Starfield Ships - Everything you need know!

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Starfield ships are the space vessels that will Ferry you around the settled systems as players Venture into the vastness of space they are not limited to Mere exploration but can also indulge in the creation of their own unique spacecraft today I'm going to be deep diving into the Starfield ship's customization systems we're going to be looking at the ship's components and how they work the different types of ships that you're going to be able to get and the overall Basics to help you become that certified spacecraft engineer let me know in the comments below what type of ship are you hoping to build and until then sit back relax grab that NASA job application and buckle them boys because we're going to space as you travel through the settled systems you're going to be coming across multiple major hubs and Within These hubs they're going to have a Spaceport who has a ship technician this is where you're going to be on the buy sell and modify your spacecraft with the additions of also repairing your ship and asking where to find more crew for your craft now let's view and modify your ship now as you can see there's quite a lot of information for you to digest and there are a couple of key features I'd like to point out as we take a look up to the top left we're able to see the ship's systems these are the stats that your ship currently have the first three stats on your left are your weapon systems this is going to be referring back to your damage output with Las short for laser Bal short for ballistic and MSL short for missile and if you're sitting there wondering to yourself what is the difference the ballistic type weapons are your bullet weapons you can look at this type of damage as your physical damage it does great damage for when the ship Shields are down but when the shields are up it's going to be outputting minimal and for you to mitigate those Shields we're going to be looking at the laser weapons you can look at these as the complete opposite to what the ballista weapons do they do a lot less damage to the hell but when the shields are activated this is when these weapons shine and unfortunately there's not much information about the missile weapons but we can only assume that they're going to be doing massive damage to both the hull and shield and if you're looking for a more detailed numerical value you can head to the bottom of the ship overview which is going to be showing you you how much damage per hit these weapons do now as we take a look at the last three stats these are referring back to the ship as a whole we have Eng which is sure for engine and this is going to be showing you the overall stats of how fast your ship can go shd which stands for shield and this is going to be covering the amount of Shield your ship currently has and saving the best for last we have grv this is relating to grav drive it's going to be showing you how far in light years you're able to jump with your ship when you press that ultimate button and again if you're looking for a numerical value for your jump distance and your Shield head back down to the ship overview and it's going to be sitting just above the weapons now as we make our way to the top of the ship overview you can see fuel Hull and cargo the way that fuel is going to be working in Starfield is every time you're going to be using the grab jump so we can see with our Frontier ship that we only have 50 Fuel and if we go down to our jump stat we can see it's 16 light years and if we related back to our fuel consumption we're going to be using a maximum of 16 per jump so with a fuel tank of 50 and Max jump of 16 light years you're going to be looking at roughly three maximum jumps before you need to be refueling which can be done back at the spaceports now if you're wondering what the hell is Hell the most stupidest words to put together this is going to be the physical HP of your ship but have no fear if you think it's quite low just remember your first line of defense is your Shield this will begin to pleader before any of your Hull HP starts dropping so theoretically having a 310 Shield gives you a good 676 HP and then we have cargo this is going to be the amount of space the module provides you for the various materials and resources you're going to be picking up on your Journeys and we're looking at this number here boy someone is over encumbered with your maximum cargo load being on the right hand side and on the left side being what you have in your inventory at this moment now do keep in mind that all these stats can be all increased through the ship's customizations which I'll be touching on very shortly now the last two things that I've skipped out over in the ship overview our reactor and crew as these play a critical role in your ship's functionality now the reactor is the main source of power that helps run the ship's systems efficiently and not having enough reactor power across your ship means that a lot of your modules aren't going to be running to their maximum efficiency what I mean by this is when you're flying around you're going to see on the left side of your screen your six different adjustable modules with your three different weapon systems on the left side and also your engine shield and gravity on the right on the bottom of that you're going to notice another bar this is your reactor power now the idea of this is to distribute your points across your modules and in this case we have a maximum of 14. so each time you want to increase a stat your react is going to drop by one but do keep in mind you're able to chop and change these as you go so the more stats you put in your components the better they're going to become and if you decide to put no points in the module while they get rendered useless but not only that each module has a maximum stat increase for instance when we look at the laser we can see it only has 6 bars which means we're only able to put a maximum of six reactor points into that module so just bear that in mind when you start building your spacecrafts and looking at crew you can see that