Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser - The Real Story

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Star Wars Galactic star Cruiser was the most ambitious thing that Disney Parks has ever created and is the best themed experience that we've ever had but unfortunately the horrible marketing and the expensive price tag resulted in Disney's shutting down the experience in October of 2023 we were fortunate enough to go to the helian a few times and record our experiences from discovering the star Cruiser for the very first time to exploring different story paths while on board we made some incredible friendships and made some memories that we'll remember forever it is really shame that more people couldn't experience this hopefully we can offer you the next best thing what you're about to watch is the most complete documentation of this defunct attraction we'll show you the story from start to finish intercut from multiple points of view and we'll show you the food the rooms and we'll explore it all the footage in this video is the combination of four separate Journeys aboard the housian and the result of over 30 hours of footage you'll see different actors playing the same role interfet throughout the story you'll see us changing allegiances from first order to resistance to Smuggler and more but hopefully in the end it's all understandable from start to finish this is the story of the housian [Music] star we just pulled in for the galactic starers are and they've actually painted some signage I still think it's like a very strange entrance I mean it's very un assuming if you know you know we're here to save the Galaxy of course oh so you guys for resistance or first order uh I don't know that we can divulge information just yet but oh man yeah sorry it's okay well welcome to the Star Wars Galactic star Cruiser my name is Brooke and it is an absolute honor to welcome you it is a part of our CSL uh policy and regulation that we ask that you keep these on with you at all times um they're an essential part to your Voyage they also serve as your room key I love that they're playing at the star hour music it's got me emotional like I want to cry and I'm holding back tears just because we've been waiting for this moment for so long and we're finally here seeing all the fans dressed up in costume in makeup I'm so CED I calling him Kermit the frick actually Kermit the frick Kermit the frick that's so I saw you from a distance and I was like that is amazing I that is awesome are you ready we're going to go inside right now thank you my honor welcome to Star Wars Galactic star Cruiser we are excited to welcome you aboard to begin your fully immersive experience and your very own Star Wars Adventure as your adventure progresses there will be special highly dramatic moments that will ask for everyone's attention they will be signal with a shipwide display that looks like this in the unlikely event of an actual emergency the emergency lights will illuminate all show elements will pause and a pre-recorded voice announcement will commence attention attention an emergency has been reported in this building this is an actual emergency this is not a drill or part of the show in the event you are not able to reach the hallway exits your room is a with an emergency rescue area in order to access this area first turn the handle and pull gently towards you this will reveal the emergency rescue area wait here call 911 and provide emergency services with your cabin [Music] number [Music] did you feel that made itace that was quick wow who oh God oh God welcome toida there's a bridge right there this is our Atrium which is actually the heart of our ship most of your activities will be occurring here um and you can find a list of those activities on those statea pads that we have provided for you all this is crazy crazy I just like I have to pinch myself I can't believe that this is actually happening wonderful all right I will follow all of you in if you'd like to go inside oh my all our stuffs there do W whoa we made it look at the buk beds yes as well as over here is D3 which is that joy we were talking about earlier she's going to be in cabin for you guys um you can go ahead and press this button and then tap your data band she'll start interacting with you all all right let's give a tour of the room let's do some exploring so this is the bed that KRA and I are both going to be sleeping on I think it might be a Kings siiz bed I love the bedding it's so nice the real question is the bunks RZA how tall are you 5'10 it's a lot bigger than it looked in the photos pillow yeah comforter that's branded that's cool I want to buy that I'm fully extended and I fit yay with room to spare yeah so I think if you're like 6 feet tall you could fit in there if I was a foot and a half taller I'd have to bend my knees wow how's is the mattress comfy yeah yeah it's a lot more room in here than you'd think maybe I should take the top bunk it goes in some so it's not like it's the as small as the opening I found something I know where I'm sleeping tonight this is where I'll be storing all of my coax [Laughter] so you could fit one person there two people on this bed and then two people there so that's yeah you could split it with five people oh that turns into like a little desk area and storage so the screen into space looks a lot better with the lights out oh look at this mirror so this is right outside of the bathroom it has some really nice lighting you know for doing your makeup that sort of thing I like this yeah I like how the lights are kind of like the death star lights and then check out these little cups they're like little tin cups that you can put water in but it does say this bottle is available for use while on board and may be refilled in the atrium wow this bathroom is huge usually on cruise ships they pretty small but it looks like we have a full walk-in shower oh yeah this is massive you have your body wash shampoo Ander and this is the stuff that you can find on the cruise line you can find it in all the resorts it is the best it's the best in the Galaxy there's a rainfall shower and then also if you don't want that they also have a little wand look I am your father so you got a mirror here with the Death Star lighting a normal sink some more soaps yeah soap and body lotion the helium logo towel this is a thermal blower what is that do you have hair nice foaming bubble mask oh my God I know what we're doing tonight wow luxury face cloth removes makeup and impurities on all Galactic species with one swipe the cool thing is the towels actually have the logo on them as well I just love like the little details like that now let's check out the space toilet because we know you guys want to know what it's like it's nice in here I love this mirror I like the stripes on the wall Stripes I love like all the colors inside of the room so you know what we got to do we got to do the flush test let's do it I'll give like three out of five P expecting like an airplane bathroom or a cruise ship bathroom where it's like yeah all right we're check out the storage situation got some shelves with a safe and a cooling unit extra pillow and comforter two bath rubs I noticed these buttons right by the front door one I it looks like it's a lock and then the one one below it looks like a little little robot made so I'm guessing red means like do not disturb and then blue means disturb or means clean my room yeah that's cool I love that it shows it out here I love the sign personal transport docking charging I love that it's in arabish everything is in arabish and English so they have stairs but they also have the lifts that we took on the way up here so special credentials required I tried accessing this with my wristband it's asking for access code which I don't know if I H try a we 38 it's all but if I do main menu do the G to next stop is corusant that's cool uh Chanda is here the owner and manager of the housan is this guy named Shug he is this Babu frck tiny little alien creature you might see him in the Legacy Comics and if you were traveling from Dex 5 to 4 you might run into his little the door to his little office he must not be be in his office I really thought something was going to happen that would have been cool if like you heard him yelling or something yeah he's busy and I also noticed right next to the elevators they show you where you are in the ship and there's a listing in arabes and English so where are we going now we're going to the dining room we're going to the dining room to enjoy the lunch buffet because that is the first thing you always got to do when you you join a cruise [Music] so every day on the ship there's a lunch and breakfast buffet it's different items every day they're served in like a fento box style like play so you actually Serve Yourself there's no like waiting for a crew member to hand you stuff and it's all really interesting weird looking stuff yeah it all looks like kind of small portions too like tapa [Music] Style [Music] I think the coolest thing about this is they have blue and green milk on the tap so you could like mix it if you wanted look at that there's a lot of food at this lunch buffet and we got the items that look best to us our server said that her favorite was the fire melted cheese takeaway with red fruit soup Dipper and I've heard this is kind of like grilled cheese sandwich with like it's made of soup on our planet yeah it looks good yeah it's like a bubble rad oh and like the cheese is inside the bubbles is it good this is exactly the kind of like food I wanted at Galaxy Edge or the star Cruiser it looks otherworldly but it tastes somewhat familiar so this is actually called The Green Leaf salad and it's red quinoa amethyst croutons Parma cheese round creamy chandran green vegetable dressing so what is an amethyst Crouton is what don't worry about it just try the single Crouton okay that what does it taste like I don't know it just tastes like it almost is like a sweet bread surprisingly delicious four out of five Kos so so Star Wars got all my emails and made this dessert for me it's actually called a sunflower butter and jelly this looks like that bread that Ray had like the quarter [Laughter] portion it's like an Intergalactic uncrustable peanut butter and jelly amazing I'll give about four out of five P one of the most colorful dishes for lunch today is this blue bantha milk fruit whip oh my God is there a glitter on that yeah wow that looks really strange and cool it's like blueberry creamy it's sweet four to five pces this is really good guys the next thing that I'm going to try is called the Tikka tipep chicken with paner cheese and it's a little flatbread this is delicious this is just like the lunch food I can't imagine the dinner I'm giving this a five out of five this is my favorite thing that I've tried so far another thing that caught my eye is the daily sweet bread this kind of looks like purple lava or something it's no bread it's a cookie it has powdered sugar on top of it it's very good it's not my favorite thing here it probably looks better than it tastes I'd still give it like 3 and 1 half out of five PS the pork and cheese takeaway is amazing it's so simple it's literally just cheese a bunch of pork and then this amazing bread with some kind of Galactic sauce on there very simple it's this is another five out of five for me on the way here there was a a kiosk and I didn't have the access code and I think because I did that I was contacted by this character well I'm really curious so I'm going to click do you know how to get in I can only help him if he helps me so now I'm on a mission to go find this ship console it's crazy he's already been contacted by someone I know we need to no time to eat no time to eat we got to we got to get going we got to get going pretty soon I think I just finished my meal and I got contacted by the cruise director at Lanka mock we're making small talk and I now have the option to answer her with one of four or five different things it seems to me in the game that is here on the the galactic starkers there's four different paths so there's the Jedi there's like the underworld like Smuggler and then there's the Empire or first order and then there's also the resistance Rebel what should I choose I think wearing this we got to go with the resistance right yeah I think we're going to go resistance this time sorry I've never seen it from that angle this is so interesting where where where am I looking it look right here okay yeah now what you look beautiful oh thank you so much this is just to capture your image oh yeah a Hol skin a hollow skin yes oh y okay I'm ready yeah I love how there's all these huge windows in the atrium and you can look out into space there's like a surprising amount of other ships out there right now just kind of cruising by so when you get on the ship you are on chandella and if you look out the window at the bridge you can see all the ships coming and going out of the system you got into the restricted systems I have access to the engineering room so I unlocked the access codes that were transmitted to me so now I have to go to the engineering room and relieve the carbon freeze valve the artwork hanging in the mezzanine level of the atrium was actually a gift from WEA Orana it's an artistic representation to Pi in the core world all the way out to the edges of wild space so it was commissioned by Leia and was a gift to the helian star Cruiser when she and her husband honeymoon on board this vessel during the Battle of Endor if you're looking for more connections to the Star Wars expanded universe in the atrium if you look at the stairs going from deck six to deck seven this is where Anakin Skywalker and ass Ventress had a lightsaber fight and there's some remnants of this lightsaber fight it was in the comics and even though they've cleaned up the ship over the the last 250 some odd years they've left that there because it is a you know something to remind us of that epic battle from the Clone War Z there I'm going to walk you through a little bit of the history and the story behind um our ship this is our model of the houseon it has 13 decks and 13 engines and a lot of people say this is an oddly specific number um that is because our founder who's a little n alen he's about a foot tall his name is Chuck dor contrary to what a lot of people believe about the number 13 he thought it was a lucky number specifically for him however even though there's 13 decks only decks 4 through seven are accessible to passengers so a fun fact about our hyperspace Compass is it did originally belong to shore even though he had better technology available to him at the time because this was already considered an ancient Relic when it belonged to him he still chose to use this as his Compass of choice just because he liked how classic and reliable it was if you stand directly in front of it and look at it head on you will see something that might be a little familiar um it is actually our Shanola starlines logo oh yeah whenever sh was building the ship he wanted to make sure that there was somewhere on board that passengers could go to focus on enjoying the journey and not just the destination at the end so he built the subate lounge and the name sublate refers to the speed at which we travel when we're not in hypers space outside the Su Lounge we have have a wine bottle that a lot of people like to ask questions about and so as is tradition on the first sailing of most vessels chug jaor went to go break the bottle of wine over the hole of the ship and it did not break but of course Shug being Shug took it as more of a sign of good luck and kept the bottle here on board and it has been here for 275 years since then he put it outside the subite lounge as a place for somebody to go and rub it for good luck on their way into gamble we will go to this climate simulator oh hi bright th all right so a couple of fun facts about our climate simulator let's start with the most basic of them of course this is a climate simulator what does that mean it is a room that actively simulates the climate of bachu at all times so if it's bright sunny and warm on bat it'll be bright sunny and warm in here if it's chilly and rainy on Batu it'll be chilly and rainy in here it's the way it works also lining the walls of our climate simulator is plants from across the Galaxy uh we have plants from all kinds of fun planets including toy Daria Nabu Fatu Chanda all that good stuff um we do have some signs if you can read air bet you're welcome to read about them how funny is the climate s simulator this is she said there was even plant from Ni boo out here I love this so originally it was not a brri it was actually a place to store credits back when we were a um like a Casino lounge vessel um and at the end of the night after a long of gambling and a long day of playing passengers would come here to this locked door to cash out and of course the empire being the Empire when they took over they changed it into a brri um it's a place they would throw insubordinate Stormtroopers or unruly passengers um but we no longer use it okay so the engineering room is right here um you will only get in if you have special access granted to you not sure why that would be of interest to many passengers but to some it might be yes okay I'm supposed to act natural guys so okay so play cool play [Music] cool hi passengers hello how did you get in here um I'm supposed to be here yeah supposed to be here yeah are you sure I'm pretty sure yeah I run this place actually well my uncle did wow do you know loac our chief engineer of course that's so cool yeah wow all right remind me where the carbon freeze is right I forgot to do this this morning so oh thank you yeah yeah next time you see me mention that you've seen Gia's legendary performance on Roff that way I know it's you but I'm glad that you're here because the engineering room isn't running efficiently and I need all the help that I can get so anything that's blinking like the service systems right over here that means that we need help so you'll have to work together to pull the levers at the same time to help them effici cool yes I think we could help let's do that wonderful good job do we get it all all right wa oh this would be a cool photo there's like all sorts of little areas here that need work it's happening guys yes we're almost there what what are we doing we're to fill this up we're powering this this up I don't know what this is but there's a meter over here so it's a game it's really cool you have to power this up middle [Music] top yes woo awesome oh my gosh okay so I get it you want to connect the line at first I was just hitting all of them so this is cool it's all the like mechanical systems I love that it's not touchscreen because Star Wars doesn't have touchcreen so it's all like buttons oriented [Music] this is cool yeah is full of a bunch of puzzle games to play clearly some of us are smarter than others takes a few tries to get it right you could spend like an hour or two yeah I'm thoroughly entertained what's done there this is the way into the holding cell oh wow here I go why would they have a secret entry to the break so this is the assistant Cruise director SK 62 and I'm Lan mock the cruise director oh you're the cruise director I am it's a pleasure nice to finally meet you nice to what is your name Peter S Peter it's a pleasure to have you here now um I'd love to ask you a question yeah if when you get to Batu where is one of the most the first places you might want to go I I want to to the ruin that's what I want to see a excellent good all right good to know no yeah check your data pad we'll talk soon okay okay okay so I've been talking to Lanka Mo on the data pad app she was telling me about B two and we were talking about the Rebel Alliance so when I talked to her here she was like Peter when you go to B two where do you want to go and I was like well to see the ruins which is where the resistance has a Bas so I think this my story line has begun oh my God what is your your name I really like oh nice to meet you oh this is incredible this is what is your favorite place what was your favorite