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I'm Steven share and this is a starburst hoverboard oh yeah what's going on Cher's welcome to the vlog uh yeah I kind of just woke up so my hair is a little messy forgive me Corden are getting uh another late start today Carter made a big big plate of eggs and you know what could have a little sure sure as you watch them - mm-hmm very good oh my gosh guys look at otter what is he doing out of what are you doing he was Louise he was a piece of egg oh my gosh boy you're being ridiculous on her then it's such bad manners at the table uh uh uh well first things first it's time to get the day started so we gotta go where do we have to go Carter we gotta go what down to the post office is it pick up a couple packages and we're gonna pick up some awesome fan mail and then I'm thinking we go to the grocery store I came with us with this idea this morning and I was like this could be pretty epic so we gotta go to the grocery store get a bunch of candy they're going to come back here probably heat up the hot glue gun and you guys I think you guys are really gonna like this idea oh yeah we'll see what happens so let's get going whoo oh wait I can't wear this oh yeah that's better always got to wear that share the love swag no no otter understand you stay here sorry you can't come stay stay stay stay we'll be back ways feel so bad when we can't take otter places cuz he always wants to just get outside oh yeah by the way shout out to whiz kid man of awesome and the cowboy brothers you guys all got first comment on one of our videos so your swag pack is on its way so keep an eye out for the YouTube play button keychain and some swag I know exactly where I'm heading straight to that candy aisle yes okay but Carter I don't now I don't see that if they have like the big Star Wars bags 41 ounces should we get two of them yeah - we need as many as we can get - oh yes okay this should do it actually I'm gonna get one more oh the last one I think we I think we might need all three on this wait we might need all three for this self-checkout side the best that was probably the quickest giant run we ever made we ran out like two seconds we have this many servers it's so much that's what probably like over three hundred starbursts let's see how many is in one well I guess it doesn't say how many is in here there's 41 ounces hey doesn't say how many starbursts are in it but I'm assuming it's gonna be like 300 okay we just did some math there is 8 pieces per serving and there are 30 servings so that's 240 starbursts per pack times 3 packs that's uh think about it for a second think about it think about it 680 plus 40 so that's 720 720 starbursts okay that actually might be enough that's a lot of starbursts log no just to come in the bed we had we got to go pick up the fan mail UPS store let's do it we've got quite a lot of fan mail today to say the least is there more back in there there's one more big one might be a lot of fan mail but we got some swag Tron's I am so excited to get home and open this fan mail and also open those swag Tron's oh and the good news is look who's driving cart is actually driving yeah I have a question that what the heck is a swag Tron cardies know what a swag Chinese okay Carter come on these are gonna be cool I can't wait to unbox them alright let's get to unboxing gets a better grab a knife for all these boxes there's a bird in the garage bird no how am I gonna get it out as soon as I press that to open that garage door the bird flew out Carter I got some scissors let's open these these fan mail just crazy oh I can't wait okay let's open some of these letters for oh let's open this one first this looks epic look at that share the love logo on the front so this awesome letter was from Ryan from Tennessee and Carter he says he loves your lime green share the love sweater oh yeah shout out that lime green hoodie this next letter is pretty heavy so I'm excited to see what's inside it what is this ooh oh nice Pokemon cards oh these are some good ones too oh quarter william's send these Denise that half of these are for you so yes there's half yes what'd I get oh look at that holographic one that's so cool thanks for the pokemon cards William Lester one more letter and see what's in here oh it's pink I do like pink pink is a cool color first thing share the love logo oh that's nice the second thing says dear Steven share I am Joey aka Kirby stash I was just saying hi because I never wrote fan mail before so yeah stay awesome and share the love hey that's awesome thank you so much Joey this is a pretty big box let's open it let's see what's inside check out this epic duct tape hey if the duct tapes good whatever's inside must be epic oh yeah ready hold on hey what's going on so cool whilst we got it there Steve oh my gosh look at this I am actually obsessed with this whoa that's so cool every one of our vlogs wow this stuff is epic thank you so much Joseph oh and this box is from chase guys Chase is actually a swag pack winner so this is pretty cool that he sent me something oh my gosh this is so cool duh whoa it's loaded too I think it's Plasti Dip oh that's no way see if it works ready yeah wow that was so cool check out these darts - the new darts those are the Accu strike darts that's epic thank you so much for high accuracy oh we got a nerf rival one so in the letter chase told me he upgraded both of these guns with bigger Springs for the shoot even farther and let me tell you yeah they shoot really far we still have all these awesome letters left but don't worry we didn't forget to open we're gonna save them for a special vlog remember shares if you want to join the fan mail squad and send us fan mail the link is in the description below of our mailing address okay Steve I want to open a swag shop because I want find out what it is I have no idea it's a big box up what could it be so instead swag Tron right there swag Tron sounds pretty cool let's find out what it is I'm surprised Carter out of all people wouldn't know what a swag Tron is a t5 swag Tron hands-free smartboard okay oh those ones actually look really cool oh this thing looks so cool now you know what it is Carter yeah now I know it is this thing as epic look at that battery indicators Oh an exclusive battery pack with sentry shield technology that's awesome okay let's open it up there it is there's the swag Tron oh that is fresh the rims on this thing are fresh look at that Wow whoa this is like the coolest looking hoverboard I've probably seen this is so cool oh okay it might be dead but give it a