Stargate SG-1 - Behind The Scenes

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hi my name is Teal'c and I play Christopher judge in real life we're going to take you behind the scenes here at Stargate command we'll be talking with the rest of the cast taking out a location and giving you a tour of our set let the journey begin as showtime takes you behind the feet of Stargate sg-1 I'd like you to meet the star of the show the Stargate now the Stargate actually moves which is unlike the Stargate in the movie I was a stationary object that had to be turned by hand this one is all computerized and is able to stop on a dime in a millisecond now I've always wondered how the gate smokes and what that's all about there's actually a smoke generator right down here that generates smoke and actually comes to a little pot that's situated in the middle of these calipers inside the pot are these which contained dry ice so when the smoke or steam hits the dry ice it creates that wonderful billowing smoke that always seems to magically happen when the Stargate starts to dial up now this wall behind the Stargate is what's known as a wild wall that means it can be moved anywhere that it needs to be moved and the reason that it needs to be moved is because behind this wall is a huge green screen now the coolship fact you see is actually a CGI effect which is a computer-generated image and that's done by the shooting through the Stargate onto the green screen and then virtually any effect can be laid on that screen and projected out so that's why this wild wall is necessary let's continue the tour all of our steps are connected by his theories of tunnel now the tunnels run oh heck miles at the first stop in the tunnel is the inside of the control room now you see the level of detail that has actually been put into this can I take your order please and actually some of this stuff actually works now all the keyboards and things that you see these are all non-functional and there's actually a technician that sits in another room and runs some of the computer programs that you see that come up on the screen so a lot of shows when they film they don't actually have the luxury of being able to see what they're talking about on the screen but fortunately on this show we do and actually it affords a great view of the Stargate so that allows us to shoot POVs from our point of view to the Koosh things come with a gate people leaving through the gate and this is where general Hammond always says sg-1 you have a go you heard the man yes sir map with the galaxy and we are here that's earth that's the jump off point so I guess next we'll be up in the briefing room which usually leads off every show [Music] gentlemen prefer to not hurt this man the wonderfully elegant briefing room table this thing is made of like 400 pounds of oh I mean it looks to be made of 400 pounds of oak but actually it's very well constructed actually comes apart against its own Oh too bad it's all connected right now but we actually can break this table apart and put it where we need to to shoot this way that way so it's actually very convenient it just looks real big now one of the fantastic things about the briefing room is the view sometimes it's really cool just to come up and we're going over lines or just having some private time just sit and look when they're actually going to shoot a scene in the gate room and see the multitude of people that actually takes to put this show together I mean sometimes you really forget about what a team effort it is and it truly is a team effort and that's counter stop is general Hammonds office we're not really permitted access to that room so Donna's Davis who plays general Hammond was kind enough to take us on a tour of his office Donnie if you will thank you Chris well now if you'll come with me I'll show you my own private little bailiwick this is the generals office he's had a long career in the service and these are insignia from various divisions and outfits he was with these are commemorative awards and service awards they show that for example he was in Desert Storm there's some metals that he is one over his period of service this is a commemorative knife awarded to Vietnam vet so obviously he is a Vietnam vet my favorite things in the office are these eagles sculptors earth this is the most comfortable chair the entire complex of course it's the generals chair obviously being a general and having a top-secret operation I'm always dealing with top-secret documents I love the shoulders for you but of course they're classified and if I did everyone who saw happening cut it down kill unless you had clearance and if if anything really important happens I have to talk to the president this is the lot excuse you're going to have to leave hello sir general Hammond speaking no sir we have well guess general Hammond is a little busy let's continue on now you may wonder how it looks so beautiful and golden all the time let me introduce you to my makeup artist oh man is your Jan Newman the lovely lady she makes me look so lovely well most of the time let me show you what she did to me the other day take it away 22 hours in makeup this morning one second when Christopher's nice and patient easy took her 36 hours today school Yellin yeah 4.5 seconds on camera any mobile on his bed suffering for my art for my craft Oh alas nothing and that's how my lovely Jani treats me sometimes just festering in oozing in but she did H me anytime I needed to be hitched so that was very sweet Thank You Jenny let's see who else we see and this is a the lab set and here's some of our great crew what you guys say hello to Showtime [Music] show no rhythm guys no rhythm this is Vancouver of one of Vancouver's finest kilometers Stud been it's been been with we've been in association for what 12 years all 15 years here you went to different schools together and now we're we're together again wasn't doing a little work on my my house yeah I'm Richard Dean Anderson spent double and they show us up against brick walls you burned me and ratchet me violently into the ground and kick me in throw dirt on me actually