thing to do on the health H and she I understand this is the this is the keyboardist that performs with GA you play like a a piano yeah I can't wait to are you performing tonight okay we'll see you at the uh the show bye I want to stay in character I want to pretend that this is real but can we talk about how cool that mask was do you have your data band Yes would you mind they have a feeling yes if you say so SK is an excellent judge of character so it's funny I was just like saying how I was kind of bummed that I haven't had any character interactions yet and now within a period of like a few minutes in the atrium I've had so many Star Wars character interactions it's amazing cu's in the bathroom and she's missing everything so there is nobody in the bathroom right now so I just wanted to kind of show you what it's like so let's have a little tour let me show you I love the marble countertops they have like some gold specks in them love the doors very Star Wars and then of course you know each individual stall pretty basic but I just love this mirror I just like to come in here and like look at how cool my outfit looks I'm not sure if we have time to look at everything in the store we're going to come in here really quick what is this oh what so it has the Chanda logo this is special lightsaber yeah and then you get I don't know like how you can customize it with these like symbols oh you put it on the button but it comes with all of them in the case you know but it's a special Legacy lightsaber that's 170 credits wow go does she speak our language no you just got to like try to read between the lines I just wanted to tell you I'm so excited for your show tonight I was looking forward to seeing you and I didn't expect you to see in the gift shop I love your outfit it's beautiful yeah oh thank you yes I need to like I need an upgrade though it's h oh yeah probably so nice to meet you we'll see you later on her whole head moves it's amazing the eyes I have full body chills this is what I wanted this is what we've been wanting so cool they have SK 620 man I have to keep an eye on you well my friend to good evening is it already evening I've already lost time day you lose the time that's very true when you're in space it's all just Shades of Gray really and what is your name my name's KRA so nice to meet you what a beautiful name c even a pleasure to have you here so nice to meet you uh I it is delightful to be met I am glad we reated everything on the ship a pleasure yes ni toet you Captain keep it a pleasure to to me Captain Cuban this is insane did you see the Droid up there yeah oh my God it's so cool I'm having a blast on did you see the keyboardist the rodian keyboardist no where where where is she I don't she was around sheing around she's so freaking cool uh it's it's just for safety it's it's a safety drill yeah very simple now in a couple seconds the captain she's going to come out she's going to perform this muster drill uh but it's very important that you know that you're you are all a part of um yes muster station dor wait so this is your first day on the health uh yeah this is my first day I'm I'm learning uh learning the ropes a little bit I I I have help and uh I have some friends who are also uh mechanics as well so I'm hoping that uh he went down and helped a little bit so wait why why why do you you went into the engineering room yes but that's that's for crew only why have you oh well I was supposed to be there who sent you in there though I don't understand uh uh what was his name mustach mustache forget his name he's got a mustache yeah oh nice to meet you first uh first it's first welcome hey um I do you mind there's a docking request uh do you mind check for me yeah uh I don't know if I have the credentials but I'll you should be clear okay uh so nice to yeah nice sure we what do you do here in the house oh I'm a I'm a I'm a sa trainer she guides the ship with Integrity a steady hand and the Ferocious calm of a sleeping Loft cat it is my honor to introduce to you Captain riola ke my advice to all of you is to never wake a sleeping love cat now it is my honor and my privilege friends to welcome you here aboard the house we have a very exciting Voyage plan for you more on that in a moment but first our top priority here AB the housan as we sail is the safety and wellbeing of our ass in the event of an unplanned situation we will activate this mustard alert signal attention this is a shipwide alert please report to your mustard stations immediately friends Travelers my young adventurers welcome the star Cruiser house here is to our stories here is to our journey here is to our new ships mechanic Sammy who was supposed to be in the engineering room a minute of your time uh Sammy L if you will give one announcement to these people tell them about plot two SP two is fantastic the last stop to Wild space and the best way to get there is through hyperspace who's excited about [Applause] hyperspace yes hyperspace is always exciting for everyone thank you so much for that leg up now uh you will be interested to know that Samy has received a surprising docking request that he has gone to handle we will be underway in very short amount of time friends what's happening oh no as the captain said there's nothing that this ship can't handle it will be [Applause] fine Journey riola ke captain of the house I am Lieutenant Haron Croy of the first order I don't recall seeing Lieutenant Harman croy's name appear on any of our passenger managers I am quite certain that you did not count it I am on your ship captain because the activity of the housan has attracted suspicion this is a civilian star Cruiser whose ports of coal seem to coincide with rumors of resistance activity a star cruiser with food supplies and cargo space a star Cruiser filled filled with passengers from anywhere whose loyalties we do not know that is propos I agree Captain Haring resisting sympathizers and aiding the enemy wife that would be treason or Reason L by the authority of the first order I will be stationed on the house during this Voyage I will investigate I will investigate your ship your crew your passenger does your Droid have something it would like to add no they do not Escape please whatever is happening here the first order will end it work with us and you will be rewarded no I can promise you that myself lka and our crew will endeavor to make your stay with us a pleasant r as we do for all of our passers you lieutenant and your friends are no exceptions I'll consider it a working vacation now I need someone to surface my ship you look capable but not so unskilled as you make a mess of Mi you may need schematics you'll find them on this data card it's a z class Z class military trans oh sorry no I I used to build chips on corelia so I can handle the shuttle I need to show you two your accommodations Lanka does have one more announcement for every please follow me and crew please begin serving the drinks and to celebrate our departure we have a very special surprise performance by that Galactic Superstar the one yes the only I'm sorry who are you I am R Co gu manager to introduce you to guys's exquisitly talented accompanist Bonnie she she will be playing for your departure celebration we're exactly his guide she'll be here this evening of course she will of course she will we just have to go pick her up and then she'll be here right John absolutely not we are not going to deviate from our regular RS this is a star and G is your star everyone raise your glasses to safe travel true adventure and an unforgettable Voyage here aboard the star Cruiser house everyone Bri in good I was like expecting like like a jolt or something I think it would be impossible to do that that was cool oh look she's playing my girl so earlier I interfaced with the cruise director's Droid SK and apparently he transferred me some plans to a secret resistance base on bat we're going to Batu tomorrow and now Lop wants to know if I'm if she can trust me I think I'm going to help the resistance yeah yeah keep your voice down keep your voice down don't say that oh yeah the help uhuh sure you are I just got a message from Lieutenant Croy he's right there so like it's like secretly texting though he's right there he's doing an investigation in the ship and I need resistance activity and he's asking if I'm prepared to look deeper and find concrete evidence of the resistance activity hell no sorry not sorry so I met my contact yeah and he wanted to go on a little walk and talk so he grabbed me we walked away from the crowd and he gave me a little bit of information but I need to Ron deid with him right over there at 5:15 need you to handle this I'm got to find find out where she is to got it uh I can really all of your M yeah please please all right if we can go ahead if you want to go in there I think that was Gia's luggage the Superstar pop star yeah so her luggage is here but I don't think she's here yet she has so many more bags more bags than us what do you think's in those bag I don't know I'm trying I was trying to scan it before they left I'm going to be honest right now this is amazing overwhelming but also chaotic to the point that like I'm feeling like extreme anxiety because like things are happening everywhere and I'm missing I'm it's not the fear missing out I am missing out everywhere I feel like I'm not a part of everything I want to be a part of everything Lieutenant Cy said that either you're with the first order or you're against the first order I think this time we're with the first order so let's go find him you might say we're for the order yes but let's let's go find him him and tell him that we're we have his back the order we just wanted to come uh oh we're talking about the menu menu make sure you enjoy uh the uh Delights from oh SM we're Hol scanning everything we're we're trying to help you conduct your investigation will this uh help you live presently yes good cuz I want to make sure that we have our lives open do you understand I'm getting a an energy there something's a little weird going we can help each other but we just want to tell you that we're we're for the order yeah we're for the it's clear it is very clear for the order now don't uh don't let on we're all here to enjoy ourselves correct yes yes he told me to keep keep my eye on the cruise director yeah I think something's up with her I think we made the right choice this love him so much he's so awesome look who sent me a message my investigations of resistance activity have led me onto the ship I'm prepared to look deeper and find concrete evidence of resistance activity on board the hon what should I say what are my orders or I'm pretty sure there this is what are my orders okay okay it says locate a nearby ship console and tap my data my data bands okay let's go do that Lieutenant Cy actually love your outfit thank you I just I could like wow I me you're going to win the fashion shows one can only help got to use your data band to tap in we did that now what oh he said well done look for the ports of call scan it for any anomalies and download them from the ship console oh my God I unlocked something oh wow looks like uh looks like there's a few there so I'm going to download the detours to my data pad so I'm going to transfer the records under ship log you don't have access to all you have all these planets now okay in your profile have you seen resistance fighters in this area I think they're all over the ship to be honest with you I think the captain's in on it I wouldn't be a maybe even the crews director looks like we'll need Recon in this sector affirmative for loyalty to the first order is appreciated for the order anyone ever told me that I love your colors so exciting I don't know what that did but so nice to meet you maybe he gave you some secret resistance information that he gave to me okay this is like you're right this is like very overwhelming there seems there's a lot going on like we just saw like a whole group of people running after the engineer and I I wanted so badly to run after him and then I was like they were like like godone hey I'm Peter are you hi I'm how you doing Sandra yeah this is my H set yeah oh cool I guess where we're from we have like something called a guitar oh you do yeah and it's similar to this I think so that's awesome where's uh where's home for you I mean I'm from all over but that's where I am now I can't I can't say I've ever uh heard of it but I've uh never traveled in space before this is my first time oh wow and what's your favorite thing to do I was going to uh theme parks theme parks what's a theme park it's like a park where you have fun there's rides that's amazing yeah so uh let you escape kind of like your everyday reality a little bit oh I love that yeah all right well what if we did like a we're chilling on spaceship I got my main friend Peter they come from a place that's very far away a place called Earth I've never been there before but when he feels stressed out game right yeah the adventures he has the fun he has he sings dancing but nothing really super special ever happens because he goes on ordinary Adventures Peter goes on ordinary Adventures ordinary Adventures pet goes all his ordinary Ventures ordinary [Applause] Adventure that was wonderful I mean I know da is like an inter Collective Superstar but I feel like one day you're going to be you think so yeah I think so oh hi hi hi I'm nice to meet you I'm sand hi we we were just uh made some music you like it you did really W that's that's incredible how's your how's your Haz I I'm not good I don't have my translator is broken oh I I I speak a little she was oh I see she was saying that guy is actually going to be here very soon Captain liutenant but thank you I appreciate the promotion yeah well this is just a passenger vessel I don't think you need to be here oh but I do as I said before there is rumors of resistance activity you you don't need to keep on walking I'm just following your lead you seem to have some very pressing thoughts and opinions and I just frankly want to get to the bottom of your motivation I I just want to enjoy this this cruise and same same frankly I'm enjoying it until rather recently when that enjoyment seemed to just Hal why did it I wonder what's your name my my name is Resa Resa yeah be sure to remember that this is Resa you see to believe this is strictly a passenger vessel so I assure you Resa needs to be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy unlike myself who apparently is an unwelcome visitor yes would you say the same not at all sir you're part of thank you Kevin for the order I'll need to go check on my quarters last I checked it was not suitable we had a number oh girl maybe we should go in there lieutenant not so favorable list oh no well good thing you said his name not his real name you did wait don't tell him see I was thinking on my feet yeah good job what's that alien's name again the one I just walked by wanie Wan I'm going to go talk to wani again he's amazing one of the places that we haven't really gotten a chance to go inside of yet is the sublite lounge hi good seeing you again see you later koui is that the alien love [Music] her [Music] hi this is a hydron a hydron yes is an aquatic SE SE in the silver chill they actually this one and the other one help clean our CH and and that over a little tornado helps our concoction to make the silver team Martin wow I got to try that one the flavors of passion fruit honey mint and ginger and you can't go wrong with Jin with that awesome well it's very cute yes so we had a passenger already named this one we had a young L named them King okay we had another one another passenger named them Ryan awesome so this is the hollow saach table you can't really tell on camera but those cards right there look like they're Holograms in the middle so here's a look at some of the cocktails that you can get here at the sublite lounge all of them seem to be like inspired by different planets I ordered myself the silver sea Martini this is gin lemon mint Ginger and passion fruit and the reason why I ordered this one is because that little creature the hydrog in the little tank over there actually helps stir this drink together I had to get that one oh my God silver steamer wow wow I forgot you said with the Sparkles SP dust space dust okay she recommended this this one to us earlier and I could see why first orderer in here so I got to drink this quick wow this is like surprisingly good it's sweet you can taste the passion fruit and then look at all that Glitter like I'm drinking so much oh so sorry space dust space dust there's so much in there this is beautiful delicious this gets a five out of five one of the more interesting sounding drinks on the menu is the hawk ice breaker and this is vodka lemon puree sugar and vanilla lemon foam and that sugar is actually some ice from the planet H yeah you see that on the top there yeah look at that it's very lemony that foam is interesting you're getting a little bit of the foam in your what what what are you talking about do you have something on my nose no you're good happy birthday it's your [Applause] turn got to keep dancing got to keep Dan it's a real party here in the subway loung there was someone's birthday and like they put them some kind of intergalactic Birthday song on one of the cool things about the sublite lounge is they actually make all the cocktails here like there's bartenders there shaking them up as opposed to okas Cantina where everything is pre-made and I feel like you can really taste a difference right now there's a mission going on in the bridge and I've noticed that what's going on out there affects what's going on in here like the lighting changes it's really cool enjoy the day we should welcome her with a proper welcome we're going to sing her a little bit of a song that we just wrote just now you make us feel on fire you make us burn so much us bur don't you think that we should leave this to the professionals I mean you make a good point yes I I I do believe when they expect to be entertained by professionals I was entertained is on board [Applause] ship let me say that it is truly an honor to have you on board the ship uh many in the Galaxy were surprised that you would play here so we are truly looking forward to your dinner seing well miss Mark I do enjoy finding myself on new Journeys uh you were a little late so we GA is always just in time GA so good to see you we also have Lieutenant Harmon Freud of the first [Applause] qu liutenant I didn't know there would be men in uniform on the ship I thought for you to show me around the house I would be obliged and Incredibly glad to might I offer you an honor oh thank you yes the uh Ian dates back cian dates back quite some time uh uh centuries [Music] actually hi we're just big fans and we would love to talk to you um I don't know what you think you're doing she's frankly a profession no of course are you are you cont obligated to make such a fuss I'm not I'm not I'm just a fan yes well I would uh I would okay no yep um sure thank you uh Lieutenant um yes I think Lieutenant Cy has a little bit of a crush on g hi Lonnie yes hi I'm so sorry did I did I do something wrong little bit okay just not right now she but do you think maybe there'd be a time like we we can have all of us and she you think so she would make time to meet all of us thank you so much thank you so nice to so nice to meet you do you want to celebrate by playing Uka yeah oh my gosh so just like that it is now finally time for training yes yeah so good it's got H this one is I think I like this one better you like that one too yeah see I knew yeah awesome time for brid train you're double fisting to bridge pain do you want okay this looks a lot cooler in person all right let's pick our station welcome to the operation Bridge of the housian star Cruiser we are honored to guide you through a few handson demonstrations and capabilities of this incredible ship and to give you a glimpse into what it takes to be a crew member aboard the houseon the house has long been known as one of the best crews in the galaxy and because of this we're able to travel to areas others will not and to do so takes