little try it might need a chart looks so sick I gotta try it whoa that one actually looks so cool Carter oh yeah we're definitely gonna have to hide yo get this one oh this one's like stay with luxury car it's like a Mercedes Ben what it looks like it looks like a fancy futuristic it feels like I'm driving a luxury car right now by the way you guys think we got to swag Tron's and aren't gonna give one away you're wrong that's right shares anyone who orders swag from the swag store before May 31st will automatically be entered to win the swag Tron oh I just realized swag Tron swag store that's right that's pretty cool order some swag to win some swag so I think it's time to get those starbursts because guys this is my idea we got these starbursts we got those hoverboards yeah let's put two and two together let's make a starburst hoverboard oh yeah okay quarter let's take all this stuff and let's go to the basement we got the swag Tron we got the hot glue gun and we got the starburst so now let's decorate the swag shop with starbursts step 1 let's open the starbursts whoa step two open the starbursts whoa and step three open the starbursts look that is a lot of servers that is a lot of servers now we can get to work before we completely blew every star burst onto this swag Tron we're gonna do a little test first so I'm going to do a little dab of glue right here just a little dab then I'm gonna stick a starburst on press and hold wait for the glue to dry and what we're going to be testing for right now is to see if the glue and the starbursts can completely remove from the swag tron okay it should be dry now let's go ahead and peel it off and see if the hover board gets ruined three two one whoo okay so our first will this peel off Oh boom perfect it was like it was never even there all right Sheriff's I think it's time to get to work Carter what is our process how are we gonna do this so we're gonna do a little bit of teamwork here we're gonna put Steven on the hot glue oh yeah I got the hot glue gun my favorite you guys know I love hot glue guns and I'm gonna be doing the starburst so he's gonna put the hot glue on the starburst pass it off to me and I'm gonna stick it on the hoverboard awesome sounds good let's start here's the process just dab a hot glue on the starbursts one two three Oh yarder takes it over and he sticks it on to time lost this thing yeah let's make it super fast all right time lapse in three two one who shares that took a long time but the good news is the hoverboard is finished charging so now we can finally officially ride the starburst hoverboard are you guys ready are you ready to witness and view the coolest hoverboard ever the starburst hoverboard let's do it shares this is the starburst hoverboard oh yeah check it out how awesome is this starbursts literally everywhere I think it has over 300 starbursts on it every single place has a starburst on it and the best part is if you get hungry kill one off you can eat a starburst mmm-hmm never go hungry again while riding a hoverboard let's take this hoverboard outside and let's see if it'll work yes I think we did a little bit of overkill because we put so many starbursts so he can barely even like touch the foot pads so I wonder if it'll even work there's only one way to find out to the garage come on Steve it's hurry up you slowpokes all right let's do this starburst hoverboard yeah where is the on button where'd he go oh there it is okay wait there it is let's see we'll turn on yes I'm good so far so good but the question is does it work with all the starbursts well do the footpads work all right let's try it ready I'm ready here we go guys hashtag right now hashtag starburst if you think this is going to work I think it will ready yep oh wait oh wait try it again uh-oh is it working no it's not working oh no the starbursts messed it up is not working do you know why the footpad doesn't get pushed what Pat doesn't get pushed because our feet are above it so we need to take more starbursts and put them all the footpads interesting so it turns out we didn't put enough starboard so I was thinking we put too many but it turns out we actually need more hey the more starbursts the better sounds yummy card oh let's stick some more on do you have more yeah luckily I got a whole pocketful okay let's play my bags everywhere I am on the footpads okay so we got to put a few more here like that hopefully this will help the footpad get pushed and I'll put some on this side too let's do this I think this is gonna work okay so this time hashtag hoverboard it's gonna work alright here we go let's try it do it that one was working oh yes it is the other one working yes okay starburst hoverboard look at this that looks so cool it literally works just like just as well as when we unbox it it's not messing up the performance at oh this is so cool Carter you gotta try it everyone's got to ride the starburst hoverboard oh yeah look how sick it looks isn't that awesome yeah that's so awesome woo oh my goodness yes Carter are you are you hungry by any chance hungry yeah I'm hungry alright try it take take a starburst off look at that let's just take all this red one my favorite colors are red pop it off just pull right off pop it off unwrap it and pop it right into your mouth it's like an edible hoverboard mm-hmm score that is sick wait Carter come back over here come back over here I got still one off oh yeah mmm nice hardware I love it oh god I just realized not only is the starburst hoverboard edible but when it falls over it will protect it from scratches Oh perfect two and one oh no three in one Carter because guess what well not only does it look cool not only does it protect the hoverboard but it's edible so you know you'll never get hungry and it'll never get damaged yeah and there's like so many starbursts to go around for all your friends to share whoo oh yeah that is what you call a starburst hoverboard I could just like eat it yeah yeah alright shirts until next time you know what to do stay awesome and share the love peace [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Stephen Sharer
Views: 4,484,461
Rating: 4.7723923 out of 5
Keywords: Starburst, starbursts, candy, edible, rare, hover, board, hoverboard, stephen, sharer, fidget, Starburst hoverboard, rare hoverboard, hoverboard mod, candy mod, super rare, fidget spinner, hover board, stephen sharer, steven sharer, rare hover board, hoverboard fidget spinner, starburst fidget spinner
Id: lhL3dXiWip0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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