Starfield's Surprise Update Expands The Game's Possibilities

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today we're diving into the June update for Starfield where Bethesda has rolled out some incredible new content and features we finally got to see the Xbox showcase where a plethora of new games were revealed among the highlights was the highly anticipated first trailer for starfields Big shattered space DLC this expansion has been teased since the game's announcement and it looks like it will be a major addition to the Starfield Universe later this week Dwayne and I will dedicate a full podcast episode to talking about all of the new reveals including the shattered space DLC but for now let's Dive Right into everything that shadow dropped after the Xbox showcase among these updates we got the creation kit and the creation Club so already a number of new mods and DLCs have populated the game many of which are actually achievement friendly so that means that you can actually install them and it will not disable your achiev ments if that's something that matters to you you want to watch out for the mods that have that little tag so that they don't get disabled one of the big things that I'm very excited about is the tracker Alliance missions that are now available there's a new location in Aila City where you will find the tracker's alliance so far it seems that there are two types of Alliance missions there are the randomly generated ones which are found on the mission board which is similar to what we've already seen throughout the game with some new twists and then there are some larger bounties that you're going to go after that have full story new locations and actually feels like proper DLC now there is a little bit of confusion here but it should be known that the first major trackers Alliance mission is free and it's part of the update any further trackers Alliance missions including the vulture seem like they will come through as paid DLC in this video I'm going to dive into the first mission and I'm going to show you quite a bit of gameplay but I am not going to go into any spoilers of the story and then later on in the video I'm going to show you how the new Mission board works and how to do one of those missions for The Trackers Alliance that will just continue to populate so that you can keep your career as a bounty hunter going as long as you want now one of the things that I was very excited about that was in this update is the option to take bounties Alive Now I want to say that while I was excited about this option I'm going to go ahead and get some disappointment out of the way right off the bat you kind of don't really take anyone alive I was really hoping that you'd be able to put them in your brri or something along those lines but it seems as far as I know that you just have to stun them with an em weapon I'm a little bit disappointed as I love to play Bounty missions in Red Dead Redemption and lasso up the bad guy and throw him on your horse but hey at least now we have a reason to keep em weapons I was never one to keep those I never tried to find like really good em weapons it just wasn't my thing now I'll be on the lookout for those also in today's update we got a brand new suit of space armor and while I won't go into all of the nice little surprises I will say there's a bunch of little things that are popping up here and there so far in the DLC that add some nice new flavors to the game I have a lot more to say but let's jump into some gameplay and we will get to those things when we get to them some good some bad but mostly good well as soon as you log into the game it will notify you that creations are now a part of the game and they were are available for Xbox so basically we got mods on Xbox now which is a big deal so some of them being from Bethesda themselves and others are from creators in addition to that anyone who bought the Starfield Premium Edition as you can see here we get 1,000 creation credits added to our account so you can grab some stuff right off the bat at no extra cost 1,000 credits is about $10 if I'm reading this correctly now right off the bat you can see some of these things are like a plushy set which is kind of cool and funny that's something that I may get eventually but it's not really priority for me definitely I want to make sure that I get the tracker Alliance Mission and this is called the vulture this is going to be essentially the second mission in the tracker Alliance story as I said before I'm not going into the vulture today but if there is some interest I may do another video where we dive into the whole mission later on there's a bunch of other cool things in the creation club like the this new starborne suit and it does Market as achievement friendly and this one is actually free so there is some free content I'm also very happy that now with creation Club there's going to be different skins for the weapons so some of your favorite weapons you already like in the game you can now give them a different look honestly the best thing about creation Club even existing in Starfield is finally we're just going to see a steady flow of new content being added to the game all the time now the unfortunate thing for me is that I wanted to jump into the action right away as I was downloading the update I suddenly realized that I had a player character stuck in the middle of a mission that I couldn't get out of so I had to finish that up as soon as possible once I was done with that I went to New Atlantis and there was the mysterious tracker asking me if I wanted to join the tracker Alliance of course I said I wanted to join I've been waiting to do this ever since the game first came out now before we get to the proper Mission there is a new feature here where you can actually open your scanner at any time and scan the general public and you will actually find people who have committed crimes these are wanted criminals living among us they need to be Tak in so I found this person who uh clearly was a criminal but I I wasn't sure what they had done and I kept trying to talk to this person and it wouldn't let me so I tried to uh get out my please listen to me device otherwise known as a giant weapon and they still wouldn't listen so it wasn't until after they had gotten away uh I realized that you actually have to scan people you have to click a to see what they have done now this actually reminded me of Watchdogs a little bit now with