well hello there you wonderful humans and welcome back to stardew Valley hope everybody's having a fantastic day we are back and uh we're working on our next house upgrade uh we got build for passing out which is a th000 gold and today we're going to be messing around some Journey of the prairie king as well as exploring some uh rside Village a little bit more today too so we have to become champions of ridgeside or of rideside Village of all the different games we maybe kind of sort of technically we didn't beat junimo Kart junimo Kart will have to make a Resurgence so we actually 100% beat junimo Kart we did get the 50,000 endless mode achievement which was nion impossible I think if we can do that we can do pretty much anything in that game so I'm pretty confident in 100 pering like the the full whole thing of Juno card at some point since we already like the hard part um but yeah tag tied cat's Adam and I'm I'm streaming right now what you talking about I'm I'm Rael uh we got the Gilden spur critical strikes give you a speed boost for 10 seconds that's kind of cool if we were using like a Critical Strike build which I actually want to experiment with I kind of want to get the idium dagger I don't know if there's a better dagger out there somewhere we also got the Basilisk paw which is pretty nice so we're starting to get all these different little trinkets now I got that swirl Stone we don't know what the hell that's for I do want to upgrade our trinkets that we've been getting too which allows you to reforge trinkets randomizing their stats cost three aridium bars per use 50 iron bars oh my lant well we don't have that we can go get it though the slingshot that cost to PR pris I'm still but hurt about that I mean to be fair it was a free Prismatic Shard so can I really complain the answer is yes and I will this is so upset about it all right how we doing on aridium I think we're doing okay we made two more sprinklers which we're not using right now but those up I guess right there on the on the ground and then I threw it on the ground and we also need tomorrow we need to gift a couple more items we were working on the 50 friendship uh or 50 loved gifts in a week we're at 42 of 50 on Sunday it will reset so we'll be able to do those gifts again so that's going to be an easy win for us where's the Animal Crossing stream uh tomorrow I hope uh the thing that I got in to do FaceCam and uh play on the switch at the same time it came in and didn't work and then I was feeling yucky yesterday I I think I came down with like some kind of 24-hour bugs so ended up uh not streaming just taking the day off which I don't do very often but sometimes you got to do it still not feel particularly great today I wanted to do two streams today we'll see how we're feeling at the end of this one um but I should tomorrow I think I it should come in tomorrow the [Music] replacement did I sleep no yeah I was going to also do the the Animal Crossing stream today but I I hate doing face cam but I feel like that's the only new thing that I can add to an animal crossing series at this point so I like I'll just do it and I'll commit to doing it for a full series for once um what am I looking for I was doing something y'all made me forget what life is need water explore explored ridgeside more very bottom left of the map on a rainy day down the path there's a cut scene oh interesting smug thank you our next rainy day I will do that man I've been drinking like a ton of water the last two days and it has not quenched my thirst in the slightest it is driving me absolutely bananas [Music] like that me being quiet was just me chugging an entire bottle of water and still feel thirsty probably dying who knows Tech I request when you do junam Mar Kart can you get a heart rate monitor oh my God I can I still have the uh the other one do I need an iPad I don't remember how that works we'll figure it out I can the answer to that is potential yes you need pedite H maybe maybe maybe maybe it's been a long time since I drank pedite maybe too much salt in the diet I don't I don't really eat salt at all not anything no there's a little a little bit of salt in the egg sandwich I made this morning it probably is some kind of uh we have pedate for my toddler and it's gross it's really really good for rehydrating you though not rehydrating well the electrolytes there we go man I I'm having the brainiest fartiest of farts right now and I aggressively pet all the cats before uh before streaming so I'm all itchy Good Life Choices all around all right we do need to finally find a way to seal in the pigs I want to be able to quickly acquire all of our truffles which is also going to require me to you know actively make sure I pick them up every day if we're going to be limiting the space that the pigs have yes I think everybody at this point has heard of tales of the Shire I'm not going to lie the characters look a little funky I don't know they're giving me some some weird Vibes I don't know how it's going to be but we will be playing it yeah we'll check it out how many pigs do I have uh 12 in each Barn so 24 which nests us a lot of money every day we might even get a third Pig Barn just because if we're going to be getting the 10 million uh dollar thingy boob more pigs mean more [Music] better that's a lot of [Music] bacon all right I guess we can sell these star fruit as we have more I already planted everything at the other place right I did do that I think we got a couple of ancient fruit I'm just going to let everything like fully grow in there and we'll start harvesting it all at the same time we're going to make a nice little storage place today we got we got a lot of different things that I want to do [Music] today we're going to need a lot more iron a metric buttload more iron in fact yeah I hate staggered harvesting in the greenhouse yeah it's I think it's totally worth it just uh once you finally get everything in there planted that you want then to oh you know what we should upgrade that stuff down there too which means we need a buttload of hardwood as well so to start farming that up again go to the Quarry bad storms today power went out at work today for 3 hours were behind on so many things I'm so exhausted oh Zozo o that sucks I wish you the best thank you for the Super Chat he we're so hopefully you're able to get caught up quick or don't have to at least murder yourself that would be absolutely terrible and Matt thank you for the 51 months hope you had an awesome day I hope you did as well Sky what it do Matt M Renegade Bri Louisa God I love love love love love all these wonderful coal nodes they make me so happy Uncle man thank you for the 11 months how are you there's a mod uh to have a cat in the tree that's amazing I still can't believe the cat would naturally go in the tree that's I mean it's it's kind of a little bit accurate to how cats are what you should have been able to buy as a cardboard box or the cat Tre should have come with a cardboard box um and the cat would only go in that then that would be pretty freaking accurate I'm good now but oh man was it a lot yeah it sounds like a nightmare I'm glad you're doing better now though you need