discipline courage and the abil to problem solve quickly do you believe you're ready yes I know you are because of this we'll also need an assistant when it comes to the operation Bridge aj10 otherwise known as watch will be joining us from the training Bridge today watch are you there this is aj10 on the house on Star Cruiser always there when I need you watch assist what am I supposed to do [Music] is I anticipated I this is probably for kids but I don't know I don't like it so far okay so we were on loaders that's where we had to like load crates that were out there now we're on to systems seems a lot more complicated there's a lot of buttons to push match the lit buttons oh that one was easy this one's kind of fun actually I'm actually having fun it's kind of like [Music] puzzling next up we're doing weapons which hopefully is easy hopefully I just have to hit a [Music] button that was the easiest one all right St side are we ready space yeah so you're the you're the backup that's actually kind of [Music] cool the captain has the bridge thank you yes oh well no I I do understand the urgency however our friends here have just completed their Bridge training so we will be moving on they are here for shipboard activities nothing extracurricular if I may the aggregate simulation scores for this training group were markedly above the calculated [Music] me well that is impressive you know watch I have always admired your subtlety thank you Captain all right systems this is your time to shine you are right SK we may not have a [Music] choice friends my career aboard the housian has been spent in service the service of the crew the ship its passengers but I have also sometimes in the shadows devoted my life to a different service to a different cause and this this message these coordinates come from contacts in that movement who are quite literally risking their lives even as we speak I know this is a lot to ask this would be absolutely extracurricular but it sounds like some of you are with me I need your help will you help me there are lives at stake you will help yes I can trust you then we are going to trust each other cuz we're about to go to the Gen syst and we are going all right my friends we are going to make a jump to hyperspace in 3 2 1 did you sign up for asid morning was in the projected path an asteroid yes thank you watch all right well the good news is auxiliary Shields seem to have held bad news is if I know anything about asteroids minor damage do not say minor for long or we can CL our my friends whatever is at those coordinates is on the other side of the asteroid so get us there Shield protect ship weapons do oh no no all [Applause] true that was incredible I could not have asked for a better Bridge crew debris from the asteroids is interfering with the SC of course it is all right we're going to do this the oldfashioned way keep your eyes open let me know if you see something that isn't an asteroid there that's an escape pod this is worrisome Captain incoming transmission from the PO the com this is Captain riola ke of the house where's the on the two what is it doing on the don't answer that we will talk later ah I see so I found out Lieutenant Cy was coming and sent you to help Chewbacca we will accept his help SK but we already have a few passengers we can get you to B [Applause] two it's good to see you old friend as you can imagine we're going to want to keep this out of Lieutenant croy's hair he's on a working vacation after all so let's not mention that to anyone about getting our friend on board I'm sorry friend you talk about the friend Sammy you are correct okay we do absolutely need to get back to corant and make that sh to hyperspace they said back to cor yes back this [Applause] h i I know you're very busy is there anything we can do to help out the friend I am sure if you check your data pad you will find a way to be helpful so make sure you you take a look at that frequently if I need anything I will reach out and thank you for your concern thank you it was fun it was a lot more fun than it looked when I saw the video of Josh tomoro doing it I guarantee you guys watching this video you probably won't think it looks fun yeah and it wasn't for me at first like At first I turned to Peter and I was like I don't like this but then like halfway through I was like okay I was down with it yeah and I got a little like when Chewbacca came on the screen and stuff I started to cry a little bit just cuz I'm so happy I can't wait to see him on the ship we got to keep it a secret chew's up there he's hiding behind one of the the pillars we're not supposed to hide you here you're going to get arrested right they're going to take you the captain said you can trust us though right you trust us so I've heard Lieutenant Cy is at dinner so he's missing chewbaca right now you could have totally turned in this resistance traitor I'm fine I'm I'm yeah I'm I'm totally not with the first order there was a w that was snuck onto the ship yeah we were trying to find you and Lieutenant Cy we saw Chewbacca stop yeah we've got a recon mission for you if you see one of those resistance Traders report it to us and do not tell them we are here okay we'll do thank you you're welcome for the order at 4:00 or 5 p.m. every night they end up putting snacks out in the atrium and those snacks will be here all night long until the grab and go breakfast starts the next morning and of course also in the atrium you can get yourself some sparkling or chilled water which is kind of cool so I guess those are probably going to be the options that are open late night after the sublate lounge closes so Lieutenant Croy is asking me if I got any suspicious activity surrounding SK 620 I'm going to say nothing suspicious at all even though I know that he has a location of the resistance base on b 2 they play corellian Spike on the house down we play corant shift it is a slightly different okay these are nice everyone is going to get five cards B down okay circle and a five R we're hoping to get a NE five which is what we rolled in the event that more more than one player has a neg five the tiebreaker is going to be Whoever has the most suits in the circle you can discard as many cards as you would like again trying to equal your hand or total hand should equal five you good at this game I'm not very good at Ma so I'm cuz this version Sak is a little bit more skill to it than the one that you play on but two and so far I've been winning so uh I don't know about that look at all these chips how okay how many do I have so we'll do those for the same we'll find out after this round I'll bet you won I know how it works there oh we at the show we'll be there 8:00 and don't worry about that thing on but two I I I I got to I'm taking care of taking care of it I have A4 and 10 I won tro like I can't take this feel like babysitting now tell us why you're on this ship I'm just trying to have some fun no we're just trying you know we came here to see Gia we've been like wanting to see her she's one of the best singers are you familiar with all right good enough okay one of the things that they do here is called the outer rim regalia where basically you come show stuff show your outfit and there are some good ones [Applause] tonight on that [Applause] Runway is going on that [Music] H normal just a normal guest here good okay so he sent a message to buy Donald bat too um so that is taking care of now we just need to maybe Stow you away I guess till we arrive tomorrow has anyone seen where Lano was Rec well I saw her last time here last time on the bridge yes well like I said did L tell you to meet her here or is it just an idea that you think she's here she might she might be at dinner but we cannot go into the crown of [Music] [Music] heral yeah me either [Music] I told you down the engineering room Jack remember how you were in charge of me well I was in charge of him which makes you in charge of him he's supposed to be in the engineering room right now he was just taking a load off you take a load down in the engineering room there there's a whole cooling system you can go you go hang out you cools Carbonite okay they can come with you that's fine we hold our hands at Cent you shoulders back sa upright like the spires of B this is how we are going to remember to support those ahead of us next We Ready position dang it really quick on the upake quick as K you need that reaction time especially in line of the sub light Lounge now looks like it's time to go in are we ready are we excited okay now let's head into the training part every K KRA how are you good to see you again good it's good to see you again I'm glad you're in the pot you want to setep up front here for me sure are we ready good cuz ready is everything especially on this Voyage these these are your training remotes and they've been used in lights training for generations and today each and every one of you get to continue in this legendary tradition of training now the training remote will fire a low power energy blast which you must move your lightsaber to deflect but before each blast there'll be a blue Tracer beam now this beam is not the blast it's just a guide an indic to let you know where the blast will come from that never gets old now when you engage the trading remote you will meet the beam block the blast return to Center you will meet the beam block the blast and return to Center always back to Center always Back in Balance ignite those lightsabers there we go everyone take a deep breath in a US forward and engage right me really good good the beam good turn to Center good work turn bring it back down EXC reenter yourself and extend good that's it Center Center Center good yes that's it up top up top good excellent K good work good work the front will move to the back of the line and then everyone else will step forward ready rotate good job K thank you ignite those lightsabers woo almost got me there take a deep breath in turn that away to forward and engage like back up Center between each glass um that was actually really impressive got your excellent excellent form you want to try something a little more challenging all right okay in this next round the training remote will fire even faster but don't worry as it get faster so will you there may be moments where our Guardians up front won't be able to block everything that comes their way and so we introduce two new ropes when my students a positions two and three please raise your hands holding Shields and my students in position for five that's cool so if you miss he's going to block it behind you and if he doesn't block it then the people behind him are going to die if I miss if you miss you sh Carri in the battle by clone troopers they're built to with stand Blaster fire you were able to see and feel the [Music] Impact Center don't forget to CER yourself just like [Music] that you got it K you got it you did you did you did it you got there okay I mean I promise it's a challenge right here we are czy exactly all right so keep that going keep that going good I like her instructure he's awesome this is a workout this is heavy like really heavy take a deep breath in Focus forart Center yourself oh no no it's coming no it's coming move move through and move through yes keep it up keep it up it CR open yourself to the force then not just what is can you see but what will be yes the light of the force behind you it will then sense with the be you uh so Master Yoda's message I think the Tracer has become a distraction you see I led you to follow the beam but what you should be doing is following your intuition so we'll face the training remote again but this time without the Tracer yeah yes you got this she got this you do have this so you're going to be first I know thank you for but we're all going to be here with you all right everyone gather around ker and I come in come in come in come come in gather around close close now listen listen closely in ancient texts the force was described as an aura some may see a vision of where the blast will occur with the air itself ignites with Sparks of light now P when you do this I need you to look beyond the Sab right look beyond the remote broaden your vision to what lies around it and when you see it if you see the slightest glimmer the slightest spark the slightest hint of intuition that's why I want all of you to move your energy that's why I want all of you to move your focus and kit that's why I want you to move your you're safe I got this you do yeah are you ready yeah now [Music] position supporter supporter let's hearite that lightsaber everyone take a deep breath in breathe together as one engage yes there it is that was incredible you you sense where the blast would be you're sensitive to the force you're sensitive to for yeah that's pretty cool I believe that all is as the force RS in and I believe that you are here right now exactly where you're supposed to be in this moment because you're supposed to establish your own connection with the force I am one with the force I am onece don't just say it know it I am one with the force I rotate hopefully you have better look than me my friend no that was that was incredible great work great work thank you for choosing me to be the [Music] right you should be so proud of everything you've accomplished today because I I know that I am in all of my years I've I've studied and I've read and I've believed but now I see the forces is with you the forces of all of us first have you taken let you are your hand make a force be with students can I can can I ask something of you can I trust you if we call out for support will you come to our Aid yes always yes yes always yes always yes all right then one more time everyone find your Center ground yourself take a deep breath in We Stand United together as one together as one thank you friends I wish you to save Journeys and true true Adventures now our time in the pot has come to an end but take everything you've learned your day as you go on your journey I know it'll serve you well thank you everyone thank you so much no thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it you must get such a workout I mean well I mean we're here we're using our entire body I did break a SW but it's okay that was a lot different than I thought it was going to be it was a workout like those Shields are heavy and you are moving I broke a little bit of a sweat there but I enjoyed it I thought that was really fun Your Allegiance seems misplaced I don't know what are you we're we're good here have a good evening here thank you so much I will I had to I had to hide your uh your Rebel logo over here you're so obvious we're talking about families being separated in tournament camps I'm not cool with it are you no no kid I would have really judged you if you said yeah alsoo S I got you anyway so listen we've got an opportunity right a coaxium deal we get quum we take it to the resistance they take it wherever they want I don't care and then return the captain's going to pull some get resistance a to that's why we're here all right so we've got an opportunity we're talking conditions supplies blankets I don't all of it food we can do a lot of good here now I know what you're thinking we talked about it earlier payments and all these other things okay we've already paid Hondo Hondo's your contact on I know I know Hondo got his cut he's supposed to pay you so make sure Honda pays you I'm not your manager although we can chat about it so now that quaxi understand the first order owns 99.9% of all fracing production so we're going to be borrowing it we're going to be borrowing it we're not going to give it back you know what I mean it's not kind of borrowing yeah to borrow we're going to we're going to steal it it it's morally Justified though of course it is yeah and financially Justified and financially that's true yes Peter you might be in charge of PR and HR having a headache over we were actually just we were discussing dinner and we were excited to see understand the lieutenant joining us for dinner I might leave a couple seats open for the if it's okay with you sir and we'll and we'll have space if your Troopers have the moment to watch guy play and you um discussing this with the the passengers we were discussing that we're excited for the [Music] concert that was a very well planned response many times in my experiences in life I found that entire groups of people say the same word together un well done all of you I dare say you put the be in subtle you never been to a silent of course he hasn't been to a concer have you seen him and for the order for order yeah that ain't great and you all going to have to work on your lying that ain't great how satisfying is that I don't get why people come here no one's around nothing to do it's quiet oh now I get it ni to get away from everyone else's vacation for a while right guys affirmative wonder if this can simulate a star destroyer I hope not I tried to move those rocks but AA said I'm not one with the force I'm one with this Blaster though excellent you're good at that don't tell the lieutenant about this place we may need to hide here [Music] again oh this the greatest thing ever this is kind of amazing apparently the Ser come here to meditate and find inner [Music] peace they're being on inner peace a lot of people they have this concept of this mindset that the the Jedi are the only people that have access to the force right the things that ground me sometimes are all over place and this Cruise has been interesting cuz it's testing me a lot you know oh yeah it's a there's a part of my life I kind of let go of a while ago you know um something that I I realized I had to I couldn't keep doing the same things that I was doing if I wanted to get better if I wanted to be better if I wanted to try and actually have a positive effect on the Galaxy now at it's hter I thought I was having an impact right but sometimes you have to leave parts of yourself behind if you're going to step into who you're supposed to become you have the ability to offer people Joy you have the ability to offer them you have the ability to offer them Joy you happy ability to offer them understanding of Worlds and galaxies they don't have the opportunity to see do you realize how special that is something as simple as that can change and Pioneer the charting of a course of where you move and how it impact other people it can be just as simple as making that connection with this yeah holding on to it and the iming with that on is like the people that you can come the beings that you can inflence and how all those things are connected put your hand here put that right there and you count and andely every Gro here through all the rest of the other things right through all of it because it's all balanc and it's all connected then just focus and breathe breathe in and connect might sometimes sometimes well okay okay uh wow [Music] that's and sometimes we don't even realize how that's is US sometimes we just have to be able to bring it towards us and go on the journey with folks around us right and draw that draw that towards you dra imagine drawing that energy right towards you and and and and as it Focus As It Centers itself the energy that presents itself is that of the force it's you it's you do that breathe draw towards you come on ker you got this believe you can do it you can do it draw towards you come on the for contacts it it impacts all of us and it moves through us and it flows but the thing is the only way it's it's accessible is if we use it and we can only do that by standing in the power that we had you're capable of so much you're capable of so much like You' shown that you done it it's there all you have to do is embrace it grab onto it like the ban by the horns yeah Y and run and Trust the connections that you do have the things that you have done and what you have made and know that it's worth it and that's strong that's powerful you are powerful too always and need when I say thank you for sharing this with me for sharing this with everybody here for for being the brave person that I know you are that everyone else see keep spreading Joy keep inspiring people that is going to be the spark that