Stardew Valley - Yandere Jas?! SO WEIRD Part 1

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hello everyone today we've got a very special mod involving jazz to try out but I've gotta warn you it's probably going to be a lot more inappropriate than my usual videos so that's going to be a problem click away now okay now that no one's clicked away let's go find jazz and get started alright hello good morning jazz I'm not supposed to talk to strangers and what big eyes you have this morning that's a new portrait and I'm not allowed to talk to strangers anymore but I still do and the best part about this mug so many hard events I can't wait to get started hard event number one oh she's so innocent skipping beside the tree she's got great energy for a two-year-old hi hi oh don't stop on my account you look like you're having fun I'm sorry sorry for why I've been really rude to you I've never talked to you in my life except for this morning that Marnie says that I shouldn't talk to strangers so I didn't talk to you and I liked it better when you didn't speak to me to be honest but you seem nice well clearly you haven't heard what the town says about me say what do you think of the town they're great um it's wonderful there's lots of people for me to marry there really I'm so happy you like it I promise I'll try to be nice too from now on you're always nice little girl well things are going from zero to creepy really fast I can't wait to see what this goes anything more to add to that creepy strange girl 1 2 3 4 oh no I messed up again ok I'm going to stop being mean to the child and we'll move on to hard jazz fittingly one for each of us all the kids are playing by the playground ok let's race now I bet you can't beat me you're playing with fire kid prepare to lose awfully competitive the kids way faster she had no chance ouch oh she's all unhurt herself that's amusing are you all right your knee is bleeding it hurts a bit that's what happens when you fall down helping her up I'm gonna you ignore the kids they can handle this on their own got to teach them to deal with adversity I'll have to go back to auntie's farm this will continue playing tomorrow I feel like you made the right choice there let's replay this day rewind blah blah blah two hearts oh the poor little girl we better help her and clearly it's important because I'm in such a hurry about it do you have a band-aid mr. mumps as a matter of fact I don't because I wasn't just watching children play from behind a bush is it creepy in a few levels please help me put it on my knee okay let's meet the other kid do it instead now I have to walk this is way too much effort already little girl awkward silence Thank You mr. mumps you're welcome I decided that mr. mom spent entirely too much time watching children but the town already hates him thanks to all the marrying and divorcing going on so whatever three hard creepy jazz at the Museum where she is probably studying innocently no doubt she looks concerned I'm probably once again viewing from a distance because I don't see myself hmm I don't really get it oh there I am I was just casually hiding behind the bookcase for no reason I don't even know how to read oh hi mr. mumps hi again stop calling me mister I'm having some trouble with my homework that's because you slow I can help you with your homework I think the better option is to interact with the child this whole way that will get the best experience really thank you the topic today divorce okay here's what I'm having trouble with okay I already want to turn her into a dove I've had enough of this interaction now I get it thanks for helping me mr. mumps I'll see you around then I bet miss penny will be surprised that I managed to do it with some help I don't tell Miss penny we were together seeing as I recently divorced her and her mom and pretty much everyone else you can think of anything to say another you're a little bit smarter I really liked I'd left my jumping rope nope you're still pretty dense now we get penny involved for heart event in the forest lovely picnic jazz is still skipping away because that's all she can for Oh mom's it's perfect timing that you showed up is it really I can't wait I brought the children on a little field trip into the countryside perfect it's secluded and no one has to know jazz and be excited Oh mr. mumps hello again stupid child we're in a field trip I know that nice lady literally des said that well if you can consider this a field trip since we're so close to Andy's ranch yeah no kidding you're ten meters from the doorstep but that's cool yeah nice field trip idiot you all know about life in the country right - our children go missing so I was thinking could you be my guest speaker today I'd love to though I really can't stand kids but I'd love to you great let me just call the children over once again they're not very far away I don't think Penny's very good with distance now let's not worry about Vincent let's push them into the river okay we don't have that option I have a very special guest over here to talk to you today our very own local farmer bumps though to be fair I haven't really grown anything in like 40 years he has first-hand