some bombs for the Cory I could or I could just you know keep slapping them like I am that's fine bombs definitely would have made it easier but we got this aridium pick and we really don't use it now that we use Bombs all the time so you know give it a give it a shot a little bit I'm gonna go buy the uh the dagger of Doom as well while we're up here tag you're addicted oh my God sky so you got addicted to sardu Valley so you you ended up going back after uh after quitting the first night it's a wonderful game it's a I'm so sorry I was like if you like Animal Crossing there's a solid chance you'll find some kind of comfort in stardew Valley look at least I didn't get you addicted to crack or something I mean it's close to crack but you don't lose your teeth after at least just a lot of time in your day so the Galaxy sword $50,000 doll hairs the dagger 35,000 doll hars the hammer 75,000 why is the hammer 75,00 10 defense well well well oh the vampire ring gain a little Health every time you slay a monster the burglar oh cuz we can Reby the Rings can you stack the burglar uh stuff H uh we do need to make sure to buy all these [Music] recipes it's it's good crack I literally ignored all of my house chores today it's a Sunday You're supposed to You're supposed you you got to have at least one day where you can do whatever you want right and like I said you weren't out there doing crack I say it I say that's a victory you're doing pretty all right [Music] H so the dagger does half the damage do crits do crits only do double damage uh stardew Valley [Music] crit let's wait stardew Valley Valley combat I want to I I've been debating going for like a crit build so I went with fighter so all attacks deal 10% more damage and you get more HP and then you get brutes which is 15% more damage so you get a total of 25% more damage um if you go with Scout it increases your Critical Strike Chance by 50% not that this is that the increase is multiplicative which is good multi- implicative was way better than additive and then you can go with [Music] Desperado which is critical strikes are even deadlier which I think we can also go with the the lava Katana as our thing which has plus crit chance more damage more defense and plus crit power over the dagger but the dagger does have 17 crit chance versus four we're you know what we're just going to buy it we're going to try [Music] who else is buying the official stardew Valley cookbook I'm totally going to start a cooking channel when it comes out and I'm going to cook some stardew Valley stuff I'll just do shorts or something and make like 50 cents it'll be great Gabby I hope you're doing well how are you I got anything you like there Demetrius probably not nope horse horse horse horse horse horse ride your horsey Sky have you figured out who you're marrying in the game yet Gabby with a 33 months two weeks ago I was heavy on stardew and the husband was heavy on hail di on Hil divers now we have both been expl ing the wastelands wait so you're both playing stardew Valley now ah you've turned them to the sebs the love of my life give them all the sushi all right so we didn't get to well we will in a second I'm just going to reset oh it's dude bro m m a stupid face I don't have a duck feather stupid stupid stupid stupid annoying man we're going with a crit build I've never done it before but I won't try it we want to reset combat oh and we get to re choose when we go to sleep that's right oh man I don't have anything for kobis our baby it comes out May 14th it's already up for pre-order yeah a day before my birthday much site all right journey of the prairie king it's on like freaking Donkey [Music] Kong everybody's in here like they're supposed to be now interesting which is only just going to assist in our love making [Music] efforts like I'm giving Haley all my trash haly who are going to marry in this playthrough she deserves all the trash she's very rude when you start journey of the prair king we going to suck so I forgot how to play how do I do it oh oh this isn't going well oh that's right okay I was trying to shoot with the mouse I was like that's not working oh coffee oh oh oh Bad News Bears oh man why how I didn't pick up the coffee oh Jesus okay this is going to be a journey literally we can't get past the first level apparently it's easier to do this I assume with uh with help what do these do little currencies I've only played this like twice before and it's only ever been with the cut scene with [Music] Abigail oh oh oh baby let's go on like Donkey Kong Sky Haley is rude she is super rude I I don't remember why we decided to I think it was a poll from the from the LA that was embarrassing I think it was a poll in our last 100% playthrough uh for me to to marry Haley um so we're going to marry Haley and then we're going to divorce her and then we're going to marry uh Harvey the one true waifu oh God there's so much cat hair on my microphone and it's tickling my nose oh what is that oh snap how many times have I missed that uh oh it was a life oh man we are so boned if you love stardew you would love cor Island no it's all about stardo she's got to beat stardew first before going to all these uh red-headed stepchildren games the dollar store stardos po Island's pretty good though but we would be playing it if it was as good as stard to cuz it's not what is this oh it's death guess we made it to level 1,000 in skull Cavern K who hurt you why are you doing this to yourself you got both the achievements for this it's easiest to do a level without getting hit then back out then do the next level in your next good luck day you get hit you reload wait so wait what does luck have something to do with this game um coral island is amazing it's just so slow I did never give it the proper chance though that's true oh boy not tou not touch so what is the uh I don't even so to to 100% the game I have to do all three of the uh of the mini games right is there certain things that I have to do oh what is that freaking rocket did I just die I swear to God what is this am I freaking am I just faster what what was that oh what it's all smugs fault I didn't get I didn't get touched I'm confident it was not that close all right hold on there's an achievement for completing the whole thing without getting hit easier to do the level at a time trick and backing out so does it save your progress is that what happens like how how does that work if you're backing out each [Music] time you think the lightning was a power up it sure didn't feel like a power up do I have anything you want that's a potential Wu one day as well I will send Hazel Vibes when you start Animal Crossing ever I will burn if we every time we encounter Hazel I will burn a switch I'd be so broke that freaking squirrel haunts my very [Music] existence I only got 17 iron we are killing it Lisa your full for once Sky I messed up oh no God that freaking squirrel all right so Critical Strike chance increased by 50% and then Desperado critical strikes are deadlier I want to mess with this I think it's going to be a good life choice we should have our basement today so we can start locking people in there and by we should have our basement today