sets fire to the rest of the Galaxy and that spark is yours I your's alone forget that okay yes had way too many drinks in the sub lounge and you're making me cry over here through honestly thank you thank all of you for being here being able to witness being so powerful Brave standing in your truth yeah wow it's energy unlike any other thanks and May the force be with you and you and you and you you all of you all of us here right now cuz not moments like this don't come around often I'll see you guys soon okay thank you kaer that was such an amazing experience and I 100% did not intend to cry but he has such a way with words that he just made me feel so special and that was like this is why I love the star Cruiser so much because things like this happened there was me Peter and three other people and we were the only ones who got to witness that and we've been on here this is our third voyage we never seen that and then the Stormtroopers came out before that I wasn't expecting that it's just like no no matter where you are on the ship stuff happens to you like it this is what makes this experience so oneof a kind and just like truly special so tonight we're back in the crown ofilia dining room and they're doing the evening with Gaia which is she's performing they have a multi food meal plan for us and this place has been transformed earlier it looked like a space cafeteria right now it like is all yeah we got that mood lighting yeah I like the way it looks I just got contacted by Captain keen on my data pad she wants me to help keep Chewbacca secret I told her I can't do that I'm going to I'm going to tell the first ughter that he's on uhoh and then she says of course I cannot ask you to put yourself at risk I understand for prioritizing your safety it is the highest concern H she was very understanding of her choice I don't think she's happy uhoh you have a fantastic three course me plann for you I'm going go ahead and Dive Right In with that first course you to have a floor noodles salad for you okay and then we have our endorian dipping sauces my favorite is that vatu spice and kadu cream here we have our Spyro dumplings we have Teriyaki B sweet and sour tiip and then a Floric Cora other planets might see this as beef chicken and vegetabl oh okay got it that P beef would be so good I feel bad I love the banthas because it's braze it's like melts in your mouth and then it just has like a very subtle Teriyaki kind of sweet flavor to it I'd venture to say you don't even need the sauce you're going to like that that doesn't taste like the ti punch so much better I love boughs the food here is so incredible I can eat a whole order of all the just all the different boughs that could be my dinner and that's just like the first course we get three courses and it's not like you pick your food item they actually just bring over everything family style and you get to pick and choose whatever you want it's kind of fun yeah and then if you get the captains table which cost a little bit extra money it's very hard to get to we didn't get to it in this Voyage I think you get three extra courses and you actually get to sit with the captain she actually just showed upor Endor oh my goodness I had been hearing that uh the conservation efforts with everything that happened 30 plus years ago uh that every is really starting to come back yeah and uh that that is perfect and I am glad that enough members of the Galaxy were willing to work with the Ewoks to not only preserve the forests as they were but to make sure that their their way of life wasn't interfered with because if I know anything about Ewoks what they hate the most is when somebody from a core world comes in and tells them how their their planet or their moon is supposed to be run and I do hope to get back to Bright Tree Village at some point in my life so uh when you get older Theo remember that Bright Tree Village can throw quite a party might be a little intense for you now but if they they know how to do a celebration right you want to be at the dinner table not on the dinner table precisely so you want to be playing the drums and not part of the percussion my apologies friends we are we are getting some chatter from B two I just want to make sure it doesn't affect our time L and uh arrival tomorrow that we stay on course so I'm just going to make sure that I take that information the intereso of the captain stable for you while as a way to warm you up and get you ready for the entree in tonight's performance we have your agaman tofu bite tucked into a miso yaku shooter so it is nice warm Savory brothe soup very Savory for my drink I got the Pod Chaser this is an old fashion basically it has bourbon Bitters and orange vest and it comes the presentation here is amazing it's almost like it has its own metal Star Killer base or Death Star in there then look at that Peter whose side are you on but usually you have like like that Ice Cube that's circular I've never seen a metal ball yeah that might be one of the better old-fashioneds I've ever had wow really you like old Fashions get this if you don't like old fashion do not get this now I'd like to intro oh no [Applause] much Lincoln as I was saying before I was so pleasantly interrupted I'm R Cole I I've met a lot of you some very recently those who I haven't met yet I want to rectify that soon I am always looking for friends and allies I i' just like to uh point out that wraith Cole is not a member of the housian crew even though he likes to believe it is my pleasure and privilege to introduce you to someone who is in every sense of the word a star a songwriter who not only writes music but writes from her soul no matter how many times I stand on a stage that she is about to Electrify it somehow feels like the first time she's filled concert Halls she's filled stadiums and tonight believe me she will fill this room Travelers [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends above and see the world slowly emerge before your eyes feel SW as the moon begins to rise above the tide all around changes come something new is in the air yes look around at the beautiful CL faces Here and Now is the moment when it all begins [Music] C with the wings of the wi welcome to the new world let's thank you rth and Lena for that flattering introduction wraith I believe you have an errand to take care of for Miss Mark perhaps now would be a good time and maybe Lena could accompany you oh accompany the AR boy i' love you I am no one's a did you hear this everyone this room is alive tonight can you feel it the atmosphere is electric the energy is energized happening it's te it's me so many different wants and desires that brought each of you on this journey became a star because I was unafraid to Proclaim my wants and desires to write songs that call out to my people to name my truth City at the bottom of the line my [Music] is I want to play that there is a Ry Stone it brought Harmony to my Planet it has been perhaps lost perhaps stolen and with it something of who we are and when I find it I will bring it back home home to rof home to my people [Music] your angle no angle I just uh I just want to see restore to people okay I might need you okay whatever you need Peter let me ask you something Peter what's uh what's the most important thing in this galaxy de it's not a trick KRA here yeah now if you lost kitra sorry bear with me but you had a chance shot and help to get her back what would you give I do everything did you give your heart [Music] yes good answer a long time ago how old are you boy I was younger than you actually less cute too I met guy she gave me something she gave me a family she gave me um she gave me a reason to be around Peter now there was a stone of her plan a long time ago one that looks an awful lot like the one in that Compass long time ago and it's a stone that does not belong in that compass and I promised my life to make it right for her plan blank Mark Co I'm so sorry to interrupt uh not uh Sterling get you dinner we're in the middle of a show hey uh don't go anywhere Sterling come up here once come up here with your buddy Ray we've got to get back to din listen we're going to head down there right now but just give me one second okay don't go anywhere don't go anywhere don't leave me all [Music] right I promise guy I'd give my heart to make sure that St went back to her Planet I don't expect that for you but it sounds like you understand what that means P this is my business card and I've only got the one on me for now just going to put that in your just put that in your pocket for now just scan it on your data pad here okay I've only got the one on me but I've got to head back to dinner with sterling sterling I going to head down right now the rest of you find me up here once dinner's done and we'll talk about business cards and we'll talk about maybe getting this thing done right and in the meantime what I ask is that we just don't talk about it that's right right unfortunately for me I don't have a crew with me and I'm looking around and I think I see quite a few likely candidates all right so we're going to get it done right and let's make some noise okay this next song is one of your favorites I believe yeah I hope so do you want to tell us what it's about uh coaxium short and sweet but what is coaxium it's hyper fuel fuel that's right you're showing off a little bit but I like that it is fuel but it is so much more coaxium is power you and your friends like to hoard that sort of power don't you lieutenant we protect what is ours that makes sense that leades me and my friends and I'm sure I can find a few more here oh yeah to harness the power the power that can take you everywhere and get you anywhere I'm going to show you something that's crazier than your wildest dreams I promise it will blow your mind I [Music] enity [Music] after I perform that song and I do perform that song don't I thank you I often find excuse me gentlemen that I need a little sip of something this is the part where somebody brings me a sip of thank [Laughter] [Music] you my [Music] thoughts I'm lady in the night everywhere I shine the colors of the cons expectrum I'm Longing To Be touched by something Everlasting show some respect they're trying to play I suggest you show some respect I am not playing I've risen to become my own version of royalty you might say that I am the Rockstar Queen and I'm about to hold [Applause] [Music] courot [Applause] byebye are you ready turn up the system to May all right everybody to the left to the right left fugitive chwaca you will be pleased to know that Sammy has brought him here to you oh no I think you will agree this is above and beyond any shipwide duties that he would expected to carry out Sammy Sammy I will take the absolutely not I insist that you stay here makes me so angry cuz I tried so hard to hideen do you know what song is next I'm sure I do not I'm sure sanjo does AA sha the song from surely you have something in a less inflammatory language not for [Applause] you ladies and gentlemen I am thrilled for now the ga has agreed to give another performance tomorrow night in the atrium right upstairs it'll be an unplugged acoustic set what's my name say it again night [Applause] Don a queen a superstar my new favorite pop princess that was much better than I amazing she's saying like six songs not only that she walked around the entire Audi and then she had her Encore which is like her most popular song that they play at ogas that was amazing like I want the soundtrack we're going to start things off with the bantha beef tender Line This is Tamarind glazed crushed Moon Rock potatoes it's juicy and tender I hate to say this because I love the Banes but they taste damn good I know this doesn't even look like potato right I know it looks very strange it almost looks like stuffing it's like a mashed potato with a bunch of like different veggies and stuff in it very solid and then I got a message from the cruise director saying the situation on the ship ship has escalated that Sammy has uncovered some interesting information and has been sharing resistance info with passengers Sami such a traitor I mean he might be on to something there might be a play here but I have to go meet the cruise director tonight at the uh evening toast Sammy is a little rat no I thought he was likable at first but yeah I thought he was just incompetent because it was his first day but turns out no he was a snake the whole time I'm going to try the stewed shrimp this is with lemongrass Lobster cream and a coconut lime foam this is like a coconut curry you can really taste the lemongrass it's really really good totally my flavor palette and we got a tip Yip chicken this is meoru bourbon gazed with red peppers and sesame seeds it tastes like almost like an orange chicken not as sweet but definitely like a Chinese Asian inspired dish yeah like sesame chicken or something yeah maybe sesame chicken yeah four out of five and lastly for dessert this one everybody gets a plate it's not family style it is called the jogen fruit and caramel whip with Yuzu passion fruit and Cordelia jelly and then she told me that this was like a stormtrooper mering and I was like I don't support the Stormtroopers and she's like that's all you got to eat it so we could eradicate them this looks so otherworldly yeah it's so jiggly and amazing good all these little drop the little drops whatever those are M this get a i out of five for presentation alone than you extra dessert aftert C please let me know Captain's with us turning in Chewbacca to Lieutenant Croy is a ploy to keep our cover and part of the plan work with the mechanic okay meet 9:40 p.m. in the atrium oh go go it's 9:40 right now 941 it's on the back of like the menu I think oh go you got to go up there it's 9:41 right now okay 622 just say 622 I think everybody's trying to break out chaca immediately this is not up to code just go up quick we eat I completely agree you angle yeah he his face does look like a butt I agree the Lieutenant's nearby guys Lieutenant's nearby Lieutenant engineering way ter engineering right now it right there not move dismissed wrong enjoy your day now that D did nothing wrong we'll be going out ese chewbaca escaped from the bre and ran to the [Applause] Launchpad okay that is like a memory that will stick with them for the rest of their Liv can you imagine when we were kids and we helped Chewbacca Escape po memory that is like something that you can't really replicate anywhere else so there's multiple notes we figured out yeah oh and this is all oh yeah your the same same as mine 940 years so that's cool you got to work with your fellow passengers to like get the not it is my opportunity well actually my privilege yes to have this toast with you to sell celebrate our trip to Batu tomorrow Troopers uh no no no no no [Applause] what you still have no proof that SK has done anything wrong it's not what the Droid has done it's what it do we will use a restraining boat to disable us where is the mechanic Sam you yeah but the troopers look like they have it handled so I I would love to report your participation to my superiors I am placing you in the custody of the first order we will extract whatever is stored in this droid's memory bank and it will be sent I for one eagerly await the [Applause] report you could have worked with us but now it has become clear you have conspirators and you've even incriminated some of your passengers shame on you a big day tomorrow enjoy this evening's festivities to making new friends and finding out what we stand for to BU what has inspired you today everyone on the ship here's to being inspired by new friends I want you to know that each and every one of you are Our Hope For Tomorrow our journey is not over it's just begun for the order would you come with us for a moment I just told him for the order and he said follow me have band's ready we must be efficient we must be brief there it is shining blue very go well done next there the resistance agents on this ship I'm very glad to have you with us we're glad to it needs to be blue one more time come on Resa okay now we no and you know now we'll try delicate delicate style good thank oh it's what a shame our first daughter I mean our our saber trainings were not scheduled correctly good evening enjoy your evening okay that was pretty cool us and two other people got the SC I wonder what we got oh for the order young girl just walked by us and said I hope there's crumbs in your bed tonight well yeah I'm going to be eating all the snacks of course she knows me and Lieutenant Cory was like come on Reza come on like like he like remembered that you said that your cup rub name was Reza from the first time we were here like that was so funny so I got a message from Sammy right now the mechanic he says don't worry about traca he's on his way to B two to keep working on our plan with the coaxium which is what I'm personally helping with it's going to be okay we'll find a way out of this I trust Lan to coordinate a plan okay so they captured SK and they're trying to download all the information he has I got a mission to scramble that data transfer so I'm going to do it right now on this console she's checking her contacts on bat two at the port help get the restrain bolt off of SK so I think tomorrow on B we'll figure out how we can actually free SK well thank goodness someone is using their data pad around here am I right you don't like the data pad you want to talk about this I mean it does some cool things like when it unlocks certain things and like special effects go off like that's fun I get that I come to a theme park or something like this to like have fun with friends and not be reading stuff not be that yeah look at that I I I I kind of wish personally like there's so much to do like we are so far behind compared to all the stuff that he's seen and unlocked and stuff and I almost wish that like stuff would just happen organically like you know what I mean like we've seen some stuff happen organically and then it's kind of like reiterated like in the data pad like it'll kind of tell you the same things just in case you didn't be you weren't there when it happened like I wish things would just happen around me and we could talk to somebody and they'd be like go talk to this person and do this you know what I mean like so I was just talking with my friend Brian and he told me he had a completely different experience on the bridge so I think every time you come on the bridge it's completely different part of the story and then Sammy the mechanic came on the bridge and he had some urgent news for us that the first order was catching up to Chewbacca and we were we had to get a message to the resistance because um they have hyperspace tracking for any ship that they can use of ships of any size so so he told us we needed to go to the Tha Echelon at Galaxy's Edge tomorrow and hack into that to steal those plans but we had to tell the resistance that that was happening so we made an unscheduled departure to the ha system fought off a first order probe so that they couldn't send a message or scramble the comms and then we talked to R2 and 3PO what yeah we talked to R2 and 3PO and they kind of gave us a mission and passed off the the thanks of of Leia Orana oh my gosh and then the cruise Direct came in and said that she gave up SK she gave up SK and and sold him out to the first order and it was all very shocking and Sammy was very upset about it and we were all very pissed about it and then she said no this is all part of the plan but she wouldn't quite tell us what but during the middle of that someone from over here cuz I was over on this station turned around and said holy crap they've they've taken Chewbacca and we watched through this window the first order frog March Chewbacca through through the Atri go and that made everything feel much more desperate while we were getting our [Applause] mission i' call you we need to get five can't win all res can't win them all the winning is good tonight came back to the cabin and this letter was under the door you may have noticed that the hon uh has on occasion deviated from our planned route happens we made a detour to pick up the