Watchdogs you could hack people's phones and see like information about them now this you can see what crimes they've committed and holy crap look at this person's crimes a bomb threat consuming human flesh in public and third deegree murder this is insane yeah this person's got to go now the system is interesting because you can start combat with them right away which is cool I mean you can get into a gunfight right in the Public Square and I think not get a bounty put on you but you can also persuade them you can persuade them to turn themselves in now this was a little bit weird for me because my character is already uh very high in Persuasion I'm not sure actually as I'm making this video I might be maxed out I didn't check while I was playing but I was just walking up to these fools and just telling them to turn themselves in and they turn themselves in no problem so maybe it's a little bit more exciting if it's harder to persu Ade them so I was a little confused they get down they put their hands up I thought maybe I could handcuff them or something but no what happens is you convince them to give themselves up and then a security guard will come in and actually take over from there so while I convince another criminal to turn away from their life of crime I should also mention that the update today came with a bunch of improvements to melee weapons as well so you're going to find different levels of quality amongst melee weapons you can o craft to different improvements on them so if you're into melee weapons and you are a little bit uh you know hoping for more there are a lot of improvements here so this is going to get fun I think I'm going to maybe get back into melee weapons all right so talking them out of crime is a little bit boring so I wanted to try something else so I tried the option where you tell them that things are about to go down and this is interesting so naturally everyone starts running there's a panic you got to be careful don't shoot the wrong person and okay well I I shot the wrong person so as you can see that did not go well and now I'm in some real trouble so I decided to reload a save and we're going to get back to the mission so as I said you're going to see a little bit of this Mission but I'm not going to go into a ton of spoilers so here is the bounty hunting headquarters and actually I don't know maybe this building was already here in Aila City maybe we just couldn't go in but you can go into it now and it's nice to have have this location and there's characters here I actually found these characters uh very interesting right off the bat so this is going to be fun to get to know them before long I accepted a new Mission now this is a major Story Mission which kicks off The Trackers Alliance so as I said in the beginning this mission is free it is part of the update in bethesda's video talking about this update they said that they would introduce further trackers Alliance missions down the line through the creation club and honestly it seems like this is a good way to Dole out smaller missions and DLC now there are some people saying that this DLC is a little bit too overpriced for their taste that is up to you to decide but I will say that I did really enjoy the first Bounty mission that came for free with the update and I look forward to getting into the vulture as soon as possible so during the mission they want you to use your scanner to find this person of course we already tested out the scanner in new Atlantis and we see how that works I have to say it did take me a long time to search Aila and man I just didn't realize how big this place was until I had to search every nook and cranny for this gentleman I don't think I've ever really run around the city this much and it was interesting to see all the stuff going on and all these different characters and their conversations I get tired of being ordered around I want to be my own bus my partner and I we're expecting mhm step right in ma'am and feast Your Eyes On The Marvelous attractions of honest Earl's alien extravagant and I saw these Shady kids playing soccer and one of them started running so I figured that they were a criminal and I drew my firearm but nope this is not who I'm looking for 15minute warning needle mosquito mom needle mosquito you can't catch me it means cool Mom finally we found our Target we talked to him a bit I attempted to persuade him to tell us where we're going and he ended up taking us to a location that honestly very quickly became one of my favorite locations in the game because one of the things the Starfield does well is zerog G gravity and all the different things that they do with different levels of gravity and I love the Zer G gunfights in the game and I didn't feel like there was enough exploration of that Concept in the story missions so it was nice to get this very large location lots of gunfighting lots of zerog I was having a great time all in all this was a really great fun experience and now I did say I was going to talk about a couple of bad things not too big a deal but one bad thing is that there still is a glitch where in some locations if you go into photo mode for some reason it's going to disable all the lighting everything's going to go dark and unfortunately you'll come out of photo mode and everything will still be dark so I don't think I got any clips of this but I was trying to take a photo I love photo mode I love taking photos but this is very frustrating so unfortunately while this glitch is still existing I would recommend if you want to take a photo quick save first hopefully they fix this glitch ASAP now I had mentioned melee weapons and as I'm playing I'm looting bodies and here you can see this spacer they've got a knife on them that says Quantum edged knife so Quantum edged is one of the new levels of quality in melee weapons and we're going to keep our eye out for more of these oh that's nice they have a ping pong table I also thought it was nice that it I had to actually search this ship and the location without it necessarily pointing a marker right on where I needed to go I actually needed to move through the rooms and search it to find what we were looking for and I I really appreciated that I thought it was a nice touch also when you play this Mission I would advise you actually read a lot of these entries on the computers as I am seeing some things that I think might be hinting at some future DLC missions I will say one of the entries