it's showing the number two this is reflecting the maximum amount of members you can have aboard your ship at this time and why this is important is because there are modules that actually require crew members to run it an example of this is with the ion beam h-1010 reactor as we look at the general stats that is provided by this module we can head down to the bottom and look at something called crew rating this number indicates how many crew you need to run this component and in this case it is two now if you're sitting there and asking yourself the question how do I know how many crew I have this value can be found in your numerical stats bar at the bottom in between the cargo and jump range now for you to start your ship improvements you're going to be looking down at the bottom right at either the ship upgrade or the ship building with upgrade ship being the quick and easy way and shipbuilding being where you're able to create your monstrosities now as we go into our ship customization menu you're going to be finding there's at least 12 different modules apart from your weapons that you're able to upgrade this spans through components such as your engine which is going to allow you to increase your top speed your haps which is going to allow you to increase your maximum amount of crew and also the amount of workstations you have on your ship your fuel tanks which is going to increase the amount of fuel you have and allow you to do more system jumps Docker which is going to allow you to board spaceships and space stations while you're flying around through to your gravity Drive which is going to be allowing you to jump from system to system but at bigger links to your cargo hold which is going to increase the amount of cargo and resources you're able to carry in your ship as we take a look around the shipbuilding menu again we're going to be smothered with a whole bunch of information to the top left we have our current ship stats and just below that we have our total reactor power and also our equipment power now a keynote to take away is the fact that the equipment power is actually relating to your power rating in terms of the damage your weapons do so the better weapons you have you'll see this increase now as we head to the right side you can see that this is our module center now the one we're looking at is called the Nova Galactic all-in-one berth this is a hat module which is short of a habitation and the stats that this part is going to be giving us is an extra five Hull and also two extra passenger slots but the thing you may notice is also the little dotted lines underneath the name these are representing the amounts of different variants this part has and as you go through them you're going to be noticing the attributes are going to be changing but these stats are not the only thing that is going to be affected a key point we need to be looking at is the mass of the module and with this particular habitat module you can see it has a total mass of eight now if we shift our eyes to the bottom right corner we can see that add-in 8 mass is going to be causing negative effects to our stats with it minusing three mobility and also taking one light year range away so just keep in mind even though you are going to get some positive stats you're also going to get some negative reoccurrences as well and if you're sitting there wondering if you can paint your ship of course you can giving you the full color spectrum of saturation and brightness toggle with at least three areas you're able to do this with so if you're wanting to light up the night sky with your neon pink ship the world's your oyster as fun as this all seems there are going to be some absolute limitations you're going to be running into with the first and most important one the cost Factor as there are parts that aren't that expensive to get you started down the line as you start getting deeper into this mechanic for the better Parts you're going to be forking out the bigger credits and not only that some of the later Parts also require the skill ship design and this requirement can be found at the bottom of your part information so for a friendly PSA if you're wanting to Deep dive into the ship design make sure you pick up the Starship design skill early or you can also find a crew member that has that skill as well as for some of the ships they were able to get here is a quick glimpse of the ones that we know we have the celestial 2 which appears to be a very ballistic focused ship the Dragonfire 2 which doesn't support any laser Weaponry but instead relying on a huge number of ballistic weapons and also a powerful gravity Drive the slipstream 2 which is a cargo light ship with massive missile defenses the Voyager 3 which is an enormous vessel with huge Shield capacity and also missile battery simply a ship they'll get any task done and for The Last Ship we have the marathon it might not have as many weapons as the other ships out there but this ship is designed to be a cargo vessel first and foremost so whether you want to be a pirate a cargo mover or even just fly through the settle system doing as you please Starfield spacecraft building has your back with the results being endless for those who have made it this far I thank you for watching for those who've enjoyed the video smash that like button and if you haven't done so yet hit the Subscribe because there's plenty more star filled in the tank I hope you all have a fantastic day and remember buckling boys because we're going to space
Channel: Sifting Santa
Views: 7,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield news, starfield ship building, starfield ships overview, starfield overview, starfield ships, starfield ship building system, starfield ship mechanic, ships starfield, starfield direct, starfield space ships, starfield ship guide, starfield september, starfield september release, starfield mechanics, starfield guide, sifting santa, starfield sandwichs, starfield sandwich lady, starfield ship customization, starfield trailer
Id: m-Eptk0mJE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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