claimed Galactic Superstar Gia I believe based on her performances this evening it's well worth it that is true and she would like to acknowledge the presence of the first order on on board and Chewbacca this is funny they're like don't worry everything is everything's fine everything's fine I hope you have a truly restorative sleep cycle best journey and good night for the order and I am so tired and exhausted what a fun crazy [Music] day this is so cool I I just can't good morning thanks to intervention by a passenger who shall remain nameless we have arrived safely at battoo did you have a chance to see the adx nebula I did it was beautiful yes it is truly beautiful and amazing that it's merely a cloud of dust and gas two things one generally avoids now Gia and rith Cole asked me if if you're willing to deliver the you know what to you know who and you know where can you do it I can I will Blackfire Outpost can be a rough place do you know the proper greeting to show respect to the locals I do bright suns wonderful good luck on your mission the fate of the Galaxy may depend on it and don't forget to have fun best [Music] Journey goodbye so I wanted to show you a look at my data p that app because my itinerary has changed a bit so a bunch of missions have been added to my Excursion to by two based on people I talk to missions I accepted tonight there's an acoustic set from Gaia that's something that she promised to perform last night so that got added to the schedule as well right there outside our window you can see one of the shuttles coming up from Batu oh that's so funny to the ship so there's B two right there walking through the this hallway never gets old every morning they have grab and go breakfast in the atrium but you can also come to The Chronic cilia dining room and they have a buffet with different things and today the selections look delightful for breakfast and all meals they do have coffee they have creamers and everything they also have a variety of fruit juices from apple juice to orange juice and then there's also some morning concoction cocktails like a bloody Rancor Bloody Mary an espresso martini and a mosa carbonate dipped bloody rainc cor cubes so this is actually chunks of the rainc cor that's so good e monsters both of you I know I feel kind of bad but I know it's going to be delicious this is good o a little spicy so I always wanted to know how is blue milk and coffee so today we're going to find out together we got to do more than that R well it's like creamer right see it mixing in there look at that beautiful color very nice it tastes like coffee with like a cereal creamy oh really like if you took the milk from cereal I thought it for sure it was going to taste awful let's crank it up a notch might have gone too far with that por speaking of the blue milk I got some blue milk yogurt with some fruit on top oh that's good had some granola or something so a little bit of crunch mhm blue milk kind of taste but yog yeah first thing I'm going to try this morning is called the crispy tuber waffle and it's egg bite apple fruit bacon and herbed egg butter sauce so this definitely isn't a waffle it's almost like hash browns or like a potato like pancake or something very crispy and then a nice cheesy egg bite and crispy bacon on Top This is delicious this is so good next up I'm going to try the kale porridge and this comes with sausage gravy and egg worms this looks funky this is so strange because the egg worms they're very flavorful they they're they ain't no egg worms and then mixed with that sausage uh gravy this is just you know kind of flavorless just like a nice salty hearty sort of flavor I don't love it but it's like definitely fun and I could appreciate the egg worms next up I had to try the chandin waffle I like that it has the logo right on the waffle pour some mapele syrup oh my oh my God that is so satisfying that's very good back home we have something that kind of tastes like this it's called a Mickey waffle it's in a different shape yeah but I thought this might be too thick but no it's very delightful next up I'm going to try what they call the pastry board it looks like just an assortment of pastries and then there's some sort of like little Jello-O thing on there I don't know what that so that flavor on the inside tastes almost like a raspberry Blackberry combination very sweet very tasty that is delicious hello that was a surprise and it made me happy this morning next up I'm going to try the condensed fruit plate It looks interesting looks exotic I don't think I've ever had condensed fruit before what does condensed fruit taste like looks bright is what it looks like it's basically a plate of fruit the flavors is a little bit more enhanced but you know what you're getting here next up is one of the vegan friendly items and this is the whole green green hair Berry toast you know that I'm a a fishing a of avocado of avocado toast cuz I'm a millennial so cheers I'm going to be honest I don't really like this because it's that fake like avocado spread like it would be taste so much better if it was fresh avocado it's get going we got a an Excursion to bat today and to get down to bat we got to take the shuttle so before getting on the shuttle shuttle they gave us pins to wear on planet in Batu this tells all the citizens Batu that we are visiting from other parts of the Galaxy it gives us Priority Access gives us a concierge it's a Sigil of the select it's cool that the gang way leading to the transport has travel posters from around the Galaxy almost like these are locations that this ship also has gone to follow me right this way you may choose any side at any seat you'd like smells like fresh leather in here you are clear to undock copy control activating undocking sequence now copy back and for your safety please remain seated throughout your Voyage hold on to the handrails with your hands tentacles and other advantages and please supervise your young Lings thank you play Sons passengers welcome aboard the Batu transport I am j6 f8 and I'll be your pilot for this short journey I always say when you're with j6 you can just sit back relax and enjoy the ride a stop at black Spire Outpost is not complete without visiting Olga's Cantina once again voted the best drinks this side of the sector I like them and what do I know I'm a Droid try the fuzzy tonon hyperdrive or blue ban as you enjoy the musical style of my fellow pilot and good friend Rex I hear he's an even better TJ than pilot you definitely feel the motion in here it fits 12 to 16 people it feels very Star Wars doesn't feel like I'm in a box and may your deals go well bright suns passengers welcome to button bright oh look at this little hallway where are we oh look there's an advertisement for ogus is this cool it's almost like there's a new section of v two that's opened up but only for us welcome or as they say here on about two bright suns bright Sun thank you now my name is Carlos myself and my fellow passenger Services crew members are going to serve as your personal coner during your Excursion if you acquire any additional cargo uh or any additional Goods feel free to come back to us we'd happily store that for you or we can deliver that to your cabin if you prefer the last transport shuttle back to the house departs at 4 you don't want to get stranded on B two it's going to be a there's a lot of first order activity going on you don't want to get stranded you again didn't we warn you to stay away from this sector the first mission that Lieutenant Croy had us take care of is the Tai echon it seems like the resistance or someone's been trying to hack it they has some new hyperspace technology so we had to prevent that disable that so now that the now that we've done that the resistance can't get a hold of the hyperspace track good job teamwork okay we're on the mission to rescue SK back on the heian so we have to go to the Droid Depot and tune in to a station there for more information so res just talk to mubo the owner of droid Depot he didn't have the hack to get SK free but he's going to hack into one of these dreads outside of Dr Depot and get that information so that we could we can free SK we want a free ES we now have the information on how to remove that restrain Bolt from SK so hopefully when we get back on the ship we can help out with that wraith Co sent us to Honda anaka because we need to get some coaxium for Gaia and we need to like tell them some kind of code or something I think we got this do you even remember the code no but resides with the healthy experience we get a lightning Lane to smug W run and one to Res so since it's for any time so it's kind of like a Golden Ticket well well passenger from the advancy Galaxy Cruiser let's see if those coordinates from your contact are any good today you will be intercepting A first order train shipment of coax [Music] young we did it we got one container of coaxium I mean I wasn't worried I'm pretty good at getting coaxium so here's the coaxium stashing it coaxium received if you remember on day one of the Star cruise I actually met SK the and I tapped my data band and he actually sent me some encrypted data we have unencrypted it and now we actually have to go to the resistance base and transmit that data to Leia Orana and hopefully she can do something good with it our post B is no longer safe we have transports waiting to take you to General Orana secret base on pakara engage propulsors and hold on regroups I got a bad feeling about this for the order we're here from the excellent we're here to help I think he heard station on the hon what a joke you got on the cruise ship not doing any real work like oh so he's kind of a laughing stock around here yeah he likes a good vacation everybody likes to get you know go away sometimes that ride will never not be awesome that said I'm not sure if I'm loving how data pad heavy this but two stuff is I was kind of hoping that like you'd run into different characters you'd be you know actually trading off information with like you know cast members or something like that like Reza had a mission where he had to like go get a rock or something at the toy Darian toy maker and it would have been cool if like they actually gave him a rock like he scanned his magic band and give him a rock but like no it's like on his data bad now that that's done we're headed over to Droid Depot where there's some data tapes that we're going to bring to the engineering room and that's going to allow us to take over the chip oh God okay we got the datat tapes so looks like we have two new things here we have a meeting with Cy in the engineering room to help sabotage the ship and then we're going to report to him to update on the first order later on okay so probably one of the coolest things that we've done in Batu so far is we had to go into Aus Cantina and we had to show the server what like a code on the data pad and then once we showed them this code in the data pad they gave us the special coaster that you can only get if you're doing this like Mission and then that that code allowed us to contact someone and now we're doing another data pad thing Che here she is that EV now that we have been properly refreshed OAS I think we're going to make our way back to the star Cru you like the towel thank you so much you all had a great time at black spost I know I did hey while I was enjoying an oil bath at the Droid Depot I heard that some of you got tangled up in some serious first order business you all didn't have anything to do with those massive explosions of a Batu did you I mean wow we did have a i' watch your back if I were you also word on the street is that Hondo is upset about the state of one of his ships whether you're on the run on a run or visiting just for fun there's no Spaceport like this Spaceport at least that's what they tell me honestly it's the only Spaceport I know in the atrim they're doing a thing called sector set which is like the Star Wars version of Bingo located in the new territory part of our galaxy now now open open the Lash and pull out one of the planets in there what number do you hold oh 75 does anyone need number one no number one great thank you yeah that's what what planet is it it's it what does it say Coria do a couple more of those you so now we're on the way to do a little photo shoot uh around the ship going to see how that goes and see if it's worth it or not to do just hopefully they don't show our shoes we're trying that was freaking awesome it was like way more in detail than I thought it was going to be like they had professional lighting they could change the colors they had us like in cool poses so hopefully like the photos turn out as cool as I think they're going to turn out yeah I think it's normally like 100 bucks for this yeah it was way better than like Photo pass on like but two all right L we have a great [Music] [Applause] Rea all right it's our crate reactor from Tatooine honoring the crate dragons please be very careful gravity still does exist here in space as you're drinking it make sure you're putting the drinking tooth facing up if not I know now you'll listen to me so that's why there some napkins in here everyone we had to get ourselves the crate reactor this is a sharable drink between two to four passengers as tequila luche lime vanilla and dragon fruit it's basically a dragon fruit Margarita and it has four straws one from each side in which you can drink from ooh it's like sour and tangy this is incredible I'm going to give this A5 a five Peter is this is the best space Margarita I've ever had I know you said it's really Tangy and it definitely does have you could taste like the tequila and that sour mix that's in a margarita come on there there's no way that this doesn't get the ordinary Adventure started now we have to head back up to the suite because I'm going to get my Image Design I'm going to get my Star Wars face paint I'm excited I have no clue what I'm going to get yet it's just going to come to me in the moment I'm going to pick something cool wow I know I kind of like yeah today is the no turning back now yeah once it's on it's on right we're going to start with the base color oh wow doing the lips too oh yeah yeah in Star Wars Rebels there was a character very very small character this is a feeling character she was like a punk with she got horns on the side of her head a little bit of a mohawk oh yeah I remember that remember that it was a cool episode yeah so fun I love the play here I'm glad is such a good idea it is especially for people like me who like don't like to dress up but like if could have a professional do it I love it a thank you there's anything you need like edited or fix oh I'm sure it's [Music] great you wipe it off and start over just kidding I'm just kidding whoa oh who is she who is she a feeling I think it turned out great and it's perfect for somebody like me who like is not a cosplayer who didn't really want to dress up but you want to like I don't know it's just cool that someone else could do it to me and now I feel really pretty and awesome so KRA went and put on her Ahsoka Poncho and she looks so good with this makeup walking around the ship she she looks like a character from Star Wars have you tried the star Cruiser popcorn yet where do you get that you get it at the little concession stand that they have out here with a bunch of little Treats but have you tried it yet no you got to try it it's like cheddar cheese oh it's spicy it's spicy isn't that good my mouth is on fire yeah at first I thought it was just like this just like cheddar cheese popcorn oh my God isn't that good it's good s tyser where is he's up there all right we've got to get those droids out now as quickly as [Music] possible good afternoon I'm tempted to say good morning or as they say on B what did they say yes something's going on and it's very strange in the bridge the bridge strange and who put them in the break I didn't see their face I'm sorry there's been a lot of activity yes I can sense it frankly really a lot of mouthes and surely we've got droids let's get them out here lots of droids everyone don't we all love droids our FK this is my favorite part if Lieutenant KY comes back after I need you to stay with him for a [Applause] while wait it there a dead now my Droid was bolted successfully there last night you were there I didn't know you no the Droid is now under the jurisdic of the hold on we getting a very important [Music] announcement your brother was involved you are a loyal servant to the remind me your name oh yes well for the order order you say for the order back oh good you have a little uh may I see this I'm looking for a Droid that looks just like this well you have one it's in your hand it's right there right there yeah you would know wouldn't you you're basically Inseparable if you see this Droid reported to the first order immediately I seen in the gift shop there's one right there yeah there's some in the gift shop great [Music] idea fine why don't you lead me to the gift shop what's your name why should I tell you we'll give you a number all of you get busy look for the draw no I'm no no cancel your plans okay I got a busy schedule blue milk to drink who do you think he is come on for the order the stor over here agip who's just like playing saok for the guy over there hopefully he knows how to play saach while we were in the sub Lounge I got a message from Lieutenant Croy and he says that he wants to send a report to Colonel Talis his Superior doesn't want the resistance peering in so we need to go to the cargo hold and find something for him so right now we're going into an area of the ship that people don't have access to normal passengers it's called the cargo hole so this is where all the cargo for the ship is held we got to find a transmitter in a crate that they brought on a aboard yesterday includes encrypted frequency that they can use news so we got to find that oh it's two two uh handcrafted porgs from the toy Darian toy maker what we were looking for no that's not what we were I'm going to stash that though do you see any crates in here that look like they might be from the first order uh let me take a look what about this one it's got red and black denied we got to construct a key oh this is what you were looking for yeah that's exactly what I was looking for and it says the channel is highly secure it's unlikely anyone will be able to impacted Communications your loyalty the first order is appreciated so again we've helped the first order hopefully they'll pay off hopefully the bad guys the resistance will lose here one of the cool things about the cargo hold is that it's filled with objects some of which are Easter eggs for hardcore Star Wars fans so over in that cage over there you might seem to find some relics from Crimson Dawn you'll find cira's necklace you'll find dren boss's ring but I think the most obscure and coolest Easter egg in all of the helan is in this cage over here there's actually an ID card for a character that was played by George Lucas it was George Lucas's cameo in the Star Wars [Music] prequels oh hello I'm glad you contacted me I just received some incredible news a secret resistance team just freed my friend SK and is now hiding him from the first order apparently some crew members and passengers removed sk's restraining bolt and freed him right under Cy's nose I'm so happy that SK is safe but I'm also concerned Lieutenant Croy and the first order will be absolutely Furious I'm worried that they'll want revenge and after last night I'm afraid they'll come after me next or am I just just being paranoid I think you're just being paranoid of course of course D3 it's all just in your processors open this door that's in order oh no I really hoped I was being paranoid we have orders to take you offline any last words of encouragement tell them for the order I can do this they're messing with the wrong Logistics Droid they're coming through can you promise me something sure if I'm disconnected will you help the crew protect the ship yes good and no matter what will you keep the spark of the resistance alive no I'm for the first order you won't I'm surprised um all right in that case enjoy your dinner I