we in fact do not have our basement today I've played this Min game so much I'm embarrassed to be an expert on it now oh no you should never be embarrassed about being an expert in anything all right doesn't matter what it is look at that big old cowb [Music] to start stoning up on cheese again I think the the ridgeside forest is particularly deadly so oh I should probably make sure I feed the animals we need some grass I love that you have a baby crib but no baby nor partner look all right it's all all in due time all right preparation we're just trying to survive out here right now okay is that so much to ask let them starve Sky why are you such a bad influence my poor babies they need food they're hungry can't starve my precious money makers I like that the pigs still get truffles though even when they're starving technically I don't have to feed them except for the the I still love my little emo pigs [Music] though JoJo how are you how have you been come on dirty little pig what you got sweave good old sweave how much does a pig sell for 20,000 gold definitely not worth it for how long they take to grow and to get all the [Music] hearts imagine going on a date with someone and seeing they already have the crib the presumption all right look we're probably going to be single forever it's fine all right we'll be fine yeah we can feed him tomorrow being an adult boo that definitely deserves a good boo I hope you've been well though got some rabbit feets actually we're going to grab those uh cuz we need to get the uh the rest of our loved gifts out today we need to give five more easy freaking peasy cuz we've got the diamonds that's literally like five on its own and then we'll do another amethyst and we got two g b and we'll give a coffee to [Music] Harvey get the bird Cade mod then remove it when you marry to keep the bird wait what say say what don't I have work to do I've been giving you booze for like a week she's like don't you have work to do that's so rude where's Caroline Oh I don't have Caroline's flowers on me well well well I don't have any booze either oh what the hell did I just give him oh boy [Music] let me talk to you there we go you like diamonds right yeah nailed it oh Haru and then we'll give the rabbit's foot to Alex move it or lose it homie oh today's the event day there's nothing like that oh we never went tropical fishing so sky is it safe to assume that your most hated character is uh is Haley then or do you have another secret hate and I can't believe we're going to waste an entire day today because of this event I want to go stab something real quick stabby stab stab stab you leave for now fair [Music] enough if Penny if bam is trailer trash then penny is trailer treasure oh my God Penny was the first uh character that we married in stardew Valley I think we need to take off the raccoon hat we need to change up our outfit [Music] oh no avatars um y it's frozen it should be on in 5 seconds oh perfect [Music] test oh my god oh that's that's so much damage ah screw the Galaxy sword oh my [Music] what oh that's so much [Music] better the so good all right we're going to go upgrade this oh bber I knew I was on to something and then we're going to modify this to have increased Critical Strike chance and demolish um but then we can also mess around with the dwarf sword as well or not the not the dwarf sword the uh Galaxy dagger is oh so good how did you get the Galaxy sword again so you need to get a prismatic Shard you need to take that Prismatic Shard to the desert and you need to trade the desert to the thing in the desert and you get the Galaxy sword then when you go to the adventurer Guild you'll unlock the other Galaxy [Music] weapons all right so we'll hide these for now you all still they're still there they're just on in the [Music] background what we got a new shirt a sunset shirt well fancy that oo because of this event we were very close to failing this freaking Mission today but we did it we got our key gems I really need to start befriending kobis too dirty little fish oh there is no event today never mind okay so we need to get a prismatic Shard which means we need to go back to the skull Cavern on a good luck day uh what do key gems do uh they allow us to buy different things from um it's basically something that you get on Ginger Island are there these quests and then you can use them in like this key thing to unlock different things like the horse Fleet that we have which allows us to summon our horse anywhere and you can pick up one every week all right we're going to put the star fruits back in D is this the food one where's the food one is this the food one no the food one's down here this is why we need to make an actual storage area and actually figure out what we're doing with our life here we got cheese we got truffles um we're going to keep giving these summer spangle oh we got daffodils too but those are only liked gifts not loved carry a couple of those with us for Sandy and then put the dwarf sword back don't need the watering can don't need the stupid slingshot need that as a gift we don't have a lot of food or bombs for that matter 51 and N we need more Galaxy Souls too although if this dagger ends up being so good I probably won't even end up using it really oh we already got a prismatic Shard to upgrade the Galaxy dagger oh uh yeah this is the the DLC map um not the DLC map the the update the 1.6 update it's called the mealin I think probably the less easy map to play on to start with i it's definitely not the hardest but it's not as easy as the first one cuz you can't grow as much crops I kind of like it though it's kind of not too bad can we no we can't okay uh what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing we're doing something of course I can use the Galaxy soul on the dagger too what does the Galaxy Soul do when you attach it to a weapon like that I have never tried to do that it'll be good to go to Ginger Island too cuz we need to check on our farm we haven't done in a number of days now it becomes the infinity version Oh you still need three of them too I never made a video about the Infinity Sword stuff never never got to [Music] it and there's a lot of people here today I'll swim or just chilling not swimming all right so we need these Cinder shards oh shoot I thought I had the stuff to upgrade the critical damage here actually we're going to look up the forge stuff real quick cuz I want to make sure I do this right um stardew Valley dwarf Forge so let's see here aquamarine increases the critical hit chance Emerald is weapon speed J Jade is critical hit damage 10% per level so we can get 30% more damage by adding Jade to our dagger or more damage adds 10% per level to both Min and Max damage I wonder if the critical hit damage I'm assuming critical hit damage with our build would be better I don't know interesting so we want to get combat enhancements ooh Artful would be perfect to 50% cool down in special moves when enchanting weapons of the forge uh once enchantment from set is is guaranteed I'm confused about that part okay anyway [Music] sorry you think JoJo Mar is a better option for this map you know I've both liked and hated our JoJo