they don't do any of those things he does his own stunts I'm just worthless and redundant but they keep me around and I'm kind of happy to be here let's continue on down the tiles now keep in mind that we're supposed to be 30 some-odd levels under the ground and you know it because using to find your way around so that's why the red and green lines are here to kind of help you circumnavigate the base oh wait look see now this is what happens see I get to do the interviews and they're on trash detail I just did the bathroom up on 17 these people are disgusted with my creme fraiche yes reminds expression these are the lovely Michael Shanks and Amanda tapping we're fondly known as the three amigos hello I got a gorgeous yeah I can cigars were just gusting in this so that concludes our store Stargate command I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I enjoyed myself and another lovely day here at the bridge studios in Vancouver British Columbia you know this if you take a look around there's a whole huge lot here and I've been told at some show outer outer limitations what what it outer limits outer limits hey Josh shoots right over there hey I did I never knew you rules you're unlucky no enough of this crap oh I'm sorry I'm off the clock now I'm going to eat hoping to you know in fact Amanda is actually going to take us out to location so she's going to forgo her lunch and actually take you to some of the wonderful locations that are around this beautiful town of Vancouver British Columbia see you later - sick that's where we're going star gauge exciting and new right back after this word from Showtime welcome to Stargate sg-1 on location okay let's go meet Michael Greenberger Creek he's going to love being surprised like this he's one of our executive producers hi Amanda what are you doing this is for Showtime welcome people to season two these are the video monitors it's also known as video village or the complaint department what I thought it was invented by Jerry Lewis my mentor true seriously he created it with piggybacking a video camera onto a Mitchell camera in the early 70s or late 60s and developed the tap and everybody uses it this is David where Smith our director on this episode I directing everything so the Stargate is fun sometimes you work on a production where despite the fact it's all collaborative you don't necessarily see eye to eye with producers for me at least this is a show where I feel I understand what they're trying to achieve and feel like part of a team as opposed to sort of a hired gun coming in for week to week sorry it's a great place to work absolutely good show interesting we guaranteed him 20 shows this is Scott Atia he's a stunt coordinator I coordinate all the stunts all the action on the show I will fight to all the Falls all the fire Amanda is amazing this girl does her own stuff pretty well I have I have we have a stunt girl that covers for occasionally and she's only on one concussion or is the stunt relative I got my concussion during the second episode of the first season called the enemy within where major Kowalski froze meetings about the elevator you know they won't like try to smell those doors open they'll shoot on sight you know that and so they had a shot of my face so I couldn't use a stunt double and I smacked my head against back of the other and dropped down and so when you actually see Carter drop down into the corner of the elevator slumped into a pathetic little heap that was really Amanda slumped into a pathetic little I was on I was in Tahiti at the time yeah he wasn't there one thing we do on the film sets is we don't use real bullets we use the real guns guns that everybody's using are actually the real things that you'd find but the bullets that were using we call them that are blanks compressed at the end they have a half load or a full load of black powder inside them but they don't fire any kind of projectile in theory but you never know what comes out of the end of these things so that's where the that's where the danger comes into is that something might come in handy we do the best we can to avoid it but you never know this is our special-effects truck that's right god bless you the other special effects this is a capsule gun used for simulating bullet hits dust tips and different effects these our 60 calibers or Falls which create sparks of a bullet bouncing off steel or other such effects [Applause] we'll go outside and do a little show-and-tell where this will simulate machine-gun fire fire against the fielder and that's how we simulate bullet it these are our firing staffs which you've seen numerous times this is the tilting carries this is weapon of choice it opens and fires what we have inside of it our or known as vf50 non-gun heads electrically armed scripts and that's a fair in fact we have two that are mechanical that open and closed and two that are always open with their stomachs tabs these are our body clunkers which are firing boxes that we put on our stunt players they'll do a sequence up to eight shots single fire to rapid fire and they're just four bullet hits and the staff fire hits many many many different kinds of explosions and effects so we'll have we'll hook one up and into it we're going to set this set up for you using a radio control unit that we designed to synchronize the staff firing with the charge going on this being our explosive top-secret [Music] absolutely top-secret [Music] thanks for come to the abacus truck and come back to do it again that's pretty much it Stargate sg-1 on location thank you very much for joining us and I really hope you enjoy season two take care goodbye Kelly I hope you enjoyed our behind-the-scenes look at Stargate sg-1 keep tuning in every Friday night as Colonel Jack O'Neill captain Samantha Carter Daniel Jackson and till wormhole through the galaxy Stargate sg-1 [Music] you
Channel: canoktik
Views: 173,655
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Id: fCLzHVfpLo4
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Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2013
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