was quite mysterious and did catch my eye now having rigged this to blast through that wall over there I got to make a pretty dramatic entrance once we found our guy we learned some information that will lead to further missions down the road it seems so I'm excited to see what else they bring to us in the track tracker Alliance storyline I'm also excited to see how frequently they're going to release these missions uh hopefully we won't have to wait too long also doing this first mission did give me the new suit that they promised in the update so as you can see here it is it's a very interesting suit it's very different I wouldn't say it's my favorite but I am happy to have new stuff now once you finish the story line of the first tracker Alliance Mission you will now have access to the proper tracker Alliance Bounty missions uh on the mission board and I'm going to show you where you can grab those so here on the bottom floor which is now accessible they have this Mission board where you can take bounties some of them are to kill the Bounty and some of them are to take them alive now remember unfortunately as far as I know you can't take them alive but you will need an em weapon I did not know that on the first mission that I went out because when I went around new Atlantis people were getting down on their knees and putting their hands in the air so I thought that maybe I was going to be be able to make my bounty surrender in that same way so unfortunately this first mission did not go the way I wanted it to but hey I was excited and I wanted to give the new armor and the new weapon a whirl now when I got here I got to get down into some good oldfashioned pirate killing along with these new items I also got a brand new mining tool that has a fresh new skin which was very exciting to see and I was not expecting that [Applause] a once the hanger opened up I was still getting shot by some of the enemies that were up above it was nice that I had a sniper rifle I was able to take them out from below now here we can see a key difference in the new Bounty missions is that the enemy that you're after the Bounty themselves actually has a name now so it's fun and it makes it a little bit more personal seeing the name of the person that you're going to capture or kill so here I was hesitating to go after this guy because I was suddenly realizing there was no way to bring him down alive unless I had an em weapon as I was shooting the enemy they actually got down I thought wait a minute maybe there's a chance to take them alive now and I went up and I tried to just hit them you know with butt of my rifle nope now they're dead and the mission has failed but what is important is that everyone had fun now before I decideed to give bounty hunting one more shot with Anem weapon this time I decided to check out the weapon bench to see the new skin option available for the drum beat now this is something I picked up in the new creation club and this was no cost which is good because it just turns your drum beat black but hey if you like the drum beat and you want a new look this might work for you with my new found knowledge of how to take enemies alive I am on my way to Neon because I know that at rugan Tower they sell a variety of em weapons now I don't know about you guys but I have always thrown away em weapons when I find them they've never been my favorite to have but with this update I now have a reason to keep them around and see if I can land a really nice legendary em weapon so taking a look at their stock I decide to go with a rifle based weapon as the one up top also does damage that could kill them so we don't want that all right well let's try this again this time we're heading to a deserted robotics lab to capture our Bounty and as you can see here here's another melee weapon we've got a different classification here we've got honed so that is interesting a honed UC Naval cutless so we're going to keep our eyes out for these in addition to the EM weapons I also now want to collect melee weapons and see how good those get all right I want to be very clear this guy was already on fire when I got here I don't know what he was up to so I do like the new strategy of running around an area and trying to take out all of the lower level bad guys lethally as quickly as possible while keeping your main target alive so this was my goal here in taking all of them out first and then arming myself with an em weapon to take down the target which actually took quite a few shots so I am interested to see in the future whether a better weapon will take them down quicker now once he's dropped he's incapacitated and the mission completes so that is a job well done now unfortunately if you just knock them out like this you cannot loot them so the question that I think is on everyone's mind Minds is well after I've dropped them with an em weapon and the mission has completed and I have been paid can I then kill them and loot them the answer is yes well that's it for the update as of right now there are quite a few interesting things that have been added that I'm excited to get into and let me know in the comments what else you've seen if you want to see a full mission walkthrough of the vulture which is the paid trackers Alliance mission that you get from the creation Club I will certainly do that if there's interest thank you very much for checking out the video make sure you subscribe we do a lot of Starfield themed content as well as the podcast Starfield with normal people we're going to have an episode coming out soon this week as soon as we can get it recorded and edited talking about shattered space and everything we saw in that trailer I'm going to keep diving into this update and see what else we can find and I will let you know until next time signing off [Music]
Channel: Normal People Gaming
Views: 25,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield update, xbox game pass, starfield mods, starfield may update, starfield dlc, starfield june update, gaming news, starfield gameplay, starfield game, starfield news, xbox, shattered space, trackers alliance, starfield lore, gameplay, starfield modded, starfield pc, creation club, bounty missions, starfield bounty hunter, starfield bounty, starfield new update, starfield update news, starfield mod, starfield 4k gameplay, gamers review starfield
Id: OJ5hxPqxPsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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