route uh there hasn't actually really been many negatives to it I just I'm I already did that like the first thing we did and then we tested it and then now we're going full in on [Music] it cuz it is way better all right dagger [Music] hopefully we get the right one what do we get hay maker what the hell what does that do more fiber is earned when collecting weeds also a chance to collect hay cutting weeds has a 50% chance of also dropping fiber and a 33% chance of extra hay that's great I love that for my dagger oh my God so good oh my God so a random innate enchantment can be added to any melee weapon with the exceptions of Galaxy weapons and infinity weapons see that's dumb I don't understand why that means we could make that sword particularly better though cuz it's not a Galaxy weapon and it's already pretty dang good I cannot believe how unlucky that was that was brutal I guess we'll test it in here too so good so much more damage it's a night and day difference whoops so we're going to need more Cinder shards you know we'll come back here when we on a good luck day preferably and with a watering can we got the dragon's tooth though a shoot to choose dagger over sword for a build yeah I chose the dagger the infinity or the the Galaxy dagger um and I did the crit build and it's just it's so much damage it's ridiculous yeah the ice skill too oh my God it's a Wombo Combo it's amazing what rings are we using we're using the soul sapper I don't know why but then we have the combined ring which is the burglar ring and uh 10% increased chance um basically the aridium ban and the burglar ring combined I have to make our other ring still Teddy thank you for the 31 months how are you [Music] y'all can still do all the steam Avatar or stream Avatar stuff uh but since we added it the concurrent viewers has been 200 less than usual so uh going to see how a stream does without it on the screen all the time because that's uh you know like a 30% drop [Music] [Music] wish you could custom name your weapons like in Minecraft that'd be pretty cool those people just don't like fun I just probably don't like having a big distra distraction on the screen at all [Music] times they're still there so you can do it all in the background hey now we got our basement let's go oh we got to see if it's a good luck day if it's good luck day we're going to try and get some Goods stff neutral neutral is not bad cuz we can stack the good luck blessing of fangs oh my God another 10% Critical Strike chance okay I'll take [Music] [Music] it keep those it's great if you're watering crops or something repetitive it was kind of distracting with other stuff to watch yeah exactly chaos Minecraft stream I've tried to stream Minecraft a few times um never really got those to do well unfortunately maybe one day maybe one day we got 24 cheese we need more cheese then we'll roll out even with less viewers though your engagement must have been up 200% engagement don't pay the bills [Music] though unfortunately well like I said you guys can still use the avatars I'm just testing it for a little bit of uh not having them on screen 24/7 we'll still like stop and do the you know the occasional Battle Royale and stuff [Music] though all right oo another 115,000 a thank you teddy hope one day you'll come see Hawaii and we can show you around and repay you for the joy you give thanks Teddy one day I'll make it to I've always been wanting to go um you know maybe we'll actually get it done one of these days I was uh trying to figure out what I wanted to do with with Kaden this summer uh would like to travel a little bit with him again spend some time exploring place I don't know if we'll make it to I don't even know if we'll end up doing anything it depends uh let's see we're going to go buy bombs then we're just going to head into skull Cavern and see if we can get a couple more Prismatic shards uh then we'll we'll get back in time to be able to try out uh journey of the prairie king a little bit [Music] more so to get wondered oh it's not 10:00 what am I doing with my [Music] life I have no idea when TS the sh is coming out but when it comes out we will check it out when and only when it releases so we're going to do bombs try and get all that stuff done quick you know I'll go grab lucky food too I mean I don't know if I want to do it today we're not we're not going to do it today because I don't feel particularly particularly lucky we are going to go get our Prismatic shards instead I think or not Prismatic shards our uh Cinder shards [Music] did you see there's a new Lego set that's a mosaic of a Milky Way I did not I'll have to look that up that sounds interesting huh very intriguing does it look good so the lava Katana is the is the other one that I'm intrigued about it's got high damage it's got defense it's got lower crit chance but more crit power but we can we can increase that crit chance we'll mess with both figure it [Music] out where did the spicy e [Music] go am I blind or did I eat it [Music] all there I got 24 of [Music] it will you do more crazy mods for stardew even if it was weird it was kind of entertaining I um certainly not opposed to the idea oh Riven now the Infinity Blade already sucks compared to our critical well I don't know our critical build is doing pretty good but we haven't tested it with the regular Galaxy sword yet either we got to go pick up our new key Quest today too and I think we can get to the key to the city now as well that Lego set sounds like it would cost a bazillion dollars I mean all Lego sets to be fair nowadays cost a bazillion dollars like oh my God they're so expensive but I want it I don't know I'm kind of torn now Riven I don't know if I want the Infinity Blade or the infinity dagger now cuz this critical build with the dagger is absolutely bananas right now I'm torn needs further testing I'm sure there's somebody that's done all of the stuff I don't feel like Googling it that be stubborn I was going through all the mods and there's a new one that came up and well I did not see the big de oh my God but but you tried it out anyways Lord hath Mercy what's the name of that one I guess ideally I would go for both I don't know wait is there only an achievement for making the Infinity Sword and not like the infinity dagger or anything that makes me a little upset if that's the case h that certainly changes things oh my God give 50 loved gifts again I guess we're doing that that's 40 key and we know we can do it now easy freaking peasy all right 38% done all right we can do junimo chests the enricher plant on a sprinker and load with fertilizer to automatically apply it when planting seeds nearby that's kind of [Music] cool pressure nozzles the key to the town that's G to help a lot with the the gifs one oh then we can get Galaxy Souls too oh we're so close key seasoning I want his hat new hat let's go hyp speed grow recipe oh my God radioactive ore bone fragments and solar Essences oo I want that exotic B I'm not sure I got one and I made the sword but I think it would work for both I hope so I guess we're going to find out with the key you could finally get into Elliott's house maybe I'll hate him less then a you know