Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: $25,000 R2-D2 Review

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[Music] how's it going everyone sir james coming at you guys with another star wars galaxy's edge product review obviously this isn't your typical review this is much larger probably the largest item i'm ever going to get to review from star wars galaxy's edge and well he needs no introduction this is indeed r2d2 but not just any r2 this is the one that you can buy literally at star wars and galaxy's edge in the joy depot for those of you who are unfamiliar that the droid depot is one of the locations you can visit and you can actually build your own personal droid to carry around with however for the big spenders you could even get a life-size r2d2 which i think retails for around 2500 so if you ever wonder why you might not see any more videos for the rest of the year that's because all my money went towards this now i'm just kidding not to worry this isn't actually my product my friend xander was kind enough to invite me over and to get this once in a lifetime opportunity to get a review like this available to you guys so honestly this one's a little bit more harder for me to do because i'm so used to doing like the lightsaber kind of stuff and so i'm going to try to do my best with this one i know you guys want to see this one in action moving around and stuff like that and don't worry i'll be sure to get you guys plenty of footage for that just to prove that this is indeed from star wars galaxy's edge and the joy depot there's a few extra little items here that i would like to show you guys first before we get this guy basically moving around and lively because right now he's just stationary until we mess around with them so first things first is that we are gonna get a box like this uh which has our industrial um automation right there and this is actually going to contain our uh bolts right there that you can go ahead and actually plug onto r2d2 so you can go ahead and actually remove this just the restraining bolts and it'll be placed along right there through the use of a very nice and powerful magnets and of course if you don't want that there you can go ahead and just take this and place it right back in the box the other thing that you're going to get is that you're going to get this really nice user manual and let me go ahead and show you guys what this looks like so here is the user manual it actually is a very nice sturdy it's got this aluminum sheen to it on the very front and r2 himself is actually both made of aluminum and steel and to flip it around here this is basically going to be your owner's manual and of course the warranty information along with the serial number which is serial number zero one two uh when you open this up you're gonna get your table of contents on these really thick boards here so you're really going to get something sturdy here for example his dome is actually attaches through magnets they're small holes for it to align to the next one over talks about the controllers and of course the battery in which it uses and then of course it goes over here and talks about the restraining bolt that you can get the droid power switch along with the charging ports and of course shows you where the lyft r2 i believe he weighs around like 80 pounds give or take 80 85 pounds and of course the warranty information and then there is the back logo once again and then besides r2 you're also going to be getting your remote control it's a very cheapish feeling remote it's not very you know crazy feeling um you would think you know for this kind of money that someone would spend i would at least you know would have liked to see a little bit more of a higher quality controller personally whether or not maybe you can take the guts of this and put it into something a little bit more higher quality um but yeah overall in the controller simple uh to kind of give you some ideas here if you want to make him talk uh you flip on the left analog side just upwards and just like that if i wish to rotate his head using the left analog i can go left and right and then of course make him talk if you keep the toggle switch upwards he'll continue to do phrases and all the phrases are just like you'll find in the movies [Applause] [Music] and of course as i give you guys a closer look it's got all the lighting and stuff like that if i turn his head around actually um what i was told is that someone's actually gonna be coming over from lucas and he's actually gonna make it to where these will blink and change color as he talks um but that's for a little bit of a later date um but other than that it's really cool and then using the other portion of the analog is how you control how he moves so let me go ahead and actually place these things off to the side alright so let me go ahead and give you guys a closer look of the remote so that way you know how it all works and functions like i said as far as everything from this the remote does feel the cheapish but that's just my personal opinion all together so here's the remote that you get it's just a black light plastic and then back here you put several batteries in here but on this side here this is how you control r2's head if you flip this analog stick up if you keep it up he just constantly talks and talks through all the different things that you've heard from the movies uh going left and right makes him uh obviously go back and forth with the head and this analog stick right here controls his movement now one thing i forgot to mention with the restraining bolt that you get you do need to have the restraining bolt on i'm in order for him to function without the restraining bolt um he doesn't move at all as you can see i have the restraining bolts right here in my hand place this back on there and now he works just fine so what i'm going to go ahead and do is um i'm going to change the camera around so you have a chance to have him in the review without me being in the shot um but i will get some other footages uh or i'm just gonna make it up as i go um but just to kind of give some other information to you is that as far as the r2 goes and this was built over at lucasfilm so they did use the original plans and stuff like that as far as all the references materials as far as building the r2 goes and seeing this in person is really cool the only thing that's a little bit of a bummer though is that all the panels and stuff right here um that you'll normally see pop up and open inside or as far as the movies go unfortunately doesn't happen with this one i know there are alternative options for r2s but i've been kind of cool if those would have worked just my personal opinion but let's go ahead and get a better look at our two in action [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so um yeah he takes a little bit of time getting used to just the way the control is obviously with practice and time it will become you know a little bit more fluid um bringing r2 alive so yeah to think of the people that actually do a really good job on the cam in the films bringing them to life whether it's a person inside or someone with a controller to ensure that everything is working accordingly to ensure that r2 is as lifelike as possible take some amazing skill and you know seeing as you're the one person operating this uh definitely will take a while i always feel like this will be kind of like a nice concept if one person did all the controls as far as just moving him around while the second person will control the actions of the dome and how he's speaking but let me go ahead and give you guys a closer look of everything else on r2 [Music] well i've been dreaming hard in my head like i've seen it a life worth living is a life with me then i'll do what i love till my heart stops beating i'm feeding work a job every day till your dreams fade away like a card never change play the game that we say i need to break [Music] need to move on to be what i want i'll keep dreaming [Applause] [Music] [Music] knife in the back i'm a swing home run like a baseball bat gonna see me rising hate on that i don't play both sides don't mean no cap i'm a ride or die with my dreams on tap i'ma fly real high do i see me slacking all right so i tried to demo the r2 unit as best as i can and like i said it's a little bit of a pain to control them by oneself but as time goes on i'm sure i could easily approve on it or as often i get the chance to uh check out the r2d2 myself but i do want to give a big thank you to my good friend xander for allowing me to come over and check out r2 and r2 i hope this experience was um thrilling as much as it was for you tell me about it um but anyways let me know what you guys think about the life size r2 from star wars galaxy's edge in the comment section down below i'll be sure to be taking some extra photos and whatnot and posting them on over to my instagram accounts um but if you have any questions feel free to uh ask me down below i'll try to answer them as best as possible as far as the time frame it takes to get one of these i believe it can take anywhere from two to three months because they'll be building it up from scratch and the latest info that i got is only 12 of these from galaxy's edge have ever been sold this one being the number 12th one right here which is the most recent one um but like i said let me know what you guys think about this in the comments section down below for me as cool as it is to possibly have one of these one day i think i'll stick with either the small size or maybe the cardboard cutout but don't get me wrong this is a great thing to have for any stock wars during out there no offense but until then i'll see you guys on the next star wars galaxy's edge review i'm sir james this is our crew and until then we'll see you guys in the next video review
Channel: SirJames I Gamerfuzion
Views: 220,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: $25, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Review, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Most Expensive item, Disneyland 25k R2-D2, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge 25k R2-D2, R2D2 Review, star wars galazy's edge life size R2-D2, Star Wars Review, Droid Depot Review, Droid Depot R2-D2, Star Wars Product Review, SirJamesDMitchell, SirJames, Video Game Reviews, GFLaserBolt, GFSirJames, Reviews, Unboxing, Product Reviews, R2-D2, Star Wars Droids, R2 Unit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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