wondering if these Recollections genuinely were his own or if they belonged to someone else he was compelled to consider how many clones had preceded him and what type of person his blueprint Galen Merrick had been Vader being Vader didn't feel inclined to give a detailed answer to the clone's questions he just emphasized that Merrick was a Broken Man and that the clone's success in training was what truly mattered as time went on though Vader was pleased to see that the Clone got better at separating Merrick's memories from his own experiences when the the Clone reached the Pinnacle of its training Vader took him to the chamber holding merit's body here Vader confirmed what the Clone had already figured out that he had surpassed all the failed clones that came before him by then the Clone had managed to let go of Merrick's emotions he learned to despise his former self's weaknesses essentially becoming Darth Vader's dark Apprentice when Starkiller the Rogue version of himself returned to Camino with a rebel Fleet Vader told his dark Apprentice to stay out of it until he was needed that's when his training would be considered complete but unfortunately for Vader things didn't pan out the way he had planned Vader Was Defeated and captured by the other clove with no interference from the dark Apprentice but before the battle began Starkiller had a vision of an alternate outcome and what he might have done if Starkiller had tried to strike down Vader a psychological profile in there too actually yes restricted oh or I can tell you she's going to be impossible to reprogram does he have any close friends in the Star Wars Universe it's pretty standard for the main characters to have a trusty Droid buddy by their side Starkiller was no exception but his Droid companion proxy added a unique twist to his story Vader actually built and programmed proxy to help train Starkiller sounds helpful right well there's a catch proxy also had this peculiar programming that made him want to kill his master which in this case was Starkiller but here's the twist despite the constant threat Starkiller had known proxy since he was a Young Apprentice Vader gave him the prototype holodroid to help sharpen his combat skills and while proxy played a crucial role in making Starkiller a top-notch duelist he also provided the much needed compassion and support to keep Starkiller sane even though Starkiller had to be cautious around proxy because of his kill Master programming there was a natural bond between them Starkiller cared for proxy and even let the Droid have some moments of pride in his combat abilities even if it meant prolonging their battles as Starkiller Grew Older proxy became a source of humanity and companionship helping him stay grounded their relationship went beyond just functionality proxy was a true friend a Starkiller and he refused to abandon him their friendship became a Lifeline for both of them especially when proxy's programming was erased they saved each other and in doing so proxy played a part in starkiller's eventual Redemption [Music] thank you does he have any love interests when Galen Merrick first crossed paths with the powerful and beautiful Juno Eclipse he wasn't quite sure how to react the first few times he encountered the female pilot their interactions were pretty awkward but as time passed he started feeling more comfortable with her being around her brought him great happiness she made an effort to maintain a lighthearted atmosphere between them he still chided himself for continuing to engage with her ignoring his best interests as their relationship progressed Merrick began to feel concerned over how intense it was getting and before their bond deepened further he wanted to cut it off but when he was later reconstructed he went against Vader's orders to sever all ties to his past and rescued Juno he couldn't quite put his finger on why but to some extent he wanted her approval it genuinely hurt him when she found out about his continued service to Vader and got angry but once the secret was out he decided to bring her fully into his confidence he began to develop a desire to keep her in his life he even can consider the idea of leading the Rebel Alliance instead of returning to Vader in the Sith however that option was taken away when Vader betrayed him with his loyalty to the Sith cause gone he finally acknowledged his love for Juno his deep affection for her ultimately influenced him to turn to the light side of the force it's interesting how love can have an effect on the strongest of convictions held by the most Mighty of individuals protect the Senators is he Immortal unfortunately for him Our Hero's Powers don't include immortality he embraced his death at the hands of Emperor Palpatine the emperor was convinced that it was galen's fate to Vanquish him by succumbing to his feelings of hatred Galen wrestled with this temptation but ultimately chose to repent extinguishing his lightsaber that's when Palpatine sprang into action he snarled at Master Coda declaring that neither the rebels nor the Jedi would ever have Galen the emperor attacked with a furious burst of lightning hitting the Jedi Master in the back without hesitation Galen stepped into the deadly stream of lightning injuring excruciating pain as he absorbed the energy summoning every ounce of strength Galen Advanced on the emperor while they remained locked in this deadly exchange at the same time a squadron of Stormtroopers led by a limping Darth Vader entered the chamber in pursuit of the Rebel Leaders with no other option Galen sees the emperor's shoulder he redirected the lightning into the dark lord making Palpatine share in his own torment driven by concern for his friends Galen tapped into the force completely and released all the pent-up energy this Unleashed a massive shock wave that not only killed the Stormtroopers but also shattered much of the chamber's dome in his final moments Galen felt himself leaving his body as death overtook him his last thoughts were of Juno Eclipse as he whispered his birth name one last time before becoming one with the force despite his physical demise his Spirit endures within the force wait don't Juno yes strike her down I can't you will you were created to do my bidding marvelous verdict in conclusion delving into the anatomy of the Intriguing Galen Mary also known as Starkiller reveals a character of remarkable depth and complexity within the Star Wars Universe starkiller's journey is a testament to his enduring struggle between light and dark from his tumultuous upbringing to his training as Darth Vader's secret Apprentice his extraordinary force abilities honed through intense training and his unique connection with his Droid companion proxy make him a formidable Force across the Galaxy starkiller's relationships particularly with Juno Eclipse showcase the power of love and compassion in the face of Darkness his tragic demise where he sacrifices himself to defeat Emperor Palpatine represents his ultimate need for Redemption although Galen Merrick's tale primarily exists within the Star Wars legends lore his influence on the Star Wars narrative cannot be ignored his character serves as a reminder find her that during the bleakest moments hope can still illuminate our path that's all for today but if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already thanks for watching stay safe out there and have a marvelous day foreign
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 19,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xhko7W_xKUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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