suppose it's the taste around the Galaxy this evening so [Applause] you hey how's it going for the order for the order I'm well thank you for inquiring yourself I I'm doing fine but we we need to find this this resistant scum around here oh we're on I actually have big plans very soon did you hear about the death that heard earlier no the what the theft no yes my droids stolen that was your property yes thank you finally someone who understands reality if you see the droids let me know yes hello hello how are you I think the lieutenant might have a crush on you on me yeah did he tell you that himself I mean I'm just reading between the lines yeah like you came out and he like got at attention [Laughter] hello so leg Cy just asked what my name was and of course I said Rea and then he looked up at Peter with a confused look he realized I lied to him he did oh [Applause] [Music] no hold on vacation so my property has gone missing in the middle of the night not technically your property is actually chander starine I just want to it's just nothing but an innocent questioning have any of you tracked down no G has been looking endlessly and tirelessly tirelessly I appreciate that are there any treadmarks up there any tracks no it's such a clean Droid it is a very clean Droid I know where he is where did you find somewhere where you're you have respect which is not here isn't this yours G I might I I'll need your help in keeping this one in line river river I I missed the yesterday River the today River a bit disrespectful River always speak your truth it's very important Lieutenant why don't we come this way what if the truth is life so in the last hour your Troopers criminal were unqualified and lost property that you had they are highly qualified then why did it disappear on their wall it's not like we have a a cult abort wearing blue and red and teaching everyone about Terrace crazies so gu is going to be performing an acoustic set tonight in the atrium but before that she is actually doing an autograph signing all the stars in the galxy you're the brightest one by far and I'm looking for you looking for you now and there you are there you are no we don't have a ton of time so we're going to get straight to it we know why we're here yes first of all thanks for done the hide in a and that's we're wrong we've got a window a small window to make this right kid sent me your message Grayson he an old partner of mine the paste copy I found it I appreciate that actually let's start right there it's not perfect it'll do a pinch hopefully by the time anybody sniffs it out will'll be long gone so the Hing unfortunately for me is cat is a very very populated room so let's lay it at it we got that long bench seating right here in the middle you with me yes we've got the turbo lift over here yeah great good we've got the bridge on that side passenger Services desk Lounge now right next to passenger Services desk there a compass is the compass correct which houses the stone this room is always populated and I need eyes not on your buddy R so everybody here's going to have to play a piece of this puzzle all right Sterling I'm looking at you first you with me you get your crew with you is it just you um just me but I can round up some people that's all right we'll round some up actually Sterling great points because down here is phase one phase two is upstairs now we've got some backup upstairs with a cocktail napkin and there ra it I also have a Droid if that could help a Droid and maybe I don't know how they approach I don't really use it as like a distraction as a distraction that's possible all right okay Sterling I'll see you on that now upstairs we have backup they've got a cocktail napkin in their bracelet all right so now guy is going to be announcing your biggest fan and I'm going to hijack that conversation okay I'm going to hijack that conversation talk about uh I don't care what but here's what you listen for I'm going to designate some positions and when we designate them you're listening for this Cube that my friends is when the game eates that's when you're going to H your marks the marks we're going to talk about right now starting with you Starling I'm going to need you on uh head scouting party head scouting detail even so what you're going to do is when we get up there keep your eyes on some cocktail navig and bracelets and sus them out whatever else but when I hit that c phrase I want you on this floor I want you working through the crowds mingling through anybody that comes through there that's not me and not Gaia I want you to let me know does that make sense Samy's been trying to get a hold of me all day now I understand that lad had to do what he had to do yesterday but I'm a petty petty man [Laughter] Justin I understand understand that it's somebody's uh well close to 30th cycle anniversary how did I know that I'm ra Cole leing on you too we'll figure that upstairs Sandra's going to buy some time we just don't have time to talk about it down here so you know get all sappy or whatnot people love love and all that garbage you know what I mean no more I feel like there might even be inspiration for some kind [Applause] of hey just got a little game well it's funny thing about that yes more more of a um training train of training and and what are we what are we what are we training specifically fing on well word we are all learning I was G to say it's a little bit of a variation the what did you call it Brooke it's a variation it's you you had a name for it it's the um the uh Eve [Music] vers [Laughter] workshopping Fair is a rocky terrain we dealing you in uh no no we are we are good with that I you know I try not to are you bit about the the game we ran out of credit the bet we Sterling plug your ears we bet everything else wraith why would I be bitter about that game [Applause] I sorry but the lesson to all of that is that make sure you do not anti up anything to this man that you are not willing to lose the counts cards and the dice will be loaded AR my friends the only that we loaded actually only one person was loaded I was sober that's to be fair I don't recall that well that kind of makes her Point hey J how are you good cool it's a holoc column right here by the lounge post up right there and uh missed in your gang I want you over here on this other one all right does that make sense if the captain is making her rounds and she is pretty diligent about doing that just keep your eyes out if you see the captain Interceptor okay interceptor get the whole team together talk about I don't care what get her in here dump her on G gu will be ready to run interference if we need her now here's the tough part I need you to and hear me out here read the room if guy feels like she needs you stick around and do your best nice and gentle nice and low frequency nothing wild you understand and if it seems like a guy is okay I would actually like to have you back out on the floor with me seeing as you're part of phase one I don't want to lose you again but bre the room I trust you after that is that cool Y and that will happen hit those marks at the q line and the q line is that my friends is when the game begin that was terrible let's try it again that's my friends is when the game begins a lot more confidently on that one it's three it's not enough that's not enough I'm going to need you over with the rest of your crew when we we'll Peter yes great good what do you need take Peter with you cuz Peter has been on me like a minu and I like that for me don't get me wrong Peter it's going to make sense if you're with Peter too so Peter you're going to be sticking with r 2.0 if that makes sense yeah get a couple of you now the two of you might be so inspired by whatever this is this 30th love and all this trash no offense that maybe we pop some rings on it and I'm saying this because if the two of you cuties do it right you're going to be getting drinks all day long all right so let's do it right okay a long time ago I was a kid I promised guy that I would give my to make this Thum right we won't entertain defeat we won't even talk about it because success is the only way through this importantly when we get our work out and I mean when everybody's going to meet back down here in the cargle that's this room by the way you're going to meet right here when we're done to celebrate and I mean we're going to celebrate because we're going to do it does that make sense to everybody here yes if you have questions poke me upstairs after I give that key phrase otherwise we're going to give it a little bit of air and then we'll get this thing done all right for me when you're up there all right now Mikey I got something in mind oh hold on is that you let's do it let's get up there I don't think there's going to be another time in my life that I'm going to be part of a heist and this is so cool I just got to say it's so cool people involved in the heist know who to trust I am one of those people and so obviously obviously then so when the heist goes down they'll know who to count on I love you so much I'm such a big fan we went down to batto today and they started uh DJ Rex was playing you in ogus Cantina and I like scream to announce my biggest fan to create a bit of a distraction in the few would you be willing to uh put yourself forward for that sure I'll just use to make it a diversion okay all right excellent I have traveled to many different planets many many different galaxies and I've met so many different audience members and fans but I think today on the houseum of all places I have met my biggest fan today please everybody give come on up here oh hello hello can you introduce yourself to everybody my name is kitra kitra everybody give KRA a big round of applause thank you Beau oh thank you my biggest fan can you believe it on this show of all plac I know where are you from K I'm from the um Endor Endor does anybody else uh hail from Endor y okay excellent uh and what is your favorite part about di everything it's so hard to to choose you have a beautiful voice thank you everything about you you're just stunning let's give a round of applause to KRA I'm very jealous of you time with guys I for to tell you I did me with oh right into the microphone good thinking probably no surprise to anybody my favorite way to get to know somebody plan Parts little game of spot you with me on that one now listen because when you're playing with some folk you get to see what they're willing to bet what they willing to put on the table what makes you sweat a little bit your friends your opponents I don't discriminate at all and when you get a good sense of your opponent in that moment that my friends that is when the game begins we're trying to pull off a heist but the Stormtroopers are standing in front of the thing we're trying to take so I have to get them to move you you guys you guys aren't looking for like a Droid that's like this this tall right someone triggered a silent alarm now we see you here you have something to do with this no I I just saw a Droid and I thought you guys I'm I'm I'm trying to help you guys out you say that war it didn't work res I just found out literally right now we are celebrating a 30e galactic [Applause] anniversary God oh my God on the house it's truly not just together it's together and truly forever I love you Molly our my friends I think we have had the benefit of of seeing many remarkable things but in this particular 5 minute span we have seen a remarkable and Lasting Love and that is absolutely worthy of [Applause] attention and perhaps more importantly and perhaps even more rare on the housan we have seen R Cole run toward commitment anyway anyway my apologies for the interruption but wraith if you would be so kind as to tell me what you were doing behind passenger Services what passenger Services where you were they were declaring their love for one another I came out I yelled rith Cole and there you were that's right I forgot about that oh that's right you're welcome my guy great only need all in one sitting but you're welcome so you were getting uh snacks for someone else I want I want some snacks so generous I'd rather drink my sugar SC yeah uh fair fair enough and an honest declaration uh however uh you you do you were getting them from Passenger Services yeah yeah you got a bit of a wingspan rate you could have gotten those from the front wow you didn't have to go there was a bunch of people out there it was too rude to reach over to C over either a great Point honestly how many of you consider wraith Cole an intelligent human [Applause] being thank you for the honest handwave right there my friend uh and how many of you consider this helpful and intelligent human being got handsome uh now you know what fair fair question uh I am I am uh pantoran uh uh to the humans among you uh is this considered handsome [Applause] by I us go women make an exception I'm flattered that is quite accept to pantorans this is just a lot of teeth and hair so that's that's fair don't forget eyebrows a lot of eyebrows a lot of eyebrows too many muscles I heard impossible now I know you're a liar all right I sorry all right so handsome helpful uh intelligent moderately moderately yes there we are I again tall that's fair uh but you know what let's let's define this suit let's set this up for something very very simple to answer this individual is not just the manager of a galactic Superstar but arguably the galactic Superstar how many of us consider wraith Cole a well-traveled human being yes of course he definitely gets around that is a beautiful way to praise it my friend so that being said I can promise each and every one of you that this intelligent questionably handsome uh helpful human being who is well traveled absolutely knows that Bes behind passenger Services is where we keep all of the chandron Starline proprietary information and more important importantly for the purposes of this demonstration where we keep all of the passenger financial information so he's a good man precisely so and the reason no one would guess is because the moment someone goes behind there that is not supposed to I immediately am notified so I just want to make sure that nothing fell onto a small data card and we are fine so just turn out those pockets and we are set what your pockets your pockets out them turn my syntax uh my pockets turn them out please right if you would well as you say captain It's Your Ship my pockets but your ship thank you very much honestly that is very fair are your pants are tight well are you gaining weight in the rear it's the bulking phase that's ah the bulk the bulking phase is that a human thing the bulking face all right just check oh yeah sorry I've been fasting all day I have some cards Captain you saw us playing earlier yes I did see you playing that's the that's the bottom of the pocket that's the bottom of the pocket and your left pocket left pocket yes on my left side why I keep the things on my left side of my body correct I uh in one small pocket defitely El I've got some business cards thank you you want to pass this on back to the lovely if you if you want to renew anything just pass that on back to my business carder you know what our friend here has a Discerning Eye yes make sure they have a card and uh there you are and I and your your pouch pouch the pouch on your on your hip this is a night hunt forgot about that pouch I understand uh well well I've got uh organic Banta wax no bant on S A little lick there Captain if you don't mind I forgot my mirror but how am I doing uh how is he doing everyone credentials oh good glad you've got those to you well done for you R nice lip moisturizer cuz you know it's without an accident up here oh very good may I may I replace yeah there's a kind of order that you have to that goes last all right the room key the room key yep and the uh yep and then we'll just talk to that right CH all right finite space in that pouch in it put back in your pocket if you would like if you don't mind all right I've got couple more Pockets Captain if you want to feel around great a good Captain knows when not to orbit some planets [Applause] eyes pals up of course excellent good boots good oh all right you're smacking around just in case there was something fragile down there all that's up here how many of you trust wraith Cole let you in on a little secret I also trust wraith Cole and I also trust him with my life I do not trust him with my wallet I will be watching [Applause] you well that was just uh listen little tense uh are we good I think so now listen we'll celebration down the cargo now we're going back to the cargo hold cuz that's where we were told to meet after the [Applause] heist now listen I understand some people might have some questions that's okay I ask that you save them for the end all right just give us a moment and in fact let's put the data paths down for just a moment I think everyone this [Applause] is my [Applause] hon get out of here I'm got so we were asked not to record the majority of that meeting so I didn't what I can tell you is that we presented Gia with the stone and there wasn't an a dry eye in the house uh she was crying wraith was crying I was crying it's the kind of moment that makes this place so special I think they he could use the the deep breathing and the relaxation so we saw that musician wrting a song with some kids earlier apparently the love story that's happening on board is he's in love with gaia's keyboardist and he was write having the kids help write him a song so he could perform it for her and Court her I got the moves thanks to my friend JoJo here he says being confident is key so I hope that you dance with [Applause] me in this galaxy job you did a great job thank you I usually get the guy special but I thought a lot about this one this one right here oh yeah that one okay yeah maybe I'll try that one yeah no big deal but we're guys uh best friends now literally you think I'm joking you're she's been my favorite part about this whole experience and I like I just love it she's amazing yeah so she recommended the fiery mustafarian drink and this is served with lava extract comes with tequila meds cow stone fruit lime chili and black salt if you don't know Mustafar is the lava home home planet of Darth Vader or the new home it's where he has his castle yeah it's full of lava yeah there's not much life there it's all lava and darkness and fire and stuff like that this is the star right here it comes with like this little chrill holder it does wow that's cool sorry I was in awe you're doing great job thank you I like your glasses today Peter thank you my honor what what do you what is the deal with this like pyramid shape is that well it's to hold the spear you know I don't know about Spears on your planet but Spears from Batu and on the housan roll oh yeah so we give you a stand so it doesn't roll people accidentally put it on the table and then don't do that Peter okay when the chemists behind the bar make this drink they have to pull out some lava extract from their mustafarian climate uh simulator and it comes out in this little container right here you got to be really careful I know I've been very unlucky to burn everything so okay got it good and I guess this makes it a little bit spicy yeah so dump it all in so we're going to we're going to open it up we're going to pour it in here ooh see that it was like a little it's red and black looks nice that black salt really salty must be from CRP no they got red salt there tastes like a margarita a very very very spicy Margarita the that Mezcal has like a smokiness to it I like this a lot I'm going to give this a five out of five P yeah this is totally like my drink they also have a free menu here of bar snacks it's not like an extra cost they have a bunch of stuff where are they going trust people until I boed this ship and now I am quickly learning people must earn your TR if you support me you'll come in seems I'm just in time to put an end to whatever subversion you were engaged in effective immediately the housan is under the control of the first order this ship is now under my command your Valiant opposition to the first order is noted you've made your allegiances clear all of