Star Wars Theory: JEDI ARE EVIL

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hey brother Ben it was just Star Wars day and may the fourth be with you and now we have successfully survived The Revenge of the fifth which means today is the return of the sixth actually I don't think that's the thing and it sounds more like sit which isn't good because we want Jetta or do we today we will examine some of the galaxy's greatest defenders to see if the Jedi are really all they're cracked up to be or this is a Star Wars theory how the force much like duct tape it has a light side a dark side and keeps us all together the light side is typically represented by the Jedi and the dark side by the Sith at least that's how it is for the six Star Wars films and the animated series the Clone Wars which is all going to be focusing on in today's video so please don't jump down my throat for anything in the expanded universe which I'm not very familiar with both sides Jedi and Sith use that terminology thus if actually acknowledged that they use the dark side of the force so that's it case closed right I mean they're basically calling themselves the bad guys aren't they or are they just because we associate the words light and dark with the words good and evil doesn't necessarily mean that those using either side of the force are good or evil in fact I think it's more likely that both sides of the force are just very appropriately named based on what emotions you have to use to harness the power on either side darker emotions like hatred and anger fuel the dark side of the force lot more positive ones mercy compassion honesty fuel delight side but just because you had the capacity to love or hate doesn't necessarily make you good or evil take Anakin Skywalker for example he turns to the dark side because he wants to save the woman he loves now don't get me wrong Ben I'm not saying to sit are good people oh they're not they focus on being angry and hating others to grow their power not exactly what you're looking for leadership but it's not like the Jedi are just sitting around loving one another either in fact they forbid it again look at Anakin driven to madness because he was not allowed by the Jedi to love the woman he loved so what are the Jedi rules well I know there's a bunch of versions of this but the basics of the Jedi Code there is no emotion there is peace there is no ignorance there is knowledge there is no passion there is serenity there is no chaos only harmony there is no death there is the force before we continue I think this is a good spot to point out that if you are a user of the force it doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a Jedi or a Sith these rules don't apply to you to use the force only to be within the Jedi Order however it's unlikely that you'll be able to train yourself to use a force without the help of the Jedi or the Sith so you'll probably have to fall into these rules so let's break it down there is no emotion there is peace Oh peace that sounds so good but wolves that first part no emotion yes I could do the rest of the video like this no emotion where they crazy I mean it's kind of hard to wrap your head around but basically that's a very like Spock Sherlock logic conquers all the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few no matter what kind of thinking and I know the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few is a lovely public message for the Jedi as an organisation to present to the public but on a personal individual level nearly impossible this is why the Jedi are not allowed to have emotional attachments or relationships because it could impair their judgment in a situation would you let your wife die instead of saving a bus full of strangers I mean certainly saving more people is greater than saving one and those are the impossible kind of decisions the Jedi would be in if they were allowed to have relationships because even if in that situation you had the emotional clarity to save the people and let your wife die you'd be filled with that guilt for the rest of your life so no attachments easy peasy accepted again it's impossible to not have an attachment or a relationship with anyone I mean it's basically the definition of interaction and even the Jedi seem to have some concern for their Padawans and respect for their leaders do they not do you imagine that in that bus situation they would save one of their own instead of the bus reasoning that saving one Jedi could save more people down the line maybe that's true but if you're on the bus how do you start to feel about that there is no ignorance only knowledge well that doesn't sound that bad I mean just the pursuit of knowledge I think we can all agree that's a good thing right and all the Jedi are always searching for new knowledge about the galaxy and the force they're not very good about sharing that information and the Jedi have a lot of power there librarian in the second movie says if it doesn't exist in our database it doesn't exist so basically they've got what they believe to be a complete working knowledge of the galaxy but it's only accessible to those within the Jedi Order the reasoning is fairly sound those who seek knowledge seek power power leads to the dark side yeah fair enough I guess coming from the people with all the knowledge and power hmm to be fair they have gathered all of their own information it's theirs to do with as they please and I understand restricting the flow of information within a religious organization and I understand not wanting people to gain enough power to disrupt the peace but peace according to who the Jedi what gives them the right it's not like they were elected or anything there is no passion there is serenity serenity now this is kind of in the same man is the first daemon you need a cool logical serene mind versus a passionate one oh yeah right because of course we wouldn't want our peacekeepers to you know be passionate about keeping the peace and of course when I say peacekeepers I of course mean war generals can I just point out that I think it's weird that the peaceful and serene Jedi all carry weapons and are literally the generals of the Republic army okay cool there is no chaos there is harmony okay well that is just blatantly incorrect there's no light without shadow there's no peace without conflict you can't have one without the other so I just don't even think that makes sense but perhaps this is more of an inner thing for the Jedi they must detach themselves from their inner turmoil in order to be at harmony but what it like removing all conflict from your inner self stop you from trying to better yourself that was a Jedi supposed to grow without any inner conflict I mean it just seems counterproductive if you ask me and are they just ignoring all of the chaos out there that doesn't seem like very good peacekeeping in fact to me it sounds ignorant mmm there's some knowledge for you Jedi and lastly there is no death there is only the force okay what that seems like pretty fair game for most religions there is an afterlife you joined before okay what are we left with here emotionless logic driven superpower being some of whom have access to all of the knowledge in the galaxy self-entitled peacekeeping war generals spend the Jedi undoubtedly live harsh lives and apparently in the name of peace but again peace according to who the elected members of the Galactic Senate they claim to defend the fact is the Senate is at the mercy of the Jedi the Jedi who will not share their vast knowledge of the galaxy with those who have been elected to run it and the Jedi who will not accept new members into their order except by their own choosing and of course by choosing I mean the removing of children from their homes at a very young age should be realized in a very harsh religious environment their intentions might be good but their inner workings are certainly questionable so Ben my question for you and everybody else is Jedi infallible superheroes of the galaxy or no Ben I did not come up with all of this on my own I've left a link in the description that goes into much more detail about the evilness of the Jedi I encourage all of you to please go check it out also thank you to everyone who's been sending me grilled-cheese verse taco drawings they are amazing and a big thank you to seven seven seven green day seven seven seven who sent us this amazing painting of Ben and I complete with baby giraffe illan grizzly Eagle shark and pig wall can you see it boom he was like a mouse anything our p.o box is in the description below join us next time when I discuss the Sith code may the force be with you and I will see you in another life brother you
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 3,030,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, star wars, star wars theory, jedi are evil, yoda, darth vader, anakin skywalker, jedi, jedi council, evil, clone wars, darth, vader, super carlin brothers, Luke Skywalker (Fictional Character)
Id: nUrWyPJqeSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed May 07 2014
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