what I forgot again we got time we can go get it we need I want to increase our critical hit damage since we're critting like every single time now we're going to apply three Jade to our dagger and see how that does who's a good horse you know what and we're going to bring horse you're right there [Music] bud we've got the Galaxy sword but it's the meow sword with bug killer on it 80 to [Music] 105 I already know the other sword that we were using was already better too the dwarf [Music] one hello Ellie how are you today thank you all for coming to hang out for another stardo stream by the way y'all are freaking wonderful I hope everybody's having a fantastic weekend all right we got to steal Pier's wife how we doing ooh pretty good pretty good Brandy how are you doing today got to get our cender oh shoot man I am just not doing a good job today with anything I got so distracted with the weapons that I completely forgot to bring the watering can if we're going to be doing anything inside of the the place and I'm getting distracted with presents now Jennifer I'm doing well thank you [Music] H you know I organized everything and now I struggle to find things more now than I was when everything was all over the place where did I put the watering can what is life oh that explains where our dwarf sword went too it's okay you have dehydration brain yeah dehydration and lack of sleep brain did you lose the meow Mir when you uh Forge the appearance trying to decide if I should do it yes so the meow Mir gets combined into the Galaxy sword um it also shows when you go to forge it that that it's going to be stronger but it actually doesn't get the like uh the the level boost for some strange reason I don't know why so it's just an appearance change but if you already have the Galaxy sword the meow Meir is essentially useless so I think it's worth it and I'm assuming you can use it on the Infinity Sword as well you can get another meamer though oh I'm assuming you just have to get another one of the [Music] things you got the dwarf Hammer from the volcano today the dwarf Hammer ooh maybe we'll get lucky too too we need to properly set up our hot bar for combat so we need we're going to use the dagger first see how that treats us and it's already doing super super good so imagine it'll do just fine get the bombs I did want to mess with messing with the meow oh my God so much less damage 93 verse 276 not even going to bother trying [Laughter] anymore it's just too much damage it's just too good like some of those crits are for 400 H did did you see Sky caved and bought the game oh I saw and is now addicted we did a good job we've brought more people into the stardo addiction feel pretty good about that now we just got to get her the stardew valley board game I had to fix my mouse my buttons weren't working again there we go oh must stab you so good God it's just so much better why didn't I I think to do this before actually I have been thinking about doing it for a while and just never did this a board game yeah the board game's phenomenal came out two years ago 3 years ago almost was hard to get for a while I think you can find them on Amazon now though if we can just get Artful on this it's going to be unbelievably good yes oh so good you want to go bro dead oh you want some of this dead see Riven I'm telling you you got to get yourself the Galaxy dagger and go with a crit build uh for combat you like the little stabby motion it's so good the the downside of it is it is a little bit riskier cuz you do have to be closer to them but we've combined it with the ice rod which we can start upgrading too once we get the Anvil which is such a good combo buy what do I want to drop oh God I don't want to drop anything tubers where did you get the ice rod it is uh once you max out combat you can go to the um the five ways and you can basically like Master uh different skills and we have mastered the combat skill which allows the new trinkets to drop and those trinkets so we're we're leveling up our Mastery skill to unlock our next one now too and those trinkets have various effects it was just one of the drops it was actually our first trinket and jeans my son is doing bucket list stuff before he goes to Navy boot camp got any suggestions um I took him for his first Manny P Petty today at the nail salon um bucket list stuff I don't even know if I what I don't even know what my own bucket list stuff is let alone for somebody [Music] else maybe we can get some good recommendations from chat skydiving depending what you end up doing in the military you might end up just doing that anyway so well maybe not in the Navy [Music] go camping on a mountain you're going to do that in the Navy too well no probably not in the Navy either they're boot Camp's a little bit different you might um ooh going to see the Northern Lights that is definitely on my bucket list I would leave to do that right now if I could which I could actually go see him up in Alaska or something I think this is the time of year where you go to see it in [Music] [Music] Alaska also and thank you so much for the Super Chat by the way um if I could do H see I'm so bad at that I don't even know what I want to do I'm the worst they went to Japan already what straight kill in The Bucket List hell yeah that's awesome that would uh that that's 100% on my bucket list I was debating spending like a month in Japan with uh with Kaden for when he comes to visit uh I don't know how much a 10-year-old would appreciate being in Japan but I feel like having a good like Cal experience like that at a young age would have some kind of benefit and I think it would be a lot of fun I don't know and the crazy thing is like if I woke up at like 8:00 or streamed at like 8:00 in Japan that would be like our typical 5:00 stream which would allow me to stream every day without really interrupting us doing anything either you a special Visa in Japan if you stay over two weeks tag I already looked into it oh I [Music] know he likes Pokémon right so sure you'll find stuff oh my God yeah there' be so much stuff in Japan that he would enjoy [Music] [Music] oh yeah also I don't know if the Navy does the same thing that I had to I don't know if it was for what I was doing uh but usually when you when you join you get like all of your tattoos like uh photograph you're not supposed to get any uh at least not until after like basic training and stuff like that so I wouldn't recommend the tattoo route if he's already been I I think they do that at Ms though which is like right before you leave so I don't know if it's the same way for the Navy as it was for like what I was doing but I wasn't allowed to get any any other uh identifying things like no piercings no tattoos or anything like that that might have been specifically for the job that I was doing so I don't know [Music] the stard valley soundrack is just absolute fire 100% fire all the [Music] time I'm going to n I'm not going to pass out I'll be fine we got this as long as I'm going the right way uh Twisted I was a 35 mic human intelligence collector uh noodle did Japan with the grandparents when she was 10 for 3 weeks weeks and had an absolute blast they did Disneyland