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this is Star Wars Battlefront 2 a game that released 7 years ago and still has a dedicated player base I played this when it came out for like a week and then never touched it again I know the devs continued to update the game and add a lot of content so I'm curious to see what was added and if it holds up in 2024 if you still play Star Wars Battlefront 2 or you did play and then you stopped let me know your thoughts on the game I'm curious to hear what you guys think of this compared to the original battlefronts especially now that the classic Battlefront bundle has released and didn't release in the greatest condition but I know for me those games were some of the best I've played when I was a kid and so the Battlefront games always had a lot to live up to and I'd love to hear which game you think is the best of the Battlefront Series so without further Ado let's dive in and let's check out Battlefront 2 all right here we are on casik in Battlefront 2 oh this looks so good I stopped playing this game back when it released uh like about after a week and uh no particular reason why I stopped playing just kind of probably had something to do with the microtransaction controversy oh and already we're getting we're getting sniped man this looks still so good I didn't like the upgrade system with cards it was kind of confusing I didn't understand it um but I'm glad to be back in and checking things out we're playing the new new Supremacy mode well new to me I guess it's old now uh but I haven't played this before and I know that it is similar to the original Battlefront games where you capture these command posts and I'm already loving this it looks exactly like the old battlefronts that's awesome oh this perfect man it really is a shame that they canel support for this game because seems like uh they've added a ton of stuff and a lot of fan requested features which is uh really cool really cool to see that they stuck with the game even after that massive controversy let's see if we can get into some action here I haven't seen anybody yet let's go capture a all right that was a bot but I'll take it I'll take it first kill was a bot it's a good warm up it's a good warm- up I guess uh my squad's going to be I guess I should head over to B oh now he's going over to a I right I'm following you 1712 E6 d128 F 43 c1f vict shall soon be you're my favorite guy kind a name is that oh yeah here's where the action is take cover oh man feels really good to play the the game play was always really solid all right so I I played on Playstation when it first came out and so I don't have any of my cards but I promise I did play and I did unlock some stuff looks like we got this one under control let's head over to B see what's going on at B oh that turret this turret feels great man ah turret feels cool though let's see if we can get the little sniping in I really love that they in both games the first Battlefront and this one they have the first person and third person which both of them feel like really good which is pretty rare I always think of uh like Fallout or the Elder Scrolls games where they have third person but it's it's like clearly not the main the main way to play but both of these uh first person and third person and this feels really good speed bike oh man the reload system with the cool down was really cool too um and a really smart way to kind of with no ammo to have that uh have that mechanic still kind of be interesting where' that speeder go man I I can't say it too many times but the maps here just are so good man there's not a more authentic Star Wars war game there really isn't like if you want to feel like you're in Star Wars this is the game let's get over to be we got the boys going in oh dang man I'm not great at this game it's been seven years all right give me a break give me a break oh I could just roll around this is this is great are taking control just give me a game where you just roll around and that's it all right this is going to be just like the movies and the sound of the guns give me my shield give me my shield I need my shield dang man that was cool though man I don't know why I stopped playing this game this is great and it makes me sad because there's no more there's no more Star Wars first person shooters or even third person I guess ubisoft's coming out with that one but not sure not sure how I'm feeling about that one at the moment we'll see how it turns out looks more like an Uncharted where you have to you have to pay for the missions as well which is you know not just saying it didn't really work out for Battlefront when you had to pay for content in the game so hope hopefully they reconsider that this is a cool uh command post to capture too cuz you kind of got the the choke point Roger Roger H I missed Star Wars man I used to love Star Wars back in 2015 when the new movies were coming out now the new movies have come out little bit of a different story but um H are I didn't hate the new movies I just uh that last one was not my favorite you know it's Yoda that was scary it's getting it's getting a little crazy in here it's going to look crazy Anakin what the heck what's cool too is that they're able to have this game be crazy but it all looks it doesn't ever look too crazy it always looks like it could be from the movie in some way if that makes sense I don't know if that makes sense but all right this is sick so I read about you actually fly up to the enemy ship and then you have to take it out kind of like in The Originals when you would fly in in the Space Battles um which is so sick it's would have been cool if you could just like get in a ship and fly up yourself and do it but I understand why they didn't do it that way and this is still cool I'm sure everybody knows this this is all new to me since I haven't played in a while seven years look at this man this is crazy look at everybody firing in and this looks so good still I mean I don't know how many times I can say that but it's crazy for a game that that came out 7 years ago it still looks better than like most games today which is you know it's crazy I would have loved to see what they could have done with the Battlefront 3 feels like they could have been kind of the culmination of everything that they had done with Battlefront 2 I guess uh the rumor is like it was canceled or maybe it it's confirmed that it was cancelled either way uh probably not getting Battlefront 3 probably ever but for sure like in a long time which is too bad it's hard to tell even what's happening but like in the best way possible all right let's go let's go let's go so we just shoot these I guess we just shoot him I don't know or do we have to oh it's a Yoda and will the ship oh he knocked me off the edge but I'm still alive I'm dead yeah let's go nice you would think these clones would have learned to take that was cool okay I don't have anything unlocked like I said I played on Playstation I swear that I did play and unlocked a lot of stuff but they still have the card system I guess they just got rid of the loot box it just feels so the whole system was designed around loot boxes so with out the loot box is there now it's just like this kind of bizarre obtuse system I don't know maybe I'm just dumb but I I still don't like fully understand it but it's good that they got rid of the loot boxes at least this is sick they got the clone commandos from Republic Commando I don't think that this was in the game but it released they must have added this that's sick and he's got the knife this just makes me want a new Republic Commando game to be honest now I just want to play Republic Commando maybe I should do that next all right let's see if we can get into some Heroes versus Villains I mean the game is 7 years old and it's cool that there's still a seemingly healthy amount of players all right let's do it here they come what's he shooting at over there there's nothing over there buddy see if we can flank him Bounty Hunter nice the force push man I don't even have any cards and I'm not doing too bad life oh I'm getting oh there's two of them dang I don't know what I just did oh my heaven kind of like C3 just now I don't know I don't know what any of our abilities did the entire time I feel like I did nothing who's choking me he's choking me oh man I'm tearing Madness from the W nice try again bra feels so good to play feels so good to play like the fact that they made the heroes feel I mean it's like a little bit chaotic but the fact that they made him feel as good as they do is really impressive to be honest goob Tri came back after seven years and got two W's back to back
Channel: Golly Games
Views: 2,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars battlefront 2, star wars battlefront, star wars battlefront classic collection, Star Wars games, Star Wars PC, Star Wars video games, pc games, first person, fps, new fps
Id: cQ0zU9kKVio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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