you H some chose wisely others are compl it in the subversive conspiracies of Captain ke and her crew I'm sorry that's a lot of 10 credit words do you mind the high fighters excellent things will be different now you know indeed for all of us Lieutenant these passengers are innocent civilians captain they're really [Music] not watch resume control please passengers of the hous effective immediately uhoh the first order has imposed a blockade on the housing the hin is now under the command of the order [Applause] we'll get it must leave room for improvement as we do in each quadrant of the Galaxy the housein will be surrounded by Star Destroyers for the order for the order for the order I've been waiting this whole time to do that well said I feel like we were in small group well said Lieutenant okay well let's go have dinner chose the wrong side telling you could be a long night could be a rough night you guys are going to end up in the brri both of you I can tellen I'm watching you guys po the order we have to go onto the bridge to meet with Captain Kean to let her know about the resistance activity something something I forget but it's happening right now we got to save the ship first order oh okay so that's important let's go all right gohe head right in thank you this blockade puts us in a perilous position seeing all of you here that reminds me that there is courage there is still hope and that we can find comrades when we need them the most so we with the resistance are going to handle this together yes yes can I trust you with that good I I can't believe Cy had the nerve to blockade a passenger ship well to be fair it has gone above his head his Superior Officer Colonel Talis was the one who informed me but I will say that I think we are doing well I think so you've called on some of your friends right I have indeed I have sent out that message so they will be here shortly my friends we are stronger than they ever imagin and for those of you that helped to get that coaxum off in Star Destroyer well they decided to strike back which means that we don't have a lot of time so I'm going to head to the engineering room and meet with some of our other allies sensors detector ship on high speed approach a B two transport no what excuse me what are they doing they're going to get themselves filled watch Wait watch open the Comm Comm Channel open It Foster please oh faster than the Tie Fighter shooting at us oh wish I thought of that ready oh it's good to see you but what are you doing on a about two trans no story not really she hijacked my shut borrowed hijacked General Orana received your distress signal she's sending for help to free the hian until then I'll do what I can on board to protect the ship and all of you if I can get there in one piece does this ship look like an X-Wing to you it looked like the only ship I could find which is unfortunate I bypassed the throttle limiter but it wasn't built for this knew was I anyone's asking no one's asking Ray we are surrounded by Tie fighters right now uh we can take a few of them out perfect you can start with the ones right behind us yes please absolutely you bring them close we will take them out I boed your power by 7% let's use it 7% I'll turn the time bu it more power I'll see you soon ignite the spark be careful R all right my friends please go to a station where you feel the most confident I am going to need a strong crew on this bridge I will need people to defend I will absolutely need people to take care of weapons at weap so then we I'm so happy we came to this my girl right finally how cool is that so awesome excellently done now those eyes open there's R's transport we are going to make all right my friend woo yes pleas the blocking excellently done my friends warning Tie fighters inbound attack formation we handled them before we'll handle them again right multiple squadrons detected simultaneous attack well now would be a good time to have some help this is this is fighters on the way Hold Your Position we'll be there as soon as we can we can turn them into scrap metal right I crew rotation to New Station patience maintains optimal alertness and precision we are helping excellently done my friend this is amazing let's see what so much fun I don't want this to ever end you guys ready all right moment take care of that sh PR that's keep us [Music] [Music] [Applause] incoming transmission opening travel yes nice shoting house we got a pretty crew there thank you all we had a little extra muscle oh and there's R transport making another loop around here hopefully she's okay I hope you're all planning to join our fight against the first order I think you just did Welcome to the cause indeed r Wait I'm do what now JY told me you've been barded by the first order we can't let your ship fall into their hands we are all in this together R yes we are we'll find a way to get the Housey into safety until then don't let the first order get suspicious we don't want more trouble than we're ready for so permission to come aboard permission just dodging any first order patrols right that sounds safe you'll be fine you're quite a pilot oh thank you I'll see you soon thank you resistance comrades when we need them the most I will say I think it is very likely we have increased the severity of our situation remember keep this between ourselves and check those data pads you're going to have the opportunity to be in contact yet again I'm crying how cool is that that was amazing I'm so happy with oh my God was so cool we are responsible for Ray coming aboard I understand this this whole thing's expensive it's not for everybody but like everybody calling this like the Star Wars hotel and like making fun of it what nothing go on no it's just cool like this is it made you cry it made you cry yeah it's it's been so here continue what I'm I'm just saying that this is a piece of performance art and it's it's cool it it really is cool so we're now going to the Docking Bay where we which we took the shuttle to bat cuz I think if Ray's on board she probably came in over here we took over the ship yep searching for resistance searching for to override the ship system to override the ship system what does that mean engineering room there's the engine and if you plug in a certain code it totally just malfunctions the engine oh chewy told me but I need to get this piece been activated to an engineer named Sammy which it seems like you all know so that we can be prepared power the ship it sounds like that's to foil Lieutenant you think we can trust Sammy trusted trusted engineer from the resistance but someone told me he's not an engineer he's not a mechanic so what he wants to be in he wants to join he want he he left corellia to go to the two but he couldn't get there he's a new engineer thats like come on that was his first day yester his first day was yesterday was yesterday but he built sh I don't know if I should be giving this to Sammy this feels a little bit important for someone whose first day was yesterday he he actually control the ship on today already and me and me were there so we know what happened he he was the one that sent the distress signal I mean wasn't Star Killer base your first day well we don't want to talk about that everyone everyone has a first a don't wee on that what about you all you are with the resistance yes yes have you all been with the resistance for a long time who said no yes it seems like it's a lot of our first days I I believe I'm a bit noticeable I don't want to go out into anything that could cause danger for all of us could like you're grown up and you're British and you're um I'm dressed like my yeah you in a costume like put you're in a costum that's he a fake po over here if I'm pretending like I'm dressed like myself but I actually am dressed like myself that could be doesn't that just make you you yes oh so easy how about you pretend to be me yes you pretend to beend to be you in fact Savannah why don't you hold this all right now let me hear you talk like me say hello I'm Ray hello I'm Ray I think we really have a winner I think this is the right plan right Savannah we're escorting Ray do you know we can find I don't know I I saw him in the atrium a little while ago upstairs I don't think I should go up there by myself it sounds like it's quite a large room yes no do you want me to go I wonder if perhaps Savannah anyone else who wants to work with Savannah and Tyson could go upstairs see if you can find Sammy up there that sounds like a good idea can you imagine being a kid like being part of this yeah like they have no idea I'd remember this for the rest of my yeah I it it warms my heart so much like this is incredible some kid came running he's like first order spy there was like some people walking up the stairs like the mom was just [Music] like doing you never your need is in the engineering room I think we're done here done yes that was lucky that was the single coolest thing I have ever seen I've got this and I don't know what I am I've heard about you you R ja che che you're here [Applause] soad okay let's get a new right now you sure Jack yeah I trust Jack all right so do I honestly well it's the lieutenants in there what do we do uh well I don't know no not a bad idea not a bad idea the vent we can listen to the vent right I don't know if you care but I think you're okay what I do care you're more than okay let's not do that let's not escalate anything should I be concerned yes you should be concerned about it yes they're doing it right now they're doing what right now Cy is in the engineering room right now they're putting in override trying to shut down the ship right now the br's right there going shoot you so right now we're going to go meet Lieutenant Croy in the engineering room thank you so much sir you are welcome very good then I'm glad we came to our senses make sure we're in neat orderly lines when I began an investigation of the halian I did so because I believed there were resistance operatives on board my intention was to observe the crew but I did not expect was Finding so many loyal followers as well this you might say has been a pleasant surprise and the timely one we friends of the order have work to do now who among you witnessed the resistance operatives unbolt and free the Droid they call SK 62 that's all I have I'm sorry you had to see that and who's witnessed General disrespect against the first quter I have Dreadful sickening disgusting I expected from the ship's crew that mechanic even the songstress GU is stage to voice a thly on a brighter note who among you has aided the first order in the foiling of the plans of the resistants and their operatives well done continuing your work that is why we are here po efforts and assistance have been nothing short of inspiring will you join me in this plan will you join me in this plan yes very good now taking down a ship of this size is a complex operation we are installing a cloak program that when enabled will allow us to infiltrate and shut down the Core Power Systems of this ship now who among you work to find and bring back these data tapes from Batu well done you have provided us with the key to this Mission these data tapes hold pieces of code that when enabled will allow us to infiltrate and shut down the systems now we must each work where we best serve the mission help me by assembling into your groups with clear definition you on my command and no sooner will go to ronian fuel you will blend the fuels not sooner when I say so and we have we should go in here we're good at this one power core yeah very good there you are is this one group yeah this is one what a lovely family thank you very much now this group has a keen eye for detail yes I'd like you at the patch Bay on my command can I see that data T everyone needs to see this make sure you can see well then listen to my voice in an imagin in your eyes every console is equipped with a data port on my command we will insert the data tape into the data port at the same time on my signal this will unlock overrides now we will engage override by pressing this flashing red button at the same time override is an unstable State and I cannot risk your safety Henry you may be asked to open valves connect wiring paths every console is different you must match the pattern on the console to that of the equipment this chronometer will measure the time we have and it is very little having said that everyone to your station now loyalist on my command insert your data tapes now the flashing red button three 2 1 press very good boet we have unlocked override beginning and then we got to make sure the other side we didn't need help ready we got we got no wor wor no wor [Music] Lieutenant per so we got to make all the way over here there we go very good we're almost out of time with the override everyone look at your flashing red button we must press it together on my commands 3 2 1 PR power Corp power cor we're having a group meeting Henry Albert this way yeah yeah I'm I'm here good now now we must check to make sure our program was installed successfully the lights on this status monitor indicate connection nodes between the systems only when all lights flash red but we know we have been successful Elizabeth do us the honor press that button oh no come on it's not your fault but I do hold you responsible can we try well another override would put stress on the systems I cannot risk your safety we do unless you think all of you think we should try again I say we do it loyalist what say you to your stations this is fun music to the ears of the order now the right button 3 2 1 press very Gooding green whoever wired this did a really bad job I need you are all green override everyone the butt you know what to do on my command we must do it together 3 2 [Applause] 1 obtain a taste meet me at the status monitor how you know we're not all operating on your schedule you know I'm having a rough time on my team here not very good at anything oh I'm sure you're you're very uh valuable press the [Music] button well done Loy yes you got it you did it we did you did it good suggest we do it again no no we're fine because of you because of your work here in this room we are now poised to bring down the Power Systems of the house leave in small or orderly groups and know that tonight when the power system goes down it's because of you for the order well done loyalist is anyone else going to the bridge oh yeah that's where I'm scheduled next oh what a what a thorough tour what a thorough inspection everything for the order for the order apparently I'm very glad to see you doe in part to your effs I can now confirm there are resistant sympathizers among the passengers and traitors among the crew and some of these so-called innocent Travelers were involved in the near total Destruction of a star destroyer command is in the mood to that was my reaction they're in the mood to retaliate we are standing in the ship that would be their target I'm due to reporting and I need to give them something more than just confirming rumors something that proves the value of this Mission and my value to command so there anything else I need to know I snuck into the meeting that happened in here about an hour ago the Rebel Spy Ray is on this ship oh and I have I have two-dimensional holographic evidence to I appreciate you the need for evidence most people just go on here say not good enough weapon stations for the order and shields for [Applause] the and lawyer your pro Now command will hear of your service but we all must earn respect yes it is not simply just given we are here to complete our mission and show our value to the order Colonel tal what why isn't it coming through the loaders they're being used to block our transfigurations what the loaders are not responding then we'll disable them my way override weapons longw I'm not must caution that to discharge a weapon would violate the terms of the blockade it's my blockade unlock the weapons everyone maintain your positions sir override confirmed six weapons armed and ready take out those loaders fire fire well done lawyer to First gunship is they are ordering us to cease fire they think we're firing on them try the call the gunship is moving into attack position as I mentioned firing weapons is a clear violation not I think we're firing on it and I can't call them off with the transmission blocks it's terrible everyone prepare to defend Shield do not a the guns if they think they're firing on this protect so many are hitting us what we are being fired on by a first s of gunship stop them what your place Lieutenant yes sir I'm sorry the attack on the finalizer happened on your watch and among the attackers were passengers of the houseon and ship is crawling with resistant scum now why shouldn't I just destroy it Elizabeth an IR need more than that Elizabeth because I make progress I've extracted data from the SK droids I am see it's encrypted but I will break it promises are not progress Lieutenant Ray is on board sir Ray the resistance hero she's nothing to me she is valuable to me lien hear me I want the data I want the traitors and I want the scavenger will not fail the Supreme leer the end is in sight Destiny is within our grasp and tonight we shall see it through the joint those I believe to be loyal will receive further instruction the J but simply discreet there are trases everywhere perhaps that was pretty pretty awesome that was pretty awesome we did great great how does he do that he went from the engineering room to here and he like didn't get a break there is no breaks yeah there is no breaks trust me I know we did the same thing it was hard work but we did it I'm so sorry about that no no it was his fault and I I lied to you long ago a different point only I could cloud my memory yeah unfortunately it's all becoming very clear do I have your honesty now yes now I'm on I'm on the right side of History I do believe we must clear the bridge okay yes I don't want to disrupt how the ship is running very good off you good don't trust him you can trust no you can't so so at the end of our Bridge Mission I explained to the lieutenant that Peter told him that his name was Resa but really I am the real Resa and that he is Peter yes so we straightened that out yeah and then you called me a traitor I mean you did impersonate I mean that was in a different way make sure no one's looking no no one's looking we're going initiate the shutdown process of the hell yes it's happening you're the one that did it I mean by my calculations we have 2 hours and 26 minutes until the ship shuts down why would it like take a long time to I guess it's a big ship there's a lot of code we got to go through it's a process this isn't just typical yacht this is the H routine Patrol you have nothing to worry about thank you for your service wait why are you taking them for their so on bat too we found a crate that a Jedi Relic in it we got it up to the ship and I think we're going to open it right here s Fen has told me there is a surprisingly strong connection to the force among the passengers I feel it here now and with the escalation on this journey all of us must play a part one about two who of you assisted in gathering these relics you did thank you thank this is not just any then one of the crates set up from was this wa holocron holon was used to store teachings and knowledge S F this is I I know most of the knowledge of the Jedi was destroyed when the temple fell on corant so long ago I had heard that there were rumors that some of this knowledge had been passed on but I wasn't sure if that was true it is true but I never could have expecting that these Travelers could have brought it here I haven't been able to open it on my own you don't have to you've brought me and your students here s Fen has told me there is a surprisingly strong connection to force among you and it it takes a surprisingly strong connection to the force to open the H CR so can we do this together yes that's one I like that good then remain where you are and face the holoc okay I want everyone to connect yourself connect your hands your feet your being it flows through you this connection has always been inside of you now all we must do is my it Focus