Universal Studios skiing bullet train loads of stuff kid would have a blast so I think that's I I think that's what we're going to end up doing this summer I've always been wanting to go and we've been talking about it like me and him have been talking about it for a while and I think it would just be good I passed out anyways I should have just gotten gotten done what I wanted to do [Music] like is void Mayo worth more when sold like is void Mayo worth more than a void egg oh shoot we got some Dage so yeah taking any basic item regardless of its quality uh will always sell for more so turning void Mayo into void mayonnaise will pay we'll do more the only thing that I don't recommend is like uh an aridium truffle into say uh truffle oil cuz it doesn't carry over the the quality same thing with the um the void eggs but um we need more room just keep running out of room so we know we're not going to use the meow we're going to leave it here I don't know why I'm carrying ho with me the lava Katana that's still up for debate we're going to test that one now do we have a dresser in here a Jennifer have a wonderful day going to go hunt some Ghouls and Scorchers in the California wastelands oh and like Fallout is that what you're talking about now I'm confused oh God I can do two accounts that are amazing to figure out what to do and also where to eat they're both YouTubers and are amazing yeah sure why [Music] not I guess we'll go in like [Music] this my brain is on slowmo to I haven't slept in like 3 days it's not healthy don't leave your hoose behind excuse me my horse is not a hoe okay my horse is a glorious Majestic creature uh hope you're well uh Delight times I am thank you thank you thank you I hope you're doing well oh I'm going to sleep so hard tonight it's going to be great I'm going to get some Chinese food and I'm going to take a nice food coma it's going to be awesome I've never been more excited wonder if today's a good luck day we're seem to getting decent drops already Sundays are like my uh my not good food eating day cuz it's usually the day that we do like D and D too so like it's always every other week is automatically like pizza Sunday so I think I'll just make every week uh Sunday's the cheat day great we're out of water I'm so good at this game today like oh God dang it we need to do the stardew Valley Fair son of a a cuz we get friendship if we do it right right so it's kind of it's kind of worth it I want to stab you in the face so bad actually you know what let's just how many Cinder shard do I have I have [Music] 20 we can do one upgrade and then we'll we'll go to the fair my husband and I are literally lounging around the house eating Chinese food right now oh hell yeah cheers to the both of you that is phenomenal all right so this is going to increase our crit Power by [Music] four so crit Power by four is there more of it I guess that's 10% critical hit damage is 10% which is the same as just adding base damage but critical hit damage is multiplicative which means it's going to be higher CU we also get a 2X bonus on top of that so so adding critical hit damage over base damage is is way better I think SLE then oh we need 15 now we'll screw you [Music] game Sundays have been Bad News Bears for me I eat everything in sight ah there's nothing wrong with that I think we can do this till what oh we're going to go to the do I need do I really need to no no I don't I want to get these upgrades it's the only thing I care about right now we'll go into skull Cavern look the town can fail without me okay like honestly if the stew is going to suck and the only reason is because I tried and nobody else in this town wants to ever try and do anything I'm cool with just letting them fail you know you only have three out of seven star drops you need one at the fair uh is there is there one at the fair I can get I might be learning something new today right now oh boy all right maybe have a couple minutes to figure this out I can buy one at the fair I can buy one well son of them well I guess we're going shoot that seems pretty pretty worth it all right we got enough for our next upgrade which is all we wanted as there's a star drop at the fair you just turn in those staro things staro things oh I did that I think I did that we're going anyways worst comes to worse we're just going to stick Pierre's shorts in the gr display and we're going to have a good time I don't know I think I've shown on stream doing that we're we're going to go and and check just to be safe I'm 90% sure we got it on year 1 cuz we were gambling or maybe we didn't we might have not because we're no cuz we did fishing ah screw it we'll find out [Music] M are we not talking about the stardew Valley Fair with the grunch oh we are um where did I put his shorts shoot did I buy one from kobus I'm going to be honest I don't know anymore I don't know what life is right now all right I'm just I'm just here right we're going to do um Diamond we've got a truffle actually if we're putting the shorts in anyways it doesn't matter what we bring cuz they're going to be upset spaghetti no matter what move it or lose it we still need 10 items though to include the shorts I don't think we're going to make it cuz I don't know where the shorts are cuz they're not a clothing item at this point cuz I didn't do that yet shoot it ends at 2: p.m. I thought it was 3 p.m. oh shoot I did give them to Lewis dang it why did I do that and then set three let's see if we did the uh the star drop yeah we got the star drop already all right well well well [Music] I have the bamboo Rod which one should I upgrade to um it would be the fiberglass Rod I think would be the next [Music] one should I just restart the [Music] day no the maze is completely different here too the maze what are you talking about you talking about the end of the year one I think it's the fiberglass one next those were the basement shorts I don't think you have marne's bedroom shorts I don't I don't so I'm wondering I'm going to restart the [Music] day cuz I screwed up so much stuff on this do I want to restart the day is it worth it how much friendship do I have with Marne right [Music] now I have the keys to the city now so I'm like yeah yeah for this is for the people that haven't seen it yet okay [Music] vegetable medley that's not what I got earlier in the day I blew up eight cheese makers today it was easier to remake the cheese makers then restart the day well it depends on what you did that day that that that does check out to be fair so for those of you that don't know if you want to have a really great stardew Valley Fair Day the best thing to do is to make sure you have enough friendship with Marne so that way you can get into her house and we need well I guess you don't necessarily need the shorts from marne's house you can also get the ones in Pierre's basement if you don't mind being attacked by deadly stained underwear I have have the key to the city game I have the key to the freaking City what the hell oh I'm so upset he spaghetti right now I am so butt hurt but wait our raccoon has another baby now the key doesn't worked on Festival days that is the biggest bummer literally ever