experience living in the countryside so he knows all about the valleys natural resources including people the most renewable resource of all jazz could you please come here and sit near Vincent please go away little girl go sit by your friend of course miss penny can anyone tell me what a Natural Resources children and the children answer jazz a natural resource is a material source of wealth that occurs in the natural state and as economic value the very scientific and here I was thinking she was just a like her little friend there very good that's where to start points jazz yes what is star points good for miss penny absolutely nothing I've got at least 50 star points now mr. monks can I have them I feel like I could use for those to pay for a divorce okay no skip mumps our full attention country life is all about farming the more children you can produce the more money you can make the valley soil is ideal for growing delicious vegetables yes idiot thanks for interrupting yes jazz mr. mobs if Vincent eat your veggies will he grow up to be strong like his brother Sam no he's so strong I saw this miss penny clear out the ground last night where they were climbing into a tree busted what are you doing sitting in a tree Miss penny jazz it's not good to gossip oh I'm sorry miss penny I didn't know you wanted to keep it a secret well this is awkward I'm technically dating penny at this point but I'm also dating everyone else at the same time including Sam so you know it just gets weirder and weirder well it's probably enough for today you two run along and play push the other boy into the river she probably will there on the bridge well this is awkward it's a lot of work to take care of these kids which is why we should eliminate one then it's half the work but I don't really mind I enjoy seeing them learn and hopefully I can help them grow up to be good people yeah you probably don't want my help then would you ever want to be a parent mumps isn't it obvious oh here comes the little one no I will not be your father girl mr. mumps can you play with us pretty please go ahead the kids really want to play with you and kind of over you penny anyway so this give me the opportunity to eliminate one we're gonna go scuba diving for heavy rocks well I'm glad I showed up bumps I think the kids had a great time and you have any consideration how I enjoyed that because that wasn't really a lot of fun so far things are so pretty normal I think they're getting progressively creepier as they go we're about to see the five heart event and I think from here it's probably going to be a pretty quick downhill slope which is why it's too bad we don't have George around because he loves steep slopes five art jazz by the lake looking sad that's because she wants to go swimming I'm going to sneak up behind and push her in oh hi mr. mumps hi again could you please brush my hair god no brush your hair this is getting weird that's like brushing a strange little girl's hair in the forest you know I was really wrong when I first met you I thought that you'd be just like the other grownups well you were wrong I'm nothing like the other grown-ups I'm glad you're so nice instead I think you miss reading that part I hope you'll stay and start a valley even when I grow up I've already been here for a hundred years I plan to stay here do you do you promise I'm not sure maybe I will leave after all thank you you're welcome I don't know what that was about but this is getting creepy let's chase her down well we gotta sexy is any new dialog dude do you want something no dude do you 6:00 a.m. bright and early oh hello jazz I don't know what you're doing here I've already eliminated my children good morning mr. mumps I wanted to give you something I don't want it please go away I should put a gate up around my house I think you would take I didn't even ask for and he's helped here you go so you bake the cake by yourself and now you're giving it to me I'm a little suspicious of this pink cake with a heart on it would you um could you please taste it since I made it myself I don't know if I get it right that is a big red flag if anyone ever gives you something and expect you to either right in front of them be cautious you take a small bite there's a weird metallic aftertaste but other than that it's delicious okay so either she added too much iron content to this cake or there's something metal in there that's not supposed to be there I wonder if it's pieces of wheels that old cyborg I'm so glad you like it and he always says that food tastes better if you put a little bit of yourself in it okay so now I'm guessing the iron content is blood so I did just that well great that's it taste I'm used to I have to go now or auntie might worry yeah what are you doing here at the crack of dawn anyway goodbye mister bumps lishus leave
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,428,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, valley, hd, 1080, 1080p, gameplay, mod, mods, secret, secrets, heart, event, events, df, dangerously, funny, yandere, jas, mor, creepy
Id: -D2EEhqUTBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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