yes have [Music] breakings open this you have strong with the force you are trust you I must Master Yoda I am for many years in isolation but never alone always with me the force is always revealing itself if open one is discoveries of new abilities secrets of the force Legends I thought but now and know are real uncertain times these are temped those on the dark path will be much much at stake keep these safe you must un imaginable power these secrets carry with a terrible cost is terrible in this H these learning I place collecting knowledge wisdom of the force to you who follow the path of the light hope to the Galaxy will you bring your name I know not your spirit yes that I feel strong is your connection to the force no you I I do but should never we need May the force be with you always trained Luke could this hocon have belonged to Master Skywalker right if the knowledge of the force that this homec contains falls into the wrong hands all hope could be lost yes San yes the darkness is rising but we will rise to meet it we will follow the path of the light the first order is threatening the house here and there's someone else coming he's the reason I'm here kylo together we must protect this this hologram the dark side grows stronger and Kyo if he gets this and the knowledge it holds first order resistance nothing would matter none of us would be safe we understand we must protect this recording the recording is not what car will be after he's after the knowledge this hologram contains what yes but as Savannah everyone I do believe this recording will help us Travers this holocron you've brought on board is powerful and dangerous it will attract kylo more we can use his obsession with power we must keep this to ourselves no one can know about this are we clear even a whisper of what we have here it can put all of us in danger yes F yes as the holocron protects its secrets we must protect ours but if you wish to share a message with others who stand with us against the darkness tell them this there is hope we'll see each other again I wish I could stay longer I have to get this piece of the activator s par me keep each other safe May the force be with us SK we're not going to lose you again I think what made that so special besides that I was legitimately not expecting a full-on Yoda hologram or a Hol hologram what made it more special as it was just a group of like 20 of us I love that it's like just small groups of people experiencing these like stradal little moment that was amazing thank you thank you Reza for scanning that crate you're welcome now s this is a full house have you ever played in front of an audience of this size uh no absolutely not so you know the [Applause] singer she's falling down now can you hear it can you hear it I can feel it I can feel [Applause] it you continue to use guia a superstar as a cover for your subversive activities shame on you Gia is well innocent in these matter well I never been Innocent but Cy this cannot be our last moment together I would love to enjoy your performance once I clear this up oh Samuel I see are volunteering to bring that P up to me very good no actually it was a a packages belong in the cargo hold so I was going to drink it down enough with your games mechanic I trusted you I should have known better Troopers why don't you escort him sorry this about this coaction this uh this kind of stuff happens all the time so I Dr on lines up on your ship all the time the other day we got a whole crate of puffer pigs they were messy and and a and a lot but but one was really cute and I and I named I named that one Spanish this go AUM was traced back to a shipment that was stolen by the first order by passengers on this ship imagine my [Applause] surprise where where what are you doing up [Applause] [Music] there [Applause] we're enjoying ourselves [Applause] going let's make a nice wall nice wall have entertained us you have educated us it's time for you to go and we are [Applause] very [Applause] again looking out at the Galaxy it feels like it's time where we could all use a little bit more support and I have to say what a delight this has been yes I do believe we will I'm not a fan of your games but I do recognize a good [Applause] player yes Sandra GA G I am happy to stay here and and tie up a few loose end but I just remembered that that Sandra was counting on a few minutes alone with you privately in the lounge oh yes asked me about the five yesterday I'm so sorry Sandro did I miss my moment no right now it's it's great all right I'll see you there thank things have taken a turn yes but we're on our way to making this work so the the suitcases are in the lounge you just need to go in there and take them and do whatever it is that you do um with that bright so tonight we're eating in the dining room and it's the taste around the Galaxy that means every item is inspired or from a different part of the Star Wars Galaxy and and it's again family style so and this is the night that I've been waiting for because this is the night that I finally get to try the blue shrim while it is known that moar is not the most habitable plet what it does lack in vegetation and makes up for and bold rich flavors you don't like that I love bread service you could say I'm a connoisseur of bread but I feel like this is like a little bit too fancy and a little bit too like different and strange for my taste for our next course we stay in the outer green territories and set our path for Felucia this planet is filled with folish colorful fun guys and exortic species and tonight in honor of our special guest wanie it's an honor it's an honor to meet you the chef is preparing your favorite dish the fua shink you're right this is incredible it looks as good as the photos it made it out to be the hype could not get any more than this question is is it any good I mean it looks delicious to me I know you guys don't like seafood but actually looks really gross but I'm going to eat it e okay they look they do look pretty gross do they like dye the shrimp blue yes Peter I don't know I don't know I mean they're from the planet they went to fuia yeah oh okay this is just what they have there God it's so floppy look at it watch this be like the best shrimp ever don't let it scare you it's actually really good it's exactly what it says it is it's just a chilled shrimp cocktail this is getting a five out of five all out exploring the ship hope we all find what we're looking for CH is for thick jungles temperate climate and abundant vegetation turmeric Mash big Demi sauce on the side then we have our bra Bora yellow fruit butter sauce there on the side and then on special request I do have some tip Yip as well wow yum one thing I have learned on this trip is that I love bantha meat and I'm going to try the brazed btha beef short rib with fig fruit demig glaze tuber turmeric puree and Nightshade Flora what are any of those things I don't know but that demig glaze looked good this is a good short rib that demig glaze is a little Rich very tender very juicy 5 out of 5 fers continuing the streak of me eating Banas and loving it sorry this is seared kashik white fish with a green Green Pod puree Jaa Seed corn seed relish and a yellow fruit buttercream if you've never had white fish before it almost tastes like salmon it has a really strong Aroma but don't let that scare you cuz this is delicious like it feels like I'm eating salmon I feel like it this like a four out of five the captain isn't at the Captain's Table tonight but it looks like a certain Lieutenant from the first order has taken over the seat the at this moment Louis and brudy are spraying the essence of yogan please close your eyes and allow your paast bus to awaken wow you smell it yeah what is that it's like a nowal by presenting a delicate Cho air cake this is your glance a tar Taste of yogan with a jelly of the ter pot allow yourself to indulge in this multi sens sweet experience and finally for dessert we have the chandran air cake this is chocolate cream of jogen fruit and terti fruit jelly and there's a bunch of space dust on top it's nice and glittery I don't know if you can like really see that or not and it looks like the logo of the ship it does oh my God look at the layers yeah wow this is not the best chocolate cake that I've ever had at Walt Disney World but it is really really good it's a nice combination of textures you have like the moist cake the crunchy chocolate and like a some kind of mousse in the middle Rosa you ate the jelly what do you think oh that part's the best okay there's like some kind of mousse that's just a nice little pop of extra flavor like literally it kind of like Pops in your mouth a little when you eat it some kind of weird space Berry but it's a nice little like hint of tartness with the chocolate thank you so much oh we got to go to our mustard isan there no need for this yes Captain I'm aware I'm in charge of it I'll sure to this is a talking quite a bit very good Trooper keep an eye in that station there's a lot of disorderly conduct over there are the stations clearly divided I do not see division this is chaos the supreme leader will not approve I'll enjoy running such a glamorous ship don't get used to it you have been relieved of your responsibility the housan is now under my command and the control of the first order though I have to tell you I've had some help what from some of your passengers and where is the pieces family oh my God today awesome mother daughter and son betrayed their father who was dis the and from the r funny that's great and finally Savannah Savannah yesterday became the first person to ever call me a mean old man man it is disrespect like this that fuels movements like the order in the first place all of this is because of you Savannah and you know what where's JoJo oh Jojo hey really we all saw at the second Dinner Show yesterday the only one who got in guas way more than me what's you JoJo oh hey luckily you f the whole process and all of your incriminating Deeds have been recorded we thank you for the footage the order appreciates what you have done we will celebrate our Victory soon enough no get him out of my [Applause] sight under control right he's [Applause] here yes I'm shaking supreme leader I have everything under control I don't share the assessment lieutenant Captain we is she I don't know what you're talking about you talk or they [Applause] [Music] [Applause] scream [Music] something I come [Applause] on go you''ve been training yes but not [Music] alone I'm never [Music] lose after all this time is still holding on to what the Jedi the resistance they're gone right so let them go no I won't [Music] [Music] is [Applause] assistance let them die way that is how we become who you were meant to be what you are is not who I was meant to be see don't forget this belongs to [Applause] me enough you will come to me no happen the past is dead but we we can be the future you and I can RVE the Galaxy together no We Stand United together together [Music] [Applause] can restore balance to the Galaxy you alone don't have that power I gave you the chance a chance to be born and now all that you've lost all that youve become it's for nothing what we've lost what we fight for is not for nothing it's what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everything new abilities secrets of the force unimaginable power keep these safe you must much much at stake no that was destroying Skywalker's Temple it should not have survived it survived because in the message is Hope and hope you cannot destroy the secret with power should be mine I want that holor no one it's you can't keep this from me it's mine I know where this belongs and I'm taking it to Le don't make me take that holoc from you ready follow me and try I want damage do your job Lieutenant sir some are loyal to the first order destroy them all no please [Applause] try it appears you've been relieved of your command lieutenant W patch it through use the Lieutenant's own clearance code what how yes this is liutenant try for the house Mission STS the operation has reached its the houseing is clear clear detend in your master the supreme leader is resolving the problem we will inform the general get them off my ship wait I seem to be missing a stormtrooper oh garbage sh oh no no no he's fine he's fine we'll drop him off to the next port with the clearance Coes our friends walk to the resistance we G the ti as autopilot who Head Start but it won't be long before princes I'm not fing in you need to get your passengers to safety let's get the helium's power restored Chey says the activator is already in place oh we have some help new protect will recharge the power L are you ready to engage the activator yes I am captain activate stand by for Hy space of course you must go with them I I will miss you SK but the resistance needs you how would you like to see the Millennium fon it's a little soon for co-pilot thank you my friends your courage gives all of us hope May the force be with you well M how is our crew holding up best in the Galaxy captain that is [Applause] absolutely there you go some keep the suit may it bring you CH no that's good that's good cuz uh I don't I don't know how to get it off the crew and the staff of the houseum is spectacular let's give him Mar speaking of spectacular who here heard wnie and SRO play amazing right well I have the most spectacular news I will be representing this spectacular Duo on their way to becoming Galactic Superstars Captain link I have got to thank you for attracting such talent to the ship thank you now Mr alander I have this not to worry no no thank you we just really appreciate that but we need to say thank you to some of our friends who have helped us these last two days like uh Zach and Audrey and Mia and uh Sarah Amanda Michael Jackson Savannah Francis and Christa and everyone who helped us find our voice you help us find each other as well wow so thank you thank you [Applause] all it is time to begin our Voyage Home here's to the end of one extraordinary tourney and to the beginning of a thousand more [Applause] woo [Music] break [Music] wow [Music] I wish you could have seen the way that I legit was jumping up and down when Ray ended her saor yeah that was awesome that was so awesome I'm crying again like that was so cool I love that so much yeah that that whole climactic action scene was incredible ending it with fireworks out the window I don't know the whole thing was just everybody got their moment every char got their like finale on top of that it was cool how the characters kind of like shouted out a lot of the passengers that helped along the journey yeah that was that was like so special and so hilarious it was just such a satisfying conclusion I loved this experience so much like so so much I had such a great time I'm just really excited for all of you to hear what is put together with her amazing voice and her amazing Melodies so um I will stop talking so this is the premiere of our song One [Music] Galaxy so we traveled quiet the distance our adventures in the hyper we [Applause] St Beauty [Music] never We Are One Galaxy thank you have a good night everyone thank you for everything thank you so literally just now Harmon Croy or someone on his behalf sent this put this under our door open the door is he up there no how does that happen it's magic loyalists after an eventful even evening on board the star Cruiser I would like to take a moment to acknowledge your contributions to the first order for the order yes you should know that I am well and devising a way to get back to my station in the meantime a source on board the ship let me know they could get word to you and I am eager to thank you all for your loyalty to the first order awesome you were very effective in helping me confirm that the hellan star Cruiser has indeed been helping the resistance together we learned that this ship has been causing trouble for the first order for some time collecting information delivering supplies and recruiting for their cause you are masterful and your ability to spy on your fellow passengers uncover and report all their treas treasonous activity to me for these contributions to our efforts this Voyage I would recommend you for the highest of commendations I trust our little mishap at the end will stay between us and I shall report to my superiors that you have all served the first order well for the order lieutenant Harmon Croy for the order that's cool for the order I thought for sure he was going to be like R and I'd like to think re but he didn't but we know I was thinking it I love this thing I really do I I think this is a piece of art that you experience from the inside instead of the outside that said I would say taking the first order path is probably not the best way to experience this it's so heavy on Resistance if you are taking a resistance path you have so many characters to talk about you have so many missions to do you take the first order path you basically get to talk to Lieutenant Cy or some Stormtroopers that really can't converse with you and the missions are a little bit less so that's my one criticism here I'm going to miss this place I'm going to miss these characters is that to be leaving passengers this concludes your journey aboard the houseon thank you for choosing chinder a Starline we hope that we've honored your journey and that eventually we will find you wherever you may go if you will C hit the button next to you that says terminal and this will take you back down give passage and may the Stars light your way [Music] for a lot of the fans that went on the star Cruiser it was a life-changing experience it's no wonder that Disney Parks actually admitted that it had the highest exit surveys out of anything they've ever created but it's the wonderful cast members that are the ones that made this truly a magical place from the imagineers who created this experience to the crew members aboard the the helian to the amazing cast of some of the best improv actors I've ever encountered I wasn't planning on doing this but I'm going to leave you with a few moments from our final voyage aboard the helian this was the second to last journey but it was the last journey for many of the main casts that opened this attraction and you could feel that in air you could feel the excitement from the fans many of which returned to say they're goodbye to this place and you could also see this in the cast members saying goodbye to them to each other in their final moments within the story one of the best things to come out of the star Cruiser was a community of fans and friends the starer might not exist today but we still do to tell its stories together as [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one you think this that was great SK 62 Captain riola [Applause] ke we love you [Applause] captain before you go let me say truly from my heart thank you [Applause] w i would like to thank each one of you I feel like I have a whole new crew looking out at the Galaxy right now it seems like it seems like a time where we could all use a little more support right R wannie I'm sure that you two have made some friends who can help you tie up who SS when I leave yeah we got plenty of them we will see you soon my dear one more for once again for all the gifts that that she has brought us let us thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] G [Applause] you [Applause] thank you my friends your courage gives all of us hope May the force be with [Applause] you it has truly been my honor O Captain my Captain cnie think I can find a sweet spot for you to perform a little later but for now it's time to begin our Voyage Home no but here's to the end of one extraordinary journey and to the beginning of a [Applause] thousand [Applause]
Channel: Ordinary Adventures
Views: 453,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ordinary adventures, star wars, Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, Galactic Starcruiser, Galaxys Edge, Walt Disney World, Disney World
Id: rT-4BNYqIh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 19sec (14359 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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