thirsty need juice the broccoli juice and the Pickled freaking [Music] pumpkin borney what it jorney how are you we clearly need to fix this [Music] look at our precious Piggies just making us making it rain cash 24/7 the hell is this the blessing of waters e yuckers the spirits are in Good Humor today oh B well we know what we're doing today instead I'll take Good Humor anytime I'm going to need some more food everything's a mess I'm really sad about that key debacle that kind of upset me a little bit I could have got honestly it's going to help out so it's it's fine don't be but hurt about it those in there we don't need them we've got everything that we need got food oh wait because it's a fair I can't even get I can't get anywhere now oh man don't know if I like I bought the key hat but I'm not I'm not in love with it I think my favorite hat so far is probably squid hat on the horse or me me I deserve the squid hat I've been doing very bad today it's the new duns cap I don't have a totem [Music] well I think big brain me might have bought a totem at some point in time but also at the same time like there's very few instances where I have the foresight to do that in this game no top hat we haven't gotten the top hat freaking giant brains [Music] yeah no we haven't uh we haven't had good luck ah the shrine of challenge dispel the ancient magic seal of protection allowing powerful monsters to ascend from the deep I think we should do this mhm oh it's an overnight Grant God dang it we definitely need to do more hard mode skull Cavern though there's definitely a good reason for it you also need to make sure to eat off food am I going for something specific in skull Cavern yeah we need aridium shards oh got one of our monster Slayer things things we're going for aridium shards and aridium not Prismatic shards and aridium I'm sorry I can't speak today laugh is hard so we got to get down pretty deep God it's so good we can just get Artful on there too oh baby I we don't have fully upgraded or anything yet you think we'd have a bad luck day with how rough it's being with getting these stairs we haven't gotten a Le drop yet on level five at 12 the dagger is super nice it's it's more dangerous but it is very nice cuz the problem is you do have to be a lot closer to things for it to to work which is a bit of a bummer but the damage it does is ridiculous [Laughter] so good ooh H hell yeah do have the game music off there's just no music sometimes there's no music it's just the way uh the stardo cookie [Music] crumbles oh you got so lucky you got frozed Farm totem Dro I missed it ah we'll be all right maybe I don't know why I enjoy the the sad ghost sound so much just brings happiness a a free set of the stairs the whole time oh my God there's music finally it's a Christmas miracle oh I missed the hole oh not the first time and it won't be the last man it's a sad day G look I know I knew y'all were going to take it there okay are the worst oh God hey see second 's the charm oh oh that was way too close take it there you put it there and missed touche touche where's all the holes this really Su and get noi still looking for prismatic shards dude what you doing with your life get your together my God come on [Music] baby take a shot every time I call a prismatic Shard and A ridium Shard on accident we'd be dead what the hell is going on today oh free stairs hole nope surprised we haven't gotten you know what let's kill this bad boy see I don't want to break the meteor on the farm though I kind of like having it there I don't know maybe I'm a weirdo I kind of like it though so I don't want to get rid of it I don't want to break it I know I just don't think it's worth breaking cuz it's it's kind of cool to have on the farm I want to put our Dino pen there at some point yeah it gives the farm care Oh left or right left hole Yeah yeah oh he's left you do the same thing nice sometimes you can get another I did not know that actually I should definitely make sure to start picking up the aridium now my God what are you doing with your life man clapping ghosts and taking names yet had another meteor in your farm land right on my crops it was tragic that's kind of awesome I mean it's super dirty but kind of awesome I didn't know that could happen it's terrible but I certainly wouldn't want it to happen to me and we need to go do the Journey of the prairie king can't during an event trying to get a prismatic Shard now that I need one you we know dang well it's not going to happen though it's the problem w [Applause] m maybe we should have I mean it's a good humor day not that bad man this dagger is absolutely redonkulous I'm so glad we tested it out Molly I remember one of your playthroughs you got a prismatic shard in like the first month it was ridiculous honestly we have had some absurd luck when it comes to the aridium shards it's it's kind of ridiculous Molly I hope you've been well give me the stairs I don't know what our highest chance of getting like what we should be doing to get the highest chance for an aridium Shard down here assuming it's just get deeper the donks are roning [Music] what I feel like just avoiding the enemies is a bad idea bad life choice why are we all saying shot what did we do am I supposed to have a shot why why what did I what what did I do I'll do one put your underpants on your head and spin around three times what is I'm so confused there's a hole I missed a hole again oh my God that's why I'm [Music] single clearly incapable I said aridium Shard again God dang it today is just not a good day I'm just all over the oh shoot oh oh Billy nope nope nope nope nope nope nope NOP nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope oh danger zone um we need to get rid of all the things that are going to prevent us from picking up an aridium Shard CU I feel like dang it I'm going to be turn today what the Prismatic Shard get it through your thick dumb skull Prismatic Shard Molly not you two no oh my God it's the end the end is nigh it's all Sky's fault there's a traitor amidst is there a reason I'm keeping the blue dwarf scroll no no there's not let's go oh premature God dang it nothing like wasting one of the cool Downs need a hole tired Tipsy tag on a stardo adventure what could go wrong look I'm not Tipsy okay I just my brain's just not working today it's different oh shoot as I run directly into fire what even is life [Music] today a got time for this I'm getting out of here rolling out hey level 69 nice [Music] look I got tired brain and sick brain it's a double whammy oh my God [Music] I do have to say this Critical Strike build I am absolutely in love [Music] though so we did not get a prismatic Shard today I think we'll just pass out in here it's only 1,000 gold [Music] it's nice that we got to level 71 Without Really Trying to get deep though oh God like I want to see how fast we can kill the Crimson Badlands boss with this I think we can kill it like super duper quick like the amount of damage we put out with this thing is redonkulous yeah we'll just pass out it's so much faster that way sometimes at one point in time we had six Prismatic shards now remember those are the good old days I don't know where they all went but they ain't here no more oh we got another bassless paw whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa so we're doing the hard mode uh skull Cavern tomorrow which should result in some Prismatic shards you hoard your Prismatic shards dirty little hoarder you got to use them all right not too shabby oh we got to pick up our steel pan I guess we'll upgrade that to gold now too we'll eventually get it to uh aridium I guess used four today to get your Cru uh Crusader sword Crusader sword what is what is that all about all right so we need 20 more of these so we can get our trinket upgrade Anvil I don't know did we ever we're going to go to the path of the fiveways and make sure that I have actually gotten our next upgrade I feel like I've only picked up two of them we have access to three now which means I think maybe we get the the fishing upgrade next have I collected the eggs recently no they're all just kind of being autoc collected I'll sell them like once a year I think like it's just not worth going in there every day there's just not a lot of money in it oh the Crusader enchantment on your sword gotcha gotcha gotcha got Goa got Goa I know things I knew exactly what you were talking about the whole time have I tried ride monster Forest yet I haven't unlocked it I actually need to know how to unlock it that was one of the goals today as well as the journey to the prairie king which we're about to do right now oh there's not one more truffle to make this a perfect day [Music] really I think I heard [Music] one what you oinking up there it is down there oh there's three of them down there rside Forest is hard that's what everybody's saying I don't know if I got enough brain power to do well on uh prairie king today to be honest already beaten Juno Kart the save we did the 50,000 points on endless mode this save that's what we did a couple days ago [Music] so next two streams dedicated to Prairie King I'm assuming there's an end to it we do have to actually for 100% do we have to fully complete all of the all of the Mini games I don't actually [Music] know so nice love it all right so ancient frables 13 18,000 12,000 it's so nice they're just so good what do I think is harder junimo Kart or prairie king junimo Kart I'm sure I don't think it's going to take me nearly as long to master Prairie King as it took me to master junimo [Music] Kart you never have the brain for prairie king oh [Music] no you know what let's go let's go kill the main boss in the prairie lands or prair lands what it's the whole new part of the prairie king oh man I don't know what's going on today I'll tell I'll tell you what prair king is much more skilled than luck that makes sense I want to see how quick we can kill the the main boss oo another dud drop Berry nice I don't think my heart could take another Juno car string well we're going to have to cuz we need to fully complete junimo Kart so it's going to happen at some point whether we like it or not my God this is so much easier with the dagger and we don't even have it fully upgraded yet which is the best part nice all right where's Big Boss at a little baby one oh we got the monster Slayer achievement nice oh my Lord the junim cart stream was a whole different level of Madness yeah things happened that's that's for sure oh that's cheese woo baby [Music] oh this is going great God poke poke poke poke poke more faster Juno car has such bad lag it really does that's kind of like the hardest part of it honestly [Laughter] die God leave me [Music] alone I was really hoping that was going to work better than it did where's the boss man came here to fight the boss and there ain't no boss to fight oh my God we're going to get freaking destroyed void the tank sounding an awful lot like a dying ghost rude getting the hell out of here till you H get out of my butt or at least please take me out to dinner first Jesus I still don't know what these little balls [Music] do am I no I'm not lost thank you Jesus all right off to the prairie king that was a bit of a [Music] bummer 100% worth it have I fished there yet no no I have not what you going to do with that big fat horse apparently just going to run into a wall this is where people do the dagger and Hammer crit builds makes sense the crit build is straight fire I do want to mess with the hammer next as well we're off to see the prairie king pumpkin Smashers I don't even know what that I've never played pumpkin Smashers before oh so you can continue we're going to start a new Journey I had no idea you could actually continue the journey so you need to get through all the floors without being hit or levels without being hit right that's that's the main goal for the achievement that's not going to go well for us at all is it they're so good oh my God [Music] what is [Music] that oh a wheel oh Christ okay well that's what that is [Music] it wasn't anywhere near I swear to God what it was not that close to me some BS all right we need to exit out right cuz we got hit [Music] you made it two levels and lost oh my God no we're just got to become a prairie king [Music] God apparently good luck days are better to do this on which makes [Music] sense and I'm assuming the best way to do it would be doing a level a day and then resetting the day if you want to keep doing it or what the fry fracket motherless goat fector's challenge took me forever is that what this is called maybe try vector's challenge after you beat the prairie king oh oh my God oh my God oh my God what is [Music] this what the fry Frack what oh we're [Music] [Laughter] done Juke him Juke him Juke him oh oh oh what [Music] I cannot believe we almost got our way out of that we got this this is fine I there's something weird with the hit boxes on those things that's really making me [Music] mad it's like sometimes they have to be right on you other times they just need to look at you funny not the junimo [Music] [Music] flashbacks no no no no no no no no no [Music] yes oh they run from you is what it is oh that's actually super useful okay [Music] I am the worst at the prairie king ever what is that what are you oh boy this is going to be not a good PE [Music] PE I wanted to play more Manor Lords today but I feel like maybe not the best [Music] idea oh oh God dang it this is fine this is not fine this is the opposite of fine manl Lord store your whole weekend nice [Music] oh my God this going to take a bit I suggested boost luck for Foods yeah so if if luck actually does have anything to do with it we should probably time it for when we have good luck and good food um so I guess one of the things that we will do [Music] whoops no don't drink [Music] it spicy eel and ginger beer yeah um but 7 I do think we're going to stop here for the day I wanted to do a longer stream but I'm I'm still not feeling particularly great and I'm tired so I guess we'll do if I get everything set up we'll be doing so we will be 100% doing Animal Crossing this week uh hopefully tomorrow if everything goes well if not it'll be Tuesday at the latest uh but otherwise I do hope you all have a fan fantastic night thank you so very much for hanging out with me and I'll see you all on the next one